» ■ . * » '•' * • V , *r Volume \ \ l \ , Number I I Committed to cultural diversity. www.portlandobserwr.net (Tlw Fortiani» ©bfierucr nm m u n i t y a 1 c n ù a r (C SW Lincoln). A hip DJ will play your top 40 favorites o f the 7 0 ’s, 8 0 ’s and 90's. D ress to im press in strictly cocktail attire. The event is on Saturday, M arch 20 from 8-12 P M . $ 15 | at the door. A Question Of Mercy A rtists Repertory Theatre takes a pow erful look at love, com passion and dignity with its production o f A Q uestion o f M ercy by D avid Rabe. C losely based on an essay by Dr. R ichard Selzer, the play confronts the em otional tribulations o f loved ones and a physician in helping a term inally ill patient plan his suicide. A Q uestion o f M ercy runs th ro u g h S u n d ay , A p ril 25 at A rtists R epertory T heatre’s m ain stage - The Reiersgaard Theatre (located at 1516 SW | Alder).Call5O3/241-lART. Roald Dahl. A magic peach... a c lever young b o y ... insec t co h o rts... an incredible jo u rn ey . W hen Jam es H enry T rotter accidentally drops some m agic green crystals by the old peach tree at his aunts’ house, strange things start happening. O ne peach starts growing and growing, until it’s as big as a house. W hen Jam es crawls Humane Society se lf discovery, where he learns about trust, friendship, team w ork and more! Public perform ances o f Jam es and the G iant Peachw ill be held at Portland Civic Auditorium on Sunday, April 25, at 2 PM and on Sunday, M ay 2, at 2 & 5 PM . Reserved seats are $ 16, $ 13 & $ 11 for adults and $ 12, $ 10 & $8 for children and seniors. Tickets are available by calling O C T ’s box o ffice at 5 03/ 228-9571 or Ticketm aster outlets at5O3/79O-ARrS(2787). T h e p ro d u c tio n ru n s on e h o u r an d is appropriate for adults and children four years o f age and older. G roup discounts available. The sign interpreted perform ance will be on A pril25 at2 PM. Special services fordisabled “A Home For Butch,” a 1950-era home movie o f the Oregon Humane Society. Com e to the O regon H um ane S ociety at 1067 NE C olum bia, Portland, on M arch 25 at 7 PM: a $5 donation per fam ily attending is I appreciated. Call 285-7722. Cheerleading Tryout 10 AM to 3 PM at the PM UG office, located I in Suite 547 o f the G alleria M all, 921 SW. M orrison St., Portland. Instructor Bonnie Serino will lead “ X press Y ourself with Q uark,” and cover the basics o f using the e le c tro n ic p u b lis h in g s o ftw a re | QuarkXPress. Call 503/224-4289. Earth & Spirit I T he N atural W ay lecture series will be hosting a talk on W ednesday, M arch 31 by Sister Jose H obday, a S eneca Elder, Sister ofFranciscan Order and the author ofSim ple Living: The W ay to Inner Freedom . The event will be held in the Unity W orld Healing Center (on366Third Street) in Lake Oswego, I from 7:30-9:30 PM. Image & Lifestyle Seminar I V enus Imaging Education (VIE) is offering an exciting new Spring lineup o f sem inars dedicated to the business professional. Topics include: C reating Y our W inning Image beginning M arch 18 or April 13; C o m m u n ic a tin g W ith C o n f id e n c e beginning April 12; M odel M ovem ent & I A ttitude beginning M arch 23. W om en will be able to develop a w inning im age that clients feel com fortable around, confident I w ith& loyal towards. Call 360/882-4416. Star Wars Collection | This spring break, A.C. G ilbert’s Discovery V illage gives you a few reasons to stay in Salem! M onday, M arch 22 through Friday, M arch 26 everyone is invited to “ spring into art" at the Village! “ S paceship to T atooine" arrives at the V illage this spring break! V isit Jordan H ofer’s extensive Star W ars collection on the T oy Inventor’s W orkshop, including m any o f the original Star W ars action Figures, a real lightsaber, a life-sized Y oda and new figures from Episode 1. Call 503/371-3631. I Named To Direct United Way Campaign inside, he m eets five oversized insects - a grasshopper, centipede, earthworm, spider and ladybug. Suddenly, the peach starts rolling and the adventure o f a lifetim e begins. This am azing excursion takes James on a journey o f The O regon H um ane Society is celebrating its 130th anniversary o f caring for anim als in this com m unity. M uch has changed in how anim als are cared for and view ed in society. On Thursday, M arch 25, Executive Director Sharon H arm on will share the S ociety’s history and how the S ociety’s m ission will | fit into the next century w hile preview ing Design Classes >, - Portland, O R - This am azing trip inside a m agic peach pits James and his insect friends against a couple o f greedy relatives and the perils o f nature. D ram m y-aw ard w inning O regon C hildren’s Theatre (OCT) presents Jam es and the G iant Peach at Portland Civic A uditorium on Sunday, April 25 and Sunday, M ay 2. First produced by O regon C hildren’s Theatre in 1993, this encore professional live stage production is based on the book by internationally acclaim ed children’s author I The Professional G uild w ill be hosting a I singles party at the D oubletree H otel (310 The Portland M acintosh U sers G roup will | host a seminar on Saturday, M arch 20, from B James and th e Giant Peach Chenault Spring Fling Prospective cheerleaders for the 1999edition o f the Portland Forest D ragons will be held Saturday starting at 8 AM at the C edar Mill G o ld 's Gym, 10860 SW Barnes Road. A pplicants m ust have prior cheerleading and dance experience, skilled in gymnastics and be 19 years o f age by the D ragons’ gam e on Saturday, April 10. A pplications and w aiver forms will be available at the I tryout. Call 503/722-4501. SECTION ■M M M H M M H M M H H I ima MARCH 17.1999 patrons available on request. Da Vinci Middle School Student Honored by School Board For ‘Run For The Arts’ Logo D a V i n c i M idd le S chool student H alston W illia m s w as honored by the Portland Public Schools Board o f E d u c a tio n M onday fo r creating the logo bein g u sed for this y ear’s Run For T he Arts. In introducing H alsto n to the S c h o o l B o a rd , daVinciprincipal Tom Breuckm an said“W e'rem ost p ro u d th a t H a ls to n is a s tu d e n t at daV inci and that h is art w as c h o s e n to b e used for the R un F or T he A rts,” The c o lo rf u l Photo Courtesy of Portland Schools logo, featuring a M ark Abrams, School Board Chairperson, takes pleasure in announcing the winner of the "Run for the Arts hand with fingers Contest, won by Halston Williams, an eight grader from Da Vinci Middle School. e n d in g in a variety o fartist’s tools, prom otes som e designing tips w hile they learned about M id d le S ch o o l, began his art p o rtfo lio in the Run on 10 billboards around the city. the Young Audiences m ission to enhance th e first g rad e, b ut this is th e first co n test “ Run For the Arts helps raise badly needed young p e o p le ’s ed u catio n w ith creativ e funds for arts for arts program m ing in schools," h e has w on. H e w ants to be an artist w hen resources from the arts com munity. The young said School B oard chairperson M arc A bram s h e g ro w s up artists then were encouraged to incorporate “ H alston is a wonderful young man,” said as he presented H alston w ith a certificate art, education, and athletics into the designs Breuckm an. “He has improved him self in a lot "M y son runs laps around W allace Park." they subm itted for the contest. o f w ays through his outstanding art work, his This is the fourth year a logo design contest H alston is also interested in sports, both has been held in connection w ith the Run, an w onderful w riting, and his exquisite poetry, basketball and football, and he has participated annual event organized by Y oung A udiences he explained. in the Run For The Arts in previous years. Fourteen-year-old Halston was one o f about o f Oregon & Southw est W ashington to raise H e’s thrilled to know that his logo w ill be 20 students selected by area m iddle school funds for arts program m ing in area schools. featured in all materials related to the Run this teachers to participate in two design workshops During last year’s Run, nearly 19,000 students y e a r — T - s h ir ts , p o s te r s , tra y lin e r s , led by Y oung A udience’s sta ff and local artist form 114 area schools raised more than $500,000. advertising, and all printed materials. Pam ela Ritchey. The students w ere given H alston W illiam s, an 8"’ g rad er at daV inci I Gary Chenault, United Way ‘99 G a ry C h e n a u lt h as b e e n a p p o in te d d irecto r o f the C am paign D ivision at U nited W ay o f th e C o lu m b ia-W illam ette. U nited W a y ’s ca m p a ig n raises m ore th an $20 m illio n an n u a lly an d p ro v id es fu n d in g to 155 h ealth an d h u m an serv ice p ro g ram s in the m etro area. C h e n a u lt b rin g s n in e y ea rs o f fund d e v e lo p m e n t e x p e r ie n c e as a s e n io r c a m p a ig n m a n a g e r a n d a c tin g v ic e president for U nited W ay o f C entral Indiana and v ice p resid e n t for a fo u n d atio n . N oble o f Indiana. He jo in e d the local U nited W ay in 1997 as a se n io r cam p aig n m anager. C h e n a u lt g ra d u a te d from G e o rg e Fox U n iv ersity in 1980 w ith a b ach elo r’s degree in b u sin e ss and econom ics. “Gary's expertise in fund development will be an asset to the entire campaign effort. ” “G a ry ’s ex p e rtise in fund d ev elo p m en t w ill be an asset to the en tire cam p aig n effo rt,” say s L arry N o rv ell, p resid en t and C P O o f U n ited W ay o f the C olum bia- W illam ette. C h e n a u l t’s lo c a l a c tiv i tie s in c lu d e serv in g as a b o ard m e m b er for the O regon C h a p te r o f th e N a tio n a l S o c ie ty o f F u n d ra is in g E x e c u tiv e s . H e is a lso a m em ber o f the B lack A chievers Program for th e Y M C A o f C o lu m b ia - W illa m e tte , N orthside Fam ily p ro g ram ; Linfield C ollege A frican A m erican S tudent M entor program ; C o a litio n o f B lack M en; K appa A lpha Psi f r a t e r n i t y and* W illa m e t te V a lle y D ev elo p m en t O fficers. U n ited W ay is th e larg est h ealth and hum an se rv ic e o rg an iz atio n in O reg o n and S o u th w e s t W a s h in g to n , fu n d in g 155 p ro g ram s in C lack am as, M u ltnom ah and W a sh in g to n co u n ties in O regon and C lark C o u n ty in W ash in g to n .