Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 11, 1999, Page 15, Image 15

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August 11, 1999
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Page 3
Bobby Bowfinger (Steve M ar­
tin), a nearly bankrupt aspiring
movie producer-director, is about
to take one last shot at fame and
fortune. Desperate to hit the big
tim e, the hapless dream er recruits
a motley crew of aspiring misfits,
including an eager nerd, an am bi­
tious ingenue and an over-the-hill
diva. W ith their help, Bowfinger
em barks on a radical, ingenious
scheme to trick the biggest name in
movies (Eddie M urphy) into be­
coming the star of his ultra-low bud­
get film.
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M urphy plays Kit Ramsey, an
A -list H o lly w o o d a c tio n s ta r
equipped with all the quintessen­
tial trap p in g s: ego, en to u ra g e ,
wealth and paranoia. He also por­
trays K it’s soft-spoken, well-mean­
ing an d so m ew h at d im -w itted
b ro th er, Jiff. Kit is the central fig­
ure in a movie he doesn’t know h e’s
in. M urphy elaborates, “People in
bad outfits, spewing crazy dialogue,
come out of now here and accost
him. Not knowing they’re actors,
you can see why he m ight lose his
mind. I t’s a very funny prem ise.”
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Steve Martin plays an aspiring movie producer and Eddie Murphy is an eager nerd.
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Ro?e C fy
Concert Review
by Tony Washington
Y oung e n te rta in e rs
are in abundance these
days and Monica is one
of the most talented. She
had visited the Rose City
on the “All T h a t” tour.
August 6. H er crisp, clear
sounding voice put the
freeze on the crowd, giv­
ing an indication of how
musically gifted she re­
ally is. Many rose to their
feet and applauded for
m inutes on end after she
sang a variety of her pre­
vious an d c u rre n t re ­
Y oung listeners got
the ch ance to see the
gifted singer in her early
prime. She closed the per­
form ance with “Angel of
M ine” th at revealed a
m aturation of her talent.
M onica is truly a stage
wonder to behold!
1 I.J
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