Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 16, 2000, Page 2, Image 2

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    A u g u s t 16, 2000
Page A 2
ÿ o rtla n ô
Police News/Vancouver
International patients
and providence........ 3
Politics as usual with
the parties.................4
An update on juvenile
Metro-B _
Two NE Portland
banks plan merger..... 1
Anthony resigns with
the Blazers..................2
Ricky dillard releases
new album..................3
El Observador.......... 4
Through the
T h ere’s som ething for every car enthusiast young and old at the upcom ing
Sum m er B arbecue and C ar Show sponsored by the C lark C ollege A lum ni
A ssociation on Sunday, A ugust 20. The event w ill be held on the College
Cam pus at 1800E .M cL oughlin Boulevard inV ancouver from 11 a.m .to 5 p .m .
Presentation displays w ill feature C lark ’s D iesel and A utom otive programs.
C lassic autos from area car clubs and C lark C ollege alum ni w ill be there in the
Fort V ancouver W ay parking lots. A barbecue in the A ndersen Plaza is
available for $3 per person. O n Saturday and Sunday, the R.O. A.R. (Rem otely
O perated A uto R acers) Region 11 Touring C arC h am p io n sh ip s will take place
in the parking lot south o f the O ’Connell Sport C enter. A ll activities are free
and open to the public.
C o-sponsors include Snap-on, G ay n o r’s A utom otive, B axter A uto Parts and
N W N atural. For car show registration or for m ore general inform ation, contact
the C lark College A lum ni O ffice at (360) 992-2374.
clo u d y
74°F /23°C
56°F /13°C
This Week
Birdwatching and berry picking
at Salmon Creek Greenway
clo u d y
74°F /23°C
55°F /13°C
in History
for T h e P ortland O bserver
Jo in A m eriC o rp s m em b ers from
V a n c o u v e r - C la r k
P a rk s a n d
Recreation on A ugust 19 from 8 a.m.-
noon for the first annual Salmon Creek
B ird Count. V olunteers o f all ages
and levels ofexperience are invited to
help m onitor our songbird population.
A t noon, w e w ill pull H im alayan
B lack b erry p lan ts. T his in v asiv e
species overruns native plants and
d e c re a s e s p la n t d iv e rsity . H elp
protect our am azing native plants.
Stay for tasty berry treats at 2 p.m.
w hen w e will have a blackberry picnic
in the park with cobbler and ice cream.
Thought for the week
Roots nourish, give us life and
bind us safely to the earth. Plant
them well.
Police Bites
P ro stitu tio n m ission
conducted by central
On Friday, July 28, and Saturday, July
29,2000, officers ofC entral Precinct
conducted a prostitu tio n m ission
targeting problem areas along W.
B um side / Park A venue to 17th
A venue.
As a result, 28 males w ere arrested for
Prostitution, one m ale for Possession
o f a C ontrolled Substance in Second
D egree, and one m ale for Public
Indecency (urinating in Public). There
w ere 12 vehicles seized and tow ed
during the m ission, as w ell as 12 traffic
citations issued.
a f f e c te d
n e ig h b o r h o o d
associations, business ow ners and
re s id e n t h a v e e n c o u ra g e d th e se
o n g o in g p r o s t i t u t i o n m is s io n s
b ecause they give w arning to the
“jo h n s ” that if they com e into their
n e ig h b o rh o o d s
lo o k in g
fo r
p ro stitu te s th e y w ill be arrested.
R e p e a t o ffe n d e rs w ill lose their
veh icles p erm anently, based on the
c ity ’s v ehicle forfeiture ordinance.
Fatal traffic collision
claims two lives S E 112th
Avenue/SE Flavel Street
O n S aturday, July 29. 2000, at 2:59
a .m .,a fatal traffic collision occurred
at SE 112th A venue and SE Flavel
S treet, w hich claim ed the lives o f two
peo p le and injured three others.
A 1994 F ord F - 150 pickup, driven by
35 y e a r-o ld C o n sta n tin e N ichlas
D eleg an es
O f14547SE M egan W ay inClackamas,
O regon, w as southbound on SE 112 th
A venue w hen the collision occurred.
T he teenage d riv er o f a 1992 Toyota
Paseo w as w estbound on SE Flavel
S treet w hen she failed to stop at the
stop sign at 112th A venue and was
stuck bro ad sid e on the passenger
s id e . T h e f r o n t r ig h t te e n a g e
p assen g e r d ie d in stan tly and the
d riv er d ied en route to Em anuel
H ospital. T he nam es o f the deceased
a re b e in g w ith h e ld p e n d in g
n o tif ic a tio n o f fa m ily . A th ird
occupant o f the T oyota, 19 Sher
X iong o f SE Portland, is in critical
condition at O H SU Hospital.
C o n s ta n tin e N ic h la s D e le g a n e s
received m inor injuries and w as cited
and released for D riving U nder the
Influence o f A lcohol. A M ultnom ah
C ounty grand Jury w ill review the
case for possible other charges. The
passenger in D eleg an es’ vehicle, 35
year-old L ynette Sponsler, suffered a
broken leg and rem ains at a O H SU
ie Stoppers
55°F /13°C
O n A ugust 16,1977, Elvis Presley
d ied at G ra ce lan d M a n sio n in
M em phis, Tenn., at age 42.
On August 18,1963, James Meredith
becam e the first black to graduate
from the U niversity o f M ississippi.
O n A ugust 1 9 ,1 9 3 4 ,ap le b iscitein
G erm any approved the vesting o f
soleexecutive pow er in A dolfH itler
as Führer.
• O n A ugust .21, 1959, P resident
E isenhow er signed an executive
order proclaim ing H aw aii the 50th
state o f the union.
An event for all ages
W eather
ten counts o f Burglary I, tw o counts
o f Assault II and two counts ofK idnap
II. Bail is expected to be high.
T he investigation is continuing.
Homicide suspect
arrested 1793 NW
Martin Road, Forest
Arrest Made in Child Sex
Abuse Case
O n T uesday, A ugust 8, 2000, East
P re c in c t O f f ic e r J a s o n P e a rc e
responded to report o f sex abuse to a
child. A n investigation revealed that
three sisters, current ages 7,9, an d 11
had b een ab u sed o v er tw o -y ea r
period by an individual identified as
a boyfriend o f the m other. A cting on
inform ation developed by O fficer
P earc e, the su sp e ct, 3 0 -y ear-o ld
M ichael L. Rouse, w as located at a
S outheast P ortland restaurant and
transported to East Precinct w here he
w as later charged w ith rape in the
First D egree and 7 counts o f Sodom y
in the First degree. Rouse was lodged
at the M ultnom ah County D etention
C en ter w ith bail set at 28-M illion
D ollars. A photograph o f R ouse is
a v a ila b le in the P ortland P o lice
Bureau identification Division on The
12th floor o f the dow ntow n Justice
C enter. For m ore inform ation and/or
to a rra n g e in te rv ie w s, c o n tra c t
S ergeant Pam Rosentreter at East
Precinct, (503) 823-4800.
Portland Police Bureau H om icide
D etectives have been conducting an
ongoing investigation into the death
o f 39 year-old R obert L eroy G ilbo,
w ho w as found in his car on Friday,
July 14, 2000, at the intersection o f
V ancouver A venue and N. M onroe
Street. Inform ation w as developed
w hich lead to the arrest o f a suspect.
O n T hursday, July 2 7 ,2 0 0 0 at 11:00
p .m ., th e W a s h in g to n C o u n ty
S h e riffs O ffice Tactical N egotiation
Team to o k 3 1 year-old Tim othy A lan
S c h u b e rt in to c u s to d y w ith o u t
incident. Schubert w as apprehended
in a parked m otor hom e at a nursery
located at 1793 N W M artin R oad in
W ashington County. A handgun w as
fo u n d in th e m o to r h o m e a fte r
Schubert was taken into custody.
T im othy A lan Schubert has been
c h a r g e d w ith o n e c o u n t o f
A ggravated M urder with a Firearm
and one count o f Robbery in the First
D egree w ith a Firearm.
S c h u b e rt w as b o o k e d in to th e
M ultnom ah County Booking Facility
an d is b ein g h eld w ith o u t b ail.
A rraignm ent was held on M onday,
July 31,2000. at 2 :00p.m., at the Justice
C rim e S to p p ers C a se #00-31:
S exoally A ssaulting
P o r tla n d
P o lic e
B u re a u
Investigators, in cooperation w ith
C rim e S toppers, are asking your
h e lp
id e n tif y in g
a p p r e h e n d in g th e in d iv id u a l
responsible for sexually assaulted
a young w om an.
O n F riday, A pril 21, at about 1 pm ,
B ring a fork and a plate.
From V ancouvertake 1-5 northbound
to the 99 st. exit. T u m left (west) on
99T h and then right (north) on Hazel
Dell Avenue. Tum left into the Salmon
C re e k S p o rts C e n te r. M eet th e
A m eriC orps m em bers at the trailhead
near the softball fields. Please R.S.V.P.
a 2 8 - y e a r - o ld w o m a n w as
returning from a cam ping trip
w hen she stopped at a restaurant
located at N ortheast 125 and
Sandy Boulevard. W hile in the
parking lot o f the restaurant, the
w om an w as sexually assaulted
in her van. T he suspect also took
property belonging to the victim.
T he suspect is described as a
black m ale, 23 to 27 years o f age,
5 ’ 10” to 6 ’0” tall, w ith a slender
build, and w hat w as described
as a young, “ fem inine” face. He
w as w earing a thigh length,
green, army sty le jacket, a medium
blue, long sleeve shirt w ith a
hood, and jeans. Investigators
believe the suspect m ay frequent
the area or live nearby.
C rim e Stoppers is offering a cash
r e w a r d o f u p to $ 1 ,0 0 0 fo r
in fo rm atio n , rep o rted to C rim e
Stoppers that leads to an arrest in
the case or any unsolved felony
crim e, and you need not give your
nam e. Call C rim e Stoppers at (503)
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S u sp ects In Sexual
Assault Apprehended
O n W ednesday, A ugust 9, 2000, at
about 2 a.m ., N orth Precinct O fficer
Jason Sery w hile on routine patrol,
noticed suspicious activity in an alley
in the 6800 block o f N. O regonian,
betw eenN . Fessenden andN. Powers.
T he officer observed a female being
held by one m ale as another m ale
sexually assaulted her. As the officer
drove closer, he heard the victim
W hen the officershined his spotlight
on the individuals, both males began
running from the officer and then
proceeded to get on bicycles to flee
east on N. Powers. O fficer Sery
ap p re h en d ed the suspects at the
intersection o f N. O regonian and N.
C olum bia Way. The suspects are
identified as 17-year-old M ichael
L e v o n R h o n e an d 1 7 -y e a r-o ld
M atthew Charles M onhead. Both
w ere arrested and charged with Rape
in the F irst Degree and Sodom y in the
First Degree. The suspects are lodged
at the M ultnom ah County Juvenile
D e te n tio n F a c ility an d w ill be
arraigned tomorrow. The victim, a 34-
year-old woman, was taken to OHSU.
A nyone w ith additional inform ation
regarding this case, are asked to
contact Det. Sgt. Jon Rhodes at (503)
Home Invasion Robbery
Suspect Arrested
At approximately 7:30pm, Friday, July
28 A aron M ichael Quigley, D.O.B. 6/
7/82 w as taken into cu sto d y be
M ultnom ah County M ajor C rim es
Team D etectives, O fficers from the
Portland Police Bureau and D eputies
from the Clackam as County S h e riffs
O ffice at a fast-food restaurant in
North Portland. Acting on a tip, police
established an intensive surveillance
o f locations Q uigley was thought to
Q uigley was w anted in connection
w ith a hom e invasion robbery that
took place in Fairview on July 17th.
F our arm ed intruders, including this
suspect broke into an apartm ent o f
the victim and attem pted to rob him ,
tw o o th e r ad u lts and a ch ild at
g u n p o in t. T h e resid e n t (v ic tim )
m anaged to get to a firearm o fh is ow n
and fired at the suspects, chasing
them from the apartment. Three o f the
four suspects w ere arrested on July
Q uigley is lodged at the Justice Center
Jail charg ed w ith five counts o f
R obbery I, five counts o f R obbery II,