Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 17, 1999, Page 10, Image 10

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March 17,1999
(Fije 'Portland (Ifobamier
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Walt W hitm an and Th e Soul Children
T he 1999 E aster Presentation The
Love o f the Father will be presented
at Beaverton Christian Church, 13600
SW A llen B oulevard in Beaverton
Friday, April 2 through Sunday, April
4 at 7:00 p.m ., with a matinee on
Saturday, A pril 3 at 3:00 p.m.
The original script tells the story o f
a young girl who seeks Christ for
healing o f a large scar on her face,
only to find that others want to do all
they can to keep her from Christ.
The 130-voice choir and the 30-
piece orchestra, along with a cast ot
over three hundred will be part o f the
Complimentary tickets are available
through the BCC ticket office, area
code 503,646-2151, ext 237.
Contact Person: Sherri Lacy (503)
646-2151 ext. 230
The Tribe
Called Judah
"D emo Release Party "
Saturday M arch 2 7 ,1 9 9 9 -7 :3 0 p . m .
M aranatha Church
4222 NE 12th Avenue
W e w ill be sh arin g the vision
G o d has g iv e n to us to reach
“G eneration X ” . w e w ill m inister in
song and w e w ill fellow ship w ith
you d uring the reception. T h ere is
no charge fo r this event.
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of Chicago " and what a 17 years it s been!
Mentor, motivator, rites ofpassage
leader, disciplinarian, father figure,
visionary and lifelong friend are a few
o f the words those close to him use to
describe the sensational and aw ard
winning Soul Children o f Chicago
founder W alter W. W hitm an, Jr.
Known throughout C hicago as a
dynam o and virtual living legend,
W hitman form ed the 75-voice Soul
Children o f Chicago (who range from
ages seven to
seventeen) in
O ctober 1981.
The choir was
o rig in a lly
created as an
activity to the
m u s i c
curriculum o f
St. Jo h n D e
L aSalle E lem entary School. The
mission remains constant: to maintain
a d e m o n s tr a tio n a l w o rk s h o p
environm en t that uses the ch o ir
experience to teach self-discipline,
academic excellence, mutual support
and responsibility.
Responsibility is something that
W hitman learned a long tim e ago as
the son o f a M aster Sgt. In the A ir
Force. By the age o f 17, he had lived in
recorded tburerihcally acclaimed albums
“W eA reO ne",“ThisIsTheDay”,:Live
and Blessed" and the Stellar Award
winning C D “Growing Up” (featuring
1996’s breaktlirough hit, "Shabach”).
The Soul Children o f Chicago have
worked with a cornucopia o f artists
including Rev. James Cleveland, Kirk
Franklin, Neil Diamond, Diana Ross,
G ladys Knight, Sandi Patti, Stevie
Wonder, W hitney Houston, Mariah
Carey and many others. Whitman sen cd
as musical director o f award winning
plays such as“Godspe 11”, “Don’t Bother
M eICan’tCope”,and“InDeBeginning”.
One o f his most incredible productions
was the Soul Children o f Chicago’s
powerhouse version o f the Broadway
musical ’ ‘The W iz”.
W hether it’s expressing heartfelt
T h e N a tio n a l C o u n c il o f N e g r o W o m e n , Inc.
Tri-County Section Spring Fundraiser
1 3 th A nnual
Left, W alt Whitman. Above, The Soul Children of Chicago
courses at D e Paul U n iv ersity .
A th e n s, v is ite d Ire la n d , R o m e,
The Soul C hildren o f C hicago sing
Amsterdam and other countries in and
o f high-pow ered, energetic
throughout E urope. B o m in San
music including classical, gospel,
Antonio, Texas, w ith family roots in
Negro Spirituals, anthem s and hymns.
Chicago, he graduated from the famous
Regardless o f the m usical genre, sheer
Calumet High School, a Chicago alma
ent is on the face o f every
m ater to co u n tless “ w in d y city ”
their spirit lights up in song
entertainers. W hitm an received his
musical foundation in the church and
O ften referred to as C h ica g o ’s
w ent on to study classical piano at the
ambassadors, the choir has
Chicago Music Conservatory and took
Saturday, May 0 1 , 1999
Shilo Inn Newport Newport, Oregon
Somebody Oughta Tell GOD Thank You
• Back by Popular Demand. One
night only at the Civic Auditorium,
Saturday, May 8,1999, 8:00 p . m .
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T h e H it G o s p e l S ta g e P lay
“Som ebody O ughta Tell G od Thank
You, was a huge success as it played
to a sell-out crow d at the Schnitzer on
Ja n u a ry , 8. B ro u g h t to y ou by
S tanding Room O nly Production
c o m p a n y , c r itic a lly a c c la im e d
national playw rite D elilah Rashell
W illiam s certainly has another hit on
her hands. Delilah has dem onstrated
that she can capture an audience by
storm with her history o f sell outs
here in the Portland area. She broueht
< \:~
Happy Birthday
Maggie Gibson
From Carl, Larry, Tamraand
The Portland Observer and
Stay sw eet and beautiful and
God Bless You!
w ives constant rem inder, and causes
us to take stock in ju st how frail we
really are as his reaping days leaves
audiences everyw here taking serious
account o f themselves. Back up singer
w ith the leg en d a ry T em p tatio n s
Review featuring D ennis Edw ards,
this gifted and gentle man delivers
dynam ic perform ances that one critic
com pared only to Sydney P o iter’s
perform ance in a “Raisin in the S un.”
w h e n th e c u rta in rise s w e are
convinced you will agree! Y ou might
re m e m b e r
h is
o u ts ta n d in g
perform ance as O scar C raw ford in
the sm ashing hit “Things A in ’t W hat
They Used To Be”. He will once again
you “Things ain ’t W hat They Used
T o Be" G od Is Trying To Tell You
Som ething, and The Tour o f Life and
the now “Somebody Oughta Tell God
Thank Y ou” is sw eeping the nation.
T aking a break from Europe to play
ju st in tim e for M others Day. As
noted from curtain to the end, this is
one exceptional play you definitely
d o n ’t w ant to miss!
Davis Sea!
International Recording A rtist and
phenom enal actor David Sea delivers
O scar
A w a rd
W in n in g
performance as Claude Pryor, the man
w ho forgets about G od despite his
pain for the delivery ofaN egro spiritual
at S atu rd ay m o rn in g reh earsals,
tutoring young m inds or going over
final details on the set o f The Oprah
W infrey show . W hitman has divine
purpose. He is a m an o f integrity set
with acharge to lead the childrenofthe
world into a new millenium. He accepts
the charge boldly as he shapes the
minds and hearts o f today’s youth.
W alt W hitm an and the Soul Children
o f C h icag o .. an experience that lasts
a lifetime
A new album. Generation Celebration
X, from W alt W hitman & The Soul
Children will hit stores, Tuesday, March
23. T he new CD from CGI Records, is
the group’s first in a couple o f years.
Their last CD, Growing Up garnered a
Stellar Awards nomination.
An Evening o f Entertainment at the Beach!
light up the stage as C laude Pryor, the
arrogant ungrateful fool
M usic By: L eslie T ay lo r
Dine on Hors d’oeuvres Buffet
Also joining the c a s t...
V eteran actor Phil L ew is from the
m ega hit “Gods Trying To Tell Y ou
S om ething” and Jane K e n n e d y ’s
“ T h e A fric a n A m e r ic a n ” . P h il
c a p tiv a te s a u d ie n c e s a c ro ss th e
country with ease taking charge every
m om ent he is on stage. Mr. L ew is
plays a handsom e C hristian w idow er
w hose persona leaves ladies in the
house on their feet and panting for
air. T his anointed ordained m inister
is also the strong and pow erful voice
o f G o d in th e finale.
W a k e u p t o th e M o r n in g -a fte r B r e a k f a s t B u ffe t
Donation: 175.00 Per Couple
Tax Deductible Amount $30.00
Purchase Your Ticket Now! Space is Limited!
Tickets: Hair Creation
5 4 2 5 N.E. 3 0 ,h
(5 0 3 ) 2 8 1 -1 1 8 5
For More Information
Call Ms. Phillips
(503) 281-2381
Proceeds to Help Develop and Implement
Programs of Concern to the Community
In Loving M em ory o f Elenora
Christinia Fielder bom in Houston,
T exas 12/29/15, died 3/10/99 in
P o rtla n d , O re g o n .
E m p lo y e d
counselor for the state o f Oregon
W elfare D epartm ent retired in 1986.
Elenora was a member o f the American
W om en B u sin ess A sso c, M etro
C itizens Board, N ational Bowling
Assoc. N AACP, N orthwest Business
Boosters, Bethal AME Church, and
A lbina Rotary. Survivors o f Elenora
Phyllis Stevens Daughter; o f Oregon
City, Renay Johnson daughter; o f
Portland, Oregon, Minnie Jones sister,
o f San A ntonio, Tx 5 grandchildren,
3 great grandchildren and 3 nieces.
In Loving M emory o f Harrison
Hayes, Jr. Bom 7/25/55 inClarksdale,
A R, died 3/9/99 in Portland, Oregon.
Harrison was a m em ber o f Church o f
theLivingG od. SurvivorsofH arrison
Hayes, wife Traci Hayes married on 2/
28/92. Riene Hayes mother; Portland
Oregon, Georgia Brooks sister; Myles
B rooks brother both o f C hicago, IL;
Sally Brooks sister o f D etroit, MI;
Hassie Hayes sister ofSt. Louis, MO;
Irene Roberts sister, O dell H ayes
sister both from St. L ouis, M O;
Cleotha Hayes sister o f St. Louis, M O
Lizzie Sw inton sister o f Little Rock,
A K; Josephine H ayes sister, Ella
Hayes sister both ofPortland, O R; JD
H ayes brother o f St. Louis, M O;
W illiam H ayes brother o fP o rtla n d .
O R ; Larry Hayes b rotherofS t. Louis,
M O; M argaret Johnson m other-in-
law o f Mt. M orris, M ichigan; Karin
Johnson sister-in-law, Phillis Tidwell
sister-in-law both o f Portland, OR;
G erald Johnson brother-in-law o f
Portland, OR.
V ’
North Portland Bible College
4905 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, Oregon
Spring Schedule, March 29 - June 11,1999
Monday Evenings, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
New Testament Survey III
Ministry to Urban Families III
E. Nance,
M. Div.
Carol Chism, N.S.W.
Tuesday Mornings, 9:00 - 12 Noon
E. Nance, M.Div.
New Testament Survey III
Tuesday Evenings, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Michael Lindsey, M.Div.
Brian Fraught, B.A.
Jay Held, M.Div.
Annett Stanton, B.A.
Bible Lands and Customs
Equipping the Saints II
Lay Counseling II
MS Windows 95/Word 97
Wednesday Mornings, 9:00 - Noon
Michael Lindsey, M. Div.
Bible Lands and Customs
Thursday Mornings 9:00 - Noon
Old Testament Survey III
Educational Ministries of the Church:
Making Our Programs Ready for 2000
James Coleman, M.A.
Debra Jenkins, M.A.
w .IVA,,!; fattier in tier fe, she'll be 53% more likely fo attem pt Sttiride. Give your kids a better ¿fenfte. Even
|A1, ,v,|b vou "ic y need your emotional and financial support. They re your kids Be thei dac
Thursday Evenings, 6:30 — 9:30 p.m.
Old Testament Survey III
Celebration and Despair in the Psalms
Christian Social Ethics
James Coleman, M.A.
Gerald Wilson, Ph.D.
LeRoy Haynes, D. Min.
(At Allen Temple)
Call 288 2919 to register, or to receive Information
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