f« » . ( ‘ . • • ..*»*•*? ' 4 * - '• ■’Ç * ■ '"'Mi C JW» •5**Z.irA.’î ^L ! r s 7 jM f -t, » Jr .U¿> { ■M I'm P o r u and «4 /„ -• * . P agi B5 O bserver » O ctober 3 u , 1996 Election 96 Ballot Measure recommendations As a public service The Portland Observer/Observador is providing our readers with the recommendations of Portland’s three largest publications (¿Ite ^lortlanh (iDltscrucr and ©IBSEIRV^ election recommendations Oregonian Willamette Weekly Portland Observer & Observador Yes No Yes *27: Gives even the most incompetent and partisan legislator King-like powers over rules and actual expertise. No No No *28: Simplifies veteran’s home and farm loan requirements. Yes Yes Yes *29: Anti-government nitwits want to use you to force Governor’s appointees out of office, create chaos. No No No *30: Shifts responsibility away from your local officeholders; allows them to blame the Legislature for their problems. No No No *31: Aligns Oregon Constitution with US Constitution regarding free speech issues. No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No 34: Allows inhumane and unfair bear/cougar slaughtering. No No No State Senator, 1 Ith District............................... o f John l int State Senator, 28th District.............................. & Kevin Campbell 35: Messes with a complicated health care issue, mandating an unconvincing solution. No No No City of Portland Commissioner, Position I..... «G ail Shibley City of Portland Commissioner, Position 2.....( / Erik Sten Yes State Representative, 7th District..........................Bob Shook State Representative, I Oth District.................. (/Susan I,ester Yes State Representative, I Ith District..................t/Anitra Rasmussen State Representative, 12th District................. [/Chris Beck No State Representative, State Representative, 13th District................. [/Dan Gardner 14th District................. (/George Eighmy State Representative, 15th District................. (/Randall Edwards Measure *26:Changes the principles that govern Oregon laws for punishment of crime; too many violent criminals out there. 32: Authorizes bonds for needed transportation projects. *33: Paralyzes government for years. 36: Increases minimum wage in three stages over five years; reduces number of workers liv ing in poverty. 37: Expands bottle bill to cover some new sources of litter; might generate niche market in recycling. 38: Gives crackpots opportunity to put rifle away and sue neighboring cows, but lawsuits will tie up courts forever. No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No *40: Professes to be about Victim's Rights; more likely to have seriously adverse implications for minority and poor populations. No No No *41: Anti-government special interests mess with the Constitution, harass public employees. No *42: More anti-government special interests mess with the Constitution; add nothing to education. No No No No No Yes 44: Raises cigarette taxes to reduce smoking among youth, provides for more money to treat tobacco-related illness. No No Yes Yes Yes *45: Small number of anti-government zealots use Constitution to mess with public employees. No No No * 46: Allows non-voters to vote against you; too many dead people are voting already; backed by Neanderthals. No No No *47: Will eventually make Oregon a third-world country; a handful of pinch­ faced nitwits wants to spoil your life. No No No *48: Pinch-faced nitwits and anti-government zealots get together to reduce quality of government. No No No * refers to all measures that would amend the Oregon State Constitution Tom Bruggere supported by elected officials “ On N ovem ber 5th voters in O re­ gon w ill m ake im portant choices ab o u t the future o f our state. O ne o f those choices will be who will rep re­ sent O regon in the US Senate. W e are w riting to you today to ask for your help and support in electing Tom B ruggere to the US Senate on N o­ vem b er 5th. “ T om is running for the US S en­ ate because he believes this country is at a crossroads, and the decisions we m ake today are going to have a trem endous im pact on the next g e n ­ eration o f O regonians and A m eri­ cans. “ He can see a clear agenda on the right to take us to a ‘survival o f the fittest’ society by dism antling the public education system , w eakening Stand up for children O ur state has over 800.000 O re­ go n ian s w ho w o n 't be able to cast th eir vote on Election Day, N ovem ­ b er 5th. You can make their voices heard on Election Day by m aking sure you cast your vote for can d i­ d ates w ho stand up for children. C h ild re n F irst fo r O re g o n b e­ lieves th a t ev ery c a n d id a te fo r p u b lic office should h av e a plan to a d d re s s each o f th e follow ing. preschool through higher education ♦ Provide com prehensive health ca re f o r children a n d fam ilies. • B uild health y a n d sa fe c o m ­ m unities f o r children a n d fa m ilies. W e hope you will use the an ­ sw ers to these questions to m ake an inform ed election choice. Be sure to vote on N ovem ber 5th. M ake your vote count for kids. H ow to: •S u p p o r t strong a n d ca pable ,S’H ' Morrison, Suite4 IB, Portland, fa m ilie s • A chieve quality education fro m Children First fo r Oregon, 921 OR 9 7205, (503) 294-1456 or (800) 544-0376, fa x : (503) 294-1806. email: H>3 ! 56(a handsnet. org United States Senator....................................... l oin Bruggere Representative in Congress, 1st District.......... ( / Elizabeth Furse Representative in Congress, 3rd District........ t/l-.arl Blumenauer *39: Messes with the Constitution; medical standards are already low enough; Big Tobacco strikes back. 43: Recognizes that public safety workers put their lives on the line for the rest of us every day. President of the United States.......................... (/Bill Clinton Vice President of the United States................. ( / Al Gore our environm ental laws, abandoning our com m itm ents to our poor and our seniors citizens, and much, much more. “ We need leaders in W ashington w ho will bring com passion and civil­ ity, and still fight for what is right We need leaders w ho will bring peo­ ple together to solve our problem s in a way that benefits all Am ericans, and not ju st a few. T o m ’s vision for O regon and for our country is that o f an inclusive, diverse society that sup­ ports affirm ative action, decent af­ fordable housing for low and m oder­ ate income people, and jo b training and family wage jo b s.” —Senator Bob Boyer; Representative Margaret ( arter; Representative A vel Gordly Hill criticizes negative ads “Recent radio advertisem ent from my o p p o n en t’s cam paign creates a m istaken im pression about how stat­ ed-m anaged pension funds can be spent. “ She suggests that a $10 million erro r has occurred in the Treasury. T hat is inaccurate. W hat she is refer­ ring to is a decision by the Oregon Investm ent C ouncil to place $50 m illion with an investm ent com pany rather than originally scheduled $40 m illion. In either case, the invest­ ment, w hen it is m ade, will likely have at least a 20% rate o f return “ M ore im portantly, though, was Make your opinion count. Remember to vote on November 5th. her suggestion that she could take $ 10 m illion from state pension funds and put it into education. That sug­ gestion is illegal. Her suggestion w ould am ount to a raid on state- m anaged pensions. That is not going to happen we d o n 't solve education funding by taking pension funds from Senior citizens. “ M y opponent and I have many areas o f agreem ent and d isag ree­ ment. But, I think it is im portant that the record on how m oney is being m anaged and how retired folks' pen ­ sion funds are being protected be as clear as possible. Frankly, anyone w ho w ould m ake a suggestion like this one either isn 't qualified to m an­ age $32 billion o f other p eo p le's m oney or d o esn ’t understand the jo b .” - J im Hill, State Treasurer Secratary of State.................................................. Phil Keisling State Treasurer.................................................. t/jim Hill Attorney General.............................................. / Hardy Myers State Senator, 6th District................................ t/Ginny Burdick State Senator, 7th District................................ Kate Brown State Senator, 8th District................................ Michael Fitz State Senator, IOth District............................. [ / Avel Gordly State Representative, 16th District................. / I rank Shields State Representative. 17th District (/Mike 1 alley State Representative. 18th District................. [/Margaret Carter State Representative, I Oth District................. t/.lo Ann Bowman State Representative, 20th District................. (/George Kelly State Representative, 21st District................. ( / Lonnie Roberts State Representative, 22nd District.................. t/Chuck Partington Who will decide In th e 1996 G e n e ra l F lection O reg o n ia ns w i II m a kc sev e r a I d e­ cisions. W e will elect a U.S. S en^ a to r an d five U.S. R e p re se n ta ­ tives. W e w ill also elect a S ecre­ ta ry o f S ta te , a S ta te T re a s u re r, all 6(1 m e m b ers o f the O reg o n I louse o f R e p re se n ta tiv e s a n d 15 O reg o n S ta te S en ato rs. As if a ll fo re g o in g w a s n 't en o u g h , ac tiv e sp ecial in te rest g ro u p s an d paid s ig n a tu re g a th ­ erin g , we will also vote u p o r dow n on 23 ballot m easu res! Fi­ nally, w e'll d ecide w ho gets O re ­ g o n 's P r e s id e n t ia l E le c to r a l votes. M an y B lacks w ere d en ied th e rig h t to vote u n til p assag e o f the V o tin g R ig h ts Act o f 1965. B lacks lost th e ir lives as re ­ cen tly as th e 1970s ju s t fo r reg is­ te rin g to Mite. B ecause o f th e e ffo rts o f som e, now often fo rg o tte n , B lacks in O re g o n can freely p a r tic ip a te in th e e le c to ra te process. T h e e le c tio n is set. V otes will be c a st—in e lu d in g y o u rs, Ifyou b o th ­ e r to vote. W h o will d ecid e, ify o u choose not to v o te? AU Oregonians are urged to vote on November 5, 1996. A n opportunity for economic independence Continued from page B4 ▲ need to pay workers enough to afford themselves economic independence. Today that is an impossibility. As Oregonians we can do better. Tw enty-five years ago. I was one o f those single moms, struggling to make ends meet. I w orked my way up through PSU, got m y degree and worked hard to make a better life for my son. It was tough. ..and we made it. But things are different now than they were 25 yeais ugu. At that time, in relative dollars, the m ini­ mum wage was as high as it has ever been. Earning m inimum wage kept us over the federal poverty level. More im portantly, I was able to earn enough to provide for my fam ­ ily. And I m anaged to scrim p to­ gether enough money to afford a better education. Since then, the value o f the m in­ imum wage has been outstripped by inflation. Ifm inim um wage had kept up with inflation since the 1960's and 7 0 ’s, it would be around $6.42 an hourright now...rem arkably close to the $6.50 an hour we have pro­ posed under M easure 36. For every dollar they earn, it’s one less dollar in public assistance O regon taxpayers have to pay. O ne m ore dollar we can use for ed u ca­ tion. O regon last raised it’s m ini­ mum wage in 1991. Since then, O regon businesses has seen record growth while the buying pow er o f the m inim um wage has plunged nearly 20% . W e’ve created more jo b s than ever before. Yet the gap betw een the haves and have nots continues to widen Corporate C L O '.', v u i i i 4 0 " o iih > i «. than they did then O re g o n 's w o rk ­ ers cam 20% less W a ll S tre e t is a t a r e c o rd high . .and so is the cost o f renting a 2 bed-room apartm ent (the state average is $577 a month). We have 55.000 O regonians over the age 50 living in poverty. O regon can do better Passing Ballot M easure 36 on N ovem ber 5 will show the nation that O regon once again is w illing to lead the way in proving that Wall Street and w orkers can both benefit from a strong econom y. I urge you to vote Yes on M easure 36