Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 19, 2000, Page 11, Image 11

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(The ^jurUanb (ßheeruer
® Classifieds/Bids
Professional 205
Executive Director
Southeast U plift Nhd Prg. Seeks an
energetic and thoughtful visionary
to direct a team o f professionals and
work with a volunteer board. Ideal
c a n d id a te w ill h a v e n o n p r o fit
m anagem ent experience, effective
communication skills, col lege degree
or equivalent work experience, and
com m itm ent to citizen participation
an d c o m m u n ity d e v e lo p m e n t.
K n o w le d g e o f n e ig h b o rh o o d
association a plus. Send cover letter
and resume to: Southeast Uplift, Attn:
Personnel Com mittee, 3534 SE Main,
Portland, O R 97214. Closes T uesday,
May 9,2000.
Professional 205
Business C onsultant
E x p a n d in g N a tio n a l W h o lesa le
M ortgage Lender seeks a Business
C onsultant for O regon. W holesale
m o rtg a g e and sa le s e x p e rie n c e
preferred. Excellent compensation and
benefit plans. Please send resum e to:
W ashtenaw M ortgage Com pany, HR
Dept., 315 E. Eisenhower, Ste. 12,
Ann Arbor, MI 48108 orfax to: 734662
9517. www.washtenawmortgage.com
Professional 205
„ Development Director
Seeking highly m otivated person w/
3yrsexp. In annual fund, major donor,
large spec, events, volunteer coord.,
p la n n e d
g iv in g .
R eq . ex c .
Interpersonal/com m unication skills,
w o rk in g
k n o w le d g e /
understanding o f Rom an Catholic
m ission/structure desired. Salary;
$40,000-555,000 DOE. Exc. Benefits.
A pp. R eq. O b ta in at: C a th o lic
Charities, 231 SE 12lh Ave., Portland,
O R 97214. Out o f area applicants call
503-231-4866, ext. 123.Closes4-28-
00. Equal O pportunity Employer.
Comp/Tech 210
Graphics Production Artist II
W ork for O ne Tough Mother!
Sportswear Company®
A re you seeking to be a part o f an
internationally recognized apparel
m anufacture? Does w orking with
upbeat, friendly people that hike, bike,
snowboard, ski, and fish in their free
tim e m ake you w ant to sign up right
now? I f your answ er is yes, read on!
C olum bia Sportsw ear Com pany, a
global leader in the design and
m a n u fa c tu re o f o u te rw e a r and
sportsw ear is currently seeking a
P roduction A rtist II to jo in our
C re a tiv e S erv ice s T eam in o u r
M a rk e tin g
D e p a rtm e n t.
Production Artist II, you will work
with all designers, and all production
coordinators preparing and checking
pre-p ress p roduction artw o rk to
ensure that all art work will print
w ithout prob lem in the m an n er
specified by the designer.
Potential Colum bia Sportswear team
m em ber w ill possess B ach elo r’s
degree in art or graphic design or
equivalent work experience and a
m inim um o f 5 years experience in
electronic graphic production.
P ro f ic ie n c y in Q u a rk X p re s s ,
Photoshop, Freehand and Illustrator
required. Some project m anagem ent
and a m inimum 1 year supervisory
experience preferred. M ust possess
u n d e r s ta n d in g o f d e s ig n and
know ledge o f the Web.
Please forward resum e to C olum bia
S p o rts w e a r C o m p a n y , H u m an
Resources, Dept. PRA2, PO Box
83239, Portland OR 97283, or Fax to:
(503) 735-4597. Equal O pportunity
I Employment |
Comp/Tech 210
Electric Division Director
The Eugene W ater & Electric Board
located in E ugene, O regon is a
m unicipal utility seeking a senior
executive position responsible for
directing and leading the Electric
D ivision w hich includes the primary
a r e a s o f e le c tr ic a l s y s te m s
engineering, electric transmission and
distribution operations, power trading
and su p p ly m an ag em en t, p o w er
generatio n and energy resources
project developm ent. This position
serves on the Executive M anagement
Team formulating policy and strategy
in support o f the organization and the
Board ofCom m issioners. Requires a
m inim um o f 10 years experience
d e m o n s tr a tin g
p r o g re s s iv e ly
in c re a s in g r e s p o n s ib ility w ith
experience in electric utility-related
activities. M inim um o f five years
m a n a g e m e n t/s u p e rv is o r
relationships and a dem onstrated
ability to provide effective leadership
and coaching. Undergraduate degree
in a course study in engineering,
p u b lic a d m in istra tio n , b u sin e ss
adm inistration, or the equivalent
com bination o f education, training
and experience required. Advanced
degree desired. Valid driver’s license.
Salary $100K - $120K /annually.
Position closes on W ednesday, May
24,20005:00p.m .
F or in fo rm atio n and app licatio n
p acket contact E ugene W ater &
Electric Board, P O Box 10148, Eugene
O R 97440 Attn: Human Resources.
Job Line (541) 484-3769 or E-mail
r e
W a s s o n @ e w e b .e u g e n e .o r.u s. or
w w w .ew eb .o rg . A ll em ploym ent
offers are contingent on the results o f
physical assessm ent and drug testing
results. E WEB requires a com pleted
jo b application form for al 1 positions.
EW EB values diversity in the work
force and is an equal opportunity
Education 227
Part-Tim e English As A Second
Language Instructor
N o n -p r o f it o r g a n iz a tio n h as
immediate opening fora part-time ESL
Instructor, w orking with low income
residents through a N eighborhood
N etw ork Center. R esponsible for
instructing 2 hour evening classes,
tw ice w eekly for 10 week renewable
course.. Experience with curriculum
developm ent, classroom instruction,
and w orking w ith culturally diverse
populations required. Or. teaching
certification preferred. Send resum e’
and cover letterto: NNC Coordinator,
PO Box 11268, Portland, Or. 97211.
Respond by 4/24/00.
Education 227
P ro fesso rs a t sea esp. math Engl for
US N avy ship college 8-wk terms.
Requires masters. Fax 360-377-6841
General 235
Lead Cleaner
C ollege H ousing Northwest which
provides housing on the PSU campus
is seeking a Lead Cleaner. W e are
looking for a team player with a high
le v e l o f c o m m u n ic a tio n an d
organizational skills. This position
involves w orking w ith cleaning staff
as well as training and supervising
e m p lo y e e s , d a ily s c h e d u lin g ,
p u rc h a sin g and assista n c e w ith
annual em ployee evaluations. This
F/T, M-F, 8-4:30 position pays $9-
9.50/hr plus full benefits. To apply
please pick up an application in person
at 2121 SW Broadway, Suite 111 ,e-
mail rlvons@ chnw .oru, or call 345-
General 235
Safety And Loss C ontrol Specialist
Salem A rea M ass T ransit D istrict
(S AM TD ) is seeking a team -oriented
person to jo in our H uman Resources
Division. U nder the direction o f the
H um an R eso u rces M anager, the
in d iv id u a l w ill c o o rd in a te an d
a d m in iste r th e D is tric t’s sa fe ty
program s w hich include W orkers’
C om pensation and liability claim s.
This position will work closely with
D ivision M anagers and the Safety
c o m m itte e to d e v e lo p p o lic ie s,
procedures and program s to reduce
risk and exposure.
Requirem ents: Bachelors D egree in
S afety E n g in e e rin g , R isk M g t.,
Business A dm inistration or related
field and four years professional
safety or risk management experience
o r an y s a tis f a c to r y e q u iv a le n t
combination o f related experience and
training. Salary $35,235-545,885
annually plus excellent fringe benefit
C ontact the D istrict by mail or
telephone (503-588-2424) to obtain
an official ap p licatio n form and
d etailed v acan cy an n o u n cem en t.
V is it
w eb
s ite
w w w .c h e rr io tts .o r g . C o m p le te d
applications m ust be received at the
D istrict by M ay 12, 2000. Send
applications to H uman Resources
Division, 3140 Del W ebb Ave., NE.,
An Equal O pportunity Em ployer
General 235
Resident Services Coordinator
N o n -p r o f it o r g a n iz a tio n se e k s
qualified individual to provide Part-
time, adm inistrative and com m unity
outreach support for N eighborhood
N etw ork C enter. R esponsibilities
in c lu d e :
a s s is ta n c e
w ith
im p le m e n ta tio n
c la s s e s ,
supervision o f classes, maintenance
o f s tu d e n t/te n a n t p r o f ile s and
m iscellaneous com m unity outreach
activities for low -incom e residents.
P o s itio n
r e q u ir e s
e x c e lle n t
com m unication skills, know ledge o f
NE Portland, com puter proficiency,
creativity and enthusiasm . Previous
experience with program coordination
and com m unity organizing preferred.
Equal opportunity em ployer. Send
c o v e r le tte r & resu m e to N N C
Coordinator, PO Box 11268, Portland,
OR. 97211. Closes 4/28/00.
General 235
Washington County
S a n ita ria n 1
C loses M ay 5 ,1000
S en io r A cc o u n tin g A ssistan t
Closes April 28,2000
Call (503) 846-8606<TTY (503) 846-
4 8 9 8 fo r in f o rm a tio n . C o u n ty
a p p lic a tio n a n d s u p p le m e n ta l
application forms required. W omen,
minorities, and people with disabilities
are encouraged to apply.
A pply To:
W a s h in g to n
C o u n ty
H u m an
Resources Division
155 N. First A venue, Suite 320
Hillsboro, O R 97124
General 235
Construction Laborers
5 yrs Experience
Stop by Office for application or send
resum e to:
O perations M anager
N utter Corporation
5419 N E 88’1’ Street, Bldg. G
Vancouver, WA 98665-0935
Have a happy
J Employment I Employment
General 235
General 235
News America M arketing is looking
for a part-tim e Rep to change A ds on
carts in V ancouver/Portland grocery
stores. A pplicants should be able to
work independently, have reliable
transportation, & work flexible hours.
Call Sharonat(360)263-1501 or 1 -800-
P ro v id in g r e g io n a l s e rv ic e s *
Creating livablecom m unities
Guest Services M anager, Oregon
Z oo-$56,321 -$78,849/annually, FT,
Deadline 5/19/00. Plans, directs and
s u p e rv is e s v is ito r o p e r a tio n s ,
including food service, catering,
retail, rail, adm issions, and custodial
programs, and directs and supervises
cash office and security, to ensure
profitable operation o f the Oregon
Submit resum e w ith cover letter
addressing the following: 1) Describe
your experience in m anaging food
and/or retail operations, and your
role in budget developm ent, fiscal
monitoring, revenue generation, and
cost control.; 2) List w hat you w ould
consider to be the three exam ples that
best dem onstrate your creativity in
m a n ag in g a fo o d se rv ic e /re ta il
business. W hat w ere the financial
results o f each case?; 3) Describe in
detail the position w here you held the
most responsibility. Indicate num ber
o f people supervised and specific
responsibilities. Mail o rfax to M etro
Human Resources, 600 NE Grand
Avenue, Portland, O R 97231; fax (503)
797-1798. Call (503)797-1570 ifyou
w o u ld lik e a c o m p le te jo b
a n n o u n c e m e n t. W e b a d d re s s :
AA/EEO Employer
General 235
G etPaidToC hat!
Telephone C ustom er Service.
Work from hom e or our office.
Make up to $ 13/hr. Psychic Line. No
exp nec. 503-258-1840.
General 235
5 yrs. Experience
Stop by Office for application or send
resume to:
O perations M anager
N utter Corporation
5419 NE 88th Street. Bldg. G
Vancouver, WA 98665-0935
235 General
Immediate opening for full and
part-tim e lot attendants with
Portland’s leading parking Co. We
are seeking dependable individuals
with a neat appearance and a
positive attitude.
$7.50 + starting wage
Huge overtim e potential
Advancem ent opportunities
M edical, Dental ,401k avai lable
A pplicants must submit to drug test
And background check.
Apply in person daily between
12-1 PM, M onday - Friday.
215 SW 6lh Portland. OR
General 235
D evelopm ent A ssistan t - Energetic,
organized & detail oriented? We need
you on our team! Resp. include:
D atabase m gm t, coord m ailings &
assist w / special events. G ood oral &
w ritten com m skills, exp. w / special
events & 2-3 yrs com puter and office
exp. Preferred. MS W ord and Excel
req’d. MS Publisher exp. a plus. Full­
tim e w /benefits. Salary range: $9.00-
$ 1 1 .0 0 . S e n d r e s u m e to Ja n a ,
Metropolitan Family Service, 2415 SE
43rd Ave., Ste. 201, Portland, O R
97206. Equal Opportunity Employer.
General 235
Technical Trainee
Mechanical, welding, electronics, etc.
No experience required. We will train.
Salary, benefits, tools provided. Ages
17-34. H.S. diplom aandbew illingto
relocate.Call 1-800-914-8536.
General 235
P r o g r a m D i r e c t o r - P ro v id e
individual & group counseling &
services w / w om en w ho are HIV+ &
their families. Supervise program s,
staff & interns. M onitor continuity o f
services, response to com m unity
needs & reporting to funding sources.
LCSW required. EEO, people w /H IV
& people o f color encouraged to
apply. Send resum e & cover letter to
W o m en ’s In terco m m u n ity A ID S
Resources, 1608 SE Ankeny, Portland,
Health Care 240
P a tie n t S e r v ic e s S ta ff/H e a lth
W ork with patients in clinic setting,
p ro v id e in fo rm atio n , ed u c atio n ,
referrals and lab work-ups. Admin
d u tie s in c lu d e p a tie n t in -ta k e ,
checkout, appts and multi-line phone
monitoring. Prefbilingual, com puter
skills and post-high school education.
Commitment to the mission ofPlanned
Parenthood. Salary DOE, FT, full
benefits. Send resum e w /cover letter
to PSS. PPCW , 3231 SE 50,h Ave.,
Portland, OR 97206. EOE
General 235
Program Coordinator
G row ing Gardens, a local volunteer-
pow ered nonprofit supporting food
gardening with low -incom e people
s e e k s P ro g ra m
C o o r d in a to r .
Q u a lific a tio n s: w ell o rg a n iz e d ,
p ro g ra m
d e v e lo p m e n t/
im plem entation, organic gardening,
supervisory experience, desires team
approach, creative and com m unity-
Duties: establish/m aintain partner,
v o lu n te e r s an d c lie n t ra p p o rt,
supervise Youth Grow Program. Low-
income community members, women
and non-Anglo applicants especially
encouraged to apply.
$22,OOO/year plus health care, paid
holiday and vacation, sick leave and
much satisfaction.
Send cover letter and resum e to
G row ing Gardens, 2003 NE 42nd
Ave#3, Portland, OR 9 7 2 13. Formore
inform ation, call 503.284.8420 or
gardenstoteleport.com . Close date:
May 5,5pm .
Health Care 240
Adm inistrator Independent, 24 year-
old primary care group (12 FPs, 4 m id­
levels, 2 OBG YNs) located in the Puget
Sound area, has an opening for a
practice adm inistrator w ith a BA
degree and a m inim um o f 5 years
e x p e r ie n c e in g ro u p p r a c tic e
administration. Skillsneeded include,
at-risk contracting, com m unicating
and finance. Interested applicants
please subm it a resum e and cover
letterto: Search Com m ittee, Attn: Dr.
Julie Komarow, M.D., Everett Family
Practice Center, 4225 Hoyt Ave.,
Everett, W A 98203. Fax 425 551 -6053
or E-mail efjK@ ix.netcom.com
240 Health Care
Small A gency hiring Direct Care
W o rk e rs w h o w an t to m a k e a
difference. Must be 18 years old.
Starting $7.25-$7.60. Call 669-6622.
■to > n rtlan ù (©bserrie Classifieds
Call Today
Facsimile.................... 503.288.0015
Email to. .classifieds@portlandobserver.com
$11.50........................................................................................... per column inch
$ 13.00........................................................................per column inch and boxed
$ 15.00.......................................................... per column inch boxed and shaded
$14.00.......................................................................................................RFPB ids
$90.00......................Sub-Bids(2 column by 3") each additional inch = $ 10.00
All Classified Ads and
Bids will be accepted up
until noon, Monday.
Via Post, e-mail,
facsimile or in person at
4747 N.E. MLK Blvd
I Public Notices............................ 000 |
Announcements/W eddings_010
1 Announcements/Births.... ....015
I Familv Services.................
I Lost and Found..................... „..030
I Meeting Notices.................... .... 040
1 T ickets, for Sale
I TraveL„.................................. 060
Real Estate
I Acreage.................................. ....100
I Homes for sale.......____ ...„. -.1 1 0
1 Homes for rent...................... . .115
I Appartments, duplexes
for Sale________ ......120
| Appartments,duplexes
for Rent.__________ 125 |
| Manufactured Homes
forSale.„_______ .„..130 |
| Manufactured Homes
forR en t_______ „....135
I Others for Sale...........................140 |
Others for Rent......................... 145
I Commercial Real Estate.........! 50 |
Waterfront P r o p e r t y __155
Real Estate Services..................160
I Real Estate W anted................... 165 ,
I Guidance/Resumes...................200 I
1 Professional................... ........... 205
I C om p u ter! ethnology.•••••••••••210
I Automotive..................... -------- 213
I Contractors............................... 215
I Outdoor Home Care..... -------- 220
I IndoorHomeCare,
Domestic........ ....... 275
1 Education........................
1 Financial, Insurance ........... 230
I General............................ ..........235
H ealth care....................
Advertising.... .......... 245
Office.......................................... 250
_____ 253
A cconntinp....................... ........... 258
Sales................—............. •••••••••• 2 60
Social Services...........................265
I Temporary, Part-Time,
I Positions W anted....................... 275 |
I Business opportunities.......... 280
Items for Sale
-3 0 0 I
.3 0 5
.„ .3 15
••■„„..•■••.•••„•.320 I
Software...................3 2 5
Estate Auctions/Sales............330
F ai m ltems..„„„„„.........„.„.„335
Furniture ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a« „ 3 4 0
Garage Sale----------------------- 345
Garden Equipment_________ 350
Heavy Equipment__________ 355
Hobbies/Collectors__ ______ 360 I
M iscellaneous for Sale.......... 370 |
M iscellaneous W anted......... 3 7 5
Office Equipment................... 3 8 0
Pets/ Pet T raining, Shows..„385
Stereo E q u ip m en t^ elevision,
Tools_____________________ 3 9 5
A TV ’s._____________________400 I
Antiques.................................... 405
Autos by Make.........................410
BMW.......................... 410
Cadillac...................... 414
Chevrolet................... 416
Chrysler..................... 418
Dodge.......................... 420
Eagle........................... 422
C M C ........................... 426
Jeep............................. 430
Lexus........................... 432
Nissan.......................... 440
Oldsmobile................. 442
Saturn..........................446 |
Subaru.........................448 |
Volkswagon............... 452
Buses........................................... 460
C ampers/T railers................... 465
Parts/lmports........................... 480
Pickups....................................... 485
R.V./ Sales, Rentals.................490
SUV's.------------------------------- 495
M essages.................................... 500
Services...................................... .505