S’ • >” ■ * »MWi j . . Volume XXVII, Number 59 nm m u n i t o a le n i» a r (C Gullah Images The Interstate F irehouse C ultural C en ­ ter presents G ullah Images: T he Paintings o f Jonathan G reen. T he paintings will he on view through M arch 28. Exhibition hours are M onday - Saturday from 10 AM - 6 PM. A dm ission is free. Call 823-2071. International Week International W eek at University o f Port land focuses on cultural diversity. C ultural diversity will be highlighted during the U niversity o f P o rtla n d ’s In tern atio n al W eek '98 through February 2 1. T here will be traditional foods offered from represen tatives o f G reece, C olum bia, T hailand H aw aii, Japan, and the M iddle East. Per form ances by the A frican A m erican B al­ let, M ilagro B aladores and the M urray School o f Irish D ance. Call 283-7367. National Dance Festival The Jefferson D ancers, the perform ing arm o f a n ationally-recognized dance pro gram at Jefferson Perform ing and V isual A rts High School, in existence for over twenty years, have been selected to show ­ case two w orks at the N ational H ighS chool Dance Festival in M iam i, F loridaon M arch 26-29, 1998. Boy Scouts Save Dinosaurs Know som eone with a dinosaur in their closet? On M arch 7, folks in O regon and Southw est W ashington have the opportu nity to save those dinosaurs too and the environm ent through G o o d w ill’s 47th A n­ nual G ood Turn D ay. D uring the last w eek­ end o f this m onth thousands o f Scouts invite their neighbors to recycle their reus­ able clothing and housew ares by donating them to a good cause. G ood T urn D ay is the largest used-goods collection drive o f its kind anyw here in the nation. Committed to cultural diversity. y*K • / 4 ' A r¿ A * ’ a £»'.'~V» . ^1. , FEB. 18, 1998 Sean Waller Named enson Football Coach B y N eii . H eii . pern Brent M cA llister ook out Portland Interscholastic On offense, he plans to transform B enson's League! T he blitz is com ing back traditional I-form ation into "a m ultiple for­ to Benson High School, w ith the m ation offense with a west coast attitude, selection o f form er T echm an star spreading Sean the field both horizontally and W aller as the new head football coach. vertically with m ore short passing to the W aller is taking over the position held by backs.” h 's fo rm erco ach Bill D ressell, w hodirected “Speed kills” will be the theme, he said. “I the T echm en for 21 years, retiring in No­ have five speedsters, all fast, skilled position players that can catch and run.” vem ber as one o f the top 10 w inningest coaches in O regon. W a lle r m e n tio n e d A n tju a n T o lb e rt, “I was a linebacker and utility offensive B en so n 's leading receiver; Devon Saahir, a player for him in 19 8 0 -8 1,” W aller told The 100 yards per gam e rusher; Jimi H enderson, Portland O bserver, recalling earning the “O ur best possession receiver”, Ryan Sharp, m ost valuable player aw ard in his senior w ho is m oving up from the Jv program ; and years and m aking second team all state and his own son JR W aller, last y ear's leading all league in his ju n io r and senior years. scorer who runs the 4 0 in 4.2 seconds. Now, at 33. W aller w ants to continue the Emphasizing "bigger and stronger," W aller D ressell tradition o f hard hitting team play­ envisions his players spending a lot o f tim e in ers, both on and o ff the field. "I w ant to bring the w eight room. back excitem ent to Benson football and fill “ I’m going to build com m unity, increas­ the stands.” ing avenues for parents to get involved with “O ur kids are perform ing to the best of a booster club," said W aller. their ability in the classroom and social He red shirted at L infield College, but a environm ent as well as on the field,” said car accident stopped him cold, and he went W aller. into coaching. Last year his freshman pro­ Last year the T echm en w ent 7 and 3, gram w ent 4-2 in league play, with a 4-4 taking second in the league, bow ing to the overall He has coached 11 years, including cham ps at Grant. two sixth grade team s in Dayton and O regon “ Benson won the state cham pionship in City. 1988, the first PIL team to win it in the 80s,” W aller has been on the gridiron since age he said. “ I w asn ’t part o f that staff.” eight as a Pop W arner team player in Los “ Benson is know n for running a five two Angeles. defense," said W aller, “but I’m a pressure “My m other has never seen me play, be­ person, and w e’ll do more blitzing to create cause of the violence in the sport, but she turnovers with a more aggressive 4-2-3 d e­ alw ays asked about it.” fense to reflect my personality. At 12, he moved to Portland to live with “W hen I w ent to school we w ere known his father, w ho "pulled me out of the program for our O range C rush defense, only giving in the m iddle of the eighth grade because of up seven points a gam e. W e are going back my grades T hat im pacted how I raise my two to that era, shutting everyone dow n and children and athletes not earning at least a 2.3 scoring points.” grade point average must sign a contract W aller said he will build a Techm en before being allow ed to continue in foot­ defense around line-backer Bill Fairly, d e­ ball.” fensive end G reg Lew allen and lineman C ontinued T o P age B2 L Former Benson High School football player Sean Waller, with his own most valuable player trophies, has been named Benson's new head football coach. (Photo By Neil Heilpern). Irish Festival K ells - P ortland’s Irish R estaurant and Pub are having the Kells E ighth A nnual Portland St. P atrick’s Irish F estival. This y ear’s festival will be held on Saturday and Sunday, M arch 13 and 14 in dow ntow n Portland. The streets around K ells on SW 2nd will be tented and filled to the brim with world renow ned C eltic m usic from North A m erica and Europe, Irish dancing, arts and crafts, pony rides, clow ns, face painting and m uch m ore. C all 215-2228. Library Hotline R eference help available through L i­ brary Hotline. N eed inform ation from an autom obile Blue B ook? An address and phone num ber for a relative in N ebraska? The correct spelling for a difficult w ord? Q uick inform ation from A to Z is available at 2 4 8 -5 2 3 4 , the M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty L ib rary ’s R eference Line. R eference Line is available during Central L ib rary ’s open hours except for Sundays. T here is a limit o f tw o questions per call. Call 248-5498. Get Your Library Card ‘G et C arded,” a countryw ide drive to encourage m iddle school and high school students to get library cards, is currently under way. Students, teachers and other school personnel who sign up for a library card through M arch 20 will receive a “Gel C arded” discount card good for special offers at several Portland-area businesses during the m onth o f A pril. Call 736-6004. AT&T Wireless Services’ School Safety Program Gets Underway w est W ashington selected to participate in en Portland Public S ch o o ls’ e l­ the A T & T Safe Schools program . The pro­ em entary and m iddle school prin gram is designed to im prove the learning cipals met yesterday at the Port­ atm osphere for students by increasing safety land Public School D istrict adm inistration on and around school cam purss. offices to receive A T & T Safe S chools phone “T he districts w e’re w orking with us, to training. The A T & T Safe S chools program tell us that one o f the ways to im prove student provides schools nationw ide access to digital achievem ent is to help im prove the en viron­ w ireless phones and free local airtim e. O f the ment in which students are trying to learn,’’said 1,000 schools across the U nited States that w ere aw arded A T & T Safe School grants, Neil Grubb, general m an ag ero f A T & T W ire­ fifty-two went to schools in Oregon and South­ less Services in Oregon and Southw est W ash­ ington. “W e are thrilled that school officials w est W ashington, and ten o f those were is­ believe our technology can indeed help im ­ sued to Portland Public Schools. Aw ards prove student and teacher safety.” w ere based on the sch o o l’s level o f need, the The A T& T Safe Schools program in­ school m eeting the defined lim its o f the pro­ creases the safety of students in the class­ gram , and the availability o f A T & T W ireless room , on the playground and in a num ber of Service in the local area. other school settings by providing phones to Principals participated in a training seminar teachers and faculty to use in em ergency with AT&T Wireless Services and Ericsson situations. Safe School phones will be uti­ Mobile Phones to receive their phones and learn lized in a variety o f ways, including but not how to use them to assist their school' s particular lim ited to: parent-volunteer school safety safety issues. Each school received two digital patrols, com m unications in portable class­ wireless phones and unlimited minutes of local room s w hich are situated in high-crim e areas, airtime from AT&T Wireless Services. m edical em ergencies during field trips and The Portland Public School D istrict is one on playgrounds, etc. o f five school districts in O regon and South- T Jazz Gospel Celebration S u n d a y , F e b ru a ry 2 2 n d , 6 PM - A u g u s ta n a L u th e ra n C h u rc h at the c o rn e r o f N E 15th and K n o tt (2 8 8 - 6 1 7 4 ). T h is a n n u a l c e le b r a tio n w ill in c lu d e p o e try , d a n c e a n d re a d in g s w o v en th ro u g h J a z z and G o sp e l so n g s. A d m iss io n is fre e . A fre e w ill o ffe rin g w ill be ta k e n . F o r m o re in f o rm a tio n , c a ll 2 8 8 -6 1 7 4 . See North Korea A tte n d a ta lk an d s lid e sh o w p r e ­ s e n ta tio n g iv in g in s ig h t in to s o m e o f th e th in g s th a t g o on in N o rth K o re a w ith w h ich few A m e ric a n s are f a m il­ iar. T h e e v e n t is on T u e s d a y , M a rc h 17 at 7 :3 0 PM at th e G a lle r ia on SW 10th an d A ld e r in R oom 5 3 3 . It is fre e to thf' p u b lic . Principals from ten Portland elementary and middle schools participated in training seminar. Sheila Lang, principal o f Capitol Hill Elementary in SW Portland, gets some personal training on her school's new digital wireless phones. "T he A T& T Safe Schools program will allow us to stay in com m unication with fac­ ulty at all times, especially during playground tim e ,” said A llison C ouch, p rin cip al at C laredon Elem entary in North Portland. “ We have several students who have severe aller­ gic reactions to bee stings These phones will be beneficial to have quick contact with the office if the students were outside." G rant recipients include A rleta E lem en­ tary, Capitol Hill Elem entary, C hief Joseph Elem entary, C laredon Elem entary. W illiam C lark Elem entary, G eorge M iddle School, Jam es John E lem entary, Kenton Elem entary, M etropolitan Learning C enter and Skyline. “O ur school is part o f the Urban Ecology Program with Portland State University where studies are held o ff school grounds," said David M asunaga, principal at G eorge M iddle School in North Portland. “T hese phones will allow our students who participate in these environm ental studies quick access to the school in case o f em ergencies." "W ith school budget cuts and lack of phone lines, this program provides the quick, vital com m unications necessary a, schools in a safety situ atio n ," said Lew Frederick, P ort­ land Public S ch o o ls' D irector o f Public In­ form ation. “T he A T & T Safe School pro­ gram will play a great role in school security so that our children can study and learn in a safer en v iro n m en t.” The AT& T Safe Schools program is an out­ growth of the A T&T Learning Network, the c< impany s $ 150million nationwide commitment to support teacher training and learning through innovative uses, if tcchnt ilogy. AT&T Safe Schools will be an on-going program and will issue grants on a school year basis. Schools interested in receiving an application by mail for the participat­ ing in the 1998-99 program year can call I -888- 482-9995. A T & T W ireless Services, Inc., is the larg­ est w ireless carrier in the U nited States, serv­ ing nearly eight m illion custom ers. A T& T W ireless is a w holly ow ned subsidiary of A T & T C orp. (N Y SE :T ). A T & T W ireless provides w ireless voice com m unications, data, in-flight phone services and advanced m assaging. t i