Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 18, 1996, Page 14, Image 14

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    K mo K m k m
S eptember 18, 1996 • T he P o r tlan d O bserver
P age B6
The C linton A dm inistration reaf­
firmed its prom ise o f econom ic d e­
velopm ent for rural A m erica through
a landm ark agreem ent betw een the
U .S. D epartm ent o f A g ricu ltu re
(U SD A ), Burger K ing C orporation,
a n d R e s ta u ra n t S e r v ic e s In c.
When implemented, this new part­
nership will prom ote new jo b s and
business opportunities in rural areas
for minorities.
In signing the agreem ent at a spe­
cial cerem ony, USDA Secretary Dan
G lickm an praised Dayton Watkins,
A dm inistratorofU SD A ’s Rural Busi-
ness--C ooperative Service (RBS),
and W ilbur Peer, A ssociate A dm in­
istrator, RBS, for their leadership in
conceptualizing and w orking out the
pioneering partnership with Burger
King and RSI officials.
USDA and Burger King officials
believe the agreem ent will be a “tre­
m endous boost” tow ard expanding
entrepreneurial opp o rtu n ities and
creating new jobs forcitizens in rural
America and help feed the hungry
through cooperative efforts.
O ther key m em bers o f the team
which worked diligently in form u­
lating this agreem ent w ere Jill Long
Thom pson, USDA U nder Secretary
fo r R u ra l D e v e lo p m e n t, Jo a n
urger King benefit minorities
Top officiais o f the U.S. Department o f Agriculture, Burger King
Corporation, and Restaurant Services, Inc. recently signed a
landmark agreement to promote new jobs and business
opportunities in rural areas for African-Americans and other
Fonseca, D irector, M inority D evel­
opm ent A gency, U.S. D epartm ent
o f C o m m erce, and A tto rn ey O.
Je ro m e G re en e , a c o n su lta n t to
T he m em orandum o f understand­
ing between the U SD A and Burger
K ing was faci litated by Joan Fonseca,
w ho saw the potential o f an alliance
betw een the public sector and a pri­
vate sector business, such as Burger
King, which is serious about expand­
ing business opportunities for mi­
UAW, Ford Resume
Labor Talks
Designing a
plan of action
ILO (International Labor O rga­
nization) experience has m ade it
clear that no single action against
child labor is likely to have a lasting
impact unless it forms part o f an
overall national plan.
The problem o f child labor will
not be solved overnight. It is one o f
the many facets o f poverty and un­
derdevelopm ent. Resources avail­
able to reduce its extent and dam -
agingefTects are by definition scarc­
est in the countries that need them
the most. Priorities must therefore
be set.
The report w arns that “w orking
children should not be viewed sim ­
ply within the context o f labor law
which requires the im m ediate d is­
missal or w ithdraw al from work o f
under-age children as such action
may in fact w ork against the chil­
d r e n ’s im m e d ia te w e lfa re .” A
broader approach is required. N a­
tional plans o f action must provide
for suitable alternatives, in other
w ords schools and vocational train ­
ing facilities.
T he problem o f child labor, I LO
concludes, is so deeply rooted and
diverse in its causes and m anifesta­
tions, that only “an active and co n ­
certed p articipation o f all groups o f
s o c ie ty ” c a n h o p e to a c h ie v e
progress. R espect for international
labor standards needs reinforcing;
national policies need to spur im­
m ediate m easures to elim inate the
m ost egregious form s o f abuse.
In the longer term , governm ent
actions need to be geared tow ard
im proved legislation and effective
enforcem ent and to address the un­
derlying causes ofch ild labor, which
m e a n s “ p r o m o tin g e c o n o m ic
grow th, and even m ore im portant­
ly, a type o f grow th that w ould
focus greater concern on the m ost
disadvantaged population groups,
facilitating their access to p ro d u c­
tive and adequately paid em p lo y ­
m ent.”
Retirem ent is a tim e to
about money or to start sealing
Now Hiring
down your lifestyle. But if you
Policy Analyst-
don’t start planning now, that’s
exactly what could happen.
By the time you retire, you
One full-time continuing Policy
Analyst in the Education is­
sue area to work for the Leg­
islative Administration Com­
mittee. Salary is $3,206 -
$4,301. For application infor­
mation call (503) 986-1373.
Employee Services, Room
140 State Capitol Salem OR
TTY: (503) 986-1374 FAX:
(503) 986-1684. Deadline for
application is September 27,
may need 60 percent to 80
percent o f your preretirement
annual income fo r livin g
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on what steps you should take to afford the retirement you want,
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’ Any taxable investment earning» would be raxed in the year earned.
they would
grow le u quickly The actual rate of return w ill depend on factors such a» the
•ecunuet selected and market conditions Investors should take into consideration
currency and investment risks
needed for children’s pro­
gram. Duties include provid­
ing secretarial and adminis­
trative support to outpatient
and crisis programs and su­
pervising program support
staff. Minimum 3 years related
office experience preferred.
Typing 45 wpm required. Ref
# CH-AA.
Competitive salary and benefits.
Send/fax cover letter and re­
sume to: Garlington Center,
911 N. Skidmore Portland, OR
97217 Att: HR Fax: 249-8740
EOE. Committed to diversity.
No phone call please. Con­
tact our Job Line at 727-5947
for additional job opportuni­
m edium sized exporters,” G ilm an
K eyC orp is ranked as one o f the
co u n try 's largestsm all business lend­
ers. K ey C o rp , h e a d q u a rte re d in
C leveland, is one o f the n atio n ’s
largest holding com panies.
“ K eyB ank has a strong record in
w orking with sm all businesses to
help them achieve th eir business
g oals,” said J im A tkinson, President
and C h ie f E x ec u tiv e O ffic e r o f
K eyB ank o f O regon.
Secretarial Clerk I
Approximate Annual Salary: $18,470 at entry to $22,131 after 1 year.
Tentative Closing Date: Friday, September 27,1996, No Postmarks
City Planner: Transportation
Approximate Monthly Salary: $2,995 at entry to $3,470 after 4 steps.
Tentative Closing Date: Friday, September 27,1996, No Postmarks
Approximate Hourly Salary: $18.52 at entry to $20.13 after six
Open Continuous
Special Job Recruitment: Two Days Only On September 20 And
21,1996 Utility Worker
Approximate Hourly Salary: $12.14 at entry to $13.83 after six
months September 20th applications available at 1400 SW 5th Ave.
10th floor from 8 am to 4:30 pm and Maintenance Bureau, 2929 N.
Kerby, September 20th from 4 pm to 9 pm and September 21 st from
9am to 3 pm.
people to work starting Janu­
ary 1997 and ending approxi­
mately June 1997. Salary is
$1,571 -$2,065. For applica­
tion call (503) 986-1373.
Employee Services, Room
140 State Capitol, Room 140
State Capitol, Salem OR TTY:
(503)986-1684. Deadline for
application is November 1,
1996. ’
For other job listings call (503) 823-4573.
TDD (503) 823-3520.
For application questions call analyst listed on job announcement; for
application assistance call (503) 823-3530.
Submit compleated applications to City of Personnel 1400 SW 5th
Ave., 10th Fir., Portland, OR 97204. SOME applications are also
available by l UESDAY NOON at local TPIC branch offices, NE
Workforce Center and Urban League.
The City of Portland is an AA/EEO employer.
Port of Portland
Career Opportunities Information about career opportunities
with the Port of Portland can be obtained by calling the Job
Hotline at (503) 731-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may
call TDD. (503) 731 -7485. Applications for open positions are
available at the Port’s employment office, located at 700 NE
Multnomah, 14th. Fir. Office hours are Monday through
Friday, except Holidays, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
The Port of Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
HMO Oregon
Tw o Portland C om m unity C o l­
lege courses offered T uesday eve­
nings at G rant High School start­
ing Sept. 24 can help chart your
business path.
Instructor K athleen Spike, a
hom e-based business ow ner for
24 years, encourages you to jum p
the 9-to-5 track in Reclaim Your
Life and W ork at H om e (CRN
47761). Tuition is $23.50
Program Specialist (Communications)
Approximate Monthly Salary: $3,288 to $4,198.
Tentative Closing Date: Monday, September 23, 1996, No Post­
marks Accepted.
BlueCross BlueShield
of Oregon
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Take Charge With
Small Business Skills
Clerical Specialist
Approximate Monthly Salary: $1,693 at entry to $2,361 after 3 years
Tentative Closing Date: Friday, September 20, 1996, Postmarks
We are strongly committed to equal opportunity in all phases of
A tradition of trust
An all day "R eal E state Sem i­
nar for Paralegals, Legal A ssis­
tants and Legal S ecretaries” will
be held Friday, S eptem ber 20th,
1996 at the O regon Convention
C enter The sem inar will provide
an in-depth look at real estate prac­
tice and the support s ta ff s involve­
ment in it from sales and leases,
closing and title insurance, finan­
cial instrum ents and enforcem ent
and foreclosure. Further inform a­
tion can be obtained by calling
(2 0 6 )4 6 3 -1 9 5 3 .
Job Opportunity: City Of Portland
New Job Listings
A d m in is tra tiv e A s s is ta n t
Merrill Lynch
o ffic e .
“ K eyB ank is our largest lender
and has been very helpful to us in
prom oting our services to sm all and
• Sr. U/W - PC Specialist (#318)
M aurice Vaklruieso
FAX 699-41 13
“ Se Habla Espânol”
Wrmllli«.» Ruir IrW* Mat
“ K e y B a n k w as c h o s e n by th e
SB A as th e r e g io n ’s o u ts ta n d in g
le n d e r b e c a u s e o f th e v o lu m e and
n u m b e r o f lo a n s it h as m ad e to
N o rth w e s t c o m p a n ie s th a t e x p o rt
p r o d u c t s ,” sa id Jo h n G ilm a n ,
D is tric t D ire c to r o f th e P o rtla n d
S m all B u s in e ss A d m in is tra tio n
K eyB ank o f O reg o n has been
tapped to receive the Smal I Business
A d m in istratio n ’s S eattle Regional
U .S . E x p o rt A s s is ta n c e C e n te r
T he first ev er aw ard recognizes
K eyB ank as the leading regional
lender in conjunction w ith the S B A ’s
Export W orking C apital G uarantee
Program .
L enders from O regon, W ashing­
ton, Idaho, M ontana, and A laska
w ere consid ered under S B A ’s pro-
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon/HMO Oregon is currently
recruiting for the following positions: For more information about
current openings call our Job Information Line:
call the number below
Real estate seminar
KeyBank wins top award
Our Most Important Asset is People
million. You |ust have to know how to get it. For more information
Stocks o f unsold goods piled up
on the shelves o f all types o f busi­
nesses in July. T he C om m erce
D epartm ent is reporting that July
retail inventories clim bed 1.1 per­
cent,— the biggest increase since
a 1.3 percent surge in January 1995
— after a slight 0 . 1 percent June
increase. A uto inventories rose
strongly by 1.4 percent, the largest
addition to m onthly supplies since
a 2 percent ju m p in M arch 1995.
emoy life, not a time to worry
$5,000 invrsted
annually earning
#% ra» deferred*
create new jo b s, help to bring new,
diversified business to rural A m eri­
ca, and is very good business for
Burger King System in term s o f ex ­
panding our custom er base.”
RBS A dm inistrator W atkins said,
“This strategy brings corporate Amer­
ica and U SD A into a partnership that
represents the kind o f creative lead­
ership o fth e Clinton Adm inistration.
T his is only the beginning. W e will
be w orking on sim ilar arrangem ents
with other Fortune 500 com panies in
focusing on rural econom ic d ev elo p ­
m ent.”
Because one o f the m ajor benefits
o f this program is jo b s, B urger King
and RSI officials proudly point out
th e ir p a rtn e rsh ip w ith D iv ersity
Foods, a black-ow ned meat pro cess­
ing plant in Petersburg, Virginia, as
evidence o f the econom ic im pact o f
such a partnership.
D iversity Foods has a long-term
com m itm ent from Burger King and
RSI to purchase and process in ex ­
cess o f a million “ W hopper" and
ham burger patties per week.
A dded G reene, “This program
m akes it possible for jo b s to be cre­
ated through supplier com panies in
rural areas and, eventually, will re­
verse the traditional m igration from
rural to urban areas.
Retail Inventories
Up in July
vide supportive therapy and a
full range of intensive case
m anagem ent services to
chronically mentally ill adults
from m u ltic u lu tra l b a c k ­
grounds. Minimum 2 years re­
lated experience required.
Must be QMHP or QMHA.
(Team I) Ref # CM-1.
A Merrill Lynch Financial Consultant
can show you how.
Amid an atm osphere o f o p ti­
mism, negotiations betw een Ford
and the United A uto W orkers re­
sum ed today in D earborn, Mich.
Ford C hairm an A lex Trotm an says
he hopes a tentative agreem ent will
be reached later in the day. The
tw o sides talked through the w eek­
end in m arathon sessions aim ed at
forging a new national labor co n ­
tract. Trotm an says there are a
num ber o f issues yet to be re­
solved, but says there is no single
item as a sticking point in the talks.
U AW officials also expressed o p ­
Case Manager needed to pro­
' l ( hi J o n 1 have
to he n eli to retire
w it li over a m illit h i .
The power of
nority entrepreneurs.
W orking on b e h a lfo fU S D A , Mr.
Peer and Mr. G reen were resp o n si­
ble for crafting this historic ag ree­
ment, which will serve as a m odel for
other Fortune 500 com panies.
Under this agreem ent. Burger K ing
officials have agreed to work with
U SD A /RBS in expanding the num ­
ber o f suppliers, franchises, and o th ­
er facilities in rural com m unities,
particularly co u n ties experiencing
persistent poverty.
As part o f this agreem ent, U SD A /
RBS will assist new and existing
businesses and cooperatives through
guaranteed business loans, grants,
and econom ic partnerships to take
full advantage o f opportunities to
becom e suppliers and franchise ow n­
ers in the B urger King system.
RSI, a non-profit corporation with
cooperative form o f ow nership which
acts as the exclusivwpurchasing agent
for the B urger King in the United
States, agreed to treat new and ex ­
panded suppliers in rural areas fairly
and to en courage suppliers to work
with agricultural cooperatives in sup­
plying products for Burger King.
B urger K ing and RSI will also
work with U S D A ’s food rescue ef­
forts by identifying products to be
donated to not-for-profit food ser­
vice organizations dedicated to serv­
ing the neediest o f the hungry in the
“T his initiative is in furtherance o f
Burger King C o rp o ratio n ’s diversity
com m itm ent,” said M ark A. G iresi,
Senior Vice President and G eneral
Counsel for Burger King. “W e be­
lieve qualified m inority business-
people will be able to participate in
this initiative to increase our supplier
base with support from the USDA
load guarantee program . This will