Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 23, 1999, Page 12, Image 12

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    Çortlani» ©heeruer
June 2 3 ,1 9 9 9
Program Developers
School of Extended Studies
Portland S tate University
a d v e r t is in g
Machinist - Tool Room
R a p id ly g ro w in g P o rtla n d -b a s e d
manufacturer of innovative metal
products seeks a highly skilled
journey-level tool room m achinist/
die maintenance person for our
swing shift. You will build a variety
of parts for jigs, dies, fixtures and
machinery, as well as work from
engineering drawings to maintain
and repair dies. Must be a team-
player with minimum 5 years
machinist experience. Fabrication
and welding experience is a plus.
We o ffe r com petitive wages,
excellent benefits, and a good work
environment. Equal Opportunity
Employer. Pre-employment drug
and alcohol screening required.
Send resume to
Leatherman Tool Group. Inc.
P.O. Box 2 0 5 9 5
Portland, OR 9 7 2 9 4 -0 5 9 5
Sales - Home Repairs
Nell Kelly Co., a nationally recognized
design/build remodelingfirm, has
an immediate opening in its Home
R epair d iv is io n . The R epair
Salesperson must have experience
in all phases of construction with
particular focus on sales and
e s tim a tin g
re s id e n tia l
homeowners. The position is
commissioned with start-up base
salary and health benefits. A vehicle
program is a v a ila b le . Team
organizational structure. One of
Oregon business Magazine's 100
Best Companies to Work For. Send
resume and cover letter to: Julia
S pence, H um an R esources
Manager, Neil Kelly Company,
804 N. Alberta St., Portland, OR
e -m a il
to :
Utility Workers
The City o f Portland is recruiting for
Utility Workers to work in the
Maintenance Bureau, the Water
Bureau and the Bureau of Parks
and Recreation. Utility workers
drive small to medium sized trucks
and perform semi-skilled physical
labor tasks. Applicants must meet
all the qualifications listed in the
N o n -m a n d a to ry In fo r m a t io n a l
Meetings to provide information
and answer questions about this
re c ru itm e n t w ill be held on
Thursday, June 24, at 4 :00 PM
and on Tuesday, June 29<Bat 7:00
PM. Both meetings will be held at
the Bureau of Maintenance located
at 2929 N. Kerby Avenue.
Current wages - $ 1 3 .7 6 at entry to
$ 1 6 .8 6 a fte r 1 year (wages
effective 7 /1 /9 9 are under review).
Applications can be obtained at the
Portland B uilding A pplication
Center, 1120 SW 5th Avenue, in
the NE corner o f th e lobby.
A p p lic a tio n s may a ls o be
completed via the internet at
All applications must be received no
latterthan4:30P M onJuly2,1999
Please contact me at 8 2 3-3515 or
amesser@ci.Portland.or.us if you
have any questions regarding this
Mental Health
Oregon State Hospital
M ental Health Specialist
OSH is now accepting applicationsfor
a current vacancy in Salem. This
position provides evaluation and
group treatment for adults on a
fo re n sic ward. P atients have
chronic a n d /o r acute mental
illnesses and receive treatment
for issues such as substance
abuse, medication management
and community reintegration. Must
have a B achelor’ s degree in
Psychology or a closely related
field, plus two years' experience
treating clients suffering from
mental/emotional disturbances,
alcohol/drug abuse. Preference will
be given to applicants with a
M aster's degree or specialized
experience. Salary is $2,399 to
$3,346 a month, plus an excellent
benefits package. Apply Monday
through Friday at: Oregon State
Hospital, Employee Relations,
2 600 Center St. NE., Salem, OR
973 1 0 or call (503) 945-2815.
(TTY (503) 9 4 5 -2 9 9 6 for the
hearing impaired). EOE Closing
date is June 30. 1999.
Radio Advertising Sales for Entercom
Radio Station KKSN FM. Must have
1-2 years broadcast sales exp.
Good organizational, written/verbal
communications skills. Excellent
benefits/incentive package. Send
re s u m e /re fe re n c e s to S ales
Manager, KKSN FM. 888 SW 5"’
Ave. #790, Portland, OR 97204.
Women and minorities encouraged
to apply. EOE.
Im m e d ia te o p e n in g fo r fu ll and
part-tim e lo t a tte n d a n t w ith
P o rtla n d 's le a d in g parking
Company. We are seeking
dependable in d ivid u a ls w ith
a n eat appearance and a
p ositive attitu d e .
• $ 7 .2 5 s ta rtin g wage
• A dvancem ent pote n tia l
• M edical, D ental and 4 0 1 K
A p p lic a n ts m u st, have v a lid
lice n se , s u b m it to drug te s t
and background check.
A pply in p e rso n be tw een 1 2 :0 0
and 1 :0 0 PM daily at City Center
Parking a t 2 1 5 SW &?.
Project Coordinator,
“I Have a Dream"
The O re g o n fo u n d a t io n s e e k s
applicants for fulltim e Coordinator
of education program in the Forest
Grove - C o rn e liu s
area. A
demonstrated ability to work with
youth, parents and teachers, and
sufficient fluency in Spanish and a
b a c h e lo r's de g re e re q u ire d .
Information available at (503) 287-
7203, bdetmanlHAD@juno.com.
Applications desired by July 2.
P ro g ram S p e c ia lis t for D e g ree
Completion Program
Prim ary re s p o n s ib ilitie s : program
needs a sse s s m e n t, delivery,
evaluation, and expansion; building
alliances with community colleges
and businesses; development and
implementation of marketing plan;
and work with degree completion
s tu d e n ts .
s u c c e s s fu l
candidates will have: a m aster's
d e g re e ; a d m in is tra tiv e and
marketing experience: ability to
work in team environment; strong
communication skills; customer
service orientation; organizational
skills; demonstrated ability to work
with adult students; knowledge of
academic procedures; experience
in distance learning and experience
in a self-support environm ent
preferred. Twelve-month, fixed
term, renewable, 8.0 FTE unranked
academic position, projected start
August 1, 1999.
Account Executive
E xp a n d in g N a tio n a l W h o le s a le
Mortgage Lender seeks Account
Executive for Portland surrounding
areas. Wholesale mortgage and
s a le s e x p e rie n c e p re fe rre d .
E xce lle n t c o m p e n s a tio n and
benefit plans.
P le a se send re su m e w ith s a la ry
requirements to:
HR Dept., Washtenaw Mortgage Co.
3 1 5 E. Elsenhower, Ste. 1 2
Ann Arbor. M l 4 8 1 0 8
or fax: 734-662-9517
Program Assistant for Continuing
Educatlon/School of Education
Primary responsibilities: coordinate
web and print m arketing and
maintain publication schedules;
manage and use databases to
provide information and generate
p u b lic a tio n s ; tra c k s tu d e n t
e n ro llm e n t. The s u c c e s s fu l
candidate will have: a bachelor's
degree; marketing experience;
dem onstrated skills in project
m a n a g e m e n t;
c o m p u te r
experience ; strong communication
s k ills ;
c u s to m e r
s e rvice
o rie n ta tio n ; self-directed and
organization skills; demonstrated
abilityto work with range of people;
knowledge of academic procedures
preferred. Twelve-month, fixed
term, renewable, 1.0 FTE unranked
academic position, projected start
August 1, 1999.
For de ta iled jo b d e scrip tio n s, see
/ www.hre.pdx.edu/unclsjob.htm
or call 503-725-4670. An EO/AA
Material Technician
Office Clerk
Engineering Department
$ 1 5 9 9 - $ 2 0 7 8 /m o DOQ. Performs
clerical and receptionist duties,
including answering and directing
telephone calls, filing; retrieval and
organization of archived materials
and may perform limited research
for engineering projects. Must have
ability to use a typewriter for the
purpose o f typing la b e ls on
envelopes and files, etc. Requires
1 year of clerical experience or
e q u iv a le n t c o m b in a tio n o f
experience and training. Must have
ability to learn basic computer
skills. Applicants who meet or
exceed these requirements, are
encouraged to apply. City of West
Linn a p p lica tio n pa cke ts are
available at City Hall, 2 2 8 2 5
Willamette Drive, West Linn, OR
97068, or call 722-3426 Voice
Mail, 656-4518 TDD. Completed
a p p lic a tio n p a c k e t m u st be
received at City Hall by Friday, July
9, 1999, 4 :0 0 PM EEO
EAP Counselor
CAPE Employee Assistance Program,
an Affiliate of Megellan Behavioral
Health, is accepting applications
for an EAP Counselor position.
This is a full-time position requiring a
M aster's level degree and clinical
license. Duties include provision
of short-term therapy to individuals,
couples, and families, alcohol and
drug assessments, and providing
telephone consultation to clients
and s u p e rv is o rs . EAP and
supervisory experience is desired,
but we are willing to train the right
Magellan offers competitive salaries,
a benefits package including 401K,
plus a great working environment.
Qualified applicants are invited to
send resumes to:
M agellan Behavioral Health
Attn: Human Reaources
9 2 1 SW Washington St., Suite 5 5 0
Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 5
As part o f a dynamic operation, th is
position will coordinate material
formulation, flow and track usage;
determine startingmaterials/alloys
and processing instructionsto meet
customer specifications; perform
inventory reporting; and maintain
records. Requires 2-year degree in
Material Mgmt, Metallurgy, or
related field and 2 years of inventory
m an a g e m e n t or p ro d u c tio n
scheduling related experience.
D e m o n stra te d know ledge o f
m a te ria l c o n tro l p rin c ip le s ,
chem istry, m a th e m a tics, and
advanced computer applications.
Solid analytical, problem-solving,
organization and communication
skills required. APICS certification
is a plus.
Q ualified candidates are invited to
re su m e
and s a la ry
re q u ire m e n ts
to :
Resources, PO Box 580, Albany
OR 97321; or fax to (541) 812-
7030. We are an AA/EEO employer
offering competitive compensation
package including defined pension
plan, 401k, tuition assistance, and
health benefits.
Edgefield Children’s Center serves
residential and day treatm ent
program s to em otionally and
behaviorally disturbed children
ages 6-12. Valuing diversity in our
workforce. The following positions
are available:
Treatm ent Coordinator
Q ualifications include a bachelor's
degree in behavioral science, child
management skills, counseling
skills, treatment planning skills;
e x p e rie n c e
w o rk in g
w ith
e m o tio n a lly & b e h a v io ra lly
disturbed youth. Position is FT with
agency benefits, swing shift.
Child-Care W orker
Prefer an associate degree in mental
health or one year experience
working with children. Position if
FT with agency benefits, graveyard.
Fax: (503) 2 1 ^ 6 8 9 2
E-mail: jharvey@magellanhealth.com , C o n ta c t S usan @ 6 6 9 -9 5 2 2 fo r
information on either o f these
Administrative Assistant
General office, reception, maintain
Construction -
office systems and supplies. Assist
Remodeling Carpenter
Executive Director. Must Have
Nall Kelly Company is the leading
e x c e lle n t w ritte n , ve rb a l &
design/build firm in the Portland
communication skills, be highly
area. We need a finish carpenter
organized. Proficient on Word,
for our Home Repair Team who:
Excel, Access & Publisher. 5 yrs.
ta k e s
p rid e
h is /h e r
Experience in high-level support
carftsmanship, likes getting things
position. Send cover le tte r &
rig h t,
resume to Administrative Assistant
Search Committee. FEO, PO Box
listening skills, and does beautiful
11268, Portland, Oregon 97211
work. If you qualify, you can
or Fax: (503) 284-4092. Deadline:
earn union wage with all benefits.
6 /2 4 /9 9 .
We offer you the opportunity to
Animal Care Technician
have your personal growth match
Compassionate, hardworking, flexible,
your effort, to receive recognition
re lia b le w ith good w o rk /
for your accomplishments, and to
com m unication s k ills . Animal
work with people who support your
experience/knowledge required.
efforts. One of Oregon Business
Excellent customer service skills.
Magazine's 100 Best Companies
F/T, $8.0 0 HR., benefits after 90
to Work For. Send resume, vehicle
days. Applications and resumes
type, and tool list to Julia Spence,
Human Resources Manager, Neil
only. Oregon Humane Society, PO
Kelly Company, 804 North Alberta
Box 11364, Portland, OR 97211.
St., Portland, OR 97217 or e-mail
to: jbspence@neilkelly.com
Washington County
Community Health Nursing
$4,327 - $ 5 ,2 5 8 /m o
Closes July 2, 1 9 9 9
Management Position
Government Money
The government, together with the
private sector is currently engaged
in giving out low interest home
loans to 1“ tim e buyers.
For Free Recorded Message
1-888-252-7845-ext. 9 221
Community Health Services
Coordinator II
U.S. Census Bureau-Census 2 0 0 0
Bend position and hourly pay rate:
Assistant M anager Field
N o t to e x c e e d 1 y e a r
A p p lic a n t m u s t p a s s a m a n a g e m e n t te s t
Radio Air Peraonallties/Board-Ops
$3,380 - $ 4 ,1 1 0 /m o
Closes July 2 ,1 9 9 9
Senior Community
Development Specialist
$ 3,641 - $ 4 ,4 2 4 /m o
Closes July 2 ,1 9 9 9
fu ll-tim e and p a rt-tim e - for
Entercom Radio Stations. Must
have at least 3 years exp. Send
tape/resume to Human Resources,
Entercom, 0 7 0 0 SW Bancroft
Street, Portland, Oregon 97201.
EOE. W omen and M in o ritie s
encouraged to apply. EOE.
To schedule te s tin g and for more
information on how to apply call
your Portland Local Census Office:
(503) 808-4169 or 1-888-806-
5878 ext 2
Bilingual apaahan ancouragad to apply
The U.S Census Bureau is an Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer
Apply To:
Washington County Human
Resources Division
1 5 5 N. First Avenue, Suite 3 2 0
Hillsboro, OR 9 7 1 2 4
Marketing Department
Public Relations Manager
W h e n it c o m e s to k e e p in g O r e g o n
h e a lth y , w e c o u ld n 't ca re m o re.
Since 1941, Regence BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon has relied on the efforts o f our
exceptional w orkforce to discover innovative routes to supenor health care. Solutions like
wellness programs, physician-directed care and assistance to unmsurable Oregonians. O u r
people understand that while quality often has a pnce, efficiency and intelligent strategies can
keep costs to a minimum. If bettenng the quality o f life in Oregon sounds like a worthw hile
pursuit to you. consider o u r possibilities:
Sportswear Companyg
M other Boyle has proven fo r more
th a n 5 0 ye a rs th a t q u a lity
construction and innovation in
sports apparel is a formula for
C olum bia S portsw ear Com pany, a
global leader in the design and
manufacture o f outerwear and
sportswear is seeking a Public
Relations Managerto enhance the
corporate image and increase
exposure of Columbia Sportswear
th ro u g h
m e d ia
re la tio n s ,
community relations, public affairs
and corporate communications.
R e s p o n s ib ilitie s a lso include
increasing consumer awareness
and sales of Columbia Sportswear
Q ualified candidate w ill possess a
college degree in Public Relations,
R e s p o n s ib ilit ie s a ls o in c lu d e
increasing consumer awareness
and sales o f Columbia Sportswear
Q ualified candidate w ill possess a
college degree in Public Relations,
Communications, or related field
and a minimum of five to eight
years Supervisory/management
experience preferred.
Please send resume and salary history
to: Human Resources Dept. PRMGR,
PO Box 83239, Portland, OR 97283,
or Fax to: (503) 735-4597.
A ssistant A u d ito r
(Job #3202)
As the entry level member within the Medicare Reimbursement and Audit D epartm ent you will
be responsible fo r performing desk reviews, field audits, and finalizations in accordance with
generally accepted accounting pnnciples (GAAP), federal regulations, and approved Health Care
Financing Administration (HCFA) procedures. Duties will include performing assigned audit
procedures: prepanng necessary w ork papers to document audit findings: and obtaining
knowledge o f the providers' accounting systems: and perform audits at providers' facilities. Requires
a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting. Previous w ork expenence in accounting or health care services
is a definite plus. Ability to develop working knowledge o f the Medicare cost reporting forms as
well as become familiar with generally accepted accounting pnnciples. reimbursement regulations,
manuals and other directives issued is necessary.
M e d ic a re B ud g et & R e p o rt Specialist
Gob #3204)
You w ill be responsible fo r the designing o f programs which automate manual tasks and ensures
accurate and efficient methods o f stonng, receiving and reporting information. Duties will
include coordinating, obtaining analyzing and organizing data from many financial and statistical
records in to com plex formats: prepanng co st budget and financial reports fo r management and
external parties, including the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA). and assessing the
appropnateness o f allocations and takes corrective action as deemed necessary. Requires a
Bachelor’s degree in Accounting including auditing course work, plus at least 2 years' expenence
in Medicare Reimbursement Expenence w ith EDP systems o r comparable college level training
necessary. Must have ability to multi-task and pnontize workload to meet deadlines with
minimal supervision, as well as communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing. Strong PC
knowledge (W ord. Lotus I -2-3) required.
M a rk e tin g A c c o u n t R epresen tative
Qob #3196)
You will be responsible for providing field support to Account Executives by contnbuting to the
sale o f new business, conducting new enrollment and open enrollment meetings, and following up
on the service and retention o f existing business through agents, brokers and employee benefits
administrators. Duties will include coordinating marketing functions: distnbuting literature to
groups' w ork sites, and presenting at employee meetings. Requires a Bachelor's degree o r at least
3 years’ expenence in the insurance field, plus extensive knowledge o f Plans. Knowledge o f the
Healthcare industry, and W ord. Lotus Notes and I -2-3 necessary. Must have an Oregon Health
Insurance license, o r the ability to obtain within 6 months o f employment and a valid
Oregon/Washmgton dnver's license with a good driving record. Ability to multi-task while meeting
stnngent deadlines a must
W e offer a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package. Pre-employment drug
screening is required and we support a smoke-free w ork environment To apply, please
indicate Job number and/or title at the top of your resume or cover letter and
submit to: Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon and Regence H M O Oregon,
Hum an Resources, P. O. Box 1271, Portland, OR 97207-1270,T T Y (503) 225-6780.
W e are strongly committed to equal opportunity in all phases of employment.
Candy vending business for sale:
50 Locations. $800-$1200 solid
monthly income.
BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon
HMO Oregon
Cost $ 2 9 9 5
For m ore inform ation about career opportunities, call o u r Job Information Line:
(800) 231-1617 or visit our website at. www.bcbso.com
Announcement #OCDT9259. C ontact ODOT
Recruitment at (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (503)
9 8 6 3 8 5 4 fo r th e hearing Im paired) or
v is it w w w .o re g o n jo b s .o rg fo r c o m p le te
announcement and application. ODOT is an
AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse
workforce. Deadline is July 7, 1999.
/ n Oregon, opportunity means a variety of careers available statewide,
competitive salaries and great benefits. Currently, openings exist In the
Administrative Specialist 2
Information Resource Speclallst/Offlce Manager
following agencies:
Transportation Engineer 1
|H V ' H A t -
\IA A .’-SSJisi».
. . .
Advanced knowledge of field construction, location practices and principles
and computerized design experience Is needed for this leadership position
with our Region 1 Technical Center Design Unit In Portland. You will lead
projects, design, and prepare estimates for the roadway portion of major
transportation projects and will provide guidance and training to other
designers and CADD technicians. Requires either a Bachelor's degree in
Civil or Transportation Engineering and one year related experience, or four
years' engineering experience with a PE, PLS, FE/EIT or FLS/LSIT. Salary
$4,140/m onth + excellent benefits: health insurance; paid
vacation and sick leaves; 10 paid holidays; and full employer-paid
retirement contribution. Announcement HOCDT9366. Contact ODOT
Recruitment at (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (503) 986-3854 for the hearing
impaired) or visit www.oregonjobe.org for announcement and application.
ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline
is July 12, 1999.
Environmental Program Coordinator 2
Located In Salem, we are seeking individuals possessing excellent
analytical/communication skills and experience working with biology
issues. (NOTE: There Is one Immediate vacancy with plans for 3 additional
vacancies to become available In the near future. Two of these future
vacancies will be of limited duration). Functioning as staff experts in biology
for the Department, these positions will analyze and document the impacts
of projects and other department activities on biological systems, habitats
and functions. Requires two years of natural resource management or
environmental analysis experience related to biology issues and a related
Bachelor's degree. Three additional years of the above experience may
substitute for the Bachelor's degree. Salary $2,496 • $ 3,578/m onth +
excellent benefits: health insurance; paid vacation and sick leaves; 9_paid
holidays; and full employer-paid retirement contribution. Announcement
«0CDT9299. Contact ODOT Recruitment at (5 03 ) 986-4030 (TTY (503)
986-3854 for the hearing Impaired) or visit www.oregonjobs.org for
application materials. ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse
workforce. Deadline Is July 1 3 .1 9 9 9 .
Engineering Specialist 2
Junior Inspector
Are you a project Inspector looking for a new place to exercise your skills?
If so, we need you In our Project Manager's Office in Troutdale You will
assist in performing field inspection to ensure daily compliance on
construction projects and will provide documentation to support payment
and project acceptance. May assist in design and field surveying on
transportation projects as needed. Requires an Associate's degree In
Engineering Technology + two years' related experience, or 3 1 /2 years of
sub-professional engineering experience. Salary $2.156 - $3.088/m onth +
excellent benefits: health insurance; paid vacation and sick leaves; 10 paid
holidays; and full employer-paid retirement contribution. Announcement
«OCDT9362. Contact ODOT Recruitment at (5 03 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (503)
9 8 6 3 8 5 4 for the hearing Impaired) or visit www.oregonjobs.org for
announcement end ippllcetlon. ODOT Is an AA/EEO employer committed
to a diverse workforce Deadline is July 1 2 .1 9 9 9 .
Engineering Specialist 2
Excellent computer and drafting skills are essential for this position with our
Region 1 Design Team in Portland. Using computer aided drafting and
d e s ip i (CADD) systems, you will work as an intermediate drafter on a team
designing and drawing contract plans which show existing features and
proposed construction of highways, streets, sewer systems, public utilities
and other contingencies affecting proposed transportation projects.
Requires an Associate's degree In Engineering Technology ♦ two years'
related experience, or 3 1 /2 years of sub-professional engineering
experience Salary $2.1 56
$3,088/m onth, plus excellent benefits
An individual possessing excellent com m unication, com puter and
organizational skills is needed for this current Salem vacancy in our
Aeronautics Division. Position will provide technical and administrative
assistance a id coordination to support Division staff and function as an
information resource. Requires two ye a s of experience as an administrative
specialist or executive support specialist, which included administrative
support for a project, program or operation OR an equivalent combination of
training and education. One y e a of post seconday education may be
substituted for up to one year of the experience. Salary $1,983
$2,763/m onth + excellent benefits: health insurance; paid vacation; sick
and personal leaves; 9 paid holidays and full employer-paid retirement
contribution Announcement #OCDT9298. Contact ODOT Recruitm ent at
(503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (503) 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 for the hearing Impaired) or visit
www.oregonjobs.org for application materials. ODOT is an AA/EEO
employer committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline is July 2 ,1 9 9 9 .
Income Tax Auditors
The Oregon Department of Revenue currently has openings for income tax
auditors at the Entry and Auditor 1 levels in its Salem office. If you nave an
accounting background, this is your opportunity to use those skills in
administering the tax laws o f the State of Oregon. Duties of the positions
include examining tax returns, communicating with taxpayers, gathering and
analyzing records and researching federal and state tax law. Salary is
$1,898 to $2,638 a month for Tax Auditor Entry and $2.3 99 to $3,3 46 for
Tax Auditor 1. To request Job Announcement 4 0C 970649 (Tax Auditor
Entry) or «OC970650 (Tax Auditor 1) and an application, call (5 03 ) 9 4 6
8 555 (TTY (503) 9 4 6 8 6 1 7 or (800) 8 8 6 7 2 0 4 for the hearing and
speech Impaired only) or visit our web site at www.dor.state.or.us. For
additional Information about the positions, call Salem at (503) 9 4 5 8 8 1 2 .
Deadline is July 7 ,1 9 9 9 .
There are currently three Attorney vacancies in the General Council Division
of the Oregon Department of Justice. These positions are with the Business
Activities Section, salary $3,2 40 to $4,3 48 a month; the Natural
Resources Section, salary $ 3 ,2 4 0 to $6,4 27 a m onth; and the
Government Services Section, salary $3.240 to $4.3 48 a month. All three
positions require OSB membership For full Job descriptions and
application materials, call (503) 3 7 5 5 5 5 5 , ext. 321, (TTY (5 0 3 ) 3 7 6
5 93 8 for the hearing Im paired), or v is it our web s ite at
www.doj.state.or.us. AA/EOE. Closing date is July 6 ,1 9 9 9 .
Field Service Representative
The Oregon Lottery is seeking a dynamic person that can reinforce the
relationship between retailers and Lottery professionals. The individual
would need to be participatory, and responsive, when responding to
retailer Issues, concerns, or problems, to ensure Lottery retailers and
players are treated with respect and given quality customer service, which
is our primary goal. Salary is $2.430 to $3,275 a month The Oregon
Lottery encourages bilingual (Spanish/English, Asian/Engllsh) applicants
to apply The route, shift and hours will vary depending on openings).
Announcem ent »O L177171. Com plete Job announcem ents and
Instructions on “ how to apply" are available et any office of the Oregon
Employment Dept., on the Internet at www.oregonlottery.org or by
calling the Lottery Job line et (5 0 3 ) 5 4 0 1 3 2 8 In Salem. All fin alists are
sub|ect to extensive financial and background Investigations. The
Oregon Lottery is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
Women, minortties. and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Position closes on July 2, 1999
J /h e s e are |ust some of the current openings available with the State of
Oregon. For additional Information a copy of the State of Oregon
Application Form end a more complete announcement listings, call the
State Job line (Oregonian Inside Lino) (503) 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 ext. 7777, TTY
(503) 3 7 8 4 6 7 2 , visit your local employment department or visit our web
site et www.oregonjobs.org. The State of Oregon end all Its divisions ere
proud to be equal opportunity employers.