March 7, 2001 Page B7 (The Jlorilanò (Bbseruer i Classifieds/Bids M ultnom ah County Aging & Disability Services Case Management Assistant ' Support Case Managers in depart­ ment of Aging & Disability Services by completing paperwork, organiz­ ing and updating client files. Ac­ company clients to medical ap­ pointments; assist with various tasks and errands; visit clients to check status, resolve business transactions and conduct other personal duties. Operate computer term inals and other standard of­ fice machines. $11.20 to $13.78 per hour full salary range. Apply by 3-16-01. Application materials and formal job announcem ents for this posi­ tio n a re a v a ila b le at or by calling Multnomah County Hu­ man Resources (503) 988-5015. Assisted access to Multnomah County job information and web site is available at Multnom ah County Libraries. Program (District) Managers f The Aging and Disability Services department of Multnomah County seeks creative leaders with excel­ lent con se n su s-b u ild in g sk ills. Responsible for promoting partner­ ships with local community-based organizations and advocacy groups to deliver services to residents in N orth/N ortheast and Southeast Portland. Will promote cultural di­ versity, su pport continuous im ­ provement through the application of innovative practices and effec­ tively com municate agency goals between various target audiences. The salary range for this position is $52,420 to $80,936 annually. The most competitive candidates for these positions will be proven leaders who have su ccessfu lly applied c o n c e p ts of e ffe c tiv e change m anagem ent and have advocated for funding and legisla­ tive change in support of special interests. For the Program Manager positions only, please forward chronological resume and cover letter of inter­ est to: Carolyn Edgett, Multnomah County, Aging & D isability Ser­ vices, Human Resources, 4 2 1 SW 5th Avenue, 3rd Floor, Portland, OR 97204-2220 or forward email to or FAX to (503) 988-3656. Dead­ line for applying is M arch 16, 2001. Multnomah County is actively re­ cruiting candidates from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds to enhance services to our diverse community. The M ultnom ah County H ealth Department is currently recruiting for the following positions: Fiscal Assistant-Bilingual Spanish Clinical Health Assistant- Bilingual Spanish Medical RecordsTechnician Application m aterials and formal job announcem ents are available at: w w w .c o .m u ltn o m a h .o r.u s / jobs/. In person or by m ailing a self-addressed stamped envelope requesting application form s to: M ultnom ah County Hum an Re­ sources D ivision, 1120 SW 5th Avenue, First Floor Lobby, PO Box 1 4700, P o rtla n d O R , 9 7 2 9 3 - 0 7 0 0 . A s s is t e d a c c e s s to Multnomah County job information and w eb s ite is a v a ila b le at Multnomah County Libraries. Multnomah County Health Depart­ ment is actively recruiting persons from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds to enhance service to our diverse com m unities. Bilin- gual/bicultural candidates are en­ couraged to apply. An Equal Oppor­ tunity Employer M etro Providing regional services * Cre­ ating livable communities Labor Relations Manager, $48,050 - $67,269, annually, FT, Open Until Filled. Metro is seeking a Labor Relations Manager. The ideal candidate will possess the ability to conduct pro­ fessional level contract negotia­ tions, prepare written proposals, and provide contract interpretation for m anagers and su pervisors; resolve grievances through media­ tion and arbitration; conduct inter­ nal EEO inquiries and prepare re­ sponses to complaints; coordinate and participate in Joint Labor Man­ agement Comm ittees; design and present labor relations training; perform research and analysis; develop policy and procedure rec­ ommendations; maintain labor re­ lation records files and databases; and provide advice or counsel on labor relation issues. Subm it a resume with a cover letter which describes why your background and experience make you the ideal candidate to: Karol Ford, Recruit­ m ent and Selection S p ecia list, Metro Human Resources, 600 NE G ran d A v e n u e , P o rtla n d , OR 97232, or e m a il jo b s@ m Please call (503) 797-1570 if you would like a com plete jo b announcem ent m ailed to you . W eb a d d re s s : Parks Supervisor, $ 43 ,58 3- $61,015/annually, FT, Deadline 3/19/01. Monitors and supervises the operation, mainte­ nance, and security of a group of regional parks/facilities including Howell Territorial Park, Chinook Landing M arine Park, G leason Boat Ramp, Pioneer Cem eteries, G le n d o v e e r G old C o u rs e and Smith & Bybee Lakes. Exercises functional and technical supervi­ sion over assigned technical, main­ tenance, seasonal and volunteer w o rk e rs. Required a p p lica tion m aterials available at: Metro Hu­ man Resources, 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR Resum es are not accepted. Please call (503) 797-1570 if you would like appli­ cation m aterials mailed to you. W eb a d d re s s : w w w .m e tro- AA/EEO Employer ClarkCounty, Washington Job Opportunities We are seeking qualified candidates to Be part of our dynamic public Service organization. Assistant Engineering T echnician/Engineering Technician $14.91 - $19.05/hr DOQ Program Coordinator II $3,638 - $5,139/mo DOQ SR. Management/Budget Analyst $3,823 - $5,402/m o DOQ Job inform ation, applications, and Benefits inform ation are available from: Clark County Human Resources 1013 Franklin St, Vancouver WA Job Hotline: (360) 397-6018 TDD: (360) 397-6032 Equal Opportunity Employer ..... ...... ........... ' CLARKCO UNTY Employment Opportunities Clark County, Washington is an equal opportunity em ployer seek­ ing qualified candidates to fill cur­ rent tem porary openings for our Departm ent of Public Works Road & Park M aintenance divisions. Th ese p o sitio n s are em ployed th ro u g h a te m p o ra ry s ta ffin g agency, but will be assigned to Clark County. Duties include traf­ fic fla gging, general labor and maintenance duties during peak season. E n try level pay rate begins at $8.02 per hour. Candidates with a flagger’s certificate & experi­ ence, who are assigned to flagging and/or difficult road maintenance po sitions, m ay receive pay be­ tween $8.02 - $12.38 per hour. Salary rate will be determined upon hire. Detailed info & applications are available @ Clark County Human Resources, PO Box 5000, 1013 Franklin St, Vancouver, WA. 98666-5000. Job Hotline (360) 397-6018; TDD (360) 397-6032; w ww EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYEER Multnomah County COORDINATOR OF INTERPRETATION’ AND TRANSLATION SERVICES FOR TITLE I PORTLANDPUBLIC SCHOOLS Bachelor’s degree in field directly related to communication or for­ eign languages. Minimum of 3 years experience with facilitation of translation and interpretation services. Experience working with organizations and/or system s for producing professional transla­ tions and interpretations in multiple languages. Fluent in at least one the following; Spanish, Vietnam­ ese, Russian. Excellent oral and written com munication skills in English. Proficiency with Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook and Publica­ tions programs. Experience secur­ ing funding for translations and interpretation services from a va­ riety of resources including, but not limited to public/private partner­ ship, businesses, grant funds, etc. This is a 210-day work year posi­ tio n w ith a s a la r y ra n g e o f $ 2 9 ,5 0 1 -$ 3 6 ,8 5 5 , top range $44,209. For more information please contact Portland Public Schools, Human Resources De­ partment, 5 0 1 N. Dixon, Portland, 5 0 3 .9 1 6 .3 5 4 4 , e -m a il: tion and position announcement. PPS web site: w w w .pps.kl2 .o AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY E M P L O Y E R - A D R U G -F R E E / SMOKE FREE WORK PLACE PARKING FACILITY OPERATOR Immediate opening for full and Part- time attendants with Portland’s leading parking Co. We are seeking dependable individuals with a neat appearance and a Positive attitude. $8.00 + starting wage Huge overtime potential A dvancem ent opportunities Medical, Dental, 401K available Applicants must submit to drug test and background check. Apply in person daily between 12-1, Monday - Friday. 130 SW STARK Portland, OR W ashington C ounty Leading the way for good government For Careers In: IT & Finance * Planning, Administration & Clerical * Engineering, Appraising, Drafting * Law, Public Safety & Corrections * Counseling, Guidance & Social Work * Primary Care, Public Health, Dental Services * Library Ser­ vices* M ultnom ah C ounty offers a wide variety o f ca­ reers, com petitive salaries, and excellent benefits to include fully paid m edical, dental, and vision cov­ erage for spouses, dom estic partners and other eligible dependents; life insurance, long term dis­ ability, EAP, and fully paid participation in the Public E m ployees’ R etirem ent System (PERS). A pplication m aterials and jo b announcem ents are available at w w w .co.m ultnom A pplication m aterials can also be obtained in person at 1120 SW 5th Ave. Portland or by m ailing a self-addressed, stam ped envelope, requesting application m aterials to: M ultnom ah County Hum an Resources, P.O. Box 14700, Portland, OR 97293-0700. A ssisted access to M ultnom ah County jo b inform ation and web site is available at M ultnom ah County Libraries. M ultnom ah Counry w elcom es applicants o f various ethnic and cultural backgrounds, who are able to enhance service to our diverse community. © PORT OF P O R TLA N D Career Opportunities Information about career opportunities with the Port of Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call TDD, (503) 944-7485. Applications are available by visiting the Port's website at or by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visiting the Poll’s office, located at 121 NW Everett Street. Portland. The Port of Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer Social Services M E T R O C ustodial Temporary Custodians Oregon Legislature $9.00 per hour • Flexible Weekly Hours • Must be available to work immediately • Possibility of continuing employment • Apply in person For more information contact: Karen Hupp Legislative Administration 900 Court St NE Room 140-B Salem OR 97301 (503) 986-1373 Job Line (503) 986-1375 À Business O pportunity/ F ranchise P rin tin g / C o p in g / G ra p h ic Fran chise; Owner Retiring!! No Exp. Nec. Turnkey Operation. Low Invest. W/Finan. Avail. (800) 645-3006 Volunteers Of Am erica Oregon Family Advocate I - Overnight Domestic Violence program seeks overnight advocate. Responsibilities include shelter/ crisis line coverage, case mgt. Duties, and som e facilities mgt. Req: Dom estic violence advocacy e x p ., k n o w le d g e o f lo c a l re ­ sources, ODL and reliable vehicle. Must have experience with diverse populations and/or be either bilin­ gual, bicultural, or from a commu­ nity of color (your cover letter MUST address how you meet this require­ m ent). Full tim e, b enefits. Re- sume/cover letter by March 23 to Marcia Rodden, VOA Family Center, 537 SE Alder, Portland, OR 97214. Equal Opportunity Employer._____ Cartographer II $2,784 - $3,382/month Closes March 23, 2001 Utility Worker $2, 201 - $2,659/m onth C loses March 23, 2001 Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) 846-4898 for information. County application and supplemental ap­ plication forms required. Women, minorities, and people with dis­ abilities are encouraged to apply. Apply To: W ashington County Human Re­ sources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Employment in v o lv e d At Providence Health System everyone gets involved. Our com­ m itm ent to the highest quality o f care and the well-being o f our community carries over into our commitment to your future. As a recognized leader in health care and Oregon's second largest private employer, we offer the most advanced technology and a caring w ork environment. Get more - at Providence. ■ Human Resources Assistant ■ Registrars ■ PBX O perator ■ In fo rm atio n Desk ■ Scheduling Supervisor ■ Housekeeping ■ Com pensation M anager ■ Billing & Scheduling Coordinator ■ Program M an ag er - Dept. o f Medicine ■ Home Health Aide ■ Collector ■ Lab Services 01 u 0 Û) u c 01 T3 > O u Q. ■ I § 5 ■ M edical M an ag em en t ■ Benefits M an ag er . 7n Oregon, opportunity means a variety of careers available statewide, competitive salaries and great benefits. Currently, openings exist In the following agencies: OREGON ECO NO M IC AND CO M M UN ITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Database Programmer/Analyst Information Systems Specialist 5 The Oregon Economic and Community Development Department Invites applications for a Database Programmer/Analyst. This is a permanent position located in Salem. This position provides support to the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department by providing a variety of professional and technical support activities, including maintenance and enhancement of existing software and hardware applications: analysis, design, and implementation of purchased and m-house applications, feasibility and cost/beneflt analysis: integration of data from various platforms: performance tests and troubleshooting: and production of system specifications, procedures, and documentation. Salary range is $3,207 to $4.437 a month with excellent benefits. Announcement «LE990088. C ontact the Human Resources Office at (503) 986-0095 for more Information and the required application packet or visit Closing date is March 13. 2001 1 / hese are just a few of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon. A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional job information We o ffe r a generous flexible benefits program and great pay fo r your valuable skills. Applications are required and may be obtained through our w e bsite or at one o f our main hospital locations. Pre-employment screening is required and includes drug screen. AAP employer. An equal o p p o rtu n ity organization. Providence Health System 4805 NE Gilsan St., Portland, OR 97213 Phone 503.215.5770 Please reference #PONM0301 on your application. Providence | Health Plan are available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or b) the Oregon jobs page at: The State of Oregon and all Its divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers. A c a r in g d if f e r e n c e y o u c a n f e e l c/5 u u t/3 — 3 CÖ £ c □