Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 21, 2001, Page 2, Image 2

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    M arch 21, 2001
Page A 2
0® Police News/Vancouver
Puffy Combs Acquitted in Nightclub Shooting
B v S a m it i M ai i i
NEW YO RK — RapimpresanoSean
“ Puffy” C om bs was acquitted Friday
o f toting an illegal handgun into a
crow ded M anhattan hip-hop club by
a ju ry that believed the G ranuny-w in­
ning m ultim illionaire’s repeated claim
o f innocence. He w as also cleared o f a
bribery charge.
W hen the verdict was read. Com bs
and his attorneys hugged tightly, with
lawyers Benjamin BraimanandJohnnie
C ochran burying their heads against
C om b’s shoulder. Com bs ’ bodyguard,
A nthony “W o lf ’ Jones, w as acquit­
ted o f the same charges as Combs.
Rapper Jamaal “Shyne” Barrow, a
Com bs protege w ho had been charged
with attem pted murder, was instead
convicted o f two counts o f assault in
connection w ith the shooting o f two
people in the club following a scuffle
involving the Com bs entourage in the
early m orning hours o f Dec. 27,1999.
It was a stunning victory for Combs,
31, w ho presides over a $300 million
em pire — Bad Boy Entertainment —
that encom passes m usic, m ovies,
clothing and restaurants. He founded
the com pany ju st seven years ago.
The high-profile trial stretched nearly
seven weeks, w ithjurors hearing from
59 witnesses and examining more than
130 pieces ofevidence. Com bs dressed
in a conservative dark suit each day o f
the trial and his m other was in the
gallery behind him.
Com bs was the key defense w it­
ness, spending a full day testifying
that he never carried a w eapon on the
night o f his arrest and instead thought
he w as the target.
“ I thought I was being shot at,”
Com bs told the jury. He also denied
offering his drivera $50,000bribe if the
man w ould take the gun possession
rap for Combs. Prosecutors said the
tossed a fistful o f dollar bills
at Combs.
Three to six shots then
rang out inside the club,
sen d in g p an ick ed club-
goers diving to the floor or
charging toward the exits.
T h re e
p e o p le
w e re
wounded: N atania Rueben
was shot in her face, w hile
R o b e rt T h o m p so n an d
Julius Jones were hit in their
shoulders Reuben still has
seven bullet fragments in
her head and Jones has a
bullet lodged near his spine. York courthouse with his mother after being
Nine witnesses later said acquitted on weapons charges.
they saw Barrow with a gun.
p erso n . P ro secu to rs said B arro w
Tw o o f the shooting victim s testified
m issed his intended target.
they also saw C om bs w ith a gun.
Reuben, a Brooklyn hairdresser, was
Barrow was accused o f shooting
the victims, but he was charged w ith a * the first witness to say C om bs fired a
gun, an assertion contradicted by de­
single attem pted m urder count be­
fense witnesses.
cause he was ju st shooting at one
collateral Com bs offered was a dia­
mond pinkie ring given to him by ex­
girlfriend Jennifer Lopez, the top-sell­
ing singer-musician.
The driver, W ardel Fenderson, told
the jury that Com bs tucked a black
handgun into his waistband before
heading over w ith Lopez to the hip-
hop hotspot Club N ew Y o rk
The two arrived a little past mid-
nighton Dec. 27 after the limousine trip
from tony East Hampton. T he couple
had spent the day afterC'hristmas at his
$2.5 million Long Island home.
Com bs testified that he had ex­
pected to party for a while and do a little
networking with other music industry
types inside the nightclub ju st w est o f
Times Square. But trouble began as
Com bs tried to exit the club shortly
after 2:30 a.m. Someone bum ped into
M atthew “Scar” A lien, an oft-arrested
N ew Y orkerattheclubthatnight. After
an exchange o f insults, another m an
Through’the Weekend
Sheriff Won't Run;
Criticizes Stein.......A4
Latino Population
Mostly Clouly
59°F High
44°F Low
Report on School
Forest Park Pesticide
Spraying Draws
Fire......................... BI
Tiger Wins Again....B3
This Week
Scattered Showers
62°F High
47°F Low
63°F High
44°F Low
48°F High
37°F Low
67°F High
47°F Low
Being a healthy parent means being firm but nurturing,
giving children a decent sense o f the boundaries along with
lots o f unconditional love.
— Karen Shaud
in History
M arch 21,1965 - More than3,000
civil rights dem onstrators led by the
Rev. Martin Luther K ing Jr. began
their march from Selm a to M ont­
gomery, A la
M a rc h 22,1972 - C ongress sent
the proposed Equal Rights A m end­
ment to the Constitution to the states
for ratification. It fell short o f the
three-fourths approval needed.
March 2 3 ,1 9 6 5 - A m erica’s first
tw o-person space flight began as
G em ini 3 blasted o ff from Cape
K ennedy w ith astronauts Virgil I.
Grissom and John W. Young aboard.
M arch 2 4 ,1989-T he nation’s worst
oil spill occurred as the supertanker
Exxon Valdez ran aground on a reef in
A laska’s Prince W illiam Sound and
began leaking 11 million gallons o f
M arch 2 5 ,1965-The Rev. M ar­
tin Luther King Jr. Ied25,000march­
ers to the state capitol in M ontgom ­
ery, Ala., to protest the denial o f
voting rights to blacks.
M an A rrested in
Southeast Strangulation
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61°F High
42°F Low
Shuttle Dates:
• March 7
• March 17
April 5
• April 17
• M ay 4
• May 15
Partly Cloudy
A 42-year-old man faces a m an­
slaughter charge in the death o f his
Authorities said Donald Mitchell
Green, 42 called 9-1-1 to his resi­
dence at 4220 S.E. 92nd on March
13 at 12:15 a.m. requesting police
assistance. Upon arrival, officers
located G reen’s 40-year-old girl­
friend, also a resident o f the ad­
d re s s, d e c e a s e d in a sm all
housetrailer parked in the drive­
way. The victim has been identi­
fied as Karen Lee Humphrey. The
M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty M ed ical
Exam iner’s Office performed an
autopsy and determined cause o f
death to be asphyxiation by manual
Donald Mitchell Green
The investigation is continuing.
Anyone with information is asked
to call the homicide detectives Stu
Winn or Barry Renna at 503-823-
Community Empowerment
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For More Information Call
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Evidence o f cross burnings
found in SE Portland
(A P ) - S o u th e ast P o rtlan d
resid en ts last w eek d isco v ered
Ku K lux K ian sym bols in a city
p ark and p o lic e h av e found
traces o f b u rn in g crosses.
F ire in v estig ato rs say so m e­
one set an eig h t-fo o t cross on
fire and displayed it in the m iddle
o f B rentw ood Park.
D e te c tiv e s w e re c a u tio u s
ab out callin g it a “ hate crim e”
b efo re th ey get th e ch ance to
an aly ze th e ev id en ce in detail.
T hey say th e in cident cannot be
co n sid ered a hate crim e unless
it targ eted a sp ecific person.
, P olice plan to w atch the area
clo sely to m ake sure no o th er
signs o f racism ap p ear. T hey
kept the cro sses as evidence.