W ïf. August 4, 1999 ÿartiani» ffibwnw------- rrrrlTfc rrîGFr talent show s played out on the w eek­ e could keep it simple and I ends and on Sundays, they held their tell you that Rose, Sky and own church service in the basem ent Lyric, the three sister (and we o f their house. “It was called the Sons mean that literally and spiritually)known O f G od Sanctuary," Rose recalls. “Our as Willie Max are in perseverance and m other is an ordained m inister. Our harmony, the rebirth of the Pointer sis­ new group a chance and show folks ‘C a n ’t G e t E n o u g h " f e a t u r in g group in qu ite so m e tim e, W illie that a fam ily cou ld com e together R ap hael, sh ould allow you som e in­ M ax’s B ona F id e has it all. and stay togeth er. “P lu s,” he adm its, d ication . A d rip p in g w et love son g, “C a n ’t G et E n o u g h ’ d isp la y s the W hich m eans o f course, com ing full circle, keeping an unwavering faith A n d g iv e th em a ch an ce he did. sen su al balladry, reflectiv e h arm o­ and slaying true to family. “W illie Max W illie M ax co-w rote 10 so n g s on the n ie s, and in your face type o f lyrics has to stay real,” says Rose. ‘W e can’t debu t albu m B ona F ide. “W e had a W illie M ax is set to d eliver on their work any other kind o f way.” She looks lot o f artistic sp a ce,” says Lyric. deb u t P o o k ie/M o to w n disc. T h e a t­ over at her sisters; they know what’s “R ap hael allo w ed us to u se our cre­ rics, laugh ter, e m o tio n , fun k, heart, com ing next. Always have. “Seriously,” ative m in d s and flo w ,” sh e rem em ­ bers. ‘T h e albu m is strictly W illie so u l, flair, and a d ow n-h om e spirit that h a sn ’t b een seen in a fam ily she begins with a wink, “W e will W illie “they ju st kept b u ggin g me." ters. W e could tell you that their voices brother played the drum s and Sky, M ax.” If y o u ’re w o n d erin g ju st are so beautifully married that together, Lyric and 1 were the choir. It was beautiful. N eighborhood folks would w hat th at is, their first sin g le, thev sound like clear echoes of one an- Page 7 Focus Max-ify you!” Sale! Sale! Sale! 10” T)isco Two-Hone 'W eaving H a ir (Motions 4 Application $17?> ‘No-'Lye'Relaxers O ste r a d ju s t a b le $10" C li p p e r s $2595 £Mrs. C’s ‘ W ig & ‘Hair Qare Center 707 TIT Tremont • Tortland, OR 97212 (503) 281-6525 other. The fact that super producer hear o f the service and ask, Raphael Saadiz chose Willie Max to c a n w e c o m e by y a l l ’s debut on his new label Pookie Records church,” she rem em bers. is reason enough to stop and listen. How W illie M ax first m et about the fact that these three talented R aphael Saadiq a decade sisters decided that they wanted to go on ago in D etroit at a WJLB Aaliyah’s “O ne In A M illion” tour so they learned the lyrics to her entire al­ c o n cert, back w h en they bum in one day, bum rushed the audi­ w ent by the classic nam e, T h e Sm ith R eflections. O n tion and nailed the gig on the spot. “W e a return visit to D etroit by Festival walked into that audition like we owned R aphael, the girls m et up it," laughs Lyric. “W e Willie Max-ified w ith him again. “W e w ere Aaliyah on the spot.’ W illiam M ax are the daughters o f on a m ission !” states Rose. W illie Sm ith and M arie M axw ell and he was im pressed. K eep­ V' One Stop Music Revue Magazine Sm ith. W illie was a singer, em cee, com edian and tap dancer; Marie M ax­ in g in touch through the _ _ The Scene With Monique Hayward years, in 1996, T h e Sm ith well Sm ith a jazz singer. T ogether, R eflection s b ecam e W illie they w ere the kind o f M am a and M ax, signed, sealed and d e­ D addy w ho lied about their ages; the livered to R ap h ael’s new M otow n im p rin t, P ook ie says had been together “forevah.” Records. Saadiq says that of «even, with spiri­ he signed W illie M ax be­ tual ties so tight that living room cause he w anted to give this Jiappy sbirthlay to a iov'r 'V T T S 'Y Sgt» T h is tim e they sang for him couple w hom daughter Sky Detroit-ly Raising a fam ily W Sponsors: $pecial 'OaN Tr<»w ^Heather b kA* .......’ '. Cascade Piano Historic Property Magatine Drum Shop of Portland Albina Jazz Ensemble Jazz Singer Pamela Jordan .'- 'L _ i - ' . Plus: Calvin Walker & The Gaea Brant Trio I The Dick Blake Trio iTom’ Bovz I Shoehorn I Ascension Q uartet! The Tim Jensen Trio ! & MORE!! - ONLY S5 __________ ____