Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 07, 1999, Page 12, Image 12

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    Page B6
Jul) 7, 19”
Chief Medical Officer
Campus Communications
The Oregon State Hoepltal is seeking a Coordinator
in g to n S t a t e U n iv e rs ity
tn Q
ftrv« as
AS itS
Chief W a s h klndton
dynam ic laador
leader to
its Chief
/\L T V E R T I S I IM G
Office Assistant 2
Due to an increased dem and for Office A ssistan ts in our D istrict
A ttorney's Office, M ultnom ah County is offering quick referral to _ ^ o s®
X m i n e c r i m i n a l ju s tic e database»; « o tk in e » ith the publtc In person o ,
^ r a in in ^ a n d
experience equivalent to cornplepon
Of the tw elfth grade and two years of clerical experience involving¡public
‘, ' eX
‘ ^
' S
; : X
i , X
, e
S ii o T a i n „ o 5r i, n , e n , . appUoatlon, and supplemental form are » .« a b le «
5 “’ Avenue, m First
Lobby, P.O. or Box
OR 9 7 2 9 ^ 11
0 7 2 0 0 0 SW
ust Floor
be postmarked
. July 16
t . » , ,1S fo ,q u ic k ,e fe rra l. Assisted access .0 M ultnom ah C o u n t,jo b
“ mn and w e b s « , , »« H a ble a t Multnom ah C ount, UPtanes.
M edical Officer. The hospital is a
6 7 2 bed S tate o p e ra te d fa cility,
providing clinica l services in fou r
specialty tre a tm e n t program s: Child,
A d o le s c e n t, and G e ro p s y c h ia tric
Treatm ent Services; A dult T reatm ent
Services; Forensic Hospital Treatment
Services; and Forensic Residential
T r e a tm e n t
S e r v ic e s .
C h ild ,
A d o le s c e n t and G e ro p s y c h ia tric
Services are HCFA certifie d and all
hospital and residential program s are
JCAHO accredited.
The C h ie f M e d ic a l O ffic e r h a s o ve ra ll
resp on sibility fo r clinica l leadership
and d ire c tio n o f p sy c h ia tric and
m edical standards and practices. The
C hief M edical O fficer reports to the
S u p e r in te n d e n t
a jo in t
ap po intm en t is p o ssib le w ith the
Oregon Health Sciences U niversity's
D epartm ent o f Psychiatry in Portland.
Oregon provides m any collaborative
op po rtu nitie s between University and
public m ental health settings.
Q u a lifie d a p p lic a n ts m u s t be B o a rd
C e rtifie d in P sychiatry and have
e x te n s iv e e x p e r ie n c e in th e
developm ent and a d m in istra tio n of
p s ych ia tric and m ed ica l services
within a hospital or residential setting.
T h e S t a t e o f O r e g o n p r o v id e s a
com petitive salary structure ($ 9 0 ,4 7 0
to $ 1 2 8 ,8 9 9 ); e x c e lle n t b e n e fits
including vacation and sick leave,
health, dental and life insurance and
d e fe rre d c o m p e n s a tio n ; and an
ou tsta n d in g State-paid retirem ent.
This po sitio n is in Executive Service and
recru itm en t will rem ain open until a
suita ble candidate has been hired.
The Oregon State Hospital is an Equal
available at this time .
Vancouver s e e k s a q u a lifie d
professional to fill the position of
Cam pus
C o m m u n ic a tio n s
C o o r d in a to r .
P rim a ry
responsibilities include: proactive
developm ent and execution o f a
com prehensive com m unications
strategy for th e cam pus including
m arketing and com m unications
activities in support o f cam pus
advancem ent and cam pus wide
priorities; establish and maintain
media relations and place stories
r e g io n a l
n a tio n a l
publications; develop, write, edit
and o v e rs e e p r o d u c tio n o f
publications; incorporate electronic
communicationstechnology; create
and com plete special projects.
M in im u m r e q u ir e m e n ts in c lu d e
ba che lor's degree, dem onstrated
e x c e lle n t w r itte n a n d v e rb a l
com m u nica tion s sk ills and 3-5
years o f progressively responsible
pro fe ssio n a l experience in the
com m unications field. Preferred
q u a lifica tio n s include experience
in p u b lic re la tio n s , c u s to m e r
se rvice , jo u rn a lis m , u n ive rsity
relations, or other related activities,
and electronic media authoring and
publishing skills.
Salary range is $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 - $ 3 5 ,0 0 0
per year. Position is fu lltim e , 12-
m o n th ,
a d m in is t r a t iv e /
p r o fe s s io n a l
(e x e m p t)
appointm ent.
Send le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n , c u rre n t
re s u m e and th re e le tte rs o f
reference by July 3 0 , 1 9 9 9 to.
Tammy Ford
Search Committee Chair
WSU Vancouver
142 0 4 NE Salmon Creek Avenue
Vancouver, WA 986 8 6
O pportunity Employer.
Interested applicants may direct inquires to:
Stan Mazur-Hart, Ph.D
Washington State University is an equal opportunity/
affirmative action educator and employer Protected
S uperintendent
O regon S tate H ospital
groups are encouraged to apply
2600 Center Street, NE
Salem, Oregon 9 7 3 1 0
Butte Creek Apartments
1 15 Onyx Street #17
Eagle Point, Oregon 9 7 5 2 4
(541) 8 2 6 -3 40 1
City Of Vancouver, Washington
Sealed bids for the
Vancouver Civic Center Project
Benton Place Reconstruction Project
2:30 PM. local time, July 27, 1999
Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud on at th a t tim e . All bidders
m ust hP registered with th e Construction Contractor s Board.
' Additional inform ation may be obtained by contacting Facilities Senr^es.
100 Adams Hall. Corvallis, Oregon 9 7 3 3 1 -2 0 0 1 or telephone 5 4 1-7 37-7 69 4.
The City o f Vancouver is seeking developm ent proposals fo r a P ^ l i c /
private m ixed-use building project in downtown Vancouver to house
con solida te d City Hall o ffice s and other possible uses.
ProDosal oackets may be obtained from th e office o f Purchasing,
R n a S
Buildine. B asem en,. 1 0 0 East 1 3 " St-aet. Vancouver.
" T
u X
A m a n u fa cture rofqu alityco m pa cttoo lsisseeking aS h.p pin gL ead crerso n
1 9 9 9 f r o m 'lliO O
? “
R equest lo r Proposal m a , 0 . d l t e c d t o Dauid
m eeting .1,1 Oe na,d P n d a , l u „ 9
a.m . to 1 2 :0 0 noon. Vancouver City Hall Council
to provide direction to th e shipping team on swing shift. The Shippi g
Leadperson a s s is ts in tra in in g and evaluating em ployees; coordinates work
assignm ents; assures the on-time sm ooth flow o f m aterials, Product®-
docum ents: and, ensures th a t quality standards and shipm ent delivery
C ham bers 2 1 0 E 13 <h S treet, Vancouver, W ashington.
S ealed'responses w ill be received by the Purchasing Agent o f the City o f
Vancouver, W ashington u p to th e h o u ro f 3:00p.m Wednesday, Septembe
29, 1999. R esponses delivered later will not be accepted. The Ci y
schedules are m et.
Requires two years shipping exp including; lead or supervisory role exp
with documentation and packaging processes; exp with domestic transportation
International experience preferred. Qualified candidates will have exceHen
com m unication skills, problem solving ability, and proactive approachi M ust
be well organized, detail oriented, with ability to work independently. Work is
fast paced with the challenge o f meeting daily deadlines while m aintaining
quality and on tim e delivery standards. We offer excellent benefits conrpetftwe
wages and a friendly, professional work environm ent. Pre-employment drug
and alcohol screening is required. Equal opportunity employer. Please send
Vancouver is not responsible fo r delays In delivery.
»“ « s p o n s e s to th is tenues, shall Oe addressed « . - « t e r n Purchasing
a resum e and cover letter to Fax # 2 5 3 -7 8 3 0 or
« a m i
n ■ n u • .
I N C ■ “
Laws o f 1 9 7 5 , 1“ Ex. S ess., State o f W ashington.)
The City o f Vancouver reserves th e right to cancel th is request or reject
any and all proposals sub m itte d or to waive any m inor fo rm a litie s o f th is call
if in the ju dg m ent of th e city council th e best in te re st o f the City would be
license, subm it to drug test
and background check.
Apply in person between 1 2 :0 0
and 1:00 PM daily at City Center
Parking at 215 SW 6th.
Account Executive
E x p a n d in g N a tio n a l W h o le s a le
M ortgage Lender seeks Account
Executive fo r Portland surrounding
areas. W holesale m ortgage and
s a le s e x p e r ie n c e p r e fe r r e d .
E x c e lle n t c o m p e n s a tio n and
b e ne fit plans.
P le a s e s e n d re s u m e w ith s a la ry
req uire m en ts to:
HR Dept.. Washtenaw Mortgage Co.
3 1 5 E. Elsenhower. Ste. 12
Ann Arbor, Ml 4 8 1 0 8
or fax: 7 3 4 -6 6 2 -9 5 1 7
www.washtenawm ortgage.com
CEO - Mental Health
F le x ib le , c r e a tiv e p ro g ra m s e rv in g
hom eless CMI adults. Innovative 64-
bed fa c ility p ro v id e s co m m u n ity
a lte rn a tiv e fo r re w a rd in g m en ta l
health experience. Seeking residential
counselor: FT graveyard sh ift (1 1 :0 0
p .m . to 7 :3 0 a .m .); $ 9 . 2 9 / h r . ;
excellent benefit package. On-call also
needed, $ 8 .7 5 /h r. Send resum e to
U n ity In c ., A ttn . M o n a K na pp ,
B ridgeview C o m m u n ity, 7 0 7 NW
Everett, Portland, 9 7 2 0 9 . Unity Inc.
is an Equal O pportunity Employer.
A frican -A m erica n ba sed co m m u n ity
m ental health and Alcohol and
Drug T re a tm e n t agency see ks
energetic, community-focused CEO
w h o s e m a jo r r e s p o n s ib ilitie s
in c lu d e
c o n t in u a t io n
developm ent o f strong com m unity
relatio nships, fund developm ent,
ove rsig ht o f fis c a l departm ent,
coordination o f board activities,
strateg ic planning and direction o f
the agency in partnership with other
m anagem ent s ta ff. C om petitive
salary and be ne fits. Open until
fille d . Target date August, 1 9 9 9 .
S e n d re s u m e to C e n te r fo r
C om m unity M ental Health, C /0
S e a rc h C o m m itte e , 7 0 2 5 N.
Lom bard, Portland OR 9 7 2 0 3 , Or
Fax to 5 0 3 -2 8 9 -9 2 8 1 , Attn Search
C o m m ittee.
Vending business: M&M Mars
5 0 Locations. $ 8 0 0 -$ 1 2 0 0 solid
m onthly incom e.
Cost $ 2 9 9 5 . www.vendingroutes.com
Beautiful People To
Fantasize and Talk With
1 -9 0 0 -2 2 6 -0 3 3 4 ext. 2 9 9 2
$ 3 .9 9 per m in. M ust be 1 8 yrs.
Serv-U (6 1 9 ) 6 4 5 -8 4 3 4
Escape Towards A New Life
1 -9 0 0 -2 2 6 -0 5 6 0 ext. 3 2 1 2
$ 2 .9 9 per m in. M ust be 18 yrs.
Serv-U (6 1 9 ) 6 4 5 -8 4 3 4 _________
A- -S
7 U » • .
(- •.(* -
/ n Oregon, o pportune m e»ts a vartety of careers availaHe statewide, c o m p e t e salaries and great
benefits. Currently, openings exist in the following agencies.
cation DEVELOPERS! DMV's Application
nomation plans Develop business process
Consult with customers to develop
and future processes. Architect and design
models that support, desenbe and visualize D
software development experience on
computer software applications
R^ n r e s W h e n c e 1 1 ^ have previously applied for this
ualified applicarftswlll remain on the list for further
$ S a n ^ u X ^ u s excellent bertefits. E m -1 you.
consideration. ODOT offers salanesof $
.ubtect line Include H0CDT9194A or fax It to
resume to: Expertence.n0odot.state.oru,,in the emaU suNerrtm»fock»e
Installation. Develop, negotiate and
project stakeholders. Conduct research *
SALEM. EAST • 157 - currently located at 8 3 1 Lancaster Drive N.E.
ate the following retail liquor store:
We evaluate all applicants on background, knowledge and work expenence in:
’ X
requests. Assess change impacts. Evaluate b e s t< * * * _
5 yrs. of professional mainframe expenence in soft*
Facilities Division
HVAC Control Technician
• Enter into an agency agreement contract with the OLCC
• Qualify for a fidelity bond
• Negotiate the lease or purchase of the store location or propose a more
suitable location serving the same community subject to staff requireme
• Meet the operating expense of the agency
. Purchase the fixtures and equipment as specified in the agency information sheet
The Department of
Technician This positionis
Management Systems
graduation from an * c« * t e d
fulltime expenence
e, penenced HMAC Control
It provides skilled installation and repair of the Energy
state owned or leased buildings. Requirements are:
~ 5
in heating and aireondltioning; AND two years
and maintaining HVAC control systems and
m aXenXe
X S c s y s t^ s Two additional years qualifying
performing corrective
experience may be substituted for the tw0 * * .
Energy Technician license and a UnNersal R
education. This position also requires a Restricted
Handline license Salary Is $2,516 to $2.898 a
l office, vteft ou,
• Begin operation on the date specified above
E le c te d finalists will be notified and interviewed by the s ta ff screening committee In
m eeting In August.
The appointed agent is an independent contractor tor the State of Oregon. This person will
o X X e
H P - store on behalf o, the OLCC and nave no ownership or property rights in
For application form s and additional information, contact:
9 0 7 9 SE M cLoughlin Blvd., P ortland. Or 9 7 2 2 2 or
R e ser v e
Operation, office. Room 124 at the above address. by 5:00 p.m..
forms are required for each store Applications • " * »
Eugene Office
Apprenticeship Consultant
monitoring of registered apprenticeship
This position, located in Eugene. provl^®’
d aeveioos new p X ra m s Requires a degree In
rxograms: ixomotes apprenticeship ooportunfttes.jnd devtekx»
Salary is $2.399 to
ere just some of the cujrert,
, 08IW WHWOR«»'*»
Friday. July 16. 1999
industrial Relations or tour years exi«nen5®__.-
the mall call (503) 7 3 1 4 0 7 0 IPortlanrU.
$3.346 a month To receive appIteMfon material,
The job announcement (Including test question,) and application -orm
«h. s u te web site at ww w «.gonjob. org Closing date is Jufir 21. 1999.
the agency. Only Individuals may be appointed agents.
professional information ^ * ® ™ J ® ^
r^awMy. Qualified applicants will remain on the
applied for this position under OCD
f $47
$66.216 annually, plus excellent
list for further consideration ODOT offers salaries or
benefits. E-mail your resume to ^‘ ,^ * n<l 3CDT9193A ¿503) 378-2015. Applicant, possessing
„OCDT9193A or fox ft to 0 D 0 T A t t a
announcement for more
Vocational Rehabilitation certificates an /
Oregon Technology web site at
r a
r X
’- —
a diverse wrxkforce. Deadline ,s
July 1 6 ,1 9 9 9 .
The successful applicant must be able to:
development. AND 3 yrs. of
experience. If you have previously
• Inventory/cash management
• Retail sales
. Customer service/publlc relations in a retail environment
studies Develop contract specifications and bid
* * * ®
- " * * *
• Retail business management
phone 872 -5 0 15 (toll-free (800) 426-2004) Separate application
F u ll-tim e p o s itio n in in te n s iv e day
tre a tm e n t program fo r severely
em otionally disturbed children ages
3-6. B achelor's or M A/M SW In
related fie ld w ith experience in
M u ltic u ltu ra l s e ttin g s required.
Parent tra in in g and group therapy
experience preferred. Com petitive
salary and b e ne fits. Send resum e
to Heather S tein, PSY.D., 7 0 2 5 N.
Lo m ba rd, P o rtla n d o r 9 7 2 0 3 .
--------------------------------- ----------
I nto H igh G ear
A i r F o r c e
Milieu Counselor
Lead Project Manager
Sm all Business E n te rp ris e s .-------------------------------
Movi Y our C areer
“V —■ ___
M u lti- c u lt u r a l c o m m u n ity m e n ta l
health center seeks clinician to
provide assessm ents, treatm ent
plans, & case m gm t for adults w /
m ental illn e ss/d u a l diagnosis both
individually & in groups. MSW or
M asters degree in related field
required. Part tim e $ 1 6 /h r. African/
A m erican s/M in orities encouraged
to apply. Subm it resum e & cover
le tte r to CCMH, M ichelle Blum,
3 7 1 6 NE MLK JR. Blvd. Portland,
OR 9 7 2 1 2 or Fax: (5 0 3 ) 28 8-8168.
COOT. Attn: 40CDT9194A. (503) 3
Information I*
certificates and/or Veteran s points refer
oregonjobs.org. Is. ODOT is an AA/EEO
available on the State of Oregon Technology web site at www.oregon|o™> org/
employer committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline is July 1 6 . 1999.
(503) 626-8060
Fax (5 0 3 ) 626-0331
The Oregon Liquor Control Commission has a vacancy »or an independent contractor to oper­
(503) 335-4738
Mental Health Case
mainframe systems. AND 3 yrs
position under 0CDT9194. you
9965 SW Arctic Drive • Beaverton, OR 97005
Portland 9 7 2 2 7
Force Reserve today.
residential remodeling contractor
and cabinet m anufacturer, is
s e e k in g hands-on A s s is ta n t
Controller with 5+ years solid
general accounting experience.
M ust have 2 years' supervisory
experience. We use tim berline
accounting system , Lotus 1-2-3,
Excel, and Word software. M ust
h a ve
e x c e lle n t
in te rp e rso n a l co m m u nica tion
skills, and be able to effectively
manage m ultiple priorities. Full
tim e p o s itio n sup ervising 5-
person departm ent. Reports to
C o n tr o lle r . One o f O regon
Business M agazine’s 1 0 0 Best
Com panies to Work For. Send
resume and cover letter including
salary requirem ents to Jennifer
Blecha, Human Resources Dept.,
Neil Kelly Company, 8 0 4 North
Alberta St., Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 7 .
M ay
re s p o n d
to :
iblecha@ neilkelly.com .
Development team wants you in the Salem headqua
for computer applications supporting DMV bus
Bid Date: July 21, 1999 • 3:00 PM
ALT. ED. FTE Math Teacher - Year
w ill help your career go
further, faster. As you work
with the most sophisticated
equipment available, you'll be
earning college credit toward
a degree from the Community
College o f the A ir Force. A ll
for a commitment o f just one
weekend a month and two
weeks per year. Call the A ir
Nell Kelly Company, a P o rtla n d
Community Medical Clinic • Approx 8 5 0 0 Sq. ft
Assistant Teacher -
The A ir Force Reserve's
advanced, high-tech training
Functional Architects
Information Systems Specialist 7
La Clinica
P.O. Box 2 0 5 9 5 • Portland, OR 9 7 2 9 4 -0 5 9 5
Im m ediate opening for fu ll and
part-time lot attendant with
P ortland's leading parking
Company. We are seeking
dependable individuals with
a neat appearance and a
positive attitude.
• $ 7 .2 5 starting wage
• Advancement potential
• M edical, Dental and 401K
A p p lica n ts m u s t have valid
___ _
V. M u c h . « J anoreau
Leatherman Tool Group, Inc.
Equal Opportunity Employer
R esponses by Fax will not be accepted.
it .
The City o f Vancouver is com m itted to providing equal opportunities to
State o f W ashington ce rtifie d M inority, D isadvantages and W omen s
B us8 in ess en terprises in contracting activities. (Section 4 of Chapter 56,
Bound School Ability to work with
strong-willed behavior-challenged
students in m ulti-cultural envir.
M inorities encouraged to apply.
Team p la y e r /d e ta il o r ie n te d /
know ledge o f m u lti-d iscip lin a ry
classroom . S tudents ages 11-17.
H e a lth /D e n ta l/P a id Vac. M ail
resu m e: 3 7 1 0 N. M is s is s ip p i
Recruitm ent and 2+ yrs sales exp.
Good organizational, w ritten/verbal
c o m m u n ic a tio n s s k ills . Salary
c o m m is e r a te on e x p . S en d
resu m e /re fe re n ce sto Pam Herrold
- Entercom - 8 8 8 SW 5 * Ave.
# 7 9 0 , Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 4 ,
Agent. City o f Vancouver, P.O. Box 1 9 9 5 , Vancouver W ashington 9 8 6 6 8 -
1 9 9 5 . All delivered responses shall be delivered to th e Purchasing Ag
City o f Vancouver, Financial Services Building. Basem ent, 1 0 0 East 13
S treet Vancouver, W ashington 9 8 6 6 0 . All proposals shall be placed in a
sealed envelope, which is clearly m arked “ Vancouver C ivic Center Project .
Specialty m etals m anufacturer has
im m ediate opening for skilled,
d e ta il-o rie n te d a d m in istra tive
a s s is ta n t
w ith
s tro n g
communication and organizational
skills. Reporting to Finance VP,
responsibilities include preparing
s p re a d s h e e ts , re p o rts and
p re s e n ta tio n
m a te ria l;
c o o rd in a tin g s c h e d u le s and
c a le n d a rs ;
m a k in g tra v e l
arrangem ents; and reviewing
expense reports. Requires 4 yrs
p ro g re s s iv e ly
re s p o n s ib le
secretarial experience including
p ro v id in g ad m in s u p p o rt to
executive & dept staff. Successful
candidate will be proficient in
M icrosoft Office suite and have
demonstrated ability to positively
and proactively handle multiple
a ssig n m e n ts in a fast-paced
environment. We are an AA/EEO
e m p lo y e r
o ffe r in g
h ig h ly
c o m p e titiv e
c o m p e n s a tio n
package. S ubm it resum e to;
Human Resources, PO Box 580,
Albany OR 9 7 3 2 1 . _____________
Work With The Homeless In
Old Town
will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until
Entercom Portland Radio Stations.
Develop sales revenue in the area
o f recruitm ent advertising. M ust
b a c k g ro u n d
D eadline July 2 5 , 1 9 9 9 . ______
Administrative Assistant
Radio R ecruitm ent S pecialist for
information, a CX ° *
2 25 5 5 55 a x t 7777. TTY (503) 3 7 »
Igon and all Its division, are proud to be equal opportunity