Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 06, 2001, Page 12, Image 12

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    rage ts4
june o, xuui
How Long Does Oregon’s Poor Need to Wait for Better Education?
Parents with Voices and The Sa-
lem/KeizerCoalition for Equality have
planned a statewide rally and a local
district march on June 12. This rally-
march is a community effort to bnng
attention and highlight pressing is­
sues o f education concerning prima­
rily minority and poor students. This
includes funding and distribution o f
dollars for programs that directly af­
fect Latino, Afro-American, and Na­
tive American children. This is the
Salem/Keizer School D istrict’s last
public budget meeting o f the year.
W e call all responsible citizens to
help address these important issues
o f concern to our community and our
The rally, complete with speeches
from State Legislators, Oregon com­
munity leaders, and concerned par­
ents from all around the state will take
place on the steps o f the Capitol
Building at 4 p.m., and will end in a
local march tot he Salem/Keizer Par­
ents with Voices and The Salem/
Keizer Coalition for Equality have
planned a statewide rally and a local
district march on June 12. This rally-
march is a community effort to bring
attention and highlight pressing is­
sues o f education concerning prima­
rily minority and poor students. This
includes funding and distribution of
dollars for programs that directly af­
fect Latino, Afro-American, and Na­
tive American children. This is the
Salem/Keizer School District’s last
public budget meeting o f the year.
We call all responsible citizens to
help address these important issues
ofconcem to our community and our
The rally, complete with speeches
from State Legislators, Oregon com ­
munity leaders, and concerned par­
ents from all around the state will take
place on the steps o f the Capitol
Building at 4 p.m., and will end in a
local march tot he Salem Keizer School
District’s main offices on Ferry ST.
Participants will then meet at he School
Board’s budget meeting at 6 p.m. at
2575 S. Commercial.
The Salem/Keizer School District
has the largest population o f Latino
students in the state with the lowest
reading, writing and math skills from
the elementary to the high school
levels. Reading scores show that o f
the 59% o f Hispanic students that
met state standards in third grade,
only 24% could meet reading stan­
dards in high school. Math scores
show an appalling drop form 40% to
12% at the same grade levels.
Anthony Quinn Dead at 86
B y A ndy S eiler
The Mighty Quinn is dead. An­
thony Rudolph Oaxaca Quinn, the
Oscar-winning star whose bravura
screen presence often was bigger
than the movies in which he acted,
died Sunday at a Boston hospital. He
was 86 and had been living in Bristol,
near Providence. Quinn died o f respi­
ratory failure, Providence Mayor
Vincent “Buddy” Cianci, a friend o f
the actor, told the Associated Press.
Q uinn’s family had asked Cianci to
make the announcement. The actor
had been hospitalized for 17 days
with pneumonia and respiratory prob­
lems . Quinn led a roguish life and was
as devoted to his many lovers as he
was to his acting, which included
varied title characters, from Zorba
the Greek to The H unchback o f
Notre Dame, and from the painter
fame with Federico Fellini’s unfor­
gettable La Strada (1954), in which
he played a loutish strongman. He
then won supporting-actor Oscars
for Viva Zapata! (1953) and L ustfor
Q uinn's affairs were uncountable,
including such stars as Rita Hayworth
Learn Spanish
reading the
T he P ortland O b se rv e r’s
commitment to cultural diver­
sity includes the encouragement
ofamulti-lingual society Read­
ers can learn Spanish on this
page by reading the words and
phrases in bold print and gain­
ing understanding o f its mean­
ing with this com panion glos-
been used for the students who
gam er and need them. This has
been cited as one o f the main causes
o f Latino student low academic
achievem ent, su sp en sio n s and
dropouts in the Salem area.
Next Fall 2001, over 4000 ELL/
ESL students will bring 30 million
dollars to the Salem district for their
education. This next year, after a
38% increase over the last two years,
still only 5 million has been allocated
for the programs necessary for their
For m ore inform ation, contact
E duardo A ngulo, C h airm an and
Spokesperson for the Salem/Keizer
Coalition for Equality by phone at 503/
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apen as - scarcely, hardly
a u n q u e está n acu sa d a s de
cau sar m últiple víctim as civiles -
although they are accused o f caus
ing multiple civilian victims
capacidad - capacity
colaboración - collaboration
cuál será su destino - what will
be its destiny
De acuerdo con las estadísticas
- According to the statistics
D enuncian in terferen cia del
M inisterio de Econom ía - Inter­
ference from the Ministry o f Eco­
nomics was denounced
elpresidentedeesta institución
- the president o f this institution
es obsoleto - is obsolete
esta a la rm a n te realid ad - this
alarming reality
fue asesinado - was killed
fue d etenido - was detained
hace un mes - a month ago
iba a ser enviado a otro pais p ara
p ro teg er su vida - was going tobe
sent to another country to protect
his life.
instrumental medico medical
las atenciones m édicas - medi­
cal attentions
las a u to rid a d e s del nuevo
g obierno - the authorities o f the
new government
los p u n to s cruciales - the cru­
cial points
p a r a d e r o - stopping-place
p rotegido - protégé
se d isp u tan el control despite
seg u rid ad - safety, security
solam ente - only, just
s u r o e s te d e la c a p ita l
colom biana - southwest o f the
Colombian capital
tem en que haya infiltrados -
are afraid there are infiltrators
Over 44,000 ELL/ESL students
throughout Oregon will bring well-
over 100 million dollars to school
districts throughout the state ($2,500
per student).
At issue this June is the ongoing
lack o f fair funding distribution o f
ELL/ESL funds. Legislators are ex­
pressing support for this issue be­
cause the funding that the 1991 leg­
islature passed, which provides an
extra 50% funds per ELL/ESL student
(aprox. $2500 each), is not being used
by the school districts the way it was
The Salem District march will fo­
cus on the same issue, the lack o f fair
distribution o f the funds that each o f
the district’s 4000 ELL/ESL students
bring in each year. The trend for the
past ten years has been that only
about 30% o f the extra funds have
Anthony Quinn won an award for his contributions to the arts at the 14°'
annual Hispanic Heritage Awards at the Kennedy Center in Washington,
D.C., in September2000.
Gauguin in Lust fo r Life to a pope in
1968’s The Shoes o f the Fisherman.
Bom o f a half-Mexican, half-Irish
father and half-Mexican, half-Native
American mother, Quinn often said
he had no nationality — or every
nationality. Officially, though, he was
a naturalized U.S. citizen.
Quinn was conceived during the
Mexican Revolution, in which his
father fought. Dirt poor, he moved to
Los Angeles as a child, took acting
classes at architect Frank Lloyd
W right’s urging to erase a speech
impediment, and made his stage de­
but in 1936 spoofing John Barrymore
in Clean Beds, a play by sensation
Mae West. Barrymore saw the imper­
sonation, cursed Quinn to his face,
then brought him into his circle of
boozing womanizers.
In the 1940s, when Quinn first be­
came a star, anyone remotely exotic
was simply termed “ethnic.” Quinn
was long typecast as a swarthy for­
eign menace, though as early as The
Ox-Bow Incident (\ 943), it was clear
that with his hyper-masculine line
delivery and striking looks, he could
have become a latter-day Valentino.
W hat he became is something
greater, stepping up to international
and Maureen O ’Hara. (He said he
fought off advances by Mae West
and director George Cukor.)
On the other hand, Quinn pro­
fessed to believe in monogamy, and
had outbursts o f rage when he real­
ized his lovers had been with some­
one before him.
Quinn ’ s rascally behavior was not
confined to off-screen antics.
“I could be a capricious bastard on
a motion picture set,” he said. For
years, director Elia Kazan liked to
recount that Quinn revealed obscure
details about Mexican life that en­
riched K azan’s Viva Zapata! Quinn
told him that Mexican soldiers se­
cretly communicated by banging
rocks or whistling. But Quinn admit­
ted much later that he had made these
details up. “I have lived a joyous life,
but I am not a joyous man,” he once
confessed. Though his life was full of
joyous experiences, he said he de­
rived little happiness from them.
“Below the high, always, was the
nagging reality that I was built on a |
cheat,” he wrote. “I have been a cheat
in my work, and in my life.”
But Anthony Quinn cheating is
more exciting than others playing fair. •
Nobody did it better.
En Essalud el 44% de equipos
médicos es muy antiguo
El 44% de los equipos e in stru ­
m ental m édico de Essalud utilizado
para la atención de los casi siete
millones de asegurados es obsoleto
y su renovación tom ará por lo
menos tres años,
Así lo reveló ayer el p re sid e n te
d e e s ta i n s t i t u c i ó n , Ig n a c io
Basom brío Zender, tras señalar que
serán las a u to rid a d e s del nuevo
g o b iern o quienes deberán poner
en e je c u c ió n el p la n d e
reeq u ip am ien to preparado para
revertir esta a la rm a n te re a lid a d .
Sin em bargo, esta deficiencia no
ha resquebrajado la c a p a c id a d de
atención para los asegurados. De
a c u e rd o con las estad ísticas de
e s te o r g a n is m o , s ó lo en los [
prim eros cuatro m eses del año las
a te n c io n e s
m é d ic a s
increm entaron en un 11%, y se ha
logrado hasta la fecha un superávit
en la recaudación ascendente a 117 ■
m illones de soles.
Otro de los p u n to s cruciales
q u e a f r o n ta E ssa lu d es el
re la c io n a d o con c u á l s e r á su
d e s tin o . B a so m b río d ijo que
s o la m e n te el C o n g re so de la
República tenía las facultades para
ad scribir este organism o de la
se g u rid a d social al M inisterio de
Salud. D enuncian in te rfe re n cia
del M inisterio d e E conom ía en el
manejo de recursos del seguro.
Piense: Su hijo es inteligente,
saludable y encabeza la lista
para ir a la universidad. Le
encanta la trayectoria que su
carpera ha to m a d o . Está
haciendo muchas de las cosas
que planeó y hasta otras que no había planeado. Vivir
la vida en plenitud es fácil cuando tiene una familia que
lo respalda American Family Insurance. Llame ahora
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