M arch 21, 2001 Page A 2 (Efyv (Dhöeruer 0® Police News/Vancouver Puffy Combs Acquitted in Nightclub Shooting B v S a m it i M ai i i NEW YO RK — RapimpresanoSean “ Puffy” C om bs was acquitted Friday o f toting an illegal handgun into a crow ded M anhattan hip-hop club by a ju ry that believed the G ranuny-w in­ ning m ultim illionaire’s repeated claim o f innocence. He w as also cleared o f a bribery charge. W hen the verdict was read. Com bs and his attorneys hugged tightly, with lawyers Benjamin BraimanandJohnnie C ochran burying their heads against C om b’s shoulder. Com bs ’ bodyguard, A nthony “W o lf ’ Jones, w as acquit­ ted o f the same charges as Combs. Rapper Jamaal “Shyne” Barrow, a Com bs protege w ho had been charged with attem pted murder, was instead convicted o f two counts o f assault in connection w ith the shooting o f two people in the club following a scuffle involving the Com bs entourage in the early m orning hours o f Dec. 27,1999. It was a stunning victory for Combs, 31, w ho presides over a $300 million em pire — Bad Boy Entertainment — that encom passes m usic, m ovies, clothing and restaurants. He founded the com pany ju st seven years ago. The high-profile trial stretched nearly seven weeks, w ithjurors hearing from 59 witnesses and examining more than 130 pieces ofevidence. Com bs dressed in a conservative dark suit each day o f the trial and his m other was in the gallery behind him. Com bs was the key defense w it­ ness, spending a full day testifying that he never carried a w eapon on the night o f his arrest and instead thought he w as the target. “ I thought I was being shot at,” Com bs told the jury. He also denied offering his drivera $50,000bribe if the man w ould take the gun possession rap for Combs. Prosecutors said the tossed a fistful o f dollar bills at Combs. Three to six shots then rang out inside the club, sen d in g p an ick ed club- goers diving to the floor or charging toward the exits. T h re e p e o p le w e re wounded: N atania Rueben was shot in her face, w hile R o b e rt T h o m p so n an d Julius Jones were hit in their shoulders Reuben still has seven bullet fragments in her head and Jones has a bullet lodged near his spine. York courthouse with his mother after being Nine witnesses later said acquitted on weapons charges. they saw Barrow with a gun. p erso n . P ro secu to rs said B arro w Tw o o f the shooting victim s testified m issed his intended target. they also saw C om bs w ith a gun. Reuben, a Brooklyn hairdresser, was Barrow was accused o f shooting the victims, but he was charged w ith a * the first witness to say C om bs fired a gun, an assertion contradicted by de­ single attem pted m urder count be­ fense witnesses. cause he was ju st shooting at one collateral Com bs offered was a dia­ mond pinkie ring given to him by ex­ girlfriend Jennifer Lopez, the top-sell­ ing singer-musician. The driver, W ardel Fenderson, told the jury that Com bs tucked a black handgun into his waistband before heading over w ith Lopez to the hip- hop hotspot Club N ew Y o rk The two arrived a little past mid- nighton Dec. 27 after the limousine trip from tony East Hampton. T he couple had spent the day afterC'hristmas at his $2.5 million Long Island home. Com bs testified that he had ex­ pected to party for a while and do a little networking with other music industry types inside the nightclub ju st w est o f Times Square. But trouble began as Com bs tried to exit the club shortly after 2:30 a.m. Someone bum ped into M atthew “Scar” A lien, an oft-arrested N ew Y orkerattheclubthatnight. After an exchange o f insults, another m an Weather Inside-A Through’the Weekend Crossburnings Condemned.............A4 Sheriff Won't Run; Criticizes Stein.......A4 Latino Population Grows.....................A6 Today Thursday Mostly Clouly Sunday Rain 59°F High 44°F Low Report on School Bullying..................BI Forest Park Pesticide Spraying Draws Fire......................... BI Tiger Wins Again....B3 Friday This Week ThoughtfortheWeek Scattered Showers Showers 62°F High 47°F Low 63°F High 44°F Low Monday Showers 48°F High 37°F Low 67°F High 47°F Low Being a healthy parent means being firm but nurturing, giving children a decent sense o f the boundaries along with lots o f unconditional love. — Karen Shaud in History M arch 21,1965 - More than3,000 civil rights dem onstrators led by the Rev. Martin Luther K ing Jr. began their march from Selm a to M ont­ gomery, A la M a rc h 22,1972 - C ongress sent the proposed Equal Rights A m end­ ment to the Constitution to the states for ratification. It fell short o f the three-fourths approval needed. March 2 3 ,1 9 6 5 - A m erica’s first tw o-person space flight began as G em ini 3 blasted o ff from Cape K ennedy w ith astronauts Virgil I. Grissom and John W. Young aboard. M arch 2 4 ,1989-T he nation’s worst oil spill occurred as the supertanker Exxon Valdez ran aground on a reef in A laska’s Prince W illiam Sound and began leaking 11 million gallons o f crude. M arch 2 5 ,1965-The Rev. M ar­ tin Luther King Jr. Ied25,000march­ ers to the state capitol in M ontgom ­ ery, Ala., to protest the denial o f voting rights to blacks. M an A rrested in Southeast Strangulation FREE - COMPLIMENTARY - FREE! SAFEWAY SENIOR SHUTTLE introducing a great new service for our neighborhood senior citizens. FREE grocery shopping "shuttle service" to your nearby Ainsworth & MLK Blvd Safeway Food & Drug and Renaissance Market...TWICE a Month! On or around the 3rd and 15th of each month. This Service is FREE to seniors age 60 and over. PLEASE SENIORS, GRANDCHILDREN AND INFANTS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED ON THE SHUTTLE AT A N Y T l M f . LO O K FO R OUR SPECIAL "RAZ TRANSPORTATION" TROLLEY Sponsored By: FOOD & DRUG /im arUonce Saturday 61°F High 42°F Low Metro- Shuttle Dates: • March 7 • March 17 April 5 • April 17 • M ay 4 • May 15 Partly Cloudy A 42-year-old man faces a m an­ slaughter charge in the death o f his girlfriend. Authorities said Donald Mitchell Green, 42 called 9-1-1 to his resi­ dence at 4220 S.E. 92nd on March 13 at 12:15 a.m. requesting police assistance. Upon arrival, officers located G reen’s 40-year-old girl­ friend, also a resident o f the ad­ d re s s, d e c e a s e d in a sm all housetrailer parked in the drive­ way. The victim has been identi­ fied as Karen Lee Humphrey. The M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty M ed ical Exam iner’s Office performed an autopsy and determined cause o f death to be asphyxiation by manual strangulation. Donald Mitchell Green The investigation is continuing. Anyone with information is asked to call the homicide detectives Stu Winn or Barry Renna at 503-823- 0400. ftlaA&d Community Empowerment “Share the Vision” fiFRicfln flmtRicnn chrirbcr of commtRce OF 0RFG0I1 For More Information Call the Safeway Concierge at: 503-572-0812 Evidence o f cross burnings found in SE Portland (A P ) - S o u th e ast P o rtlan d resid en ts last w eek d isco v ered Ku K lux K ian sym bols in a city p ark and p o lic e h av e found traces o f b u rn in g crosses. F ire in v estig ato rs say so m e­ one set an eig h t-fo o t cross on fire and displayed it in the m iddle o f B rentw ood Park. D e te c tiv e s w e re c a u tio u s I ab out callin g it a “ hate crim e” b efo re th ey get th e ch ance to an aly ze th e ev id en ce in detail. T hey say th e in cident cannot be co n sid ered a hate crim e unless it targ eted a sp ecific person. , P olice plan to w atch the area clo sely to m ake sure no o th er signs o f racism ap p ear. T hey kept the cro sses as evidence. i 1