Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 25, 1996, Page 19, Image 19

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    I he P ortland O bserver • S eptember 25, 1996
P age D3
IVI ìnorìtv
Award recognizes performance by a minorily sub-contractor
T he N ational A eronautics and
Space A dm inistration has honored
S oftw are M aintenance S pecialists
(SM S) as “ 1996 M inority S u b co n ­
tractor o f the Y ear.”
SM S is being honored for its su b ­
co n tract service to the R ockw ell
Space S ystem s D ivision based in
D ow ney, Calif. R ockw ell’s Space
System s D ivision is a prim e co n tra c­
tor for the Johnson Space C enter in
H ouston.
As a leading national provider o f
com puter outsourcing services, SM S
provides R ock w ell’s Space System s
D ivision w ith data processing su p ­
port for the co m p an y ’s m ulti-plat­
form co m p u ter operations. SM S
inform ation technology services sup­
port the space shuttle orbiter pro­
gram , including pre- and post-flight
analysis. In addition, SM S m anages
the d iv isio n ’s m ainfram e netw ork
com m unication links with Rockw ell
facilities across the country.
“A s a subcontractor to Rockw ell,
SM S has focused on m eeting the
space system s di vision’s bottom -line
objectives for low ering operating
costs and im proving operations,” said
M iguel "M ik e” W inder, SM S presi­
dent and ch ief executive officer. “We
are honored that the space system s
division nom inated the com pany for
this distinguished aw ard.”
T he aw ard recognizes achieve­
m ents by entrepreneurs and honors
subcontractors that have provided
outstanding high-tech support and
service to N A SA .
“N A SA recognizes the co ntribu­
tions m inority businesses m ake in
assisting N A SA in fulfilling its m is­
sion,” said Ralph T hom as, N A SA
asso ciate ad m in istra to r for sm all
A c c o r d in g to Jim B o w e r,
R ockw ell Space System s D ivision’s
d irector o f m aterials, SM S w as se­
lected based on a full and open co m ­
petition by subm itting the best-val­
ued p ro p o sal for su p p o rt o f the
d iv isio n ’s m ainfram e com puting
“Since 1994, SM S has perform ed
beyond our expectations and has
helped the space system s division
stream line operations and rem ain a
leader in the aerospace industry,”
B ow er said.
Rockw ell Space System s Division
d e s ig n s , b u ild s an d in te g r a te s
m anned and unm anned space sys­
tem s and supporting hardw are for
N A SA , the D epartm ent o f Defense
and com m ercial users. It is the prime
contractor for the NAS A space shuttle
orbiter and the A ir F orce’s N avstar
G lobal Positioning System Block I,
II, IIA and IIF satellites.
L isted in 1995 as one o f Inc.
m agazine's “Fastest-Growing Private
C om panies,” SM S offers m ulti-plat­
form system s m anagem ent, data pro­
cessing, system s integration, techni­
cal support and application develop­
ment services. SMS provides transi­
tional and selective outsourcing ser­
vices to com panies throughout the
U.S., including A llergan Inc., A p­
plied M agnetics Corp., A vco F inan­
cial Services Inc., C ox C om m unica­
tions, D A TA T A PE Inc., D en n y ’s
Inc., M cG aw Inc., N estle Inc., Lucas
G eared System s Inc. and Varian A s­
SM S com pany headquarters are
located at 3 H utton C enter, Santa
Ana, C alif., 92704; telephone: 714/
1E s
I N S Ù 1 R i A h1 C
Song, winner of Smail
Minority Businessperson
of the year
Income Protection
Paul Song, president o f Seattle-
based A RIS Corp., has been selected
by the U.S. Sm all Business A dm in­
istration (SB A ) as the M inority Small
B usinessperson o f the Y ear for R e­
gion X.
C o m p e titio n e x te n d e d am o n g
Alaska, Idaho, O regon, and W ash­
ington, and Song will now be consid­
ered for even more recognition later
this month at the national level.
“The nation’s econom y is strong,
and com petition at every level is
very sharp,” said SB A A dm inistrator
Philip Lader. “S o these regional
w inners should be justifiably proud
o f this significant accom plishm ent.”
ARIS Corp, is an inform ation sys­
tem s consulting, training and prod­
uct developm ent com pany w hich
provides com puter-related business
solutions for large U.S. corporations
and organizations. T he com pany
specializes in finding business and
organizational solutions through
advanced technology.
“I am so pleased that a thriving
small business like the A RIS C orpo­
ration received this honor. Paul Song
is an exem plary m em ber o f S eattle’s
business com m unity and serves as an
inspiration to aspiring en tre p re ­
neurs,” said Gretchen Sorensen, SB A
Regional A dm inistrator.
These SBA regional aw ards re­
flect that each year since 1983, the
president designates one w eek for
recognition o f the accom plishm ents
o f m inority en trep ren eu rs. T hat
event. M inority E nterprise D evel­
opm ent (M ED ) W eek, results in cer­
em onies throughout the nation and
this year will be celebrated from Sept.
22 to Sept. 28.
The SBA has 10 regions and one
Planners to
Portland, Oregon will host ap­
proximately 20 minority meeting
planners from throughout the coun­
try on Novem ber I Oth- 17th. Slated
as "Hospitality Tour ’96", the 7 day
event is designed to influence orga­
nizations to consider Portland as a
destination for their future conven­
tions, meetings and conferences.
Portland’s first hospitality tour
was held last N ovem ber and re­
ceived rave reviews in national m e­
dia, as well as by the guests that
Roy Jay, President and C E O o f
Oregon Convention and Visitor Ser­
vices Network, says that this years
sequel promises to be bigger and
better than ever. Evening com m u­
nity and business receptions are be­
ing planned for Novem ber 14th,
15th and 16th in Portland.
Individuals and businesses that want
to attend theevening receptions should
call 244-5794ext. 22tobe included on
a special invitation list.
o f these 10 regional w inners will be
elevated within the next few w eeks
as S B A ’s National M inority Small
B usinessperson o f the Y ear and re­
ceive special recognition during a
four-day M ED W eek conference in
the natio n ’s capital.
The national conference starts on
M onday, Sept. 23, and is co sp o n ­
sored by the SBA and the M inority
B usiness D evelopm ent A gency o f
the U.S. D epartm ent o f C om m erce.
T his y ea r’s them e is “M inority B usi­
ness: A m erica’s C om petitive A d­
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Turn rotors or drums, replace
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beanngs it applicable.
Up to five
quarts of oil
1st Saturday Stro(T
cm the 'Bou&varcC
Look down here. A 93% efficient n a tu ra l
gao furnace can oave you up to $300 a year.
That meano more comfort for leoo money.
Support neighborhood businesses along Martin Luther
King Jr. Blvd. on the First Saturday of each month.
C o n v e n tioi
C e n te r
v i/
Q u een o f Sh eb a
I n te r n a tio n a l P o o d s
9 am - 9 pm, Every day
Restaurant service: Noon - 9 pm
2413 NEMLK, 287-6302
Search under the cuohiono fo r loooe change.
Uoually productive bunting, but you m a y fin d
more m oney hidden in other parto o f yo u r home.
B ingo! A high-efficiency n a tu ra l gao dryer
w ilt run you an average o f 5.5 cento per load
( i’.<. ¡3.6 cento fo r electric). A t 7 / 6 loado a
year, th a lo a oavingo o f $ 3 3 .7 0 a year.
D o r is ' C a fe
11 am -1 0 pm, Mon. - Fri.
7 am - 10 pm. Sat., 7 am - 9 pm, Sun.
325 NE Russell, 287-9249
\A cre -fo
Fin i
S t e e n 's
C o f le e H o u s e
Check thio out. Since the fla m e on your
n a tu ra l gao otove io inotant, you won t be
opending a lot o f tim e waiting for the burner
to get hot. A n d time, ao they oay, i.i money.
6 am - 6 pm, Every day
Jam Session: 3 - 6, Sun.
2601 NEMLK at Russell, 284-2026
CD V essels,
"Tablew are W itb M ean in g"
10 am - 6 pm, Tues. • Sat.
2605 NEMLK at Russell, 249-1952
CD B r i d g e s Soup &
S n n d w id i
7 am - 6 pm, Mon. - Fri.
Brunch, 8 am - 3 pm, Sat. & Sun.
2716 NEMLK at Knott, 288-4169
Ilisb io n S ta te m e n t
by E lsie
1 - 7 pm, Wed. - Fri., 10 am ■ 6 pm, Sat.
2808 NE MLK at Graham, 288-5246
Ooh, took over here. When you
barbecue on a n a tu ra l gao o u t­
door grill, you re only opending 13
cento a cookout. Compare that to 40
cento fo r liquid / ■r>ane and $1.63 for
charcoal. Now y
' :n i.
IVvrtland C a b le A c c e ss
2 -1 0 pm, Tues. • Fri.
10 am • 10 pm. Sat.
2766 NE MLK at Graham, 288 1515
( § ) E s p r e s s o o n K in g
6 am - 7 pm, Mon. - Fri.
7 am - 6 pm, Sat.-Sun.
3939 NE MLK at Prescott, 284-4943
You re getting warmer. The inolant
ambiance o f a n a tu ra l gao fireplace
meano you only burn fu e l when you
actually want a fire. A n d th a to a
cozy thought.
E ureka! Showering with a high-efficiency
n a tu ra l gao water beater w ill oave the average
fa m ily o f fo u r about $100 a year. That o $1, 300
over the life o f your water heater.
^Northwest Natural Gas
Nice work. You fo u n d a regular Loet D utchm an o m ine in your home. The fa d io, n a tu ra l
ga.< io the lea.it expervive, moot efficient fu e l around. A n d it actually cooto you / a v today
than it did back in 1982. On the other band, i f you don i have high-efficiency n atural gao
appliance.!, you re o till digging around in the couch cuobiona, aren't you?