Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 18, 1998, Page 5, Image 5

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Page A5
FEB. 18, 1998
(Ehe ^Jortlauò (lOhseruer
Local Artists Bring Columbia Gorge
Legend to the Stage!
Featuring Famous Cajun Flavor!
2pc. Snack
Bridge o f the Gods directed by Jodi Eichelberger is a collaboration between Tears o f Joy and
three talented Native Americans: storyteller Ed Edmo, artist Lillian Pitt, and musician Arlie
This production was made possible by a $.10,000 grant from the National Endowment fo r the
Arts, one o f the largest to any organization in the Northwest.
Gather around our fire as She Who Watches and Coyote take you on a journey across the
legendary Bridge o f the Gods. Petroglyphs are pulled from the rocks o f the Columbia Gorge as
masks and puppets weave this story o f fragile peace.
Bridge to another culture. Bridge across time. Bridge o f the Gods. Recommended fo r ages 5 and
leg,thigh or wing,breast
Spicy or Mild
Present coupon when ordering. One coupon per customer per visit. Void where prohibited Not valid with any other offer. Good at
participating Popeyes only 1998 AFC Enterprises, Inc. Offei Expires: 2/23/98
M illio n s o f d o lla rs in pension ben­
e fits , life insurance proceeds, and
other assets go u nclaim ed every year
because people fa il to leave belte r
in fo rm a tio n fo r th e ir loved ones.
A new p u b lic a tio n , The R etirem ent
S tartU p K it (a th re e -rin g b in d e r w ith
rem ovable pages, storage pockets, and
fill-in -th e -b la c k fo rm s) is designed
to assist fa m ilie s in o rg a n iz in g th e ir
im p o rta n t docum ents betore there is
a death in the fa m ily . C o-author Tonya
M oore Blake was a F in a n cia l A n a ly s t
fo r one o f the n a tio n 's largest in s u r­
ance com panies and Pam ela-D enise
Q uince was a new a ttorney han dling
estate m atters when they created the
K it fo r th e ir own fa m ily members.
When in th e ir pro fessio na l capacities
these tw o A fric a n A m e rican women
d iscovered that the c o m m u n ity at
large was fa cing s im ila r issues,they
decided to resign from th e ir p o s i­
tions, become authors, and o ffe r the
K it to the p u b lic .
The woodchuck belongs to
the squirrel family.