Çortlani» ©heeruer June 2 3 ,1 9 9 9 Program Developers School of Extended Studies Portland S tate University a d v e r t is in g Machinist - Tool Room R a p id ly g ro w in g P o rtla n d -b a s e d manufacturer of innovative metal products seeks a highly skilled journey-level tool room m achinist/ die maintenance person for our swing shift. You will build a variety of parts for jigs, dies, fixtures and machinery, as well as work from engineering drawings to maintain and repair dies. Must be a team- player with minimum 5 years machinist experience. Fabrication and welding experience is a plus. We o ffe r com petitive wages, excellent benefits, and a good work environment. Equal Opportunity Employer. Pre-employment drug and alcohol screening required. Send resume to LEATHERMAN Leatherman Tool Group. Inc. P.O. Box 2 0 5 9 5 Portland, OR 9 7 2 9 4 -0 5 9 5 Sales - Home Repairs Nell Kelly Co., a nationally recognized design/build remodelingfirm, has an immediate opening in its Home R epair d iv is io n . The R epair Salesperson must have experience in all phases of construction with particular focus on sales and e s tim a tin g to re s id e n tia l homeowners. The position is commissioned with start-up base salary and health benefits. A vehicle program is a v a ila b le . Team organizational structure. One of Oregon business Magazine's 100 Best Companies to Work For. Send resume and cover letter to: Julia S pence, H um an R esources Manager, Neil Kelly Company, 804 N. Alberta St., Portland, OR 97217 or e -m a il to : jbspence@neilkelly.com Utility Workers The City o f Portland is recruiting for Utility Workers to work in the Maintenance Bureau, the Water Bureau and the Bureau of Parks and Recreation. Utility workers drive small to medium sized trucks and perform semi-skilled physical labor tasks. Applicants must meet all the qualifications listed in the application. N o n -m a n d a to ry In fo r m a t io n a l Meetings to provide information and answer questions about this re c ru itm e n t w ill be held on Thursday, June 24, at 4 :00 PM and on Tuesday, June 29