«ta*. IporUanîi ffibaeruer August 11, 1999 <2 focus 22> Page 3 BOWFINGER Bobby Bowfinger (Steve M ar­ tin), a nearly bankrupt aspiring movie producer-director, is about to take one last shot at fame and fortune. Desperate to hit the big tim e, the hapless dream er recruits a motley crew of aspiring misfits, including an eager nerd, an am bi­ tious ingenue and an over-the-hill diva. W ith their help, Bowfinger em barks on a radical, ingenious scheme to trick the biggest name in movies (Eddie M urphy) into be­ coming the star of his ultra-low bud­ get film. B ¡I •* ' \ v i tU » ¿1 >» a K' * * - F* « I i 5 < $ Í • î lîî M urphy plays Kit Ramsey, an A -list H o lly w o o d a c tio n s ta r equipped with all the quintessen­ tial trap p in g s: ego, en to u ra g e , wealth and paranoia. He also por­ trays K it’s soft-spoken, well-mean­ ing an d so m ew h at d im -w itted b ro th er, Jiff. Kit is the central fig­ ure in a movie he doesn’t know h e’s in. M urphy elaborates, “People in bad outfits, spewing crazy dialogue, come out of now here and accost him. Not knowing they’re actors, you can see why he m ight lose his mind. I t’s a very funny prem ise.” THECON • i¡ i î L Steve Martin plays an aspiring movie producer and Eddie Murphy is an eager nerd. M onicci • V i? fc tlie Ro?e C fy Concert Review by Tony Washington Y oung e n te rta in e rs are in abundance these days and Monica is one of the most talented. She had visited the Rose City on the “All T h a t” tour. August 6. H er crisp, clear sounding voice put the freeze on the crowd, giv­ ing an indication of how musically gifted she re­ ally is. Many rose to their feet and applauded for m inutes on end after she sang a variety of her pre­ vious an d c u rre n t re ­ leases. Y oung listeners got the ch ance to see the gifted singer in her early prime. She closed the per­ form ance with “Angel of M ine” th at revealed a m aturation of her talent. M onica is truly a stage wonder to behold! EDDIE MURPHY B 1 I.J /w-- ' ■ ''•□Ell', . 00 — U ?'■ ‘ } M A$IN £ RG i yüi*ñ«ñüw , ' ‘ u ' Î" w w w bowfingercom IN THEATRES EVERYWHERE AUGUST 13 n r