Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 23, 2001, Page 16, Image 16

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May 23,2001
The Focus Entertainment Guide
Ascending the Cosmic
Through Wednesday,
June 3
T he Portland A rt M useum , lo­
cated at 1219SW. Park Avenue will
be offering an exhibition o f a selec­
tion o f Tibetan religious art and
artifacts from Portland private col­
lections. The event is part o f the
“ T ibetan Arts and Culture Festi­
val,” w hich includes Tibetan film,
visual arts, music and dance. For
m ore inform ation on the art show ­
ing, call 503/226-2811.
Our Dream Gallery
Through Tuesday,
June 9
O ur Dream G allery will present
Ron Sm ith and The A rthur W right,
two outstanding artists from N orth­
ern C alifornia with the show ing o f
“This & T hat,” w hich w ill run
through June 9. Ron Sm ith w ork
ranges from images o f the A frican
savannah to his Jazz series. A rthur
W right also paints im ages o f A fri­
can w ildlife using a secret tech­
nique involving bleach and black
paper. The gallery is located at 2209
F ortian i* (Dbaevuer
Focus In
N.E. Alberta St. Call 503/288-3024.
The Language of
Western Art
Through Sunday,
June 24
Join the Portland A rt M useum ,
located at 1219 SW'. Park A venue,
for a fascinating look at A m erica’s
tw o m ost celebrated W estern art­
ists, Frederic Remington and Charles
Russell. T heir depictions o f bron­
cos and buffaloes, cow boys and
A m erican Indians helped shape our
view o f the A m erican W est o f the
late 19Ih century. The exhibition runs
until Sunday, June 24. It consists o f
an exceptional group o f o v er 100
paintings, sculptures, w atercolors,
draw ings, book illustrations and
photo g rap h s.
Rose Art Show
Through June 29
T he O regon Society o f A rtists
w ill be having the R ose A rt Show
2001 to parallel the P ortland Rose
Festival. A ll m edia paintings de­
picting this y ea r’s them e “ C apture
the E xcitem ent” or “T he R ose” will
be on exhibit. T he event w ill be at
2185 S. W. Park Place. Call 503/223-
I* Menamins
Monday through Saturday: 7am to 10:30am
Sunday: 7am to 11:30am
5736 NE 33rd • Portland, Oregon
(503) 2 4 9 -3 9 8 3 • tvww.nirmen<imin$.eom
Visions and
Through Oct. 31
“ Visions and V isionaries,” thirty-
plus paintings by im portant O regon
artists from the era 1 8 8 0 -1 9 3 0 , will
be exhibited at Pittock M ansion
throughout M ay until Oct. 31. V isi­
tors m ay view “V isions and V ision-
aries” 1 2 -4 p .m . daily. Significant,
seldom -seen w orks by such lum i­
naries as C leveland Rockw ell, W ill­
iam Sam uel Parrott, M yra A lbert
W iggins, C.E.S. W ood, and C lara
Jane Stephes w ere painstakingly se­
lected for this event by G uest C ura­
tor, M ichael Parsons. The p ublic is
encouraged to call 503/823*3624 for
further inform ation.
Jobs with Justice
May 23, 24 and 27
T he Portland Jobs w ith Justice is
h o stin g a M ini Film F estival -
F undraiser Event. T hey w ill feature
a back-to- back double feature show ­
ing o f labor in the true sense. The
event w ill be held at the L aurelhurst
T h eater& Pub, 2734 S.E. Burnside.
Featured films include “This is W hat
D em ocracy Looks Like” and “ Bread
& R oses.”
American Indian
Dance Theatre
Friday, May 25 &
Saturday, May 26
Y ou d o n ’t w ant to m iss the
perform ance o f the A m erican In­
dian D ance th eatre (A ID T ) at
C hinook W inds C asino & C o n ­
vention C enter on M ay 25 an d 26.
A ID T w as o riginally form ed in
M ay 1987, w hen m ore than 20
N ative A m erican dancers, sing­
ers and drum m ers, representing a
variety ofN orth A m erican T ribes,
gathered in C olorado Springs to
b eg in rehearsals w ith a rev o lu ­
tionary new theatrical dance com ­
pany. For m ore info., call 1-888-
M AIN-ACT (624-6228)orFastixx,
America's First
Youth Orchestra
Wednesday, May 30
& Thursday, May 31
T he P ortland Y outh P hilhar­
m onic is holding auditions for the
2001 -2002 Season on M ay 30 and
31. A pplications are required. A u­
ditioning string players m ust be
at least 7 years old; w ind, brass
and percussion players at least 13
years old. N o on e o v er 22 years
old w ill be auditioned. For more
information, call 503/223-5939.
Reading by Ehud
Thursday, May 31
Ehud H avazelet is the author o f
two story collections: “W hat Is It
Then Betw een U s?” and m ost re­
cently, “ Like N ever B efore,” w hich
w on the O regon Book A w ard and
w as nam ed a N otable Book o f the
Y ear by the N ew Y ork and Los Ange­
les Times. H e will be giving a reading
on Thursday, M ay 3 1,8 p.m. atPS U ,
located on cam pus at the Smith M e­
morial Center, C ascade Room. For
more information, call 503/725-5666.
Wilsonville Festival of
the Arts
Friday, June 1
T he W ilsonville Festival o f the
A rts 2001 is a three-day celebration
that recognizes both established and
em erging visual and perform ing art­
ists from around the Pacific N orth­
west. The Festival offers two exhibi­
tion opportunities for visual artists:
The Open Show (non-juned and open
to all artists), and an outdoor Arts &
to artisans o f fine w ares). The event
will be at the grounds o f W ilsonville
High School, located at 6880 SW.
Wilsonville Rd. Call 503/673-7619.
Cooking with Tea
Saturday, June 2
D iana Rosen, author o f “Cooking
W ith Tea,” will have tw o tea tastings
and a dem o o f using tea for cooking
and C h ef W em ischner will prepare
three o f the dishes from their book at
“ In G ood Taste” on Saturday, June 2
from 11 a.m.to 1 p.m. The class is open
to the public and registration can be
made by calling 503/248-2015. The
school is located at 231 N.W . 11th
Ave. Call the num berabove or access
them online at www.gayleiolley.com.
Rose City Chamber
Rose City Chamber Orchestra pre­
sents its fifth concert o f the season
with guest conductor Jam es Smith o f
the U niversity o f W isconsin on Sun­
day, June 3 at 3 p.m. at the Central
Lutheran Church, located at 2104 N.E.
H ancock. T he concert w ill play
Francaix’s Sept D anses, H aydn’s
Sym phony No. 96 “M iracle” and
Brahms ' Serenade No. 1. Op. 11.
A Time for Justice
Friday, June 8
M orris Dees, chieftrial counsel for
the Southern Poverty Law Center,
wil 1 be the speaker at the annual Danie 1
J. & Elizabeth O. Cohn/Rose WTiite
lecture at Northwest Portland ’ s Con­
gregation Beth Israel on Friday, June
8 at 8 p.m. The title o f Mr. D ees’
speech is “A Time for Justice.” Dees
has made headlines by successfully
litigating against racist groups, and
persuading juries to find the groups’
leaders accountable for hate crim es
com m itted by their followers. Call
Good in the Hood
Festival & Parade
Friday, June 22
The “G ood in the H ood” Festival
and Parade begins Friday, June 22
through Sunday, June 24,2001. The
festival is located on the H oly Re­
deem er A rea School C am pus at 127
North Portland Blvd. The parade route
is east on Russell St. to Martin Luther
King Jr. Boulevard, north to Portland
Blvd. Then west to H oly Redeem er
Area School Campus. Call Paul Knauls
at 503/285-1159 or email him at
D aulsriagenevas.net.
Rose Festival Airshow
Sunday, July 1
Buy early and save! Through the
month ofMarch, Rose Festival Airshow
tickets will be on sale. Purchase one
adult general admission ticket for the
Saturday or Sunday show and receive
one youth (age5-12 (general admission
ticket free. Tickets are available at all
Ticketmaster outlets or by calling 503/
224-4400and at the H i 1 Lsboro Chamber
ofCommerceat503/648-l 102.Orvisit
www.rosefestival.org online.
Safeway Waterfront
Blues Festival
July 4 - 8
M ore than 80 blues artists per­
forming on three stages at the W est
C oast’s largest blues festival expands
to five full days this year over the
extended July 4 weekend. T he 2001
Safeway W aterfront Blues Festival
will begin Wednesday, July 4 at noon.
The independence day celebrations
will culminate in a spectacular fire­
works show over the Willamette River
at 10 p.m. The festival is held at the
south endofT om M cC all W aterfront
Park in dow ntow n Portland, Oregon.
Janet Jackson at the
Rose Garden
Saturday, July 7
Janet Jackson is com ing to the
Rose Garden on Saturday, July 7 at
7:30 p.m. I f you rem em ber the big
dance numbers and spectacular stage
production, you will not be let down.
The “All For Y ou” tour is guaran­
teed to include the production that
has distinguished her tours since the
1990 Rhythm Nation tour, and will
sh o w o ffJan et’s new found freedom
a n d d e s ire to h a v e fu n . C a ll
Ticketmaster at503/224-4400 formore
th e
w eb,
v is it
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