Page 2 IJprthîub ffibseruer September 22, 1999 Focus asten your seatbelts as award­ w inning director Gretchen Corbett and a cast of Portland’s F brightest actors throw a “The 1 anting of the Shrew” production as it’s never ijjjorthmb (©baerUer Publisher Chuck Washington Copy Editor Joy Ramos Director of Advertising Tony Washington Creative Director Heather Fairchild 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. Portland, OR 97211 503-288-0033 Fax 503-288-0015 e-mail: news@ Articles: Friday by 5 f . m Ads: Monday by Noon Focus welcomes freelance sub­ missions. Manuscripts and pho­ tographs can be returned if ac- comoanied by a self-addressed All created display ads become the sole property of the news paper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written con­ sent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition of the ad. been imagined. Tygrcs Heart Shakespeare Com ­ pany is opening its 1999-2000 sea­ son with a radical reinvention of the classic com edy, scripted by play­ wright T an ia Myren. B eginning Sept. 30 and running through Nov. 7, 1999, the C om pany presents Shakespeare with a Tygres twist. “It’s sex, violence and classic verse," Corbett said “It’s a man and a woman engaged in a joyously erotic struggle that results in the forging of a passionnately equal partnership. We took Shakespeare’s Shrew and torqued it to give the audience a play that will resonate with contemporary issues.” M yren h as r ep la ce d Shakespeare’s outer frame, which is omitted in many Shrew productions, with one that speaks directly to Port­ land theater goers. T he audience w ill m eet a c o n tem p o ra ry Shakespearean company in receiv­ ership on their opening night just as the re-po man has carted off their set and costumes. They will work through their separate and com ­ bined destinies as they present “The T am ing of the Shrew" with style and outrageous finesse. “T he T am ing of the Shrew” is the first in a series of three plays in Tygres H eart’s 1999 2000 season. T he play precedes “R om eo and J u liet,” beginning in January, and “M acbeth,” beginning in April. T o accom m odate the needs of September 22 is the first day of autumn T y g res H eart Shakespeare C om pany, P o r tla n d ’s o n ly all- Shakespearean theater, was founded in 1989. The non profit com pany is com m itted to bringing Shakespeare productions of the highest caliber to diverse audiences and is nationally recognized for its comm itm ent to mak­ ing Shakespeare accès sible to all. All perfor mances are held at the D o lo r e s W in n in g sta d Theatre in the Portland Photo by Jamie Bosworth Timothy Hyland as Petruchio and Luisa Sermol as Kate Center for the Perform­ ing Arts, located at 1111 SW Broadway, Portland, Ore. Performance times are W ed n esd a y s and Thursdays at 7 PM, Fri­ days and Saturdays at 8 PM, and Sundays at 2 PM. Season tickets are avail able. For more informa­ tion, call the Tygres Heart Box Office at 503/288- 8400, or Ticketmaster at 503/ 790-ARTS. 4 Complete Service Salon With A ... McMenamins WHITE EAGLE CAFE & SALOON 836 N Russell Street • Portland • (503) 282-6810