Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 30, 1996, Page 13, Image 13

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O bserver » O ctober 3 u , 1996
Election 96
Ballot Measure recommendations
As a public service The Portland Observer/Observador is providing our readers
with the recommendations of Portland’s three largest publications
(¿Ite ^lortlanh (iDltscrucr
election recommendations
Portland Observer
& Observador
*27: Gives even the most incompetent and partisan legislator King-like
powers over rules and actual expertise.
*28: Simplifies veteran’s home and farm loan requirements.
*29: Anti-government nitwits want to use you to force Governor’s appointees
out of office, create chaos.
*30: Shifts responsibility away from your local officeholders; allows them to
blame the Legislature for their problems.
*31: Aligns Oregon Constitution with US Constitution regarding free
speech issues.
34: Allows inhumane and unfair bear/cougar slaughtering.
State Senator, 1 Ith District............................... o f John l int
State Senator, 28th District.............................. & Kevin Campbell
35: Messes with a complicated health care issue, mandating an
unconvincing solution.
City of Portland Commissioner, Position I..... «G ail Shibley
City of Portland Commissioner, Position 2.....( / Erik Sten
State Representative, 7th District..........................Bob Shook
State Representative, I Oth District.................. (/Susan I,ester
State Representative, I Ith District..................t/Anitra Rasmussen
State Representative, 12th District................. [/Chris Beck
State Representative,
State Representative,
13th District................. [/Dan Gardner
14th District................. (/George Eighmy
State Representative,
15th District................. (/Randall Edwards
*26:Changes the principles that govern Oregon laws for punishment of crime;
too many violent criminals out there.
32: Authorizes bonds for needed transportation projects.
*33: Paralyzes government for years.
36: Increases minimum wage in three stages over five years; reduces number
of workers liv ing in poverty.
37: Expands bottle bill to cover some new sources of litter; might generate
niche market in recycling.
38: Gives crackpots opportunity to put rifle away and sue neighboring cows,
but lawsuits will tie up courts forever.
*40: Professes to be about Victim's Rights; more likely to have seriously
adverse implications for minority and poor populations.
*41: Anti-government special interests mess with the Constitution, harass
public employees.
*42: More anti-government special interests mess with the Constitution;
add nothing to education.
44: Raises cigarette taxes to reduce smoking among youth, provides for more
money to treat tobacco-related illness.
*45: Small number of anti-government zealots use Constitution to mess with
public employees.
* 46: Allows non-voters to vote against you; too many dead people are voting
already; backed by Neanderthals.
*47: Will eventually make Oregon a third-world country; a handful of pinch­
faced nitwits wants to spoil your life.
*48: Pinch-faced nitwits and anti-government zealots get together to reduce
quality of government.
* refers to all measures that would amend the Oregon State Constitution
Tom Bruggere supported by elected officials
“ On N ovem ber 5th voters in O re­
gon w ill m ake im portant choices
ab o u t the future o f our state. O ne o f
those choices will be who will rep re­
sent O regon in the US Senate. W e are
w riting to you today to ask for your
help and support in electing Tom
B ruggere to the US Senate on N o­
vem b er 5th.
“ T om is running for the US S en­
ate because he believes this country
is at a crossroads, and the decisions
we m ake today are going to have a
trem endous im pact on the next g e n ­
eration o f O regonians and A m eri­
“ He can see a clear agenda on the
right to take us to a ‘survival o f the
fittest’ society by dism antling the
public education system , w eakening
Stand up for children
O ur state has over 800.000 O re­
go n ian s w ho w o n 't be able to cast
th eir vote on Election Day, N ovem ­
b er 5th. You can make their voices
heard on Election Day by m aking
sure you cast your vote for can d i­
d ates w ho stand up for children.
C h ild re n F irst fo r O re g o n b e­
lieves th a t ev ery c a n d id a te fo r
p u b lic office should h av e a plan
to a d d re s s each o f th e follow ing.
preschool through higher education
♦ Provide com prehensive health
ca re f o r children a n d fam ilies.
• B uild health y a n d sa fe c o m ­
m unities f o r children a n d fa m ilies.
W e hope you will use the an ­
sw ers to these questions to m ake an
inform ed election choice.
Be sure to vote on N ovem ber
5th. M ake your vote count for kids.
H ow to:
•S u p p o r t strong a n d ca pable
,S’H ' Morrison, Suite4 IB, Portland,
fa m ilie s
• A chieve quality education fro m
Children First fo r Oregon, 921
OR 9 7205, (503) 294-1456 or (800)
544-0376, fa x : (503) 294-1806.
email: H>3 ! 56(a handsnet. org
United States Senator....................................... l oin Bruggere
Representative in Congress, 1st District.......... ( / Elizabeth Furse
Representative in Congress, 3rd District........ t/l-.arl Blumenauer
*39: Messes with the Constitution; medical standards are already low enough;
Big Tobacco strikes back.
43: Recognizes that public safety workers put their lives on the line for the
rest of us every day.
President of the United States.......................... (/Bill Clinton
Vice President of the United States................. ( / Al Gore
our environm ental laws, abandoning
our com m itm ents to our poor and our
seniors citizens, and much, much
“ We need leaders in W ashington
w ho will bring com passion and civil­
ity, and still fight for what is right
We need leaders w ho will bring peo­
ple together to solve our problem s in
a way that benefits all Am ericans,
and not ju st a few. T o m ’s vision for
O regon and for our country is that o f
an inclusive, diverse society that sup­
ports affirm ative action, decent af­
fordable housing for low and m oder­
ate income people, and jo b training
and family wage jo b s.”
—Senator Bob Boyer;
Representative Margaret ( arter;
Representative A vel Gordly
Hill criticizes negative ads
“Recent radio advertisem ent from
my o p p o n en t’s cam paign creates a
m istaken im pression about how stat­
ed-m anaged pension funds can be
“ She suggests that a $10 million
erro r has occurred in the Treasury.
T hat is inaccurate. W hat she is refer­
ring to is a decision by the Oregon
Investm ent C ouncil to place $50
m illion with an investm ent com pany
rather than originally scheduled $40
m illion. In either case, the invest­
ment, w hen it is m ade, will likely
have at least a 20% rate o f return
“ M ore im portantly, though, was
Make your opinion count.
Remember to vote on November 5th.
her suggestion that she could take
$ 10 m illion from state pension funds
and put it into education. That sug­
gestion is illegal. Her suggestion
w ould am ount to a raid on state-
m anaged pensions. That is not going
to happen we d o n 't solve education
funding by taking pension funds from
Senior citizens.
“ M y opponent and I have many
areas o f agreem ent and d isag ree­
ment. But, I think it is im portant that
the record on how m oney is being
m anaged and how retired folks' pen ­
sion funds are being protected be as
clear as possible. Frankly, anyone
w ho w ould m ake a suggestion like
this one either isn 't qualified to m an­
age $32 billion o f other p eo p le's
m oney or d o esn ’t understand the
jo b .”
- J im Hill, State Treasurer
Secratary of State.................................................. Phil Keisling
State Treasurer.................................................. t/jim Hill
Attorney General.............................................. / Hardy Myers
State Senator, 6th District................................ t/Ginny Burdick
State Senator, 7th District................................ Kate Brown
State Senator, 8th District................................ Michael Fitz
State Senator, IOth District............................. [ / Avel Gordly
State Representative, 16th District................. / I rank Shields
State Representative. 17th District
(/Mike 1 alley
State Representative. 18th District................. [/Margaret Carter
State Representative, I Oth District................. t/.lo Ann Bowman
State Representative, 20th District................. (/George Kelly
State Representative, 21st District................. ( / Lonnie Roberts
State Representative, 22nd District.................. t/Chuck Partington
Who will decide
In th e 1996 G e n e ra l F lection
O reg o n ia ns w i II m a kc sev e r a I d e­
cisions. W e will elect a U.S. S en^
a to r an d five U.S. R e p re se n ta ­
tives. W e w ill also elect a S ecre­
ta ry o f S ta te , a S ta te T re a s u re r,
all 6(1 m e m b ers o f the O reg o n
I louse o f R e p re se n ta tiv e s a n d 15
O reg o n S ta te S en ato rs.
As if a ll fo re g o in g w a s n 't
en o u g h , ac tiv e sp ecial in te rest
g ro u p s an d paid s ig n a tu re g a th ­
erin g , we will also vote u p o r
dow n on 23 ballot m easu res! Fi­
nally, w e'll d ecide w ho gets O re ­
g o n 's P r e s id e n t ia l E le c to r a l
M an y B lacks w ere d en ied th e
rig h t to vote u n til p assag e o f the
V o tin g R ig h ts Act o f 1965.
B lacks lost th e ir lives as re ­
cen tly as th e 1970s ju s t fo r reg is­
te rin g to Mite.
B ecause o f th e e ffo rts o f som e,
now often fo rg o tte n , B lacks in
O re g o n can freely p a r tic ip a te in
th e e le c to ra te process.
T h e e le c tio n is set. V otes will be
c a st—in e lu d in g y o u rs, Ifyou b o th ­
e r to vote.
W h o will d ecid e, ify o u choose
not to v o te?
AU Oregonians are urged
to vote on November 5, 1996.
A n opportunity for economic independence
Continued from page B4
need to pay workers enough to afford
themselves economic independence.
Today that is an impossibility. As
Oregonians we can do better.
Tw enty-five years ago. I was one
o f those single moms, struggling to
make ends meet. I w orked my way
up through PSU, got m y degree and
worked hard to make a better life
for my son. It was tough. ..and we
made it.
But things are different now than
they were 25 yeais ugu. At that
time, in relative dollars, the m ini­
mum wage was as high as it has ever
been. Earning m inimum wage kept
us over the federal poverty level.
More im portantly, I was able to
earn enough to provide for my fam ­
ily. And I m anaged to scrim p to­
gether enough money to afford a
better education.
Since then, the value o f the m in­
imum wage has been outstripped by
inflation. Ifm inim um wage had kept
up with inflation since the 1960's
and 7 0 ’s, it would be around $6.42
an hourright now...rem arkably close
to the $6.50 an hour we have pro­
posed under M easure 36.
For every dollar they earn, it’s
one less dollar in public assistance
O regon taxpayers have to pay. O ne
m ore dollar we can use for ed u ca­
tion. O regon last raised it’s m ini­
mum wage in 1991. Since then,
O regon businesses has seen record
growth while the buying pow er o f
the m inim um wage has plunged
nearly 20% . W e’ve created more
jo b s than ever before. Yet the gap
betw een the haves and have nots
continues to widen
Corporate C L O '.', v u i i i 4 0 " o iih > i «.
than they did then O re g o n 's w o rk ­
ers cam 20% less
W a ll S tre e t is a t a r e c o rd
high . .and so is the cost o f renting a
2 bed-room apartm ent (the state
average is $577 a month).
We have 55.000 O regonians over
the age 50 living in poverty.
O regon can do better
Passing Ballot M easure 36 on
N ovem ber 5 will show the nation
that O regon once again is w illing to
lead the way in proving that Wall
Street and w orkers can both benefit
from a strong econom y. I urge you
to vote Yes on M easure 36