Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 17, 1997, Page 13, Image 13

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D EC . 17, 1997
Page B7
Ifye JkintU tó t ì lb f w w
Radio Marketing
Salem Media of Oregon, Inc.,
KPDQ AM/FM Christian for­
matted radio, has an im m edi­
ate opening for M arketing
Consultants. The ideal can­
didate should have earned
the accreditation of Certified
Radio Marketing Consultant
(CRMC) through the Radio
Advertising Bureau (RAB). In
order to receive co nside r­
ation, other candidates must
be able to demonstrate that
they possess our five must
have characteristics: CRE-
OF URGENCY. All ca n d i­
dates must be team players
and of strong moral charac­
ter and integrity. Base pay
with excellent com m ission
package and benefits. FAX
your resume to Mike Hadley,
General Sales M anager at
(503) 238-7202. The dead­
line is December 31, 1997.
N onprofit housing m a n a g e ­
ment organization seeks an
individual who works well with
people; has the s k ills to
handle multiple tasks; and the
ability to follow oral and writ­
ten instructions. Primary re­
sponsibilities include greet­
ing applicants, visitors, call­
ers and residents in a cordial
manner; providing program
inform ation; receiving rent
payments, completing m ain­
tenance work orders; com ­
puter data entry and filing.
S a la ry ra n g e $ 1 9 ,0 0 0 -
$21,000. Fringe benefits. No
W alk-ins. Mail resum e by
January 9, 1997 to:
Residential remodeling design
and sales position with na­
tionally recognized design/
build contractor. Experience
in remodeling sales required.
Background in housing, ar­
chitecture, in terior design,
construction, or combination
needed. Use of own vehicle
required. Commissioned po­
sition with start-up base sal­
ary. Health benefits. Job de­
scription available on request.
Neil Kelly, a fifty year old Port­
land company, named one of
Oregon’s top 100 businesses
to work for in 1996 by Oregon
Business Magazine Tearn or­
ganizational structure. Send
resume and cover letter to:
Julia Spence, V.P Human Re­
sources, Neil Kelly Design-
e rs /R e m o d e le rs . 804 N
A lberta St.. P ortland, OR
E -m a il:
jbspence@ neilkelly.com
Executive Assistant
4829 NE Martin Luther King,
Jr., Blvd.
Portland, OR 97211
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Homes For Salel
(Pending Board of Commissioners’ Approval)
Self Enhancement, Inc. has an
immediate opening for a De­
velopment Assistant to per­
form a wide variety of adm in­
istrative clerical duties for the
Development department re­
sponsible for all of SEI’s fund
raising activities. Must have
high level administrative skills
with a minimum two years
advanced office exp., degree
in related field preferred, ad­
vanced w riting skills, o u t­
standing interpersonal skills
and phone manner, must be
self starter, highly organized,
excellent word processing
and database management
skills. Excellent benefits and
salary including 401K. Forap-
plication and job description,
Self Enhancement, Inc. 3920
N. Kerby Ave., Portland, OR
97227 or fax resume to (503)
249-1955. Open until filled.
KXL AM/FM Portland looking
$0 Down To Qualified Buyer
4 Bedroom - 3 Bath, 1712 SW
20th Ct. - Gresham
Ready for Im m ediate O ccu ­
Washington County
Automation Program Specialist
(Automation Librarian)
(Pending Board of Commissioners’ Approval)
$3,540 - $4,304/mo
Closes January 16,1998
Engineering Project Coordinator
Closes January 9,1998
Program Educator
(Public Information Specialist)
(Part-time 32 hrs/week)
for assistant engineer. Mini­
mum 2 years broadcast engi­
neering experience required.
Knowledge of all electronic
repair to component level nec­
essary and wide computer
and com puter netw orks a
must. Apply to Larry Wilson,
0234 SW Bancroft St., Port­
land, OR 97201. No phone
calls, Equal Opportunity Em­
Closes January 2,1998
Survey Technician III
(Development Review)
Closes January 9,1998
Web Specialist
(Pending Board of Commissioners’ Approval)
Closes December 29,1997
Call (503) 648-8606/TTY (503) 693-4898 for information. County
application and supplemental application forms required.
Soul Food Cook
S oul food kitchen operato.
needed to manage/operate
restaurant is close-in N.E.
P ortland. Must be e xp e ri­
Lease terms negotiable.
Interested Applicants
Call Tony Washington at 288-
Apply To:
Washington County Human Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 210
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to
Operations Manager
Since 19 4 1. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon has relied on the efforts o f our exceptional w orkforce to discover innovative routes to supenor
health care. Solutions like wellness programs, physician-directed care and assistance to uninsurable Oregonians. O u r people understand that while
quality often has a pnce. efficiency and intelligent strategies can keep costs to a minimum. If bettenng the quality o f life in Oregon sounds like a
System and Technology Group. To qualify, you must have a degree in
C om puter Science. Mathematics o r Information Technology (or
flo b # 97-201)
You will be responsible fo r assisting a Marketing Team in the service and
retention o f all lines o f business fo r your assigned territory.To qualify,
processing o r scientific computing to indude at least four years'
expenence in U N IX System Administration (preferably w ith Sun
insurance field w ith demonstrated sales and service experience
Solans and AIX).
(preferably in group health and life insurance).
You will provide accurate and tim ely information to o u r customers
You will answer all incoming telephone calls and electronic mail related
to graphic arts and pnntmg requests, provide expert customer service
regarding benefits, contract administration, eligibility, claim payments and
denials. You must have at least one year o f experience in customer
to clients o f the Reprographics D ep a rtm e n t screen |obs for accuracy
relations (within the last tw o years) and knowledge o f medical and
and completeness, and perform PC and data entry functions as
dental terminology You must have excellent PC. math and
required. To qualify, you must have tw o years' secretanal expenence, a
communication skills as well as the ability to type 40 w ords per minute.
High School diploma, and excellent PC and communication skills.
Publication of the ORS
Legal Research
(503) 986-1373 Fax (503) 986-1684
Sportswear Company®
Computer, High Technology
Swing Shift Operations Support Analyst
Work For One Tough Mother...
Mother Boyle has proven for more than 50 years that quality construc­
tion and innovation in sports apparel is a formula for success. We’re
seeking a Operations Support Analyst who thrives on challenge and
is looking for potential to grow with a fast paced, successful company.
In this position, you will be responsible for:
Maintaining computer equipment & printers, and ensuring avail­
ability of all supplies.
Checking equipment on a regular basis to prevent any system
Supporting users encountering hardware or software PC prob
Troubleshooting network problems and working closely with
corporate Is to resolve problems in a timely manner.
Experience to include a minimum of 3 years in Data Processing,
Computer Programming and/or Systems Administration.
Send resume to: Human Resources, Dept. RVGOPS, PO Box 83239,
Portland OR 97283, or Fax to: (503) 735-4597. Equal Opportunity
New Career Opportunity
If you're seeking new career opportunities, you’re cordially
invited to the American Family Open House At:
5000 S.W. Meddows, RSVP for Date and Time.
You’ll meet others who have made the career switch to Ameri­
can Family-an insurance industry leader for nearly 70 years.
You’ll learn how you can:
* Have unlimited income potential
* Manage your own business
* Realize career advancement
For more information, call: 968-5800
»uro M M ausmess n tim u ft ~
American Family insurance is an equal opportunity employer.
.Z n
Or e go n ,
o p p o r tu n it y
m e a n s great benefits, competitive
salaries, and a large variety of
s ta te w id e .
Currently, openings exist in the
follow ing agencies:
Stie Sfate
O re g o n
D e p a rtm e n t
Transportation (ODOT), is known
</ Z
” -2
throughout the nation as a
progressive government agency and
as a leader in team development
and performance measures. 000T
is responsible for the coordination of
transportation programs between
and amon8 al1 governmental
organizations within the state We
have immediate opportunities for
the following positions:
Transportation Engineer 3
(Pavement Materials
We are seeking an individual with technical expertise in pavement materials
for a position in Salem. Will work with various ODOT staff in construction,
maintenance, materials, testing, contract administration and pavement
services, and private sector suppliers of pavement materials to provide
efficient and competent service in the field of material specifications, material
testing, mix design formulation, problem Identification and resolution, and
training. Position represents ODOT locally and nationally on issues of
° F %
' a 0 .,Z i . . . ,. <*
R ecruitm ent a t (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 9 8 6
3 8 5 4 for th e hearing Im paired) for required
application packet.
Right Of Way Agent (Entry)
(Right of Way Agent)
tu ' S
We are seeking applicants for m ultiple
vacancies in Salem and Portland. These
p ositions w ill appraise property and
negotiate for the acquisition, sale or
management of land needed for public use. Requires a Bachelor's degree
in Law. Business Administration, forestry, Agriculture, Civil Engineering,
Communications, Psychology, or a close-related field AND one year of
experience performing real property appraisals for true market value: or
negotiations for property acquisition by a utility, industrial concerns or public
agency; or the examination of right-ofway engineering work (e g. plot map
development, rightof-way surveying, property monumentation, or deed
research); OR an equivalent combination of training and experience. Salary
$1,811 to $2.471 a month plus benefits. Completed application materials
must be received by January 5, 1998. Announcement »0CDT7538 Contact
ODOT Recruitment at (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 986-3854 for the hearing
impaired) for required application packet.
For other ODOT opportunities ca ll our R ecruitm ent JOBLINE at (5 0 3 )
Recruit Trooper
Candidate will enforce State laws (including fish and wildlife), patrol
highways, investigate crimes, and will perform other duties as required.
Minimum qualifications: you m ust be a U.S. citizen, 21 years of age or
older, licensed to operate a m otor vehicle, with a high school diploma or
equivalent, with no felony convictions Applications received or postmarked
Salem Office
Contact ODOT Recruitment at (503) 9 8 0 4 0 3 0 (TTY 986-3854 for the
M onm outh Ave., M onmouth, OR 9 7 3 6 1 .
brokers, providers, and group administrators regarding benefits, contract
procedures, serve as a provider resource, initiate and coordinate special
administration, eligibility, claim payments and denials. You must have a
projects and committees, and research and develop provider education
High School diploma, GED, o r equivalent w o rk experience including at
matenals-To qualify, it is essential that you have a Bachelors' degree (or
least I year o f customer service experience (within the last 2 years)
equivalent expenence) and a minimum tw o years' expenence in the health
Knowledge o f medical terminology is required.
C laim s Analysts
medical terminology, A D A CPT, ICD-9 CM, and RBRVS is necessary.
Amendments to Measures
(Job #97-194)
You will perform activities to achieve provider understanding o f claims
care industry Knowledge o f provider organizational structure, dental and
no later than December 31 will be invited to te s t in February. Starting pay
is $ 2 ,7 2 2 a month; benefit package available Call th e OSP Jobline at
(5 0 3 ) 3 7 6 3 7 2 5 , e xt. 4 13 1 , or w rite Oregon S tate Police, 4 9 8 N.
You w ill provide accurate and tim ely information to o u r customers,
(Job # 97-195)
Bill Drafting
$3 762 to $ 5 .1 4 6 a month plus benefits. Completed application materials
must be received by January 12, 1998 Announcement UOCDT754O.
M e m b e r C u s to m e r Service R epresentative
P rovider Service R epresentative
A llied Products
140 State Capitol, Salem OR 97310
per hour; work in the custody,
care and human treatment of
adult male or female inmates
in a jail or other detention
environment; applicants must
be at least 21 years of age,
U.S. citizens, have a valid
driver's license and have ex­
p e rie n c e a n d /o r tra in in g
equivalent to two years; ap­
plications taken on a continu­
ous basis.
Application Information avail­
able at w w w .m ultn o m a h.-
Iib.or.us/jobs/, in person or
mail self-addressed, stamped
envelope requesting applica­
tio n fo rm s . M u ltn o m a h
County Employee Services,
1120 SW 5th Ave., Room
1430, PO Box 14700, Port­
land, OR 97293-0700.
(Job #97-188)
(Job # 97-185)
Legislative Counsel Staff
Corrections Officer; $15.79
C u s to m e r Services R epresentative
S ecretary
Karen Hupp
Self Enhancement, Inc. has an
immediate opening for a Vol­
unteer Coordinator. A new
position responsible for cre­
ating, implementing and su­
pervising SEI’s volunteer Pro­
gram. Must be self starter,
degree in related field pre­
ferred, excellent com m unica­
tion skills, highly motivated
and organized and have ex­
cellent word processing and
database skills. Excellent ben­
efits and salary in clu ding
401K. For application and job
description, Self E nhance­
ment, Inc. 3920 N. Kerby Ave.,
Portland, OR 97227 or fax
resume to (503) 249-1955.
Open until filled.
equivalent w o rk experience), and at least six years' expenence in data
you must have a college degree o r equivalent expenence in the health
Office Administration and Management of:
w orthw hile pursuit to you, consider o u r possibilities.
Associate M ark etin g Representative
Legislative Counsel
Food Industry Professional with
significant operational expe­
rience to manage collection,
storage, and distribution of
food to local helping agen­
cies in the Portland Metro
area and regional agencies
throughout the state. O pera­
tions and 20 person staff in
two sites in Portland. Addi­
tional management respon­
sibilities include in ve nto ry
control, volunteer coordina­
tion, food sorting/recovery
operations, andfacility/equip-
ment maintenance. Must be
an innovative team player with
strong people management
skills, and the ability to assist
in formulating and implement­
ing creative new approaches
to the distribution of donated
food. FT + benefit. Send let­
ter with salary requirements
& resume to Oregon Food
Bank, 2540 NE Riverside Way,
Portland, OR 97211 by 12/
31/97. Equal O p p o rtu n ity
W hen it comes to keeping O regon
healthy, we couldn't care more.
(Jo b# 97-191)
Medford Office
Sr. U N IX
Systems A d m in is tra to r
You will analyze and enter daim information into our automated Claims
(Job # 97-351)
Administration System (CAS) fo r o u r Claims Training D epartm ent in our
You will install, evaluate, administer and support U N IX servers and
Medford office. You must have a High School diploma, o r equivalent and
workstations as well as develop, standardize and document the
knowledge o f medical terminology. O ne year o f expenence working in a
configuration, operation and recovery procedures fo r our Computer
doctor's office, hospital o r other medical facility is preferred.
pavement materials. Requires Registration as a Professional Engineer. Salary
hearing Impaired) for required application packet.
Right Of Way Agent 2
(Senior Right of Way Agent)
Oregon Health Division
Clinical Lab Inspector
We are seeking applicants for a current vacancy. This position will be
headquartered in Salem or Roseburg pending negotiation with successful
candidate. Will appraise property and negotiate for the acquisition, sale or
management of land needed for public use. Requires two years of
experience appraising and negotiating the purchase of real estate for a
public or other body covered by the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real
Property Acquisition Policies Act o f 1970; AND a Bachelor's degree,
preferably in law. business administration, forestry, agriculture, engineering,
or a closely related field; or three more years of relevant experience. Salary
$3,0 95 to $ 4 ,2 3 2 a month plus benefits. Announcement #0CDT7539.
Completed application materials m ust be received by January 5, 1998.
C ontact ODOT R ecruitm ent a t (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 for the
hearing Impaired) for required application packet.
Candidate will conduct on-site lab surveys. Position located in Portland;
extensive travel throughout Oregon required. Prefer Med-Technologist with
experience in lab management, surveying, or compliance to clinical lab regs
Salary $2,561 to $3,406 a month. For application package, call Personnel
at (5 0 3 ) 7 3 1 4 0 0 5 . Applications are due by Wednesday, January 7, 1998.
Two vacancies in Salem. These positions provide spiritual development of
inmates, conduct counseling, coordinate religious programs Requires
Bachelors, a Graduate Degree from an accredited sem inary/theological
school. M ust be an ordained religious leader or possess official
endorsem ent/sponsorship from a recognized religious organization and 3
years experience as a religious leader Salary $ 2 ,7 5 3 to $ 3 ,7 3 8 monthly,
W e offer a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package Pre-employment drug screening is required and we support a smoke-free w ork
environm ent To apply, please indicate job # at the to p o f your resume o r cover letter and submit t o Regence BlueCross BlueShield o f O regon and
Regence H M O Oregon. Human Resources, P O. Box 12 7 1. Portland. O R 97207-1270, TTY # (503) 225-6780. W e are strongly com m itted to equal
opportunity in all phases o f employment.
4*9 Regence
BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon
HMO Oregon
For more information about career opportunities, call our lob Information Line
(100) 1 1 1 1 *1 7 or Walt our w ^ a ita at www.bcbM.com
Associate Transportation Engineer
(Survey Crew Chlef/Senlor Inspector)
(job announcement #LE97O71OA) and S ta te of Oregon em ploym ent
We are seeking for team-oriented, experienced individual with strong survey
and inspection background for position in Portland. Will lead survey crew
responsible for all field location and construction surveying; and ensure
daily contract compliance on major transportation construction projects
Requires a B achelor's degree w ith m ajor coursework in civil or
transportation-related engineering; or PE. PLS. FE/EIT or FIS/LSIT
c e rtlftc a tio n /re g is tra tlo n . Applicants who p ossess an LSIT/PLS
D epartm ent of call (5 0 3 ) 3 7 6 6 0 1 3 or log onto the DOC w eb alte at:
certlfication/registration are preferred. Salary $2,5 45 to $3,477 a month
plus b en e fits Announcem ent »0C D T7639. C om pleted application
m aterials m ust be received by January 9, 1998. C o n ta ct ODOT
a p p licatio n
m ay
o b ta in e d
th ro u g h
O regon
E m ploym ent
h t t p : / / w w w d o c .ita te .o ru a Recruitment closes December 29. 1997.
J /h e s e are Jutt io m e of the current openings available w ith the State of
Oregon. For additional Information, a copy of the State of Oregon Application
Form and more com plete announcement listings. call the S tate Jobflns
(Oregonian Inside Uns) (5 0 3 ) 2 2 6 5 S 5 S # 7 7 7 7 , I I t ( 5 0 3 ) 3 7 6 4 6 7 2 , visit
your local Em ployment
D e p artm en t,
or log
h ttp ://w w w .d a s h r.s ta te .o r.u s /lo b e /. The
our w eb
of Oregon
divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers.
all Its