- idWH V . ì . £ si Page B2 March 17,1999 (Fije 'Portland (Ifobamier « è -■«k- ■ £ Easter Walt W hitm an and Th e Soul Children Presentation T he 1999 E aster Presentation The Love o f the Father will be presented at Beaverton Christian Church, 13600 SW A llen B oulevard in Beaverton Friday, April 2 through Sunday, April 4 at 7:00 p.m ., with a matinee on Saturday, A pril 3 at 3:00 p.m. The original script tells the story o f a young girl who seeks Christ for healing o f a large scar on her face, only to find that others want to do all they can to keep her from Christ. The 130-voice choir and the 30- piece orchestra, along with a cast ot over three hundred will be part o f the presentation. Complimentary tickets are available through the BCC ticket office, area code 503,646-2151, ext 237. Contact Person: Sherri Lacy (503) 646-2151 ext. 230 The Tribe Called Judah "D emo Release Party " Saturday M arch 2 7 ,1 9 9 9 -7 :3 0 p . m . M aranatha Church 4222 NE 12th Avenue W e w ill be sh arin g the vision G o d has g iv e n to us to reach “G eneration X ” . w e w ill m inister in song and w e w ill fellow ship w ith you d uring the reception. T h ere is no charge fo r this event. < -Ì s of Chicago " and what a 17 years it s been! Mentor, motivator, rites ofpassage leader, disciplinarian, father figure, visionary and lifelong friend are a few o f the words those close to him use to describe the sensational and aw ard winning Soul Children o f Chicago founder W alter W. W hitm an, Jr. Known throughout C hicago as a dynam o and virtual living legend, W hitman form ed the 75-voice Soul Children o f Chicago (who range from ages seven to seventeen) in O ctober 1981. The choir was o rig in a lly created as an extra-curricular activity to the m u s i c curriculum o f St. Jo h n D e L aSalle E lem entary School. The mission remains constant: to maintain a d e m o n s tr a tio n a l w o rk s h o p environm en t that uses the ch o ir experience to teach self-discipline, academic excellence, mutual support and responsibility. Responsibility is something that W hitman learned a long tim e ago as the son o f a M aster Sgt. In the A ir Force. By the age o f 17, he had lived in recorded tburerihcally acclaimed albums “W eA reO ne",“ThisIsTheDay”,:Live and Blessed" and the Stellar Award winning C D “Growing Up” (featuring 1996’s breaktlirough hit, "Shabach”). The Soul Children o f Chicago have worked with a cornucopia o f artists including Rev. James Cleveland, Kirk Franklin, Neil Diamond, Diana Ross, G ladys Knight, Sandi Patti, Stevie Wonder, W hitney Houston, Mariah Carey and many others. Whitman sen cd as musical director o f award winning plays such as“Godspe 11”, “Don’t Bother M eICan’tCope”,and“InDeBeginning”. One o f his most incredible productions was the Soul Children o f Chicago’s powerhouse version o f the Broadway musical ’ ‘The W iz”. W hether it’s expressing heartfelt T h e N a tio n a l C o u n c il o f N e g r o W o m e n , Inc. Tri-County Section Spring Fundraiser Presents 1 3 th A nnual Left, W alt Whitman. Above, The Soul Children of Chicago courses at D e Paul U n iv ersity . A th e n s, v is ite d Ire la n d , R o m e, The Soul C hildren o f C hicago sing Amsterdam and other countries in and a variety o f high-pow ered, energetic throughout E urope. B o m in San music including classical, gospel, Antonio, Texas, w ith family roots in Negro Spirituals, anthem s and hymns. Chicago, he graduated from the famous Regardless o f the m usical genre, sheer Calumet High School, a Chicago alma excitem ent is on the face o f every m ater to co u n tless “ w in d y city ” child as their spirit lights up in song entertainers. W hitm an received his and choreography! musical foundation in the church and O ften referred to as C h ica g o ’s w ent on to study classical piano at the "Goodwill ambassadors, the choir has Chicago Music Conservatory and took otton âper Saturday, May 0 1 , 1999 Shilo Inn Newport Newport, Oregon Somebody Oughta Tell GOD Thank You < ì • Back by Popular Demand. One night only at the Civic Auditorium, Saturday, May 8,1999, 8:00 p . m . 1 «••: i». • A '.V ./? • • /* •Z/. 4 •" , • : '* •K V- »••:•• t w T h e H it G o s p e l S ta g e P lay “Som ebody O ughta Tell G od Thank You, was a huge success as it played to a sell-out crow d at the Schnitzer on Ja n u a ry , 8. B ro u g h t to y ou by S tanding Room O nly Production c o m p a n y , c r itic a lly a c c la im e d national playw rite D elilah Rashell W illiam s certainly has another hit on her hands. Delilah has dem onstrated that she can capture an audience by storm with her history o f sell outs here in the Portland area. She broueht < \:~ Happy Birthday Maggie Gibson ■ .'•f From Carl, Larry, Tamraand The Portland Observer and Friends! Stay sw eet and beautiful and God Bless You! w ives constant rem inder, and causes us to take stock in ju st how frail we really are as his reaping days leaves audiences everyw here taking serious account o f themselves. Back up singer w ith the leg en d a ry T em p tatio n s Review featuring D ennis Edw ards, this gifted and gentle man delivers dynam ic perform ances that one critic com pared only to Sydney P o iter’s perform ance in a “Raisin in the S un.” w h e n th e c u rta in rise s w e are convinced you will agree! Y ou might re m e m b e r h is o u ts ta n d in g perform ance as O scar C raw ford in the sm ashing hit “Things A in ’t W hat They Used To Be”. He will once again you “Things ain ’t W hat They Used T o Be" G od Is Trying To Tell You Som ething, and The Tour o f Life and the now “Somebody Oughta Tell God Thank Y ou” is sw eeping the nation. T aking a break from Europe to play ju st in tim e for M others Day. As noted from curtain to the end, this is one exceptional play you definitely d o n ’t w ant to miss! Davis Sea! International Recording A rtist and phenom enal actor David Sea delivers an O scar A w a rd W in n in g performance as Claude Pryor, the man w ho forgets about G od despite his pain for the delivery ofaN egro spiritual at S atu rd ay m o rn in g reh earsals, tutoring young m inds or going over final details on the set o f The Oprah W infrey show . W hitman has divine purpose. He is a m an o f integrity set with acharge to lead the childrenofthe world into a new millenium. He accepts the charge boldly as he shapes the minds and hearts o f today’s youth. W alt W hitm an and the Soul Children o f C h icag o .. an experience that lasts a lifetime A new album. Generation Celebration X, from W alt W hitman & The Soul Children will hit stores, Tuesday, March 23. T he new CD from CGI Records, is the group’s first in a couple o f years. Their last CD, Growing Up garnered a Stellar Awards nomination. An Evening o f Entertainment at the Beach! light up the stage as C laude Pryor, the arrogant ungrateful fool M usic By: L eslie T ay lo r Dine on Hors d’oeuvres Buffet Also joining the c a s t... V eteran actor Phil L ew is from the m ega hit “Gods Trying To Tell Y ou S om ething” and Jane K e n n e d y ’s “ T h e A fric a n A m e r ic a n ” . P h il c a p tiv a te s a u d ie n c e s a c ro ss th e country with ease taking charge every m om ent he is on stage. Mr. L ew is plays a handsom e C hristian w idow er w hose persona leaves ladies in the house on their feet and panting for air. T his anointed ordained m inister is also the strong and pow erful voice o f G o d in th e finale. W a k e u p t o th e M o r n in g -a fte r B r e a k f a s t B u ffe t Donation: 175.00 Per Couple Tax Deductible Amount $30.00 Purchase Your Ticket Now! Space is Limited! Tickets: Hair Creation 5 4 2 5 N.E. 3 0 ,h (5 0 3 ) 2 8 1 -1 1 8 5 For More Information Call Ms. Phillips (503) 281-2381 Proceeds to Help Develop and Implement Programs of Concern to the Community O B IT U A R IE S In Loving M em ory o f Elenora Christinia Fielder bom in Houston, T exas 12/29/15, died 3/10/99 in P o rtla n d , O re g o n . E m p lo y e d counselor for the state o f Oregon W elfare D epartm ent retired in 1986. Elenora was a member o f the American W om en B u sin ess A sso c, M etro C itizens Board, N ational Bowling Assoc. N AACP, N orthwest Business Boosters, Bethal AME Church, and A lbina Rotary. Survivors o f Elenora Phyllis Stevens Daughter; o f Oregon City, Renay Johnson daughter; o f Portland, Oregon, Minnie Jones sister, o f San A ntonio, Tx 5 grandchildren, 3 great grandchildren and 3 nieces. In Loving M emory o f Harrison Hayes, Jr. Bom 7/25/55 inClarksdale, A R, died 3/9/99 in Portland, Oregon. Harrison was a m em ber o f Church o f theLivingG od. SurvivorsofH arrison Hayes, wife Traci Hayes married on 2/ 28/92. Riene Hayes mother; Portland Oregon, Georgia Brooks sister; Myles B rooks brother both o f C hicago, IL; Sally Brooks sister o f D etroit, MI; Hassie Hayes sister ofSt. Louis, MO; Irene Roberts sister, O dell H ayes sister both from St. L ouis, M O; Cleotha Hayes sister o f St. Louis, M O Lizzie Sw inton sister o f Little Rock, A K; Josephine H ayes sister, Ella Hayes sister both ofPortland, O R; JD H ayes brother o f St. Louis, M O; W illiam H ayes brother o fP o rtla n d . O R ; Larry Hayes b rotherofS t. Louis, M O; M argaret Johnson m other-in- law o f Mt. M orris, M ichigan; Karin Johnson sister-in-law, Phillis Tidwell sister-in-law both o f Portland, OR; G erald Johnson brother-in-law o f Portland, OR. V ’ North Portland Bible College 4905 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, Oregon Spring Schedule, March 29 - June 11,1999 Monday Evenings, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. New Testament Survey III Ministry to Urban Families III E. Nance, M. Div. Carol Chism, N.S.W. Tuesday Mornings, 9:00 - 12 Noon E. Nance, M.Div. New Testament Survey III Tuesday Evenings, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Michael Lindsey, M.Div. Brian Fraught, B.A. Jay Held, M.Div. Annett Stanton, B.A. Bible Lands and Customs Equipping the Saints II Lay Counseling II MS Windows 95/Word 97 - Wednesday Mornings, 9:00 - Noon Michael Lindsey, M. Div. Bible Lands and Customs Thursday Mornings 9:00 - Noon Old Testament Survey III Educational Ministries of the Church: Making Our Programs Ready for 2000 ‘V James Coleman, M.A. Debra Jenkins, M.A. PREVENT YOUR DAUGHTER_ FROM COMMITTING SUICIDE 16 YEARS BEFORE IT HAPPENS. w .IVA,,!; fattier in tier fe, she'll be 53% more likely fo attem pt Sttiride. Give your kids a better ¿fenfte. Even ' |A1, ,v,|b vou "ic y need your emotional and financial support. They re your kids Be thei dac Thursday Evenings, 6:30 — 9:30 p.m. Old Testament Survey III Celebration and Despair in the Psalms Christian Social Ethics James Coleman, M.A. Gerald Wilson, Ph.D. LeRoy Haynes, D. Min. (At Allen Temple) I Call 288 2919 to register, or to receive Information l 1 • - ».t •/ * ■ N H aS S E K '.*-- * •;