Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 07, 2001, Page 13, Image 13

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    March 7, 2001
Page B7
(The Jlorilanò (Bbseruer
i Classifieds/Bids
M ultnom ah County
Aging & Disability Services
Case Management
' Support Case Managers in depart­
ment of Aging & Disability Services
by completing paperwork, organiz­
ing and updating client files. Ac­
company clients to medical ap­
pointments; assist with various
tasks and errands; visit clients to
check status, resolve business
transactions and conduct other
personal duties. Operate computer
term inals and other standard of­
fice machines. $11.20 to $13.78
per hour full salary range. Apply by
Application materials and formal
job announcem ents for this posi­
tio n
a re
a v a ila b le
www.multnomah.ltb.Qr.us/iobs/ or
by calling Multnomah County Hu­
man Resources (503) 988-5015.
Assisted access to Multnomah
County job information and web
site is available at Multnom ah
County Libraries.
Program (District)
The Aging and Disability Services
department of Multnomah County
seeks creative leaders with excel­
lent con se n su s-b u ild in g sk ills.
Responsible for promoting partner­
ships with local community-based
organizations and advocacy groups
to deliver services to residents in
N orth/N ortheast and Southeast
Portland. Will promote cultural di­
versity, su pport continuous im ­
provement through the application
of innovative practices and effec­
tively com municate agency goals
between various target audiences.
The salary range for this position
is $52,420 to $80,936 annually.
The most competitive candidates
for these positions will be proven
leaders who have su ccessfu lly
applied c o n c e p ts of e ffe c tiv e
change m anagem ent and have
advocated for funding and legisla­
tive change in support of special
For the Program Manager positions
only, please forward chronological
resume and cover letter of inter­
est to: Carolyn Edgett, Multnomah
County, Aging & D isability Ser­
vices, Human Resources, 4 2 1 SW
5th Avenue, 3rd Floor, Portland, OR
97204-2220 or forward email to
or FAX to (503) 988-3656. Dead­
line for applying is M arch 16,
Multnomah County is actively re­
cruiting candidates from various
ethnic and cultural backgrounds to
enhance services to our diverse
The M ultnom ah County H ealth
Department is currently recruiting
for the following positions:
Fiscal Assistant-Bilingual
Clinical Health Assistant-
Bilingual Spanish
Medical RecordsTechnician
Application m aterials and formal
job announcem ents are available
at: w w w .c o .m u ltn o m a h .o r.u s /
jobs/. In person or by m ailing a
self-addressed stamped envelope
requesting application form s to:
M ultnom ah County Hum an Re­
sources D ivision, 1120 SW 5th
Avenue, First Floor Lobby, PO Box
1 4700, P o rtla n d O R , 9 7 2 9 3 -
0 7 0 0 . A s s is t e d a c c e s s to
Multnomah County job information
and w eb s ite is a v a ila b le at
Multnomah County Libraries.
Multnomah County Health Depart­
ment is actively recruiting persons
from various ethnic and cultural
backgrounds to enhance service
to our diverse com m unities. Bilin-
gual/bicultural candidates are en­
couraged to apply. An Equal Oppor­
tunity Employer
M etro
Providing regional services * Cre­
ating livable communities
Labor Relations Manager,
$48,050 - $67,269, annually, FT,
Open Until Filled.
Metro is seeking a Labor Relations
Manager. The ideal candidate will
possess the ability to conduct pro­
fessional level contract negotia­
tions, prepare written proposals,
and provide contract interpretation
for m anagers and su pervisors;
resolve grievances through media­
tion and arbitration; conduct inter­
nal EEO inquiries and prepare re­
sponses to complaints; coordinate
and participate in Joint Labor Man­
agement Comm ittees; design and
present labor relations training;
perform research and analysis;
develop policy and procedure rec­
ommendations; maintain labor re­
lation records files and databases;
and provide advice or counsel on
labor relation issues. Subm it a
resume with a cover letter which
describes why your background and
experience make you the ideal
candidate to: Karol Ford, Recruit­
m ent and Selection S p ecia list,
Metro Human Resources, 600 NE
G ran d A v e n u e , P o rtla n d , OR
e m a il
jo b s@ m etro.dst.or.us Please call
(503) 797-1570 if you would like
a com plete jo b announcem ent
m ailed to you . W eb a d d re s s :
Parks Supervisor,
$ 43 ,58 3- $61,015/annually, FT,
Deadline 3/19/01. Monitors and
supervises the operation, mainte­
nance, and security of a group of
regional parks/facilities including
Howell Territorial Park, Chinook
Landing M arine Park, G leason
Boat Ramp, Pioneer Cem eteries,
G le n d o v e e r G old C o u rs e and
Smith & Bybee Lakes. Exercises
functional and technical supervi­
sion over assigned technical, main­
tenance, seasonal and volunteer
w o rk e rs. Required a p p lica tion
m aterials available at: Metro Hu­
man Resources, 600 NE Grand
Avenue, Portland, OR Resum es
are not accepted. Please call (503)
797-1570 if you would like appli­
cation m aterials mailed to you.
W eb a d d re s s : w w w .m e tro-
AA/EEO Employer
ClarkCounty, Washington
Job Opportunities
We are seeking qualified candidates
to Be part of our dynamic public
Service organization.
Assistant Engineering
T echnician/Engineering
$14.91 - $19.05/hr DOQ
Program Coordinator II
$3,638 - $5,139/mo DOQ
SR. Management/Budget
$3,823 - $5,402/m o DOQ
Job inform ation, applications,
and Benefits inform ation are
available from:
Clark County Human Resources
1013 Franklin St, Vancouver WA
Job Hotline: (360) 397-6018
TDD: (360) 397-6032
Equal Opportunity Employer
..... ...... ........... '
Employment Opportunities
Clark County, Washington is an
equal opportunity em ployer seek­
ing qualified candidates to fill cur­
rent tem porary openings for our
Departm ent of Public Works Road
& Park M aintenance divisions.
Th ese p o sitio n s are em ployed
th ro u g h a te m p o ra ry s ta ffin g
agency, but will be assigned to
Clark County. Duties include traf­
fic fla gging, general labor and
maintenance duties during peak
E n try level pay rate begins at
$8.02 per hour. Candidates with
a flagger’s certificate & experi­
ence, who are assigned to flagging
and/or difficult road maintenance
po sitions, m ay receive pay be­
tween $8.02 - $12.38 per hour.
Salary rate will be determined upon
Detailed info & applications are
available @ Clark County Human
Resources, PO Box 5000, 1013
Franklin St, Vancouver, WA.
98666-5000. Job Hotline (360)
397-6018; TDD (360) 397-6032;
w ww .co.clark.wa.us.
Multnomah County
Bachelor’s degree in field directly
related to communication or for­
eign languages. Minimum of 3
years experience with facilitation
of translation and interpretation
services. Experience working with
organizations and/or system s for
producing professional transla­
tions and interpretations in multiple
languages. Fluent in at least one
the following; Spanish, Vietnam­
ese, Russian. Excellent oral and
written com munication skills in
English. Proficiency with Microsoft
Word, Excel, Outlook and Publica­
tions programs. Experience secur­
ing funding for translations and
interpretation services from a va­
riety of resources including, but not
limited to public/private partner­
ship, businesses, grant funds, etc.
This is a 210-day work year posi­
tio n w ith a s a la r y ra n g e o f
$ 2 9 ,5 0 1 -$ 3 6 ,8 5 5 , top range
$44,209. For more information
please contact Portland Public
Schools, Human Resources De­
partment, 5 0 1 N. Dixon, Portland,
5 0 3 .9 1 6 .3 5 4 4 ,
e -m a il:
tion and position announcement.
PPS web site: w w w .pps.kl2 .o r.us
E M P L O Y E R - A D R U G -F R E E /
Immediate opening for full and Part-
time attendants with Portland’s
leading parking Co. We are seeking
dependable individuals with a neat
appearance and a Positive attitude.
$8.00 + starting wage Huge overtime
A dvancem ent
opportunities Medical, Dental, 401K
available Applicants must submit to
drug test and background check.
Apply in person daily between 12-1,
Monday - Friday. 130 SW STARK
Portland, OR
W ashington C ounty
Leading the way for good
For Careers In: IT & Finance * Planning,
Administration & Clerical * Engineering,
Appraising, Drafting * Law, Public Safety
& Corrections * Counseling, Guidance &
Social Work * Primary Care, Public
Health, Dental Services * Library Ser­
M ultnom ah C ounty offers a wide variety o f ca­
reers, com petitive salaries, and excellent benefits to
include fully paid m edical, dental, and vision cov­
erage for spouses, dom estic partners and other
eligible dependents; life insurance, long term dis­
ability, EAP, and fully paid participation in the
Public E m ployees’ R etirem ent System (PERS).
A pplication m aterials and jo b announcem ents are
available at w w w .co.m ultnom ah.or.us. A pplication
m aterials can also be obtained in person at 1120 SW
5th Ave. Portland or by m ailing a self-addressed,
stam ped envelope, requesting application m aterials
to: M ultnom ah County Hum an Resources, P.O. Box
14700, Portland, OR 97293-0700. A ssisted access
to M ultnom ah County jo b inform ation and web site
is available at M ultnom ah County Libraries.
M ultnom ah Counry w elcom es applicants o f various
ethnic and cultural backgrounds, who are able to
enhance service to our diverse community.
Career Opportunities
Information about career opportunities with the Port
of Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline
at (503) 944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call
TDD, (503) 944-7485. Applications are available by
visiting the Port's website at www.portofrioniandor.com
or by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visiting the Poll’s
office, located at 121 NW Everett Street. Portland.
The Port of Portland is an
Equal Opportunity Employer
Social Services
C ustodial
Temporary Custodians
Oregon Legislature
$9.00 per hour
• Flexible Weekly Hours
• Must be available to
work immediately
• Possibility of
continuing employment
• Apply in person
For more information
Karen Hupp
900 Court St NE
Room 140-B
Salem OR 97301
(503) 986-1373
Job Line
(503) 986-1375
Business O pportunity/
F ranchise
P rin tin g / C o p in g / G ra p h ic Fran
chise; Owner Retiring!!
No Exp. Nec. Turnkey Operation.
Low Invest. W/Finan. Avail. (800)
Volunteers Of Am erica Oregon
Family Advocate I - Overnight
Domestic Violence program seeks
overnight advocate.
Responsibilities include shelter/
crisis line coverage, case mgt.
Duties, and som e facilities mgt.
Req: Dom estic violence advocacy
e x p ., k n o w le d g e o f lo c a l re ­
sources, ODL and reliable vehicle.
Must have experience with diverse
populations and/or be either bilin­
gual, bicultural, or from a commu­
nity of color (your cover letter MUST
address how you meet this require­
m ent). Full tim e, b enefits. Re-
sume/cover letter by March 23 to
Marcia Rodden, VOA Family Center,
537 SE Alder, Portland, OR 97214.
Equal Opportunity Employer._____
Cartographer II
$2,784 - $3,382/month
Closes March 23, 2001
Utility Worker
$2, 201 - $2,659/m onth
C loses March 23, 2001
Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503)
846-4898 for information. County
application and supplemental ap­
plication forms required. Women,
minorities, and people with dis­
abilities are encouraged to apply.
Apply To:
W ashington County Human Re­
sources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320
Hillsboro, OR 97124
in v o lv e d
At Providence Health System everyone gets involved. Our com­
m itm ent to the highest quality o f care and the well-being o f our
community carries over into our commitment to your future. As
a recognized leader in health care and Oregon's second largest
private employer, we offer the most advanced technology and a
caring w ork environment. Get more - at Providence.
■ Human Resources Assistant
■ Registrars
■ PBX O perator
■ In fo rm atio n Desk
■ Scheduling Supervisor
■ Housekeeping
■ Com pensation M anager
■ Billing & Scheduling Coordinator
■ Program M an ag er - Dept. o f Medicine
■ Home Health Aide
■ Collector
■ Lab Services
■ M edical M an ag em en t
■ Benefits M an ag er
. 7n Oregon, opportunity means a variety of careers available statewide, competitive salaries and
great benefits. Currently, openings exist In the following agencies:
Database Programmer/Analyst
Information Systems Specialist 5
The Oregon Economic and Community Development Department Invites applications for a Database
Programmer/Analyst. This is a permanent position located in Salem. This position provides support
to the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department by providing a variety of
professional and technical support activities, including maintenance and enhancement of existing
software and hardware applications: analysis, design, and implementation of purchased and m-house
applications, feasibility and cost/beneflt analysis: integration of data from various platforms:
performance tests and troubleshooting: and production of system specifications, procedures, and
documentation. Salary range is $3,207 to $4.437 a month with excellent benefits. Announcement
«LE990088. C ontact the Human Resources Office at (503) 986-0095 for more Information and the
required application packet or visit www.econ.state.or.us. Closing date is March 13. 2001
1 / hese are just a few of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon. A
more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional job information
We o ffe r a generous flexible benefits program and great pay
fo r your valuable skills. Applications are required and may be
obtained through our w e bsite or at one o f our main hospital
locations. Pre-employment screening is required and includes drug
screen. AAP employer. An equal o p p o rtu n ity organization.
Providence Health System
4805 NE Gilsan St., Portland, OR 97213
Phone 503.215.5770
Please reference #PONM0301 on your application.
Providence | Health Plan
are available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or b) the Oregon jobs page
at: www.oregonjobs.org. The State of Oregon and all Its divisions are proud to be equal
opportunity employers.
A c a r in g d if f e r e n c e y o u c a n f e e l