Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 04, 1999, Page 21, Image 21

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    W ïf.
August 4, 1999
ÿartiani» ffibwnw-------
rrrrlTfc rrîGFr
talent show s played out on the w eek­
e could keep it simple and
ends and on Sundays, they held their
tell you that Rose, Sky and
own church service in the basem ent
Lyric, the three sister (and we
o f their house. “It was called the Sons
mean that literally and spiritually)known
O f G od Sanctuary," Rose recalls. “Our
as Willie Max are in perseverance and
m other is an ordained m inister. Our
harmony, the rebirth of the Pointer sis­
new group a chance and show folks
‘C a n ’t G e t E n o u g h " f e a t u r in g
group in qu ite so m e tim e, W illie
that a fam ily cou ld com e together
R ap hael, sh ould allow you som e in­
M ax’s B ona F id e has it all.
and stay togeth er. “P lu s,” he adm its,
d ication . A d rip p in g w et love son g,
“C a n ’t G et E n o u g h ’ d isp la y s the
W hich m eans o f course, com ing
full circle, keeping an unwavering faith
A n d g iv e th em a ch an ce he did.
sen su al balladry, reflectiv e h arm o­
and slaying true to family. “W illie Max
W illie M ax co-w rote 10 so n g s on the
n ie s, and in your face type o f lyrics
has to stay real,” says Rose. ‘W e can’t
debu t albu m B ona F ide. “W e had a
W illie M ax is set to d eliver on their
work any other kind o f way.” She looks
lot o f artistic sp a ce,” says Lyric.
deb u t P o o k ie/M o to w n disc. T h e a t­
over at her sisters; they know what’s
“R ap hael allo w ed us to u se our cre­
rics, laugh ter, e m o tio n , fun k, heart,
com ing next. Always have. “Seriously,”
ative m in d s and flo w ,” sh e rem em ­
bers. ‘T h e albu m is strictly W illie
so u l, flair, and a d ow n-h om e spirit
that h a sn ’t b een seen in a fam ily
she begins with a wink, “W e will W illie
“they ju st kept b u ggin g me."
ters. W e could tell you that their voices
brother played the drum s and Sky,
M ax.” If y o u ’re w o n d erin g ju st
are so beautifully married that together,
Lyric and 1 were the choir. It was
beautiful. N eighborhood folks would
w hat th at is, their first sin g le,
thev sound like clear echoes of one an-
Page 7
Max-ify you!”
Sale! Sale! Sale!
10” T)isco
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a d ju s t a b le
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707 TIT Tremont • Tortland, OR 97212
(503) 281-6525
other. The fact that super producer
hear o f the service and ask,
Raphael Saadiz chose Willie Max to
c a n w e c o m e by y a l l ’s
debut on his new label Pookie Records
church,” she rem em bers.
is reason enough to stop and listen. How
W illie M ax first m et
about the fact that these three talented
R aphael Saadiq a decade
sisters decided that they wanted to go on
ago in D etroit at a WJLB
Aaliyah’s “O ne In A M illion” tour so
they learned the lyrics to her entire al­
c o n cert, back w h en they
bum in one day, bum rushed the audi­
w ent by the classic nam e,
T h e Sm ith R eflections. O n
tion and nailed the gig on the spot. “W e
a return visit to D etroit by
walked into that audition like we owned
R aphael, the girls m et up
it," laughs Lyric. “W e Willie Max-ified
w ith him again. “W e w ere
Aaliyah on the spot.’
W illiam M ax are the daughters o f
on a m ission !” states Rose.
W illie Sm ith and M arie M axw ell
and he was im pressed. K eep­
One Stop Music Revue Magazine
Sm ith. W illie was a singer, em cee,
com edian and tap dancer; Marie M ax­
in g in touch through the
_ _
The Scene With Monique Hayward
years, in 1996, T h e Sm ith
well Sm ith a jazz singer. T ogether,
R eflection s b ecam e W illie
they w ere the kind o f M am a and
M ax, signed, sealed and d e­
D addy w ho lied about their ages; the
livered to R ap h ael’s new
M otow n im p rin t, P ook ie
says had been together “forevah.”
Records. Saadiq says that
of «even, with spiri­
he signed W illie M ax be­
tual ties so tight that living room
cause he w anted to give this
Jiappy sbirthlay
to a
'V T T S 'Y
T h is tim e they sang for him
couple w hom daughter Sky Detroit-ly
Raising a fam ily
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