A u g u s t 16, 2000 Page A 2 ÿ o rtla n ô O^beeruer Police News/Vancouver Inside-A International patients and providence........ 3 Politics as usual with the parties.................4 An update on juvenile justice.........................5 Metro-B _ Two NE Portland banks plan merger..... 1 Anthony resigns with the Blazers..................2 Ricky dillard releases new album..................3 El Observador.......... 4 Through the weekend Today Thursday --------------------- Friday T h ere’s som ething for every car enthusiast young and old at the upcom ing Sum m er B arbecue and C ar Show sponsored by the C lark C ollege A lum ni A ssociation on Sunday, A ugust 20. The event w ill be held on the College Cam pus at 1800E .M cL oughlin Boulevard inV ancouver from 11 a.m .to 5 p .m . Presentation displays w ill feature C lark ’s D iesel and A utom otive programs. C lassic autos from area car clubs and C lark C ollege alum ni w ill be there in the Fort V ancouver W ay parking lots. A barbecue in the A ndersen Plaza is available for $3 per person. O n Saturday and Sunday, the R.O. A.R. (Rem otely O perated A uto R acers) Region 11 Touring C arC h am p io n sh ip s will take place in the parking lot south o f the O ’Connell Sport C enter. A ll activities are free and open to the public. C o-sponsors include Snap-on, G ay n o r’s A utom otive, B axter A uto Parts and N W N atural. For car show registration or for m ore general inform ation, contact the C lark College A lum ni O ffice at (360) 992-2374. Partly cloudy 82°F/28°C 57°r/14°C Partly cloudy Partly clo u d y 74°F /23°C 56°F /13°C This Week Birdwatching and berry picking at Salmon Creek Greenway Partly clo u d y CONTB IM ITF.D STORY 74°F /23°C 55°F /13°C in History Sunday for T h e P ortland O bserver Jo in A m eriC o rp s m em b ers from V a n c o u v e r - C la r k P a rk s a n d Recreation on A ugust 19 from 8 a.m.- noon for the first annual Salmon Creek B ird Count. V olunteers o f all ages and levels ofexperience are invited to help m onitor our songbird population. A t noon, w e w ill pull H im alayan B lack b erry p lan ts. T his in v asiv e species overruns native plants and d e c re a s e s p la n t d iv e rsity . H elp protect our am azing native plants. Stay for tasty berry treats at 2 p.m. w hen w e will have a blackberry picnic in the park with cobbler and ice cream. Partly cloudy 74°F/23°C 55°F/13°C Thought for the week Roots nourish, give us life and bind us safely to the earth. Plant them well. -Anonymous Police Bites P ro stitu tio n m ission conducted by central precinct On Friday, July 28, and Saturday, July 29,2000, officers ofC entral Precinct conducted a prostitu tio n m ission targeting problem areas along W. B um side / Park A venue to 17th A venue. As a result, 28 males w ere arrested for Prostitution, one m ale for Possession o f a C ontrolled Substance in Second D egree, and one m ale for Public Indecency (urinating in Public). There w ere 12 vehicles seized and tow ed during the m ission, as w ell as 12 traffic citations issued. The a f f e c te d n e ig h b o r h o o d associations, business ow ners and re s id e n t h a v e e n c o u ra g e d th e se o n g o in g p r o s t i t u t i o n m is s io n s b ecause they give w arning to the “jo h n s ” that if they com e into their n e ig h b o rh o o d s lo o k in g fo r p ro stitu te s th e y w ill be arrested. R e p e a t o ffe n d e rs w ill lose their veh icles p erm anently, based on the c ity ’s v ehicle forfeiture ordinance. Fatal traffic collision claims two lives S E 112th Avenue/SE Flavel Street O n S aturday, July 29. 2000, at 2:59 a .m .,a fatal traffic collision occurred at SE 112th A venue and SE Flavel S treet, w hich claim ed the lives o f two peo p le and injured three others. A 1994 F ord F - 150 pickup, driven by 35 y e a r-o ld C o n sta n tin e N ichlas D eleg an es O f14547SE M egan W ay inClackamas, O regon, w as southbound on SE 112 th A venue w hen the collision occurred. T he teenage d riv er o f a 1992 Toyota Paseo w as w estbound on SE Flavel S treet w hen she failed to stop at the stop sign at 112th A venue and was stuck bro ad sid e on the passenger s id e . T h e f r o n t r ig h t te e n a g e p assen g e r d ie d in stan tly and the d riv er d ied en route to Em anuel H ospital. T he nam es o f the deceased a re b e in g w ith h e ld p e n d in g n o tif ic a tio n o f fa m ily . A th ird occupant o f the T oyota, 19 Sher X iong o f SE Portland, is in critical condition at O H SU Hospital. C o n s ta n tin e N ic h la s D e le g a n e s received m inor injuries and w as cited and released for D riving U nder the Influence o f A lcohol. A M ultnom ah C ounty grand Jury w ill review the case for possible other charges. The passenger in D eleg an es’ vehicle, 35 year-old L ynette Sponsler, suffered a broken leg and rem ains at a O H SU Hospital. ie Stoppers CUWriUBl IEP STORI 77°F/25°C 55°F /13°C Saturday O n A ugust 16,1977, Elvis Presley d ied at G ra ce lan d M a n sio n in M em phis, Tenn., at age 42. On August 18,1963, James Meredith becam e the first black to graduate from the U niversity o f M ississippi. O n A ugust 1 9 ,1 9 3 4 ,ap le b iscitein G erm any approved the vesting o f soleexecutive pow er in A dolfH itler as Führer. • O n A ugust .21, 1959, P resident E isenhow er signed an executive order proclaim ing H aw aii the 50th state o f the union. An event for all ages W eather ten counts o f Burglary I, tw o counts o f Assault II and two counts ofK idnap II. Bail is expected to be high. T he investigation is continuing. Homicide suspect arrested 1793 NW Martin Road, Forest Grove Arrest Made in Child Sex Abuse Case O n T uesday, A ugust 8, 2000, East P re c in c t O f f ic e r J a s o n P e a rc e responded to report o f sex abuse to a child. A n investigation revealed that three sisters, current ages 7,9, an d 11 had b een ab u sed o v er tw o -y ea r period by an individual identified as a boyfriend o f the m other. A cting on inform ation developed by O fficer P earc e, the su sp e ct, 3 0 -y ear-o ld M ichael L. Rouse, w as located at a S outheast P ortland restaurant and transported to East Precinct w here he w as later charged w ith rape in the First D egree and 7 counts o f Sodom y in the First degree. Rouse was lodged at the M ultnom ah County D etention C en ter w ith bail set at 28-M illion D ollars. A photograph o f R ouse is a v a ila b le in the P ortland P o lice Bureau identification Division on The 12th floor o f the dow ntow n Justice C enter. For m ore inform ation and/or to a rra n g e in te rv ie w s, c o n tra c t S ergeant Pam Rosentreter at East Precinct, (503) 823-4800. Portland Police Bureau H om icide D etectives have been conducting an ongoing investigation into the death o f 39 year-old R obert L eroy G ilbo, w ho w as found in his car on Friday, July 14, 2000, at the intersection o f V ancouver A venue and N. M onroe Street. Inform ation w as developed w hich lead to the arrest o f a suspect. O n T hursday, July 2 7 ,2 0 0 0 at 11:00 p .m ., th e W a s h in g to n C o u n ty S h e riffs O ffice Tactical N egotiation Team to o k 3 1 year-old Tim othy A lan S c h u b e rt in to c u s to d y w ith o u t incident. Schubert w as apprehended in a parked m otor hom e at a nursery located at 1793 N W M artin R oad in W ashington County. A handgun w as fo u n d in th e m o to r h o m e a fte r Schubert was taken into custody. T im othy A lan Schubert has been c h a r g e d w ith o n e c o u n t o f A ggravated M urder with a Firearm and one count o f Robbery in the First D egree w ith a Firearm. S c h u b e rt w as b o o k e d in to th e M ultnom ah County Booking Facility an d is b ein g h eld w ith o u t b ail. A rraignm ent was held on M onday, July 31,2000. at 2 :00p.m., at the Justice Center. C rim e S to p p ers C a se #00-31: S exoally A ssaulting P o r tla n d P o lic e B u re a u Investigators, in cooperation w ith C rim e S toppers, are asking your h e lp in id e n tif y in g and a p p r e h e n d in g th e in d iv id u a l responsible for sexually assaulted a young w om an. O n F riday, A pril 21, at about 1 pm , B ring a fork and a plate. From V ancouvertake 1-5 northbound to the 99 st. exit. T u m left (west) on 99T h and then right (north) on Hazel Dell Avenue. Tum left into the Salmon C re e k S p o rts C e n te r. M eet th e A m eriC orps m em bers at the trailhead near the softball fields. Please R.S.V.P. a 2 8 - y e a r - o ld w o m a n w as returning from a cam ping trip w hen she stopped at a restaurant located at N ortheast 125 and Sandy Boulevard. W hile in the parking lot o f the restaurant, the w om an w as sexually assaulted in her van. T he suspect also took property belonging to the victim. T he suspect is described as a black m ale, 23 to 27 years o f age, 5 ’ 10” to 6 ’0” tall, w ith a slender build, and w hat w as described as a young, “ fem inine” face. He w as w earing a thigh length, green, army sty le jacket, a medium blue, long sleeve shirt w ith a hood, and jeans. Investigators believe the suspect m ay frequent the area or live nearby. C rim e Stoppers is offering a cash r e w a r d o f u p to $ 1 ,0 0 0 fo r in fo rm atio n , rep o rted to C rim e Stoppers that leads to an arrest in the case or any unsolved felony crim e, and you need not give your nam e. Call C rim e Stoppers at (503) 823-HELP. Suffering from teleconfusion? Here's a simple, local, friendly solution! ¿2 integra TELECOM BE HEARD. Visit our website: www.lntegratelecom.com LOCAL, LONG DISTANCE & INTERNET FOR BUSINESSES Call Integra Telecom today at 503-748-7777 S u sp ects In Sexual Assault Apprehended O n W ednesday, A ugust 9, 2000, at about 2 a.m ., N orth Precinct O fficer Jason Sery w hile on routine patrol, noticed suspicious activity in an alley in the 6800 block o f N. O regonian, betw eenN . Fessenden andN. Powers. T he officer observed a female being held by one m ale as another m ale sexually assaulted her. As the officer drove closer, he heard the victim screaming. W hen the officershined his spotlight on the individuals, both males began running from the officer and then proceeded to get on bicycles to flee east on N. Powers. O fficer Sery ap p re h en d ed the suspects at the intersection o f N. O regonian and N. C olum bia Way. The suspects are identified as 17-year-old M ichael L e v o n R h o n e an d 1 7 -y e a r-o ld M atthew Charles M onhead. Both w ere arrested and charged with Rape in the F irst Degree and Sodom y in the First Degree. The suspects are lodged at the M ultnom ah County Juvenile D e te n tio n F a c ility an d w ill be arraigned tomorrow. The victim, a 34- year-old woman, was taken to OHSU. A nyone w ith additional inform ation regarding this case, are asked to contact Det. Sgt. Jon Rhodes at (503) 823-0400. Home Invasion Robbery Suspect Arrested At approximately 7:30pm, Friday, July 28 A aron M ichael Quigley, D.O.B. 6/ 7/82 w as taken into cu sto d y be M ultnom ah County M ajor C rim es Team D etectives, O fficers from the Portland Police Bureau and D eputies from the Clackam as County S h e riffs O ffice at a fast-food restaurant in North Portland. Acting on a tip, police established an intensive surveillance o f locations Q uigley was thought to frequent. Q uigley was w anted in connection w ith a hom e invasion robbery that took place in Fairview on July 17th. F our arm ed intruders, including this suspect broke into an apartm ent o f the victim and attem pted to rob him , tw o o th e r ad u lts and a ch ild at g u n p o in t. T h e resid e n t (v ic tim ) m anaged to get to a firearm o fh is ow n and fired at the suspects, chasing them from the apartment. Three o f the four suspects w ere arrested on July 17Th. Q uigley is lodged at the Justice Center Jail charg ed w ith five counts o f R obbery I, five counts o f R obbery II, ♦ ¿otto »