Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 21, 2000, Page 6, Image 6

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    June 21, 2000
Page A6
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How to value your home
E \ J ïïusjkaii F qïiïb
U>R l ï t l P o R IH M > O » 'U < 'tR
Q uestion: How is a hom e’s value
determ ined?
Answer: In several ways:
An appraisal isa professional estimate
o fa property’s m arket value based on
recent sales o f com parable properties,
lo c a tio n , s q u a re fo o ta g e an d
construction quality. C ost o f the
service varies depending on the price
o f the home. The average appraisal
cost is about $300 fora $250,000 house.
A com parative m arket analysis is an
inform al estim ate o f m arket value
perform ed by a real estate agent or
broker, based on sim ilar sales and
property attributes. Most agents offer
free analyses in the hopes o f w inning
Interstate Max from page 1
Local support for the project has been w idespread. “All along the alignm ent
there has been support for this. W hat the Interstate M AX line w ill do for the
community is provide faster and more reliable transit serv ice. It will also provide
better transportation services in that area," Fetch said.
The proposed line w ould begin at the Rose Q uarter, run along N. Interstate
Ave. up to the K enton neighborhood, then proceed from K enton and N.
Denver Ave. to Portland International Raceway. From there it will end up at the
Portland M etropolitan Exposition C enter, located at 2060 M arine Dr., Fetch
your business.
Q uestion: W hat is the difference
betw een m arket value and appraised
Answer: T he appraised value o f a
house is acertifiedappraiser’sopinion
o f the worth o f a hom e at a given point
in time. Lenders require appraisals as
part o f the loan application process;
fees range from $200 to $300.
T he m arket value is w hat price the
house will bring at a given point in
time. Y our real estate agent or broker
will prepare a com parative market
analysis to determ ine market value
prior to listing. Either an appraisal or
a com parative m arket analysis is the
m ost accurate w ay to determ ine what
your hom e is worth.
Q u e s tio n : W h a t s ta n d a r d s do
appraisers use to estim ate value?
A nsw er: A p p ra ise rs’ use several
factors to determ ine a ho m e’s value,
including the h o m e’s size and square
footage, the condition o f the hom e
and neighborhood, com parable local
s a le s , a n y p e r tin e n t h is to ric a l
inform ation, sales perform ance and
indices that forecast future value.
Q uestion: W ill a neighbor problem
reduce the value o f my property?
A nsw er: It may not reduce the actual
value, but a cluttered landscape next
door can detract from the positive
aspects o f your home.
Review your local laws to determ ine
how to get rid o f neighbor problem s,
such as a ju n k vehicle, an excessive
am ount o f traffic, loud noises.
Inform ation is available through the
public library,county law library, City
H all or your local police.
Before calling the authorities, you
m ay w ant to m ake a copy o f the
pertinent ordinance and give it to
your neighbor.
T his will provide them a chance to
correct the problem .
I f you have any questions about
pricing or selling your hom e, call
D eborah F oster at 706-0037 or email
d e b o ra h @ e q u ity g ro u p .c o m . For
1000’s o f listings, view my w ebsite at
equity g ro u p .co m /d eb o rah.
Our mind-chatter makes us moody, keeps us
preoccupied, stops us from being present to our
loved ones, and numbs us to nature’s subtle hints
and offerings.
T he enlighten sages teach that w e can only ex p erien ce inner-
peace andjoy in thepresent-m om ent-w hilecentered in the restful
gap betw een tw o thoughts. You can learn to w iden this gap and
access inner-peace as well as the highest form s o f intelligence. ,
Learn to w itness passing thoughts and em otions w ithout being !
entangled. T hrough techniques like m editation, w itnessing o f ;
thought, deep breathing, sensory aw areness, and visual ization, J
inner-quietude becom es habitual and the m ind-chatter fades into ;
harm less “w hite noise” in the background.
Publishedauthorand m editation teacher, Kam biz N aficyteaches !
you tim e-proven techniques to establish yoursel fin inner-calm as I
you co n d u ct y o u r life in the hectic w orld. L earn m ore about •
Kam biz through his w eb site: w w w .aw arebeing.com
Work Duration: Four Hours
Workshop Fee: $45
Location & Date: July 2 (1:00-5:00 PM) at Nature’s
17711 Jean Road, Lake Oswego.
Reservations: Call 241-7247
A lthough the line w ould be constructed along this route, it w ill connect to the
existing M A X line so that com m uters in the future will be able to travel all the
w w w .olay.co m
w ay from the Expo C enter to dow ntow n Portland.
A ccording to Com m unity A ffairs D irector for Tri-M et Capital Projects Jan
Schaeffer, one o f the m ajor benefits o f the Interstate M AX line will be that it
will help revitalize the neighborhoods through w hich it passes.
“ It has done that elsew here. On the current 33 m ile MAX line there has been
about $2.4 billion in developm ent that has been invested w ithin w alking
distance o f the M AX, it is a catalyst for creating livable com m unities.”
Schaeffer and T ri-M et reached out last year to about 75 different com m unity
organizations and neighborhood groups in an effort to gauge support or
criticism o f the proposed light rail line.
O f these about 2/3 were supportive o f the effort. T hese included the Kenton
com m unity ’ s supporters o f the Kenton Action Plan, the Kenton N eighborhood
A ssociation, and the Interstate Rentals A ssociation, w hich is the lead
organization for the Interstate A venue A ssociation, com prised o f about 80
businesses on Interstate Ave.
O ther organizations supporting the project include the Elliott N eighborhood
A ssociation, the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, the Swan Island Business
A ssociation, and the O verlook B usiness A ssociation, S chaeffer said.
D espite w idespread support for the project and its potential to provide for
urban renewal, com m unity forum s held last January addressed local concerns,
w hich w ere attended by m em bers o f the public, the Portland D evelopm ent
Com m ission, the Portland D epartm ent o f T ransportation, the Bureau o f
Planning and Interstate C orridor C om m unity A dvisory M em bers.
A ccording to the flyer circulated by the PDC and the C ity at that.tim e, benefits
o f the urban renewal as a result o f the Interstate Light Rail Project could include
new redevelopm ent projects in the Interstate C orridor and new econom ic
developm ent strategies such as small business im provem ent loans as the
result o f the light rail project. O ther beneficial projects m ight include loan
program s tied to fam ily w age jobs; housing loans for new and rehabilitated
housing. O ther potential benefits m ight include streetscape im provem ents,
pedestrian facilities, intersection im provem ents, historic preservation and
added parks and open spaces in the Interstate Corridor.
M ajor issues and concerns associated w ith urban renewal include the
challenges o f gentrification, displacem ent o f residents and o f small businesses,
and w hether or not sufficient econom ic opportunity w ould be created for
m inorities and long-term residents. O ther issues m entioned at that tim e
if you have a
B -* 1
you can have a
and if you hurry, you can save
fa cia l
included public outreach, com m unity participation, and coordination w ith
light rail design and construction efforts. Perhaps now that the project has
received funding, the City o f Portland and PDC will now have a chance to
address these concerns prior to the p roject’s construction.
Please see The Focus for a
story on Meditation
QI Gong & Vedic Breathing Techniques
50% o f Americans practice shallow chest breathing, which results
in oxygen deprivation, anxiety, and premature aging. Learn ancient
breathing techniques and relocate your breath to the abdomen.
Watch your respiration rate drop from 15-17 breaths per minute to
5 (breathing rate o f Olympic athletes!) The workshop exercise
teach you to change the quality o f your breathing from rapid,
irregular, and short patterns to slow, deep, and rhythmic breathing.
Deep, abdominal breathing will calm your mind, increase your
concentration, relieve your lungs and heart, and render your skin
young and healthy.
Workshop instructor, Kambiz Naficy, is a published author and
meditation teacher who conducts workshops nationwide. Leant
more about Kambiz through his web site: yvww.awarebcin g s.cpm
s a m taw. Any o t lw u w o o n M -
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C a * i V«ue 1/100 a t 1«. 000612
Workshop Duration: Four Hours
Workshop Fee: $45
Location & Date: July 1 (1:00-5:00 PM) at Nature’s
17711 Jean Road, Lake Oswego.
Reservations: Call 241-7247
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