• x . V r •• c v , ♦<7 Î T ? & £ f9 M i Page A5 FEB. 18, 1998 (Ehe ^Jortlauò (lOhseruer Local Artists Bring Columbia Gorge Legend to the Stage! Featuring Famous Cajun Flavor! I BUY ONE GET ONE FREE 2pc. Snack Bridge o f the Gods directed by Jodi Eichelberger is a collaboration between Tears o f Joy and three talented Native Americans: storyteller Ed Edmo, artist Lillian Pitt, and musician Arlie Neskahi. This production was made possible by a $.10,000 grant from the National Endowment fo r the Arts, one o f the largest to any organization in the Northwest. Gather around our fire as She Who Watches and Coyote take you on a journey across the legendary Bridge o f the Gods. Petroglyphs are pulled from the rocks o f the Columbia Gorge as masks and puppets weave this story o f fragile peace. Bridge to another culture. Bridge across time. Bridge o f the Gods. Recommended fo r ages 5 and up. ^apexes leg,thigh or wing,breast Spicy or Mild 59 $2- Present coupon when ordering. One coupon per customer per visit. Void where prohibited Not valid with any other offer. Good at participating Popeyes only 1998 AFC Enterprises, Inc. Offei Expires: 2/23/98 “The Retirement Startup Kit” M illio n s o f d o lla rs in pension ben­ e fits , life insurance proceeds, and other assets go u nclaim ed every year because people fa il to leave belte r in fo rm a tio n fo r th e ir loved ones. A new p u b lic a tio n , The R etirem ent S tartU p K it (a th re e -rin g b in d e r w ith rem ovable pages, storage pockets, and fill-in -th e -b la c k fo rm s) is designed to assist fa m ilie s in o rg a n iz in g th e ir im p o rta n t docum ents betore there is a death in the fa m ily . C o-author Tonya M oore Blake was a F in a n cia l A n a ly s t fo r one o f the n a tio n 's largest in s u r­ ance com panies and Pam ela-D enise Q uince was a new a ttorney han dling estate m atters when they created the K it fo r th e ir own fa m ily members. When in th e ir pro fessio na l capacities these tw o A fric a n A m e rican women d iscovered that the c o m m u n ity at large was fa cing s im ila r issues,they decided to resign from th e ir p o s i­ tions, become authors, and o ffe r the K it to the p u b lic . The woodchuck belongs to the squirrel family. i «