I he P ortland O bserver • S eptember 25, 1996 P age D3 IVI ìnorìtv EH Award recognizes performance by a minorily sub-contractor T he N ational A eronautics and Space A dm inistration has honored S oftw are M aintenance S pecialists (SM S) as “ 1996 M inority S u b co n ­ tractor o f the Y ear.” SM S is being honored for its su b ­ co n tract service to the R ockw ell Space S ystem s D ivision based in D ow ney, Calif. R ockw ell’s Space System s D ivision is a prim e co n tra c­ tor for the Johnson Space C enter in H ouston. As a leading national provider o f com puter outsourcing services, SM S provides R ock w ell’s Space System s D ivision w ith data processing su p ­ port for the co m p an y ’s m ulti-plat­ form co m p u ter operations. SM S inform ation technology services sup­ port the space shuttle orbiter pro­ gram , including pre- and post-flight analysis. In addition, SM S m anages the d iv isio n ’s m ainfram e netw ork com m unication links with Rockw ell facilities across the country. “A s a subcontractor to Rockw ell, SM S has focused on m eeting the space system s di vision’s bottom -line objectives for low ering operating costs and im proving operations,” said M iguel "M ik e” W inder, SM S presi­ dent and ch ief executive officer. “We are honored that the space system s division nom inated the com pany for this distinguished aw ard.” T he aw ard recognizes achieve­ m ents by entrepreneurs and honors subcontractors that have provided outstanding high-tech support and service to N A SA . “N A SA recognizes the co ntribu­ tions m inority businesses m ake in assisting N A SA in fulfilling its m is­ sion,” said Ralph T hom as, N A SA asso ciate ad m in istra to r for sm all business. A c c o r d in g to Jim B o w e r, R ockw ell Space System s D ivision’s d irector o f m aterials, SM S w as se­ lected based on a full and open co m ­ petition by subm itting the best-val­ ued p ro p o sal for su p p o rt o f the d iv isio n ’s m ainfram e com puting operations. “Since 1994, SM S has perform ed beyond our expectations and has helped the space system s division stream line operations and rem ain a leader in the aerospace industry,” B ow er said. Rockw ell Space System s Division d e s ig n s , b u ild s an d in te g r a te s m anned and unm anned space sys­ tem s and supporting hardw are for N A SA , the D epartm ent o f Defense and com m ercial users. It is the prime contractor for the NAS A space shuttle orbiter and the A ir F orce’s N avstar G lobal Positioning System Block I, II, IIA and IIF satellites. L isted in 1995 as one o f Inc. m agazine's “Fastest-Growing Private C om panies,” SM S offers m ulti-plat­ form system s m anagem ent, data pro­ cessing, system s integration, techni­ cal support and application develop­ ment services. SMS provides transi­ tional and selective outsourcing ser­ vices to com panies throughout the U.S., including A llergan Inc., A p­ plied M agnetics Corp., A vco F inan­ cial Services Inc., C ox C om m unica­ tions, D A TA T A PE Inc., D en n y ’s Inc., M cG aw Inc., N estle Inc., Lucas G eared System s Inc. and Varian A s­ sociates. SM S com pany headquarters are located at 3 H utton C enter, Santa Ana, C alif., 92704; telephone: 714/ 850-6600. E R N 1E s W A R 1Ft E I N S Ù 1 R i A h1 C A G E 1 C Life/Health Song, winner of Smail Property/Casualtv Minority Businessperson of the year Income Protection Retirement Business Paul Song, president o f Seattle- based A RIS Corp., has been selected by the U.S. Sm all Business A dm in­ istration (SB A ) as the M inority Small B usinessperson o f the Y ear for R e­ gion X. C o m p e titio n e x te n d e d am o n g Alaska, Idaho, O regon, and W ash­ ington, and Song will now be consid­ ered for even more recognition later this month at the national level. “The nation’s econom y is strong, and com petition at every level is very sharp,” said SB A A dm inistrator Philip Lader. “S o these regional w inners should be justifiably proud o f this significant accom plishm ent.” ARIS Corp, is an inform ation sys­ tem s consulting, training and prod­ uct developm ent com pany w hich provides com puter-related business solutions for large U.S. corporations and organizations. T he com pany specializes in finding business and organizational solutions through advanced technology. “I am so pleased that a thriving small business like the A RIS C orpo­ ration received this honor. Paul Song is an exem plary m em ber o f S eattle’s business com m unity and serves as an inspiration to aspiring en tre p re ­ neurs,” said Gretchen Sorensen, SB A Regional A dm inistrator. These SBA regional aw ards re­ flect that each year since 1983, the president designates one w eek for recognition o f the accom plishm ents o f m inority en trep ren eu rs. T hat event. M inority E nterprise D evel­ opm ent (M ED ) W eek, results in cer­ em onies throughout the nation and this year will be celebrated from Sept. 22 to Sept. 28. The SBA has 10 regions and one Planners to Evaluate Portland Portland, Oregon will host ap­ proximately 20 minority meeting planners from throughout the coun­ try on Novem ber I Oth- 17th. Slated as "Hospitality Tour ’96", the 7 day event is designed to influence orga­ nizations to consider Portland as a destination for their future conven­ tions, meetings and conferences. Portland’s first hospitality tour was held last N ovem ber and re­ ceived rave reviews in national m e­ dia, as well as by the guests that attended. Roy Jay, President and C E O o f Oregon Convention and Visitor Ser­ vices Network, says that this years sequel promises to be bigger and better than ever. Evening com m u­ nity and business receptions are be­ ing planned for Novem ber 14th, 15th and 16th in Portland. Individuals and businesses that want to attend theevening receptions should call 244-5794ext. 22tobe included on a special invitation list. o f these 10 regional w inners will be elevated within the next few w eeks as S B A ’s National M inority Small B usinessperson o f the Y ear and re­ ceive special recognition during a four-day M ED W eek conference in the natio n ’s capital. The national conference starts on M onday, Sept. 23, and is co sp o n ­ sored by the SBA and the M inority B usiness D evelopm ent A gency o f the U.S. D epartm ent o f C om m erce. T his y ea r’s them e is “M inority B usi­ ness: A m erica’s C om petitive A d­ vantage.” t | N E Y Investigate This! Criminal justice and corrections work is one of the fastest-growing fields in Oregon. It’s a good profession for those who like contact with people, varied challenges, and strong community involvement. • Many new jobs in corrections projected to open up in Oregon over the next few years • Program meets entry-level qualification for police or corrections officer • Good earning potential; pay increases with experience • Work can include investigation and patrol duties, crime prevention programs, data processing and more • Good for career-changers Find out morel http://www.pcc.edu No Need to Drive Across Town • We Honor Competitor's Coupons' |omfbrt Q u t o [jje p a lr Foreign & Dom estic Minor & Major Repairs Factory Trained Technician • 2 Shops S am e Location * * # SERVICE SPECIALS # # # TUNE-UP BRAKE SPECIAL SPECIAL J Icyckonly rtg.t3t.95 Inclu des plu g s & scop e che ck. C heck ca p , rotor & filte rs . O th er cars slig h tly m o re. OIL LUBE & FILTER $ 5 6 ~95 $ 1 4 95 ~ rtg M4 I5 Turn rotors or drums, replace shoes or pads, inspect hydrolics. repack wheel beanngs it applicable. Up to five quarts of oil OPEN MON FRI 7 6 • OPEN SATURDAY 8 4 . 2653 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. BLVD. 287-3022 .1 1st Saturday Stro(T cm the 'Bou&varcC Look down here. A 93% efficient n a tu ra l gao furnace can oave you up to $300 a year. That meano more comfort for leoo money. Support neighborhood businesses along Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. on the First Saturday of each month. C o n v e n tioi C e n te r CMdtnomah v i/ IJoyJ MJl Q u een o f Sh eb a I n te r n a tio n a l P o o d s 9 am - 9 pm, Every day Restaurant service: Noon - 9 pm 2413 NEMLK, 287-6302 Search under the cuohiono fo r loooe change. Uoually productive bunting, but you m a y fin d more m oney hidden in other parto o f yo u r home. B ingo! A high-efficiency n a tu ra l gao dryer w ilt run you an average o f 5.5 cento per load ( i’.<. ¡3.6 cento fo r electric). A t 7 / 6 loado a year, th a lo a oavingo o f $ 3 3 .7 0 a year. D o r is ' C a fe (D 11 am -1 0 pm, Mon. - Fri. 7 am - 10 pm. Sat., 7 am - 9 pm, Sun. 325 NE Russell, 287-9249 yA\¿dÉ-n \A cre -fo Fin i S t e e n 's C o f le e H o u s e Check thio out. Since the fla m e on your n a tu ra l gao otove io inotant, you won t be opending a lot o f tim e waiting for the burner to get hot. A n d time, ao they oay, i.i money. 6 am - 6 pm, Every day Jam Session: 3 - 6, Sun. 2601 NEMLK at Russell, 284-2026 Cfsjtott |A‘ CD V essels, © "Tablew are W itb M ean in g" 10 am - 6 pm, Tues. • Sat. 2605 NEMLK at Russell, 249-1952 CD B r i d g e s Soup & S n n d w id i 7 am - 6 pm, Mon. - Fri. Brunch, 8 am - 3 pm, Sat. & Sun. 2716 NEMLK at Knott, 288-4169 ç^remont CD Ilisb io n S ta te m e n t by E lsie 1 - 7 pm, Wed. - Fri., 10 am ■ 6 pm, Sat. 2808 NE MLK at Graham, 288-5246 © TSrescott © Ooh, took over here. When you barbecue on a n a tu ra l gao o u t­ door grill, you re only opending 13 cento a cookout. Compare that to 40 cento fo r liquid / ■r>ane and $1.63 for charcoal. Now y ' :n i. IVvrtland C a b le A c c e ss 2 -1 0 pm, Tues. • Fri. 10 am • 10 pm. Sat. 2766 NE MLK at Graham, 288 1515 ( § ) E s p r e s s o o n K in g 6 am - 7 pm, Mon. - Fri. 7 am - 6 pm, Sat.-Sun. 3939 NE MLK at Prescott, 284-4943 You re getting warmer. The inolant ambiance o f a n a tu ra l gao fireplace meano you only burn fu e l when you actually want a fire. A n d th a to a cozy thought. E ureka! Showering with a high-efficiency n a tu ra l gao water beater w ill oave the average fa m ily o f fo u r about $100 a year. That o $1, 300 over the life o f your water heater. ^Northwest Natural Gas Nice work. You fo u n d a regular Loet D utchm an o m ine in your home. The fa d io, n a tu ra l ga.< io the lea.it expervive, moot efficient fu e l around. A n d it actually cooto you / a v today than it did back in 1982. On the other band, i f you don i have high-efficiency n atural gao appliance.!, you re o till digging around in the couch cuobiona, aren't you?