February 21, 2001 Page 3 (Ehr 3$ o ri km h © bserüer fair treatm ent tow ards these black Cim aroons brought him an army o f m en to fight against the Span­ ish. C im aroons w ere slaves who escaped into the dense w oods o f South A m erica and surrounding areas o f the “N ew W orld.” A fter escaping, they began to form their ow n colonies. As part o f this boats, getting them ready for the long trip back to Europe, the ships were loaded w ith food and water. The services o f the C im aroons w ere no longer needed. Drake richly rew arded D iego and the other Cim aroons w ith treasures. As he was never spoken o f again, it is believed D iego was left here o n C enturies later, we still cel­ ebrate the memory o f the tall brave black w arrior that fought side by side w ith Sir Francis D rake in vi­ cious, bloody battles against the native Indians. Finding a skel­ eton that was dated at the tim e o f D iego sta tio n e d in the W est C oast, and m atching him in his rare size through bone findings during those tim es, added fuel to the fire that keeps burning. Find­ ing an English sword o f that era, and a small, buried wooden boat o f South American origin dating to that time including other evidence o f Drake’s landing here keeps that fire burning even hotter. It is by permission o f the local Siletz Indian Tribe that they can authorize DNA testing o f the bones because they have sole property rights. If results show that the skel­ etal remains are from a black person, we are a step closer to proving Drake and Diego walked on Oregon soil. Historian or hobbyist, no matter what side you find yourself on, be sure to see the H istory Channel special coming this summer. t Throughout the New World, Indian and African slaves fled to form settlements in the wilderness. These people, known to Spaniards as Cimaroons, or “wild ones, ” waged guerrilla warfare against their former oppressors. They were also eager to help enemies o f Spain, such as Francis Drake. strange and close friendship be­ tween these two men, Diego would also becom e the first reported A frican circum navigator, sailing around the w orld w ith D rake. O n a return trip to England, they sailed along the W est C oast o f N orth A m erica. D rak e’s ships w ould stop in num erous ports for boat repairs and needed food, w ater, or other supplies. Factual evidence has show n D rake stop­ ping not only n ear V ancouver Is­ land in C anada, but also other w est coastal areas, causing great historical debates over the years. O ne extended stay in 1579 was said to be in a port n ear San Fran­ cisco. In the late tw entieth cen­ tury, Bob W ard, an English H isto­ rian w ould spend tw enty years proving the actual stop m ay have been at W hale Cove. W a rd ’s in­ credible efforts will be the subject o f a H istory C hannel special on Sir Francis D rake airing this June. The next leg o f D rake’s journey w ould lead the tired but rich sail­ ors hom e to England. A fter Diego helped coordinate rep air o f the the W est Coast. Because o f the unusual height o f the skeleton found in the 1930’s, history buffs are even more intrigued by it. This significantarcheologi- cal find crushed the hopes o f C alifornians who be­ lieved that Diego landed dow n there was an em bar­ rassing find in 1979. A brass plate believed to be from D ra k e ’s ship w as found near the sight where C a lif o r n ia n s a ssu m e d w here he landed. The plate w as fo u n d in the m id- 1930’s and hailed as a sign o f D rake’s arrival. Building a commercial image around it, h o te ls , r e s ta u r a n ts , shops and a roadw ay were built as a tourist attraction in D rake’s memory. B utin 1979, the plate was tested and proven to be a fraud, leading some historians to consider the O regon land­ ing an even greater possi­ b ility than before. orm ed the first successful heart operation in 1893 M a d a m e C J. W a lk e r, first self-made American w om an m illionaire . H y m a n S. T ho m as, invented the p o ta to chip, originally know n as the Saratoga chip • M a t t h e w A. H enson , first m an to set foot on the N o rth Pole . Jessie J a n ie M a r k , first w om an to earn a doctorate in b o ta n y . Is a a c M u rp h y , won the very first Kentucky Derby . Dr. C harles D rew , discovered the m ethod fo r preserving blood plasma . J e w el L a F o n ta n t M a n k a rio u s , first w om an to argue a case before the U.S. Supreme Court Yvonne C lark, first w om an to earn B.S. in chemical engineering a t H arvard . in "scatting" style . O tis B o ykin , invented guided missile device . Louis A rm s tro n g , first to sing Ja n e W rig h t, pioneered several advances in the field o f chemotherapy . F red erick M c k in le y Jones, inventor o f portable X-ray machine W illia m A. H in to n , developed first test for syphilis . N o r b e r t R illieu x, developed the first system for re fin in g su g a r , 5. B o o ne, invented the first ironing board . F ra n k G ra n t, inventor o f the baseball chinguard . L.D . N e w m a n , inventor o f the hairbrush . Sh elby J. D a v id s o n , created the first adding machine . W illia m W a rw ic k C a rd o zo , pioneered the study o f sickle cell anem ia . K u rils Blow , first rap artist Fou can't talk about Black history without talking about American history. Let's remember the African Americans who helped build America. si M HI*. INDER O Washington Mutual FDIC Insured