Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 18, 1998, Image 9

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Volume XXVII, Number 59
nm m u n i t o
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Gullah Images
The Interstate F irehouse C ultural C en ­
ter presents G ullah Images: T he Paintings
o f Jonathan G reen. T he paintings will he
on view through M arch 28. Exhibition
hours are M onday - Saturday from 10 AM
- 6 PM. A dm ission is free. Call 823-2071.
International Week
International W eek at University o f Port
land focuses on cultural diversity. C ultural
diversity will be highlighted during the
U niversity o f P o rtla n d ’s In tern atio n al
W eek '98 through February 2 1. T here will
be traditional foods offered from represen
tatives o f G reece, C olum bia, T hailand
H aw aii, Japan, and the M iddle East. Per
form ances by the A frican A m erican B al­
let, M ilagro B aladores and the M urray
School o f Irish D ance. Call 283-7367.
National Dance Festival
The Jefferson D ancers, the perform ing
arm o f a n ationally-recognized dance pro
gram at Jefferson Perform ing and V isual
A rts High School, in existence for over
twenty years, have been selected to show ­
case two w orks at the N ational H ighS chool
Dance Festival in M iam i, F loridaon M arch
26-29, 1998.
Boy Scouts Save
Know som eone with a dinosaur in their
closet? On M arch 7, folks in O regon and
Southw est W ashington have the opportu
nity to save those dinosaurs too and the
environm ent through G o o d w ill’s 47th A n­
nual G ood Turn D ay. D uring the last w eek­
end o f this m onth thousands o f Scouts
invite their neighbors to recycle their reus­
able clothing and housew ares by donating
them to a good cause. G ood T urn D ay is
the largest used-goods collection drive o f
its kind anyw here in the nation.
Committed to cultural diversity.
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FEB. 18, 1998
Sean Waller Named enson Football Coach
B y N eii . H eii . pern
Brent M cA llister
ook out Portland Interscholastic
On offense, he plans to transform B enson's
League! T he blitz is com ing back
traditional I-form ation into "a m ultiple for­
to Benson High School, w ith the
m ation offense with a west coast attitude,
selection o f form er T echm an star spreading
the field both horizontally and
W aller as the new head football coach.
vertically with m ore short passing to the
W aller is taking over the position held by
h 's fo rm erco ach Bill D ressell, w hodirected
“Speed kills” will be the theme, he said. “I
the T echm en for 21 years, retiring in No­
have five speedsters, all fast, skilled position
players that can catch and run.”
vem ber as one o f the top 10 w inningest
coaches in O regon.
W a lle r m e n tio n e d A n tju a n T o lb e rt,
“I was a linebacker and utility offensive
B en so n 's leading receiver; Devon Saahir, a
player for him in 19 8 0 -8 1,” W aller told The
100 yards per gam e rusher; Jimi H enderson,
Portland O bserver, recalling earning the
“O ur best possession receiver”, Ryan Sharp,
m ost valuable player aw ard in his senior
w ho is m oving up from the Jv program ; and
years and m aking second team all state and
his own son JR W aller, last y ear's leading
all league in his ju n io r and senior years.
scorer who runs the 4 0 in 4.2 seconds.
Now, at 33. W aller w ants to continue the
Emphasizing "bigger and stronger," W aller
D ressell tradition o f hard hitting team play­
envisions his players spending a lot o f tim e in
ers, both on and o ff the field. "I w ant to bring
the w eight room.
back excitem ent to Benson football and fill
“ I’m going to build com m unity, increas­
the stands.”
ing avenues for parents to get involved with
“O ur kids are perform ing to the best of
a booster club," said W aller.
their ability in the classroom and social
He red shirted at L infield College, but a
environm ent as well as on the field,” said
car accident stopped him cold, and he went
W aller.
into coaching. Last year his freshman pro­
Last year the T echm en w ent 7 and 3,
gram w ent 4-2 in league play, with a 4-4
taking second in the league, bow ing to the
overall He has coached 11 years, including
cham ps at Grant.
two sixth grade team s in Dayton and O regon
“ Benson won the state cham pionship in
1988, the first PIL team to win it in the 80s,”
W aller has been on the gridiron since age
he said. “ I w asn ’t part o f that staff.”
eight as a Pop W arner team player in Los
“ Benson is know n for running a five two
defense," said W aller, “but I’m a pressure
“My m other has never seen me play, be­
person, and w e’ll do more blitzing to create
cause of the violence in the sport, but she
turnovers with a more aggressive 4-2-3 d e­
alw ays asked about it.”
fense to reflect my personality.
At 12, he moved to Portland to live with
“W hen I w ent to school we w ere known
his father, w ho "pulled me out of the program
for our O range C rush defense, only giving
in the m iddle of the eighth grade because of
up seven points a gam e. W e are going back
my grades T hat im pacted how I raise my two
to that era, shutting everyone dow n and
children and athletes not earning at least a 2.3
scoring points.”
grade point average must sign a contract
W aller said he will build a Techm en
before being allow ed to continue in foot­
defense around line-backer Bill Fairly, d e­
fensive end G reg Lew allen and lineman
C ontinued T o P age B2
Former Benson High School football player Sean Waller, with his own most
valuable player trophies, has been named Benson's new head football coach.
(Photo By Neil Heilpern).
Irish Festival
K ells - P ortland’s Irish R estaurant and
Pub are having the Kells E ighth A nnual
Portland St. P atrick’s Irish F estival. This
y ear’s festival will be held on Saturday and
Sunday, M arch 13 and 14 in dow ntow n
Portland. The streets around K ells on SW
2nd will be tented and filled to the brim
with world renow ned C eltic m usic from
North A m erica and Europe, Irish dancing,
arts and crafts, pony rides, clow ns, face
painting and m uch m ore. C all 215-2228.
Library Hotline
R eference help available through L i­
brary Hotline. N eed inform ation from an
autom obile Blue B ook? An address and
phone num ber for a relative in N ebraska?
The correct spelling for a difficult w ord?
Q uick inform ation from A to Z is available
at 2 4 8 -5 2 3 4 , the M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty
L ib rary ’s R eference Line. R eference Line
is available during Central L ib rary ’s open
hours except for Sundays. T here is a limit
o f tw o questions per call. Call 248-5498.
Get Your Library Card
‘G et C arded,” a countryw ide drive to
encourage m iddle school and high school
students to get library cards, is currently
under way. Students, teachers and other
school personnel who sign up for a library
card through M arch 20 will receive a “Gel
C arded” discount card good for special
offers at several Portland-area businesses
during the m onth o f A pril. Call 736-6004.
AT&T Wireless Services’ School Safety Program Gets Underway
w est W ashington selected to participate in
en Portland Public S ch o o ls’ e l­
the A T & T Safe Schools program . The pro­
em entary and m iddle school prin
is designed to im prove the learning
cipals met yesterday at the Port­
for students by increasing safety
land Public School D istrict adm inistration
school cam purss.
offices to receive A T & T Safe S chools phone
“T he districts w e’re w orking with us, to
training. The A T & T Safe S chools program
tell us that one o f the ways to im prove student
provides schools nationw ide access to digital
achievem ent is to help im prove the en viron­
w ireless phones and free local airtim e. O f the
ment in which students are trying to learn,’’said
1,000 schools across the U nited States that
w ere aw arded A T & T Safe School grants,
Neil Grubb, general m an ag ero f A T & T W ire­
fifty-two went to schools in Oregon and South­
less Services in Oregon and Southw est W ash­
ington. “W e are thrilled that school officials
w est W ashington, and ten o f those were is­
believe our technology can indeed help im ­
sued to Portland Public Schools. Aw ards
prove student and teacher safety.”
w ere based on the sch o o l’s level o f need, the
The A T& T Safe Schools program in­
school m eeting the defined lim its o f the pro­
creases the safety of students in the class­
gram , and the availability o f A T & T W ireless
room , on the playground and in a num ber of
Service in the local area.
other school settings by providing phones to
Principals participated in a training seminar
teachers and faculty to use in em ergency
with AT&T Wireless Services and Ericsson
situations. Safe School phones will be uti­
Mobile Phones to receive their phones and learn
lized in a variety o f ways, including but not
how to use them to assist their school' s particular
lim ited to: parent-volunteer school safety
safety issues. Each school received two digital
patrols, com m unications in portable class­
wireless phones and unlimited minutes of local
room s w hich are situated in high-crim e areas,
airtime from AT&T Wireless Services.
m edical em ergencies during field trips and
The Portland Public School D istrict is one
on playgrounds, etc.
o f five school districts in O regon and South-
Jazz Gospel Celebration
S u n d a y , F e b ru a ry 2 2 n d , 6 PM -
A u g u s ta n a L u th e ra n C h u rc h at the
c o rn e r o f N E 15th and K n o tt (2 8 8 -
6 1 7 4 ). T h is a n n u a l c e le b r a tio n w ill
in c lu d e p o e try , d a n c e a n d re a d in g s
w o v en th ro u g h J a z z and G o sp e l so n g s.
A d m iss io n is fre e . A fre e w ill o ffe rin g
w ill be ta k e n . F o r m o re in f o rm a tio n ,
c a ll 2 8 8 -6 1 7 4 .
See North Korea
A tte n d a ta lk an d s lid e sh o w p r e ­
s e n ta tio n g iv in g in s ig h t in to s o m e o f
th e th in g s th a t g o on in N o rth K o re a
w ith w h ich few A m e ric a n s are f a m il­
iar. T h e e v e n t is on T u e s d a y , M a rc h
17 at 7 :3 0 PM at th e G a lle r ia on SW
10th an d A ld e r in R oom 5 3 3 . It is fre e
to thf' p u b lic .
Principals from ten Portland elementary and middle schools participated in
training seminar.
Sheila Lang, principal o f Capitol Hill Elementary in SW Portland, gets
some personal training on her school's new digital wireless phones.
"T he A T& T Safe Schools program will
allow us to stay in com m unication with fac­
ulty at all times, especially during playground
tim e ,” said A llison C ouch, p rin cip al at
C laredon Elem entary in North Portland. “ We
have several students who have severe aller­
gic reactions to bee stings These phones will
be beneficial to have quick contact with the
office if the students were outside."
G rant recipients include A rleta E lem en­
tary, Capitol Hill Elem entary, C hief Joseph
Elem entary, C laredon Elem entary. W illiam
C lark Elem entary, G eorge M iddle School,
Jam es John E lem entary, Kenton Elem entary,
M etropolitan Learning C enter and Skyline.
“O ur school is part o f the Urban Ecology
Program with Portland State University where
studies are held o ff school grounds," said
David M asunaga, principal at G eorge M iddle
School in North Portland. “T hese phones
will allow our students who participate in
these environm ental studies quick access to
the school in case o f em ergencies."
"W ith school budget cuts and lack of phone
lines, this program provides the quick, vital
com m unications necessary a, schools in a
safety situ atio n ," said Lew Frederick, P ort­
land Public S ch o o ls' D irector o f Public In­
form ation. “T he A T & T Safe School pro­
gram will play a great role in school security
so that our children can study and learn in a
safer en v iro n m en t.”
The AT& T Safe Schools program is an out­
growth of the A T&T Learning Network, the
c< impany s $ 150million nationwide commitment
to support teacher training and learning through
innovative uses, if tcchnt ilogy. AT&T Safe Schools
will be an on-going program and will issue grants
on a school year basis. Schools interested in
receiving an application by mail for the participat­
ing in the 1998-99 program year can call I -888-
A T & T W ireless Services, Inc., is the larg­
est w ireless carrier in the U nited States, serv­
ing nearly eight m illion custom ers. A T& T
W ireless is a w holly ow ned subsidiary of
A T & T C orp. (N Y SE :T ). A T & T W ireless
provides w ireless voice com m unications,
data, in-flight phone services and advanced
m assaging.