Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 21, 2001, Page 15, Image 15

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    February 21, 2001
Page 3
(Ehr 3$ o ri km h © bserüer
fair treatm ent tow ards these black
Cim aroons brought him an army
o f m en to fight against the Span­
ish. C im aroons w ere slaves who
escaped into the dense w oods o f
South A m erica and surrounding
areas o f the “N ew W orld.” A fter
escaping, they began to form their
ow n colonies. As part o f this
boats, getting them ready for the
long trip back to Europe, the ships
were loaded w ith food and water.
The services o f the C im aroons
w ere no longer needed. Drake
richly rew arded D iego and the
other Cim aroons w ith treasures.
As he was never spoken o f again,
it is believed D iego was left here
o n
C enturies later, we still cel­
ebrate the memory o f the tall brave
black w arrior that fought side by
side w ith Sir Francis D rake in vi­
cious, bloody battles against the
native Indians. Finding a skel­
eton that was dated at the tim e o f
D iego sta tio n e d in the W est
C oast, and m atching him in his
rare size through bone findings
during those tim es, added fuel to
the fire that keeps burning. Find­
ing an English sword o f that era,
and a small, buried wooden boat o f
South American origin dating to
that time including other evidence
o f Drake’s landing here keeps that
fire burning even hotter.
It is by permission o f the local
Siletz Indian Tribe that they can
authorize DNA testing o f the bones
because they have sole property
rights. If results show that the skel­
etal remains are from a black person,
we are a step closer to proving Drake
and Diego walked on Oregon soil.
Historian or hobbyist, no matter
what side you find yourself on, be
sure to see the H istory Channel
special coming this summer.
Throughout the New World, Indian and African slaves fled to
form settlements in the wilderness. These people, known to
Spaniards as Cimaroons, or “wild ones, ” waged guerrilla
warfare against their former oppressors. They were also eager
to help enemies o f Spain, such as Francis Drake.
strange and close friendship be­
tween these two men, Diego would
also becom e the first reported
A frican circum navigator, sailing
around the w orld w ith D rake.
O n a return trip to England,
they sailed along the W est C oast
o f N orth A m erica. D rak e’s ships
w ould stop in num erous ports for
boat repairs and needed food,
w ater, or other supplies. Factual
evidence has show n D rake stop­
ping not only n ear V ancouver Is­
land in C anada, but also other
w est coastal areas, causing great
historical debates over the years.
O ne extended stay in 1579 was
said to be in a port n ear San Fran­
cisco. In the late tw entieth cen­
tury, Bob W ard, an English H isto­
rian w ould spend tw enty years
proving the actual stop m ay have
been at W hale Cove. W a rd ’s in­
credible efforts will be the subject
o f a H istory C hannel special on
Sir Francis D rake airing this June.
The next leg o f D rake’s journey
w ould lead the tired but rich sail­
ors hom e to England. A fter Diego
helped coordinate rep air o f the
the W est Coast. Because
o f the unusual height o f
the skeleton found in the
1930’s, history buffs are
even more intrigued by it.
This significantarcheologi-
cal find crushed the hopes
o f C alifornians who be­
lieved that Diego landed
dow n there was an em bar­
rassing find in 1979. A
brass plate believed to be
from D ra k e ’s ship w as
found near the sight where
C a lif o r n ia n s a ssu m e d
w here he landed. The plate
w as fo u n d in the m id-
1930’s and hailed as a sign
o f D rake’s arrival. Building
a commercial image around
it, h o te ls , r e s ta u r a n ts ,
shops and a roadw ay were
built as a tourist attraction
in D rake’s memory. B utin
1979, the plate was tested
and proven to be a fraud,
leading some historians to
consider the O regon land­
ing an even greater possi­
b ility than before.
orm ed the first successful heart operation in 1893
M a d a m e C J. W a lk e r, first self-made American w om an m illionaire . H y m a n S. T ho m as, invented
the p o ta to chip, originally know n as the Saratoga chip • M a t t h e w A. H enson , first m an to set foot on
the N o rth Pole . Jessie J a n ie M a r k , first w om an to earn a doctorate in b o ta n y . Is a a c M u rp h y , won
the very first Kentucky Derby . Dr. C harles D rew , discovered the m ethod fo r preserving blood plasma
. J e w el L a F o n ta n t M a n k a rio u s , first w om an to argue a case before the U.S. Supreme Court Yvonne
C lark, first w om an to earn B.S. in chemical engineering a t H arvard .
in "scatting" style . O tis B o ykin , invented guided missile device .
Louis A rm s tro n g , first to sing
Ja n e W rig h t, pioneered several
advances in the field o f chemotherapy . F red erick M c k in le y Jones, inventor o f portable X-ray machine
W illia m A. H in to n , developed first test for syphilis . N o r b e r t R illieu x, developed the first system for
re fin in g su g a r , 5. B o o ne, invented the first ironing board . F ra n k G ra n t, inventor o f the baseball
chinguard . L.D . N e w m a n , inventor o f the hairbrush . Sh elby J. D a v id s o n , created the first adding
machine . W illia m W a rw ic k C a rd o zo , pioneered the study o f sickle cell anem ia . K u rils Blow , first
rap artist
Fou can't talk about Black history without talking about American history.
Let's remember the African Americans who helped build America.
M HI*.
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