Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 17, 1999, Image 9

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■ . * » '•' *
V ,
Volume \ \ l \ , Number I I
Committed to cultural diversity.
(Tlw Fortiani» ©bfierucr
nm m u n i t y
a 1 c n ù a r
SW Lincoln). A hip DJ will play your top 40
favorites o f the 7 0 ’s, 8 0 ’s and 90's. D ress to
im press in strictly cocktail attire. The event
is on Saturday, M arch 20 from 8-12 P M . $ 15
| at the door.
A Question Of Mercy
A rtists Repertory Theatre takes a pow erful
look at love, com passion and dignity with
its production o f A Q uestion o f M ercy by
D avid Rabe. C losely based on an essay by
Dr. R ichard Selzer, the play confronts the
em otional tribulations o f loved ones and a
physician in helping a term inally ill patient
plan his suicide. A Q uestion o f M ercy runs
th ro u g h S u n d ay , A p ril 25 at A rtists
R epertory T heatre’s m ain stage - The
Reiersgaard Theatre (located at 1516 SW
| Alder).Call5O3/241-lART.
Roald Dahl.
A magic peach... a c lever young b o y ... insec t
co h o rts... an incredible jo u rn ey . W hen Jam es
H enry T rotter accidentally drops some m agic
green crystals by the old peach tree at his
aunts’ house, strange things start happening.
O ne peach starts growing and growing, until
it’s as big as a house. W hen Jam es crawls
Humane Society
se lf discovery, where he learns about trust,
friendship, team w ork and more!
Public perform ances o f Jam es and the G iant
Peachw ill be held at Portland Civic Auditorium
on Sunday, April 25, at 2 PM and on Sunday,
M ay 2, at 2 & 5 PM . Reserved seats are $ 16, $ 13
& $ 11 for adults and $ 12, $ 10 & $8 for children
and seniors. Tickets are available by calling
O C T ’s box o ffice at 5 03/ 228-9571 or
Ticketm aster outlets at5O3/79O-ARrS(2787).
T h e p ro d u c tio n ru n s on e h o u r an d is
appropriate for adults and children four years
o f age and older. G roup discounts available.
The sign interpreted perform ance will be on
A pril25 at2 PM. Special services fordisabled
“A Home For Butch,” a 1950-era home movie
o f the Oregon Humane Society. Com e to the
O regon H um ane S ociety at 1067 NE
C olum bia, Portland, on M arch 25 at 7 PM:
a $5 donation per fam ily attending is
I appreciated. Call 285-7722.
Cheerleading Tryout
10 AM to 3 PM at the PM UG office, located
I in Suite 547 o f the G alleria M all, 921 SW.
M orrison St., Portland. Instructor Bonnie
Serino will lead “ X press Y ourself with
Q uark,” and cover the basics o f using the
e le c tro n ic
p u b lis h in g
s o ftw a re
| QuarkXPress. Call 503/224-4289.
Earth & Spirit
I T he N atural W ay lecture series will be
hosting a talk on W ednesday, M arch 31 by
Sister Jose H obday, a S eneca Elder, Sister
ofFranciscan Order and the author ofSim ple
Living: The W ay to Inner Freedom . The
event will be held in the Unity W orld Healing
Center (on366Third Street) in Lake Oswego,
I from 7:30-9:30 PM.
Image & Lifestyle Seminar
I V enus Imaging Education (VIE) is offering
an exciting new Spring lineup o f sem inars
dedicated to the business professional.
Topics include: C reating Y our W inning
Image beginning M arch 18 or April 13;
C o m m u n ic a tin g W ith C o n f id e n c e
beginning April 12; M odel M ovem ent &
I A ttitude beginning M arch 23. W om en will
be able to develop a w inning im age that
clients feel com fortable around, confident
I w ith& loyal towards. Call 360/882-4416.
Star Wars Collection
| This spring break, A.C. G ilbert’s Discovery
V illage gives you a few reasons to stay in
Salem! M onday, M arch 22 through Friday,
M arch 26 everyone is invited to “ spring
into art" at the Village! “ S paceship to
T atooine" arrives at the V illage this spring
break! V isit Jordan H ofer’s extensive Star
W ars collection on the T oy Inventor’s
W orkshop, including m any o f the original
Star W ars action Figures, a real lightsaber,
a life-sized Y oda and new figures from
Episode 1. Call 503/371-3631.
To Direct
inside, he m eets five oversized insects - a
grasshopper, centipede, earthworm, spider and
ladybug. Suddenly, the peach starts rolling
and the adventure o f a lifetim e begins. This
am azing excursion takes James on a journey o f
The O regon H um ane Society is celebrating
its 130th anniversary o f caring for anim als in
this com m unity. M uch has changed in how
anim als are cared for and view ed in society.
On Thursday, M arch 25, Executive Director
Sharon H arm on will share the S ociety’s
history and how the S ociety’s m ission will
| fit into the next century w hile preview ing
Design Classes
>, -
Portland, O R - This am azing trip inside a
m agic peach pits James and his insect friends
against a couple o f greedy relatives and the
perils o f nature. D ram m y-aw ard w inning
O regon C hildren’s Theatre (OCT) presents
Jam es and the G iant Peach at Portland Civic
A uditorium on Sunday, April 25 and Sunday,
M ay 2. First produced by O regon C hildren’s
Theatre in 1993, this encore professional live
stage production is based on the book by
internationally acclaim ed children’s author
I The Professional G uild w ill be hosting a
I singles party at the D oubletree H otel (310
The Portland M acintosh U sers G roup will
| host a seminar on Saturday, M arch 20, from
James and th e Giant Peach Chenault
Spring Fling
Prospective cheerleaders for the 1999edition
o f the Portland Forest D ragons will be held
Saturday starting at 8 AM at the C edar Mill
G o ld 's Gym, 10860 SW Barnes Road.
A pplicants m ust have prior cheerleading
and dance experience, skilled in gymnastics
and be 19 years o f age by the D ragons’
gam e on Saturday, April 10. A pplications
and w aiver forms will be available at the
I tryout. Call 503/722-4501.
■M M M H M M H M M H H I
MARCH 17.1999
patrons available on request.
Da Vinci Middle School Student
Honored by School Board For
‘Run For The Arts’ Logo
D a V i n c i
M idd le S chool
student H alston
W illia m s w as
honored by the
Portland Public
Schools Board o f
E d u c a tio n
M onday
fo r
creating the logo
bein g u sed for
this y ear’s Run
For T he Arts.
In introducing
H alsto n to the
S c h o o l B o a rd ,
Tom Breuckm an
said“W e'rem ost
p ro u d
th a t
H a ls to n is a
s tu d e n t
daV inci and that
h is
art w as
c h o s e n to b e
used for the R un
F or T he A rts,”
c o lo rf u l
Photo Courtesy of Portland Schools
logo, featuring a
of the "Run for the Arts
hand with fingers
e n d in g in a
variety o fartist’s
tools, prom otes
som e designing tips w hile they learned about
M id d le S ch o o l, began his art p o rtfo lio in
the Run on 10 billboards around the city.
the Young Audiences m ission to enhance
th e first g rad e, b ut this is th e first co n test
“ Run For the Arts helps raise badly needed
young p e o p le ’s ed u catio n w ith creativ e
funds for arts for arts program m ing in schools," h e has w on. H e w ants to be an artist w hen
resources from the arts com munity. The young
said School B oard chairperson M arc A bram s h e g ro w s up
artists then were encouraged to incorporate
“ H alston is a wonderful young man,” said
as he presented H alston w ith a certificate
art, education, and athletics into the designs
"M y son runs laps around W allace Park."
they subm itted for the contest.
This is the fourth year a logo design contest
H alston is also interested in sports, both
has been held in connection w ith the Run, an w onderful w riting, and his exquisite poetry,
basketball and football, and he has participated
annual event organized by Y oung A udiences he explained.
in the Run For The Arts in previous years.
Fourteen-year-old Halston was one o f about
o f Oregon & Southw est W ashington to raise
H e’s thrilled to know that his logo w ill be
funds for arts program m ing in area schools.
featured in all materials related to the Run this
teachers to participate in two design workshops
During last year’s Run, nearly 19,000 students
e a r — T - s h ir ts , p o s te r s , tra y lin e r s ,
led by Y oung A udience’s sta ff and local artist
form 114 area schools raised more than $500,000.
and all printed materials.
Pam ela Ritchey. The students w ere given
H alston W illiam s, an 8"’ g rad er at daV inci
Gary Chenault, United Way ‘99
G a ry C h e n a u lt h as b e e n a p p o in te d
d irecto r o f the C am paign D ivision at U nited
W ay o f th e C o lu m b ia-W illam ette. U nited
W a y ’s ca m p a ig n raises m ore th an $20
m illio n an n u a lly an d p ro v id es fu n d in g to
155 h ealth an d h u m an serv ice p ro g ram s in
the m etro area.
C h e n a u lt b rin g s n in e y ea rs o f fund
d e v e lo p m e n t e x p e r ie n c e as a s e n io r
c a m p a ig n m a n a g e r a n d a c tin g v ic e
president for U nited W ay o f C entral Indiana
and v ice p resid e n t for a fo u n d atio n . N oble
o f Indiana. He jo in e d the local U nited W ay
in 1997 as a se n io r cam p aig n m anager.
C h e n a u lt g ra d u a te d from G e o rg e Fox
U n iv ersity in 1980 w ith a b ach elo r’s degree
in b u sin e ss and econom ics.
“Gary's expertise
in fund development
will be an asset
to the entire
campaign effort. ”
“G a ry ’s ex p e rtise in fund d ev elo p m en t
w ill be an asset to the en tire cam p aig n
effo rt,” say s L arry N o rv ell, p resid en t and
C P O o f U n ited W ay o f the C olum bia-
W illam ette.
C h e n a u l t’s lo c a l a c tiv i tie s in c lu d e
serv in g as a b o ard m e m b er for the O regon
C h a p te r o f th e N a tio n a l S o c ie ty o f
F u n d ra is in g E x e c u tiv e s . H e is a lso a
m em ber o f the B lack A chievers Program for
th e Y M C A o f C o lu m b ia - W illa m e tte ,
N orthside Fam ily p ro g ram ; Linfield C ollege
A frican A m erican S tudent M entor program ;
C o a litio n o f B lack M en; K appa A lpha Psi
f r a t e r n i t y and* W illa m e t te V a lle y
D ev elo p m en t O fficers.
U n ited W ay is th e larg est h ealth and
hum an se rv ic e o rg an iz atio n in O reg o n and
S o u th w e s t W a s h in g to n , fu n d in g 155
p ro g ram s in C lack am as, M u ltnom ah and
W a sh in g to n co u n ties in O regon and C lark
C o u n ty in W ash in g to n .