Page B6 gorUauì» Jul) 7, 19” Wr Chief Medical Officer Campus Communications The Oregon State Hoepltal is seeking a Coordinator in g to n S t a t e U n iv e rs ity tn Q ftrv« as AS itS Chief W a s h klndton dynam ic laador leader to serve its Chief /\L T V E R T I S I IM G Office Assistant 2 Due to an increased dem and for Office A ssistan ts in our D istrict A ttorney's Office, M ultnom ah County is offering quick referral to _ ^ o s® X m i n e c r i m i n a l ju s tic e database»; « o tk in e » ith the publtc In person o , “ J S S ^ r a in in ^ a n d experience equivalent to cornplepon Of the tw elfth grade and two years of clerical experience involving¡public ‘, ' eX ‘ ^ - " ^ n ' S ; : X i , X , e n = S ii o T a i n „ o 5r i, n , e n , . appUoatlon, and supplemental form are » .« a b le « corvir-o« 5 “’ Avenue, m First Lobby, P.O. or Box 1 OR 9 7 2 9 ^ 11 0 7 2 0 0 0 SW Applications ust Floor be postmarked delivered S . July 16 by t . » , ,1S fo ,q u ic k ,e fe rra l. Assisted access .0 M ultnom ah C o u n t,jo b S “ mn and w e b s « , , »« H a ble a t Multnom ah C ount, UPtanes. SUBSIDIZED UNITS MAY BE M edical Officer. The hospital is a 6 7 2 bed S tate o p e ra te d fa cility, providing clinica l services in fou r specialty tre a tm e n t program s: Child, A d o le s c e n t, and G e ro p s y c h ia tric Treatm ent Services; A dult T reatm ent Services; Forensic Hospital Treatment Services; and Forensic Residential T r e a tm e n t S e r v ic e s . C h ild , A d o le s c e n t and G e ro p s y c h ia tric Services are HCFA certifie d and all hospital and residential program s are JCAHO accredited. The C h ie f M e d ic a l O ffic e r h a s o ve ra ll resp on sibility fo r clinica l leadership and d ire c tio n o f p sy c h ia tric and m edical standards and practices. The C hief M edical O fficer reports to the S u p e r in te n d e n t and a jo in t ap po intm en t is p o ssib le w ith the Oregon Health Sciences U niversity's D epartm ent o f Psychiatry in Portland. Oregon provides m any collaborative op po rtu nitie s between University and public m ental health settings. Q u a lifie d a p p lic a n ts m u s t be B o a rd C e rtifie d in P sychiatry and have e x te n s iv e e x p e r ie n c e in th e developm ent and a d m in istra tio n of p s ych ia tric and m ed ica l services within a hospital or residential setting. T h e S t a t e o f O r e g o n p r o v id e s a com petitive salary structure ($ 9 0 ,4 7 0 to $ 1 2 8 ,8 9 9 ); e x c e lle n t b e n e fits including vacation and sick leave, health, dental and life insurance and d e fe rre d c o m p e n s a tio n ; and an ou tsta n d in g State-paid retirem ent. This po sitio n is in Executive Service and recru itm en t will rem ain open until a suita ble candidate has been hired. The Oregon State Hospital is an Equal available at this time . Vancouver s e e k s a q u a lifie d professional to fill the position of Cam pus C o m m u n ic a tio n s C o o r d in a to r . P rim a ry responsibilities include: proactive developm ent and execution o f a com prehensive com m unications strategy for th e cam pus including m arketing and com m unications activities in support o f cam pus advancem ent and cam pus wide priorities; establish and maintain media relations and place stories in r e g io n a l and n a tio n a l publications; develop, write, edit and o v e rs e e p r o d u c tio n o f publications; incorporate electronic communicationstechnology; create and com plete special projects. M in im u m r e q u ir e m e n ts in c lu d e ba che lor's degree, dem onstrated e x c e lle n t w r itte n a n d v e rb a l com m u nica tion s sk ills and 3-5 years o f progressively responsible pro fe ssio n a l experience in the com m unications field. Preferred q u a lifica tio n s include experience in p u b lic re la tio n s , c u s to m e r se rvice , jo u rn a lis m , u n ive rsity relations, or other related activities, and electronic media authoring and publishing skills. Salary range is $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 - $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 per year. Position is fu lltim e , 12- m o n th , a d m in is t r a t iv e / p r o fe s s io n a l (e x e m p t) appointm ent. Send le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n , c u rre n t re s u m e and th re e le tte rs o f reference by July 3 0 , 1 9 9 9 to. Tammy Ford Search Committee Chair WSU Vancouver 142 0 4 NE Salmon Creek Avenue Vancouver, WA 986 8 6 O pportunity Employer. Interested applicants may direct inquires to: Stan Mazur-Hart, Ph.D Washington State University is an equal opportunity/ affirmative action educator and employer Protected S uperintendent "EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. O regon S tate H ospital groups are encouraged to apply 2600 Center Street, NE Salem, Oregon 9 7 3 1 0 Butte Creek Apartments 1 15 Onyx Street #17 Eagle Point, Oregon 9 7 5 2 4 (541) 8 2 6 -3 40 1 City Of Vancouver, Washington REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Sealed bids for the Vancouver Civic Center Project Benton Place Reconstruction Project 2:30 PM. local time, July 27, 1999 Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud on at th a t tim e . All bidders m ust hP registered with th e Construction Contractor s Board. ' Additional inform ation may be obtained by contacting Facilities Senr^es. 100 Adams Hall. Corvallis, Oregon 9 7 3 3 1 -2 0 0 1 or telephone 5 4 1-7 37-7 69 4. S H IP P IN G The City o f Vancouver is seeking developm ent proposals fo r a P ^ l i c / private m ixed-use building project in downtown Vancouver to house con solida te d City Hall o ffice s and other possible uses. ProDosal oackets may be obtained from th e office o f Purchasing, R n a S Buildine. B asem en,. 1 0 0 East 1 3 " St-aet. Vancouver. " T u X n X X LEADPE R S 0 N A m a n u fa cture rofqu alityco m pa cttoo lsisseeking aS h.p pin gL ead crerso n 1 9 9 9 f r o m 'lliO O ? “ R equest lo r Proposal m a , 0 . d l t e c d t o Dauid m eeting .1,1 Oe na,d P n d a , l u „ 9 a.m . to 1 2 :0 0 noon. Vancouver City Hall Council to provide direction to th e shipping team on swing shift. The Shippi g Leadperson a s s is ts in tra in in g and evaluating em ployees; coordinates work assignm ents; assures the on-time sm ooth flow o f m aterials, Product®- docum ents: and, ensures th a t quality standards and shipm ent delivery C ham bers 2 1 0 E 13 t . Purchase the fixtures and equipment as specified in the agency information sheet The Department of Technician This positionis Management Systems graduation from an * c« * t e d fulltime expenence seeRing e, penenced HMAC Control It provides skilled installation and repair of the Energy state owned or leased buildings. Requirements are: ~ 5 in heating and aireondltioning; AND two years and maintaining HVAC control systems and m aXenXe X S c s y s t^ s Two additional years qualifying performing corrective P®"®? experience may be substituted for the tw0 * * . Energy Technician license and a UnNersal R education. This position also requires a Restricted Handline license Salary Is $2,516 to $2.898 a e t n ^ l office, vteft ou, * • Begin operation on the date specified above E le c te d finalists will be notified and interviewed by the s ta ff screening committee In m eeting In August. The appointed agent is an independent contractor tor the State of Oregon. This person will o X X e H P - store on behalf o, the OLCC and nave no ownership or property rights in For application form s and additional information, contact: 9 0 7 9 SE M cLoughlin Blvd., P ortland. Or 9 7 2 2 2 or R e ser v e /tBOKEg, BEYOND Operation, office. Room 124 at the above address. by 5:00 p.m.. forms are required for each store Applications • " * » OREGON BUREAU OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES Eugene Office Apprenticeship Consultant . monitoring of registered apprenticeship This position, located in Eugene. provl^®’ d aeveioos new p X ra m s Requires a degree In rxograms: ixomotes apprenticeship ooportunfttes.jnd devtekx» Salary is $2.399 to St°™ ere just some of the cujrert, OLCC , 08IW WHWOR«»'*» Friday. July 16. 1999 »■ industrial Relations or tour years exi«nen5®__.- the mall call (503) 7 3 1 4 0 7 0 IPortlanrU. $3.346 a month To receive appIteMfon material, The job announcement (Including test question,) and application -orm «h. s u te web site at ww w «.gonjob. org Closing date is Jufir 21. 1999. _____ the agency. Only Individuals may be appointed agents. OLCC » professional information ^ * ® ™ J ® ^ r^awMy. Qualified applicants will remain on the applied for this position under OCD .you f $47 $66.216 annually, plus excellent list for further consideration ODOT offers salaries or |ndude benefits. E-mail your resume to ^‘ ,^ * n org/ employer committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline is July 1 6 . 1999. (503) 626-8060 Fax (5 0 3 ) 626-0331 The Oregon Liquor Control Commission has a vacancy »or an independent contractor to oper­ (503) 335-4738 or 1-800-232-3421 Mental Health Case Manager/Theraplst mainframe systems. AND 3 yrs position under 0CDT9194. you 9965 SW Arctic Drive • Beaverton, OR 97005 Portland 9 7 2 2 7 Force Reserve today. residential remodeling contractor and cabinet m anufacturer, is s e e k in g hands-on A s s is ta n t Controller with 5+ years solid general accounting experience. M ust have 2 years' supervisory experience. We use tim berline accounting system , Lotus 1-2-3, Excel, and Word software. M ust h a ve e x c e lle n t PC and in te rp e rso n a l co m m u nica tion skills, and be able to effectively manage m ultiple priorities. Full tim e p o s itio n sup ervising 5- person departm ent. Reports to C o n tr o lle r . One o f O regon Business M agazine’s 1 0 0 Best Com panies to Work For. Send resume and cover letter including salary requirem ents to Jennifer Blecha, Human Resources Dept., Neil Kelly Company, 8 0 4 North Alberta St., Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 7 . M ay re s p o n d to : iblecha@ . Development team wants you in the Salem headqua for computer applications supporting DMV bus ~ Bid Date: July 21, 1999 • 3:00 PM ALT. ED. FTE Math Teacher - Year w ill help your career go further, faster. As you work with the most sophisticated equipment available, you'll be earning college credit toward a degree from the Community College o f the A ir Force. A ll for a commitment o f just one weekend a month and two weeks per year. Call the A ir Nell Kelly Company, a P o rtla n d ppi ATTENTION: MAINFRAME S Y S T E M ^ X r t e f o Community Medical Clinic • Approx 8 5 0 0 Sq. ft Assistant Teacher - The A ir Force Reserve's advanced, high-tech training Controller/Assistant Functional Architects Information Systems Specialist 7 La Clinica P.O. Box 2 0 5 9 5 • Portland, OR 9 7 2 9 4 -0 5 9 5 Im m ediate opening for fu ll and part-time lot attendant with P ortland's leading parking Company. We are seeking dependable individuals with a neat appearance and a positive attitude. • $ 7 .2 5 starting wage • Advancement potential • M edical, Dental and 401K available A p p lica n ts m u s t have valid ___ _ OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION V. M u c h . « J anoreau PURCHASING AflERI Leatherman Tool Group, Inc. ■^^4° Equal Opportunity Employer R esponses by Fax will not be accepted. it . The City o f Vancouver is com m itted to providing equal opportunities to State o f W ashington ce rtifie d M inority, D isadvantages and W omen s B us8 in ess en terprises in contracting activities. (Section 4 of Chapter 56, S U B B ID REQ UESTED Bound School Ability to work with strong-willed behavior-challenged students in m ulti-cultural envir. M inorities encouraged to apply. Team p la y e r /d e ta il o r ie n te d / know ledge o f m u lti-d iscip lin a ry classroom . S tudents ages 11-17. H e a lth /D e n ta l/P a id Vac. M ail resu m e: 3 7 1 0 N. M is s is s ip p i Recruitm ent and 2+ yrs sales exp. Good organizational, w ritten/verbal c o m m u n ic a tio n s s k ills . Salary c o m m is e r a te on e x p . S en d resu m e /re fe re n ce sto Pam Herrold - Entercom - 8 8 8 SW 5 * Ave. # 7 9 0 , Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 4 , Agent. City o f Vancouver, P.O. Box 1 9 9 5 , Vancouver W ashington 9 8 6 6 8 - 1 9 9 5 . All delivered responses shall be delivered to th e Purchasing Ag ’ City o f Vancouver, Financial Services Building. Basem ent, 1 0 0 East 13 S treet Vancouver, W ashington 9 8 6 6 0 . All proposals shall be placed in a sealed envelope, which is clearly m arked “ Vancouver C ivic Center Project . served. Parking Facility Operator Specialty m etals m anufacturer has im m ediate opening for skilled, d e ta il-o rie n te d a d m in istra tive a s s is ta n t w ith s tro n g communication and organizational skills. Reporting to Finance VP, responsibilities include preparing s p re a d s h e e ts , re p o rts and p re s e n ta tio n m a te ria l; c o o rd in a tin g s c h e d u le s and c a le n d a rs ; m a k in g tra v e l arrangem ents; and reviewing expense reports. Requires 4 yrs p ro g re s s iv e ly re s p o n s ib le secretarial experience including p ro v id in g ad m in s u p p o rt to executive & dept staff. Successful candidate will be proficient in M icrosoft Office suite and have demonstrated ability to positively and proactively handle multiple a ssig n m e n ts in a fast-paced environment. We are an AA/EEO e m p lo y e r o ffe r in g h ig h ly c o m p e titiv e c o m p e n s a tio n package. S ubm it resum e to; Human Resources, PO Box 580, Albany OR 9 7 3 2 1 . _____________ Work With The Homeless In Old Town A D V E R T IS E M E N T FOR B ID will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until Entercom Portland Radio Stations. Develop sales revenue in the area o f recruitm ent advertising. M ust have b a c k g ro u n d in HR/ D eadline July 2 5 , 1 9 9 9 . ______ C O R R E C T E D NO TIC E oïîoâTuïÎTV Administrative Assistant Radio R ecruitm ent S pecialist for information, a CX ° * 2 25 5 5 55 a x t 7777. TTY (503) 3 7 » Igon and all Its division, are proud to be equal opportunity