Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 22, 1999, Page 16, Image 16

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IJprthîub ffibseruer
September 22, 1999
asten your seatbelts as award­
w inning director Gretchen
Corbett and a cast of Portland’s
brightest actors throw a “The 1 anting
of the Shrew” production as it’s never
Chuck Washington
Copy Editor
Joy Ramos
Director of Advertising
Tony Washington
Creative Director
Heather Fairchild
4747 NE Martin Luther
King, Jr., Blvd.
Portland, OR 97211
Fax 503-288-0015
Articles: Friday by 5 f . m
Ads: Monday by Noon
Focus welcomes freelance sub­
missions. Manuscripts and pho­
tographs can be returned if ac-
comoanied by a self-addressed
All created display ads become
the sole property of the news
paper and cannot be used in
other publications or personal
usage without the written con­
sent of the general manager,
unless the client has purchased
the composition of the ad.
been imagined.
Tygrcs Heart Shakespeare Com ­
pany is opening its 1999-2000 sea­
son with a radical reinvention of the
classic com edy, scripted by play­
wright T an ia Myren. B eginning
Sept. 30 and running through Nov.
7, 1999, the C om pany presents
Shakespeare with a Tygres twist.
“It’s sex, violence and classic
verse," Corbett said “It’s a man
and a woman engaged in a joyously
erotic struggle that results in the
forging of a passionnately equal
partnership. We took Shakespeare’s
Shrew and torqued it to give the
audience a play that will resonate
with contemporary issues.”
M yren
h as
r ep la ce d
Shakespeare’s outer frame, which is
omitted in many Shrew productions,
with one that speaks directly to Port­
land theater goers. T he audience
w ill
m eet
a c o n tem p o ra ry
Shakespearean company in receiv­
ership on their opening night just as
the re-po man has carted off their
set and costumes. They will work
through their separate and com ­
bined destinies as they present “The
T am ing of the Shrew" with style
and outrageous finesse.
“T he T am ing of the Shrew” is
the first in a series of three plays in
Tygres H eart’s 1999 2000 season.
T he play precedes “R om eo and
J u liet,” beginning in January, and
“M acbeth,” beginning in April.
T o accom m odate the needs of
is the
first day
of autumn
T y g res
H eart
Shakespeare C om pany,
P o r tla n d ’s o n ly all-
Shakespearean theater,
was founded in 1989. The
non profit com pany is
com m itted to bringing
Shakespeare productions
of the highest caliber to
diverse audiences and is
nationally recognized for
its comm itm ent to mak­
ing Shakespeare accès
sible to all. All perfor
mances are held at the
D o lo r e s W in n in g sta d
Theatre in the Portland
Photo by Jamie Bosworth
Timothy Hyland as Petruchio and Luisa Sermol as Kate
Center for the Perform­
ing Arts, located at 1111
SW Broadway, Portland,
Ore. Performance times
are W ed n esd a y s and
Thursdays at 7 PM, Fri­
days and Saturdays at 8
PM, and Sundays at 2 PM.
Season tickets are avail
able. For more informa­
tion, call the Tygres Heart
Box Office at 503/288-
8400, or Ticketmaster at
503/ 790-ARTS.
4 Complete Service Salon
With A ...
836 N Russell Street • Portland • (503) 282-6810