Page 4 May 23,2001 The Focus Entertainment Guide M M K M M H M I Ascending the Cosmic Mountain Through Wednesday, June 3 T he Portland A rt M useum , lo­ cated at 1219SW. Park Avenue will be offering an exhibition o f a selec­ tion o f Tibetan religious art and artifacts from Portland private col­ lections. The event is part o f the “ T ibetan Arts and Culture Festi­ val,” w hich includes Tibetan film, visual arts, music and dance. For m ore inform ation on the art show ­ ing, call 503/226-2811. Our Dream Gallery Through Tuesday, June 9 O ur Dream G allery will present Ron Sm ith and The A rthur W right, two outstanding artists from N orth­ ern C alifornia with the show ing o f “This & T hat,” w hich w ill run through June 9. Ron Sm ith w ork ranges from images o f the A frican savannah to his Jazz series. A rthur W right also paints im ages o f A fri­ can w ildlife using a secret tech­ nique involving bleach and black paper. The gallery is located at 2209 F ortian i* (Dbaevuer Focus In N.E. Alberta St. Call 503/288-3024. The Language of Western Art Through Sunday, June 24 Join the Portland A rt M useum , located at 1219 SW'. Park A venue, for a fascinating look at A m erica’s tw o m ost celebrated W estern art­ ists, Frederic Remington and Charles Russell. T heir depictions o f bron­ cos and buffaloes, cow boys and A m erican Indians helped shape our view o f the A m erican W est o f the late 19Ih century. The exhibition runs until Sunday, June 24. It consists o f an exceptional group o f o v er 100 paintings, sculptures, w atercolors, draw ings, book illustrations and photo g rap h s. Rose Art Show Through June 29 T he O regon Society o f A rtists w ill be having the R ose A rt Show 2001 to parallel the P ortland Rose Festival. A ll m edia paintings de­ picting this y ea r’s them e “ C apture the E xcitem ent” or “T he R ose” will be on exhibit. T he event w ill be at 2185 S. W. Park Place. Call 503/223- 0706. K E H H E D Y S C H O oi I* Menamins t CLASS BEGINS W ITH A HEARTY BREAKFAST Monday through Saturday: 7am to 10:30am Sunday: 7am to 11:30am 5736 NE 33rd • Portland, Oregon (503) 2 4 9 -3 9 8 3 • tvww.nirmen