K mo K m k m UMW m I A«a> S eptember 18, 1996 • T he P o r tlan d O bserver P age B6 J (The » & Finance L: ^Jorthnth CObscrucr USDA& The C linton A dm inistration reaf­ firmed its prom ise o f econom ic d e­ velopm ent for rural A m erica through a landm ark agreem ent betw een the U .S. D epartm ent o f A g ricu ltu re (U SD A ), Burger K ing C orporation, a n d R e s ta u ra n t S e r v ic e s In c. (RSI). When implemented, this new part­ nership will prom ote new jo b s and business opportunities in rural areas for minorities. In signing the agreem ent at a spe­ cial cerem ony, USDA Secretary Dan G lickm an praised Dayton Watkins, A dm inistratorofU SD A ’s Rural Busi- ness--C ooperative Service (RBS), and W ilbur Peer, A ssociate A dm in­ istrator, RBS, for their leadership in conceptualizing and w orking out the pioneering partnership with Burger King and RSI officials. USDA and Burger King officials believe the agreem ent will be a “tre­ m endous boost” tow ard expanding entrepreneurial opp o rtu n ities and creating new jobs forcitizens in rural America and help feed the hungry through cooperative efforts. O ther key m em bers o f the team which worked diligently in form u­ lating this agreem ent w ere Jill Long Thom pson, USDA U nder Secretary fo r R u ra l D e v e lo p m e n t, Jo a n urger King benefit minorities Top officiais o f the U.S. Department o f Agriculture, Burger King Corporation, and Restaurant Services, Inc. recently signed a landmark agreement to promote new jobs and business opportunities in rural areas for African-Americans and other minorities. Fonseca, D irector, M inority D evel­ opm ent A gency, U.S. D epartm ent o f C o m m erce, and A tto rn ey O. Je ro m e G re en e , a c o n su lta n t to USDA. T he m em orandum o f understand­ ing between the U SD A and Burger K ing was faci litated by Joan Fonseca, w ho saw the potential o f an alliance betw een the public sector and a pri­ vate sector business, such as Burger King, which is serious about expand­ ing business opportunities for mi­ UAW, Ford Resume Labor Talks Designing a plan of action ILO (International Labor O rga­ nization) experience has m ade it clear that no single action against child labor is likely to have a lasting impact unless it forms part o f an overall national plan. The problem o f child labor will not be solved overnight. It is one o f the many facets o f poverty and un­ derdevelopm ent. Resources avail­ able to reduce its extent and dam - agingefTects are by definition scarc­ est in the countries that need them the most. Priorities must therefore be set. The report w arns that “w orking children should not be viewed sim ­ ply within the context o f labor law which requires the im m ediate d is­ missal or w ithdraw al from work o f under-age children as such action may in fact w ork against the chil­ d r e n ’s im m e d ia te w e lfa re .” A broader approach is required. N a­ tional plans o f action must provide for suitable alternatives, in other w ords schools and vocational train ­ ing facilities. T he problem o f child labor, I LO concludes, is so deeply rooted and diverse in its causes and m anifesta­ tions, that only “an active and co n ­ certed p articipation o f all groups o f s o c ie ty ” c a n h o p e to a c h ie v e progress. R espect for international labor standards needs reinforcing; national policies need to spur im­ m ediate m easures to elim inate the m ost egregious form s o f abuse. In the longer term , governm ent actions need to be geared tow ard im proved legislation and effective enforcem ent and to address the un­ derlying causes ofch ild labor, which m e a n s “ p r o m o tin g e c o n o m ic grow th, and even m ore im portant­ ly, a type o f grow th that w ould focus greater concern on the m ost disadvantaged population groups, facilitating their access to p ro d u c­ tive and adequately paid em p lo y ­ m ent.” Retirem ent is a tim e to about money or to start sealing Now Hiring down your lifestyle. But if you Policy Analyst- Education don’t start planning now, that’s exactly what could happen. By the time you retire, you One full-time continuing Policy Analyst in the Education is­ sue area to work for the Leg­ islative Administration Com­ mittee. Salary is $3,206 - $4,301. For application infor­ mation call (503) 986-1373. Employee Services, Room 140 State Capitol Salem OR TTY: (503) 986-1374 FAX: (503) 986-1684. Deadline for application is September 27, 1996. may need 60 percent to 80 percent o f your preretirement annual income fo r livin g expenses. That is why getting an early start is critical. For example, if at age 25 you contributed $5,000 annually to a tax-deferred retirement account and earned an 8 percent annual return on a diversified portfolio, by age 6.5 you could end up with $1,598,905. By comparison, if you waited un til age 40 to make the same contribution, you could end up with $394.772.* Your M e r r ill Lynch Financial C onsultant can make a difference. He or she will help you develop a long-term financial plan, advise you on investments and an asset allocation strategy that < an help meet your financial goals. Can you afford to retire? So you < r r , you don’t have to be rich to retire with over a on what steps you should take to afford the retirement you want, The difference is Merrill Lynch. ’ Any taxable investment earning» would be raxed in the year earned. they would grow le u quickly The actual rate of return w ill depend on factors such a» the •ecunuet selected and market conditions Investors should take into consideration currency and investment risks needed for children’s pro­ gram. Duties include provid­ ing secretarial and adminis­ trative support to outpatient and crisis programs and su­ pervising program support staff. Minimum 3 years related office experience preferred. Typing 45 wpm required. Ref # CH-AA. Competitive salary and benefits. Send/fax cover letter and re­ sume to: Garlington Center, 911 N. Skidmore Portland, OR 97217 Att: HR Fax: 249-8740 EOE. Committed to diversity. No phone call please. Con­ tact our Job Line at 727-5947 for additional job opportuni­ ties. m edium sized exporters,” G ilm an continued. K eyC orp is ranked as one o f the co u n try 's largestsm all business lend­ ers. K ey C o rp , h e a d q u a rte re d in C leveland, is one o f the n atio n ’s largest holding com panies. “ K eyB ank has a strong record in w orking with sm all businesses to help them achieve th eir business g oals,” said J im A tkinson, President and C h ie f E x ec u tiv e O ffic e r o f K eyB ank o f O regon. Secretarial Clerk I Approximate Annual Salary: $18,470 at entry to $22,131 after 1 year. Tentative Closing Date: Friday, September 27,1996, No Postmarks Accepted. City Planner: Transportation Approximate Monthly Salary: $2,995 at entry to $3,470 after 4 steps. Tentative Closing Date: Friday, September 27,1996, No Postmarks Accepted. Electrician Approximate Hourly Salary: $18.52 at entry to $20.13 after six months Open Continuous Special Job Recruitment: Two Days Only On September 20 And 21,1996 Utility Worker Approximate Hourly Salary: $12.14 at entry to $13.83 after six months September 20th applications available at 1400 SW 5th Ave. 10th floor from 8 am to 4:30 pm and Maintenance Bureau, 2929 N. Kerby, September 20th from 4 pm to 9 pm and September 21 st from 9am to 3 pm. CLERICAL ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT SPECIALIST 1 1997 LEGISLATIVE SESSION NOW LOOKING FOR several people to work starting Janu­ ary 1997 and ending approxi­ mately June 1997. Salary is $1,571 -$2,065. For applica­ tion call (503) 986-1373. Employee Services, Room 140 State Capitol, Room 140 State Capitol, Salem OR TTY: (503)986-1684. Deadline for application is November 1, 1996. ’ For other job listings call (503) 823-4573. TDD (503) 823-3520. For application questions call analyst listed on job announcement; for application assistance call (503) 823-3530. PLEASE IDENTIFY MINORITY PAPER ON APPLICATION. FOB EMPLOYMENT FORM Submit compleated applications to City of Personnel 1400 SW 5th Ave., 10th Fir., Portland, OR 97204. SOME applications are also available by l UESDAY NOON at local TPIC branch offices, NE Workforce Center and Urban League. The City of Portland is an AA/EEO employer. Port of Portland Career Opportunities Information about career opportunities with the Port of Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 731-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call TDD. (503) 731 -7485. Applications for open positions are available at the Port’s employment office, located at 700 NE Multnomah, 14th. Fir. Office hours are Monday through Friday, except Holidays, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The Port of Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer. HMO Oregon » Tw o Portland C om m unity C o l­ lege courses offered T uesday eve­ nings at G rant High School start­ ing Sept. 24 can help chart your business path. Instructor K athleen Spike, a hom e-based business ow ner for 24 years, encourages you to jum p the 9-to-5 track in Reclaim Your Life and W ork at H om e (CRN 47761). Tuition is $23.50 Program Specialist (Communications) Approximate Monthly Salary: $3,288 to $4,198. Tentative Closing Date: Monday, September 23, 1996, No Post­ marks Accepted. BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon M rwW w. M IS Take Charge With Small Business Skills Clerical Specialist Approximate Monthly Salary: $1,693 at entry to $2,361 after 3 years Tentative Closing Date: Friday, September 20, 1996, Postmarks Accepted. We are strongly committed to equal opportunity in all phases of employment. A tradition of trust An all day "R eal E state Sem i­ nar for Paralegals, Legal A ssis­ tants and Legal S ecretaries” will be held Friday, S eptem ber 20th, 1996 at the O regon Convention C enter The sem inar will provide an in-depth look at real estate prac­ tice and the support s ta ff s involve­ ment in it from sales and leases, closing and title insurance, finan­ cial instrum ents and enforcem ent and foreclosure. Further inform a­ tion can be obtained by calling (2 0 6 )4 6 3 -1 9 5 3 . Job Opportunity: City Of Portland New Job Listings A d m in is tra tiv e A s s is ta n t 1-800-231-1617 Merrill Lynch I o ffic e . “ K eyB ank is our largest lender and has been very helpful to us in prom oting our services to sm all and • Sr. U/W - PC Specialist (#318) M aurice Vaklruieso 503-699-7201 FAX 699-41 13 “ Se Habla Espânol” 1-800- Wrmllli«.» Ruir IrW* Mat gram. “ K e y B a n k w as c h o s e n by th e SB A as th e r e g io n ’s o u ts ta n d in g le n d e r b e c a u s e o f th e v o lu m e and n u m b e r o f lo a n s it h as m ad e to N o rth w e s t c o m p a n ie s th a t e x p o rt p r o d u c t s ,” sa id Jo h n G ilm a n , D is tric t D ire c to r o f th e P o rtla n d S m all B u s in e ss A d m in is tra tio n K eyB ank o f O reg o n has been tapped to receive the Smal I Business A d m in istratio n ’s S eattle Regional U .S . E x p o rt A s s is ta n c e C e n te r Award T he first ev er aw ard recognizes K eyB ank as the leading regional lender in conjunction w ith the S B A ’s Export W orking C apital G uarantee Program . L enders from O regon, W ashing­ ton, Idaho, M ontana, and A laska w ere consid ered under S B A ’s pro- Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon/HMO Oregon is currently recruiting for the following positions: For more information about current openings call our Job Information Line: call the number below Real estate seminar KeyBank wins top award Our Most Important Asset is People million. You |ust have to know how to get it. For more information i Stocks o f unsold goods piled up on the shelves o f all types o f busi­ nesses in July. T he C om m erce D epartm ent is reporting that July retail inventories clim bed 1.1 per­ cent,— the biggest increase since a 1.3 percent surge in January 1995 — after a slight 0 . 1 percent June increase. A uto inventories rose strongly by 1.4 percent, the largest addition to m onthly supplies since a 2 percent ju m p in M arch 1995. emoy life, not a time to worry $5,000 invrsted annually earning #% ra» deferred* create new jo b s, help to bring new, diversified business to rural A m eri­ ca, and is very good business for Burger King System in term s o f ex ­ panding our custom er base.” RBS A dm inistrator W atkins said, “This strategy brings corporate Amer­ ica and U SD A into a partnership that represents the kind o f creative lead­ ership o fth e Clinton Adm inistration. T his is only the beginning. W e will be w orking on sim ilar arrangem ents with other Fortune 500 com panies in focusing on rural econom ic d ev elo p ­ m ent.” Because one o f the m ajor benefits o f this program is jo b s, B urger King and RSI officials proudly point out th e ir p a rtn e rsh ip w ith D iv ersity Foods, a black-ow ned meat pro cess­ ing plant in Petersburg, Virginia, as evidence o f the econom ic im pact o f such a partnership. D iversity Foods has a long-term com m itm ent from Burger King and RSI to purchase and process in ex ­ cess o f a million “ W hopper" and ham burger patties per week. A dded G reene, “This program m akes it possible for jo b s to be cre­ ated through supplier com panies in rural areas and, eventually, will re­ verse the traditional m igration from rural to urban areas. Retail Inventories Up in July vide supportive therapy and a full range of intensive case m anagem ent services to chronically mentally ill adults from m u ltic u lu tra l b a c k ­ grounds. Minimum 2 years re­ lated experience required. Must be QMHP or QMHA. (Team I) Ref # CM-1. A Merrill Lynch Financial Consultant can show you how. • Amid an atm osphere o f o p ti­ mism, negotiations betw een Ford and the United A uto W orkers re­ sum ed today in D earborn, Mich. Ford C hairm an A lex Trotm an says he hopes a tentative agreem ent will be reached later in the day. The tw o sides talked through the w eek­ end in m arathon sessions aim ed at forging a new national labor co n ­ tract. Trotm an says there are a num ber o f issues yet to be re­ solved, but says there is no single item as a sticking point in the talks. U AW officials also expressed o p ­ timism. Case Manager needed to pro­ ' l ( hi J o n 1 have to he n eli to retire w it li over a m illit h i . The power of compounding nority entrepreneurs. W orking on b e h a lfo fU S D A , Mr. Peer and Mr. G reen were resp o n si­ ble for crafting this historic ag ree­ ment, which will serve as a m odel for other Fortune 500 com panies. Under this agreem ent. Burger K ing officials have agreed to work with U SD A /RBS in expanding the num ­ ber o f suppliers, franchises, and o th ­ er facilities in rural com m unities, particularly co u n ties experiencing persistent poverty. As part o f this agreem ent, U SD A / RBS will assist new and existing businesses and cooperatives through guaranteed business loans, grants, and econom ic partnerships to take full advantage o f opportunities to becom e suppliers and franchise ow n­ ers in the B urger King system. RSI, a non-profit corporation with cooperative form o f ow nership which acts as the exclusivwpurchasing agent for the B urger King in the United States, agreed to treat new and ex ­ panded suppliers in rural areas fairly and to en courage suppliers to work with agricultural cooperatives in sup­ plying products for Burger King. B urger K ing and RSI will also work with U S D A ’s food rescue ef­ forts by identifying products to be donated to not-for-profit food ser­ vice organizations dedicated to serv­ ing the neediest o f the hungry in the U.S. “T his initiative is in furtherance o f Burger King C o rp o ratio n ’s diversity com m itm ent,” said M ark A. G iresi, Senior Vice President and G eneral Counsel for Burger King. “W e be­ lieve qualified m inority business- people will be able to participate in this initiative to increase our supplier base with support from the USDA load guarantee program . This will I