Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 06, 2001, Page 13, Image 13

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    June 6, 2001
Page B5
2Ttrie ^lortíanh (ßbseruer
Claims Coordinator
Claims Specialist
CareOregon is a progressive Med­
icaid managed care health plan
com m itted to the values o f diver­
sity, empowerment, and open com­
m unication. Team m em bers work
in an environm ent th a t encour­
ages decision-m aking, initiative,
flexibility, and creativity in meeting
th e needs o f our plan m em bers
and their com m unities.
We are recruiting for a Claim s Co­
ordinator who w ill, m aintain the
health plan benefit m atrix and the
claim s paym ent system , act as a
liaison w ith C areO regon's th ird
p a rty a d m in is tr a to r (TPA) fo r
claim s, provide training to internal
and external users on the plan
benefit matrix and provide claim
a dm inistration m anagem ent as­
sistance to the CareOregon Direc­
to r o f Claims. Essential d utie s o f
th is position include: firs t point o f
contact for claim s TPA regarding
system adm inistration and claim
administration; working with claims
TPA to resolve claim a n d /o r w rit­
ten claim and system adm inistra­
tio n in stru ctio n s a n d /o r proce­
dures; building and m aintaining
hea lth plan b e n e fij m atrix and
claim s processing applications;
providing technical su pp ort and
guidance to internal and external
c u sto m e rs and o verseeing th e
design, testing, and im plem enta­
tio n s o f claim s processing appli­
Three to five years experience in
health insurance adm inistration or
any work experience a n d /o r train ­
ing th a t would likely provide the
ability to p erform the e ssen tial
functions o f the position. Super­
vision a nd /or Medicaid experience
is a plus.
Hiring range $ 3 4 ,4 5 2 to $ 4 5 ,9 9 3
annually. This p osition w ill be
open until filled. Please subm it
c o v e r le t t e r a nd re s u m e to
CareOregon, HR-CS, 5 22 SW 5 th
Ave., S uite 2 0 0 , P o rtla n d , OR
9 7 2 0 4 , or you may fax it to (50 3 )
4 1 6 -1 4 6 2 .
CareOregon is a progressive M ed­
icaid managed care health plan
com m itted to th e values o f diver­
sity, empowerment, and open com­
m unication. Team m em bers work
in an environm ent th a t encour­
ages decision-m aking, initiative,
flexibility, and creativity in m eeting
the needs o f our plan m em bers
and th e ir com m unities.
We are recruiting for a Claims Spe­
cia list, who w ill respond to te le ­
phone and written inquiries regard­
ing cla im s and provider is s u e s
from m em bers, providers, agen­
cies, vendors and physician s ta ff.
Provide feedback and resolution in
a tim ely manner. Essential duties
o f th is position include. Deliver­
ing d ire ct cu stom er service to all
C areO regon m e m b e rs , c lin ic s ,
0MAP providers, as well as o ut o f
s ta te providers and o th e r non-
0MAP plans; acting as firs t point
o f contact fo r claim s appeal from
providers and m em bers; resolving
c la im s in a c c o rd a n c e w ith
CareOregon claim s appeals proce­
dures; researching m em ber and
provider claim appeals for pay­
ment, eligibility, authorization and
errors, or other discrepancies.
Two years experience in m edical
claims adjudication or health insur­
ance cu s to m e r se rvice ; or any
work experience a n d /o r training
th a t would likely provide the ability
to perform the essential functions
o f the position. Health insurance
claim s processing experience is a
Hiring range $ 2 4 ,1 7 7 to $ 3 2 ,2 7 6
annually. This p osition w ill be
open until filled . Please subm it
c o v e r le t t e r a n d re s u m e to
CareOregon, HR-CS, 5 2 2 SW 5,n
Ave., S uite 2 0 0 , P o rtla n d , OR
9 7 2 0 4 , or you may fax it to (5 0 3 )
4 1 6 -3 7 2 0 .
Washington County
Asthma Intervention
Assistant/T ranslator
Part time - 20 hr. week
CareOregon is a progressive M ed­
icaid managed care health plan
com m itted to th e values o f diver­
sity, empowerment, and open com­
m unication. Team m em bers work
in an environm ent th a t encour­
ages decision-m aking, initiative,
flexibility, and creativity in meeting
the needs o f our plan m em bers
and th eir com m unities.
Job duties include providing client
services and adm inistrative sup­
port to the asthma counselor. This
position will work in the field pro­
viding translation services at train­
ing and during in-home visits for
Spanish speaking fam ilies as well
as perform ing adm inistrative du­
tie s to su pp ort the asthm a pro­
gram . One to two year’s work or
volunteer experience in social ser­
vices or public health, OR any work
experience a n d /o r training th a t
would likely provide the ability to
perform the essential functions o f
the position. Normal hiring range
1 1 .6 2 to 1 5 .5 2 per hour. Send
c o v e r le tte r and re s u m e s to
CareOregon HR - AIA, 5 2 2 SW 5th
Ave., S u ite 2 0 0 , P o rtla n d OR
9 7 2 0 4 -2 1 1 9 or FAX to 503-416-
1 4 6 2 . May close at any tim e.
The A ssistant D irector o f Minority
R ecruitm ent will coordinate out­
reach e ffo rts to students o f color.
R esponsibilities include: Coordi­
nating programs and activities that
promote enrollment, especially the
recruitm ent o f students o f color to
Portland State; serving on univer­
sity co m m itte es and com m unity
organizations th a t are relevant to
the su pp ort o f students of color;
and representing Portland State
University on the OUS High School
V isita tion Program, high school
and com m unity college visits, col­
lege fairs and nights, and other
student recruitm ent events. Mini­
mum qualifications for the position
include a Bachelors degree; at
least three years of successful and
progressively responsible experi­
ence in student services a t the
college level; experience e ffe c ­
tively recruiting students o f color;
excellent w ritten skills and oral
communication skills; strong inter­
personal, presentation and orga­
nizational skills; creative problem­
solving ability and custom er-ser­
vice orientation. Position requires
freq ue n t evening and weekend
hours plus travel several weeks
per year. Preferred: M aster’s de­
gree in a related field. This posi­
tion is a full-tim e, fixed term 12-
m onth renew able appointm ent,
e ffective July 1, 2 0 0 1 . Salary is
com petitive, com m ensurate with
experience, and PSU o ffe rs an
excellent benefits package. Re­
view o f applications will begin on
June 18, 2 0 0 1 . To apply: Subm it
a letter o f application; resume;
one-page recruitment plan describ­
ing your b est practices for recruit­
ing stu d e n ts o f color; and name,
address and telephone o f three
professional references to:
Linda Etter
Office o f Adm issions and Records
Portland State University
PO Box 7 5 1
Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 7 -0 7 5 1
(5 0 3) 7 2 5 -5 5 3 9
Portland State University is an Af-
firmative Action/Equal Opportunity
Accounting Assistant II
Assistant Director of
Minority Recruitment
$ 2 ,2 8 4 -$ 2 ,7 7 8 /m o n th
C loses June 1 5, 2 0 0 1
Residential Counselor
$ 2 ,8 5 4 -$ 3 ,4 6 7 /m o n th
C loses June 1 5, 2 0 0 1
Senior Accounting Assistant
$ 2 ,5 2 2 -3 ,0 6 4 /m o n th
C loses June 1 5 ,2 0 0 1
Water Resources Aide
$ 2 ,4 0 0 -$ 2 ,9 1 5 /m o n th
C loses June 15, 2 0 0 1
Call (5 0 3 ) 8 4 6 -8 6 0 6 /T T Y (5 0 3)
8 4 6 -4 8 9 8 for inform ation. County
application and supplem ental ap­
plication form s required. Women,
m inorities, and people w ith d is­
a bilitie s are encouraged to apply.
Apply To:
W ashington C ounty Human Re­
sources Division
1 5 5 N. First Avenue, Suite 3 2 0
H illsboro, OR 9 7 1 2 4
Program Coordinator-
Metropolitan Family Service
Closing Date: 06/25/01
Experience Corps-needs 1 F/T self-
directed com m unity organizer to
coordinate te am s o f older adults
providing se rvices th a t su pp ort
stu d e n ts in m eeting state educa­
tion benchm arks, address social
and e m o tion al needs o f young
people, and strengthen community
and fam ily su pp ort at schools and
youth-serving organizations. Expe­
rience w / older adults or volunteer
programs a plus; coordinating edu­
cational, social service programs;
C o m p e titiv e s a l/b e n e fits . Re-»
sum es: Stefana Sardo, 1 8 0 8 SE
Belm ont Ave, PDX, 9 7 2 1 4 FAX,
5 0 3 -2 3 2 -9 1 7 8 EOE.
The M ultn om ah C ounty Health
D epartm ent is currently recruiting
for the follow ing position:
Health Services Specialist-HIV
Care Services Administration
Clinical Health Assistant-
Bilingual Spanish
Operations Supervisor-Dental
Office Assistant Senior-HI V
Services Planning Council
Fiscal Specialist 1
Administrative Secretary-
Planning And Development
S u b -B id s R e q u e ste d
1 C L A R K
n T y
Join a dynam ic o rganization th a t
is dedicated to public se rv ic e !
Clark C ounty h as a n um be r o f
challenging positions available for
qualified and talented individuals.
We are looking for candidates to fill
current and future open positions
in several areas such as:
• Office Administration
• Information Technology
• Finance and Management
• Law Enforcement & Public Safety
• Environmental Services
• Planning & Development
• Road Operations and Maintenance
• Civil Engineering
Clark County provides a generous
benefits package w ith m edical,
dental, life insurance, paid holidays,
vacation & sick leave. For more
detailed inform ation about current
jo b openings check o ut w eb site :
www.CQ.clark.wa.us or call our job
hotline: 360-397-6018. Application
m ate ria ls fo r a ll p o s itio n s are
available @ Clark County Human
Resources, PO Box 5 0 0 0 ,
1013 Franklin St, Vancouver, WA
98665-5000 TDD 360-397-6032.
Clark County, Washington
Job O pportunities
Booking Remodel
Bid Package: #1 - Doors, Frames & Detention
Equipment / Low Voltage Security
Pre-Bid: June 7,2001 at 10:00am
Bids Due: June 21,2001 at 2:00p.m.
Bid Documents - Willamette Print & Blueprint (503/223-5011)
Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8888
805 SW Broadway, suite 2100 - Portland, OR 97205 - CCB License #28417
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all inter­
ested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and
emerging small business enterprises.
Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://www.hoffmancorp.com
Grading, Drainage, Structures, Paving & signing
Cascade Locks - Hood River Interchange Section
Columbia River Highway
Hood River County
Bid Date: June 7,2001 @ 9:00 AM
Kiewit Pacific Co.
P.0. Box 1 7 6 9
Vancouver, WA 9 8 6 6 8
Phone: (36 0) 6 9 3 -1 4 7 8
FAX: (36 0) 6 9 3 -5 58 2
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and request sub-bids from all
subcontractors and suppliers including Minority and Women-Owned
Businesses, Disadvantaged, Disabled Veterans, and Emerging Small
Business Enterprises.
Bond in full am ount required unless specifically waived at Prime
C ontractor's option.
Run Pates; May 31-June 6.2901
We are seeking q ualified
c a n d id a te s to be p a r t o f o u r
d yn a m ic p u b lic s e rv ic e
, (Sr. M anagem ent Analyst)
**$3,823 - $ 5 ,4 0 2 /m o . DOQ
Job inform ation, applications,
and benefits inform ation are
available from:
Clark County Human Resources
1 0 1 3 Franklin St, Vancouver WA
Job H otline: (3 6 0) 3 9 7 -6 0 1 8
TDD: (3 6 0 ) 3 9 7 -6 0 3 2
The Sunnyside School D istrict has
an opening fo r Director o f M igrant
Student Records System. BA re­
q u ire d , M a s te r ’ s p re fe rre d . 3
years experience in the M igrant
Education Program or 5 years in
an educational setting preferred.
S a la ry $ 6 5 ,7 7 8 -$ 7 5 ,7 7 8 . Re­
q ue st a pp lica tion at Sunnyside
School D istrict, 1 1 1 0 S. 6 th St.,
Sunnyside, WA 9 8 9 4 4 , (509) 837-
5851. SSD com plies with all state
and federal rules and regulations
and does not d iscrim inate on the
basis o f race, color, national ori­
gin, gender, or disability.
Application m ate ria ls and formal
job announcem ents are available
jo b s /, in person or by m ailing a
self-addressed stamped envelope
requesting application form s to:
M ultn om ah C ounty H um an Re­
sources Division, 1 2 0 SW 5<n Av­
enue, First Floor Lobby, PO Box
1 4 7 0 0 . P o rtla n d OR, 9 7 2 9 3 -
0 7 0 0 . A s s is te d a c c e s s to
Multnomah County job information
and w eb s ite is a v a ila b le at
M ultnom ah County Libraries.
M ultnom ah County Health Depart­
m ent is actively recruiting persons
from various ethnic and cultural
backgrounds to enhance service
to our diverse com m unities. Bilin-
gual/bicultu ral candidates are en­
couraged to apply.
An Equal O pportunity Employer
Clark County, Washington
Job Opportunities
We are seeking qualified candidates
to be part of our dynamic public
service organization.
$ 4 ,0 1 5 - $ 5 ,6 7 9 /m o . DOQ
$ 3 ,6 3 8 - $ 5 ,4 0 2 /m o . DOQ
Job inform ation, applications,
and benefits inform ation are
available from:
Clark County Human Resources
1 0 1 3 Franklin St, Vancouver WA
Job Hotline: (36 0 ) 3 9 7 -6 0 1 8
TDD: (3 6 0 ) 3 9 7 -6 0 3 2
Advertise in
Request for Bids
Supply Reconditioned 55-gallon steel drums
RFP #01B-27-REM
M etro is requesting bids for supplying reconditioned 55-gallon ateel
drum« ( RFB # 01B -27-REM) for hazardous w aste disposal. Potential
bidders may obtain bid docum ents by contacting the Regional Environ­
m ental M anagem ent D epartm ent at Metro, 6 0 0 NE Grand, Portland,
Oregon 9 7 2 3 2 -2 7 3 6 , to the attention o f Ray Barker, Management
Assistant, no later than 1 1 :0 0 a.m. Monday, June 11, 2 00 1, at which
tim e they will be opened and publicly read aloud in Room 2 7 5 at
M etro Regional Center, also located at 6 0 0 NE Grand Avenue, Port­
land, Oregon 9 7 2 3 2 -2 7 3 6 .
All bids m ust conform to the RFB form at and be complete including
the use o f any required form s. Metro may accept or reject any or all
bids, in whole o r in part, or waive irregularities not affecting substan­
tial rights if such action is deemed in the public interest.
M etro and its contractors will not discrim inate against any person(s)
based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age,
religion, physical handicap, political a ffiliation or m arital status.
M etro extends equal opportunity to all persons and specifically en­
courages m inority and women-owned businesses to access and par­
ticipa te in th is and all M etro projects, programs and services.
Oregon State University
Request for Qualifications
Engineering Building Design
Oregon State University (OSU) is seeking qualifications from architec­
tural firm s interested in providing design through construction con­
tra ct adm inistration services for a new building fo r the departm ents
o f Com puter Science and Electrical and Com puter Engineering in the
College o f Engineering. The new building will be located on OSU's
main cam pus in C orvallis, Oregon and is anticipated to contain ap­
proximately 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 square feet. Additionally, the selected firm may
be asked to provide space programming services.
To be considered, firm s m ust subm it their RFQ response to the Uni­
versity no later than 5 :0 0 PM Local Time, Tuesday, June 2 6, 2 00 1.
Mail your request for information to Lori Fulton, Manager, Capital Con­
struction Projects, Oregon State University, 1 00 Adams Hall, Corvallis,
Oregon, 9 7 3 3 1 -2 0 0 1 . Fax requests will be accepted at (54 1) 737
OSU is an AA/EEO employer and encourages the subm ittal o f re­
sponses form women, minority-owned and emerging sm all business
OSU may reject any response not in com pliance w ith all prescribed
public contracting procedures and requirements, and may cancel this
solicita tion or reject any or all responses upon a finding o f OSU it is
the public interest to do so.
( areer Opportunities
Information about career opportunities with the Port
o f Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline
at (503) 944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call
TDD, (503) 944-7485. Applications are available by
visiting the Port's website at www.portofportJandor.com
or by calling (>03) 944-7400 or by visiting the Port’s
office, located at 121 NW Everett Street, Portland
The Port of Portland is an
Equal Opportunity Employer
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