Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 31, 1996, Page 7, Image 7

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T he P ortland O bserver • J uly 31,1996
P age A 7
A h Equal Opportunity Employer
Legals eagles
grounds for
gay marraiges
. 7n Oregon, opportunity means
great benefits, competitive salaries,
and a large variety of careers available
statewide Currently, openings exist in
the following agencies:
S abrina S akata , P ortland
O bserver staff
Last Friday while pavements were
scorching outside, the grand Pavillion
Room at downtownA-s Hilton Hotel
on Broadway heated the recently
explored abyss of same-sex inarraige
and its constitutional aspects.
John Terry and Madelyn Wessel,
both attorneys actively involved with
this controversial issue, spoke about
the legal implications of same-sex
marraige and the emerging events in
the court system.
Congress is pushing to pass a ban
on gay marriage in the form of the
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA),
which attempts to define marriage as
a union between a man and a woman.
The provision received a 342-67
House vote and now moves onto the
Senate where experts expect passage
to be effortless.
President Clinton declared that if
it goes through he promises to sign it
into law.
However, the Hawaiian Court
System has wrestled with the consti­
tutionality of gay marriages since
1991 and legalization is anticipated.
Originating from a lawsuit against
the State of Hawaii brought on by a
couple who was denied the right to
legally marry, the courts turned to the
equal rights amendment and agreed
that the state must show compelling
interest in order to bar such rights.
The Governor of Hawaii showed
equal support.
“We expect to win in Circuit Court,
and face the s ta te rs appeal to the
Hawaii Supreme Court in 1997,” said
Tom Ramsey, Co-coordinator for the
Hawaii Equal Rights M arriage
Project, “unless the state can present
compelling arguements for NOT is­
suing marriage licenses to same gen­
der couples."
The Hawaiian case resumes on
September in Circuit Court.
Inner city
Five years ago, two Philadelphia
teens — Carl Smalls and Allison
Trapp — never imagined they would
be rowing in boats on the Schuylkill.
Today, they will realize their dream
for the second time as they return to
the Fairmount Park Commission’s
Summer Rowing Camp.
Founded three years ago by the
Fairmount Park Commission, the City
o f P h iladelphia and C om cast
Metrophone, the Rowing Camp has
given more than 200 young people
the chance to experience the sport for
the first time.
“It’s been a terrific three years for
us, and we couldn’t be happier with
the level of commitment and enthusi­
asm of our campers,” said William E.
Mifflin, executive director of the
Fairmount Park Commission.
“We anticipate at least a few of
our graduates becoming junior var­
sity or even varsity rowers, and they
wouldn’t have done that if not for the
exposure and motivation the Rowing
Camp provided," he said.
Born out of a controversy over
the need to include more minorities
in high school and collegiate rowing
clubs, thecamp has fulfilled its prom­
ise to help inner city kids participate
in this exciting sport.
“W hen you see these kids
laughing and obviously enjoying
learning about rowing, you real­
ize the trem endous impact it has
on th eir liv e s,” S tandig said,
“Even though only a few cam p­
ers will go on to a varsity level,
the experience will be one that
will hopefully last a lifetim e.”
Happy Birthday
Duanek‘Godfather" Washington
From The Washington Family
Oregn Deportment of TTarupcrtaOcn
(OOOT), is known thrcuÿnut the nation
as a progressive gpxemment agency
and as a leader in teem development
and performance measures. 000T Is
responsible for the coordination of
transportation progams between and
among all governmental organizations
within the state. We have immediate
opportunities tor the following postions:
A Multi-Cultural Staff
Serving Our
Multi-Cultural Community
Counseling, Parenting Education and Family Mediation
Young Parent Programs
Out o f School Teen Moms
Youth Investment — Services for at-risk youth 13-17
Group, Family, Couples & Individual Therapy Services
Just a few of our wide-ranging services with the goal
of improving individual and community health; and
developing independent living skills
Family of Services
r.m .q j
» A È /: O
Workstation Specialist
(User Support Analyst 2)
Put your computer setup, installation and support skills to work with the Oregon
Department of Transportation in Salem. The ideal candidate will have a degree
a certificate of completion in Computer Science. Data Processing, or a closely
related field AND one year of user support experience. Two additional years of
data processing experience may be substituted tor the degree or certificate
Salary $2,060 $2,732 monthly + benefits. Completed application materials
must be received by August 12, 1996. Announcement No 0CDT6222. Cali
(5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 5 0 3 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 ) to request application packet.
For other OOOT opportunities c a l our Recruitment JOBUNE at (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 3 8 4 7 .
Human Resource
(Program Technician 2)
Stationary Boiler Operator — Facilities Services
Two years experience as a boiler operator: or completion of an approved boiler
We are seeking an Individual with excellent skills in Organizational
Development/redesign and experience In facilitating public involvement to help
support the department's reengineering efforts Experience needed in
workforce development, human resources and strategic planning. Mus, have
excellent written and verbal communication skills and familiarity in the use of
technology and databases to develop Human Resource/Organizational
Development systems. Requires a minimum of 2 years experience with toll
accountability tor program monitoring and coordination including overall program
evaluation responsibility. Applicants wtth a Master's degree in Social Work.
Public or Business Administration and tour years of relevant experience in
organizational development preferred. Salary $2,773 ■ $3,718 monthly + an
excellent benefits package. Applications will be accepted until the position is
filled. Announcement No 0CDT6227. Call (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 5 0 3 9 8 6
3854) to request application p a c k e t
Principal Executlve/Manager B
(Administrative Management Section Manager)
operator apprenticeship program is required. Major duties include performing
maintenance on high pressure boilers, steam turbines and various pumps;
placing boilers on a computerized system; inspecting for leaks or other
abnormalities; and performing chemical analysis o f boiler water, raw water, etc.
Salary: $2,129 monthly. All application materials must be received by closing
date of August 8 ,1 9 9 6 .
General Mechanic — Facilities Services
Four years of experience maintaining, repairirg and fabricating parts for
machinery, tools and equipment; or completion o f an approved mechanical
maintenance apprenticeship program. Major duties include operating,
maintaining and repairing ventilating and exhaust fans, air compressors;
repairing and calibrating gauges and pump controls; and boiler operation.
Salary: $2,160 monthly. All application materials mus' be received by closing
date of August 8 ,1 9 9 6 .
To obtain application materials tor the above OSO positions, contact OSU
We are seeking a team oriented, experienced individual for a challenging
position in Salem. Will provide leadership, management and supervision to
the administrative support team; coordinate and manage section budgets
and performance measurements; and communicate administrative policies,
procedures, standards and practices for the Branch. Requires five years of
experience In lead work, supervision or professional-level work related to
administrative or support fonctions a nd/or activities. Must have strong
communication skills. Salary $ 2 ,5 1 1 - $ 3 ,5 3 6 monthly + benefits.
Completed application materials m ust be received by August 12, 1996.
Announcement No 0CDT6224 Call (5 03 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 503-986-3854)
to request application packet.
Departm ent of Human Resources, 14 th A Jefferson, Corvallis, OR 9 7 3 3 1 -
2 1 3 2 , ( 5 4 1 ) 7 3 7 -3 1 0 3 , TTY (8 0 0 ) 7 3 6 2 9 0 0 .
Occupational Therapists
We are currently seeking folHime OTs to fill vacancies in the following areas:
Forensics Alcohol and Drug Unit - with vocational emphasis; and Geropsychlatric
Program including head injury unit. Salary is negotiable and benefits package
is excellent. If interested, contact Barb Adams, Director of Occupational
Therapy, Oregon State Hospital, 2 6 0 0 Center Street N.E., Salem, OR 9 7 3 1 0 ,
phone (5 0 3 ) 9 4 6 9 9 7 8 , TTY (5 0 3 ) 9 4 6 2 9 9 6 .
■ ' hese are just some of the current openings available with the State of
Heavy Equipment Mechanic
❖ Delaunay
AND a valid Class A Commercial Driver s
License (CDL). Salary $ 2 .3 7 2 $ 2 ,6 0 5
monthly + benefits. Completed application
materials m ust be received by August 12,
1996. Announcement No. 0CDT6175A. Call
(5 03 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 5 03 -986-3854) to
request application packet.
We are seeking experienced m echanics for positions in Warrenton and
John Day. You w ill perform m ajor and m inor repairs and m odifications to
various heavy equipment including highway maintenance, construction,
snow removal, sanding and paving equipment. Requires four years of
journey-level experience diag n osin g, repairing, and altering heavy
equipm ent. Including modifying existing parts and fabricating new ones;
Oregon. For additional Information, a copy of the State of Oregon Application
Form and more complete announcement listings, call the State Jobline
(Oregonian Inside Une) (503) 2 2 6 5 5 5 5 «7777, TTY (503) 3 7 8 4 8 7 2 , visit
your local Employment D epartm ent, or log onto our w eb s ite at
h ttp ://w w w .d a s.state.o r.u s/lob s/. The State of Oregon and all Its divisions
are proud to be equal opportunity employers.
5139 N Lombard St
OHSU invites applications and inquiries for the
following areas:
a is e r
e r m a n e n t e
H onors
E nco urag es
D iv e r s it y !
Kaiser Permanente is enriched by the contributions of individuals from
a wide variety of backgrounds. We're enhancing our workforce to
better reflect the people we serve.
All people are welcome and encouraged to view our job openings and
apply. We offer a wide variety of full-time, part-time and on-call
medical, technical, management and service positions.
Visit our employment office at: 500 NE Multnomah Street (Grand
Avenue entrance), Monday-Friday, 8:30am-3:30pm, (503) 813-4701.
Or, you may fax your resume to: (503) 813-4791.
The b n itlb coring people
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Respecting Individual differences is the corner­
stone of any successful endeavor. At SAFECO,
our employees share a willingness to listen,
learn, and give one another the opportunity to
A ccounting
Administrative Staff
Office Support Staff
Med ica 1 Tra nscri pt i< >n
Systems Analyst
Systems Software Analyst
Program m ers
Télécom m unications
C am pus Security
C ustodians
Food Services
M aintenance
Registered Nurses
Certified Nurses Assistants
Certified Medical Assistants
Licensed Practical Nurses
Medical Lab Technologists
Therapists (PT, LPTA, O f, COTA)
Medical Secretaries
Medical Receptionists
Dental Assistants
Pharm acy Techs
Surgical Services Techs
Dental Hygienists
Em ergency Room Techs
Radiologic 'Technologists
To obtain d eta iled jo b announcem ents an d application
m aterials, contact:
OHSU Human Resources
M arquam Plaza Building
2525 S.W. .3rd Avenue
Portland, O regon
be heard. By creating a community of people
who care, w e’ve built one of America’s most
G eneral Information:
(503) 494-8060
24-1 lour Jo b Line:
(50.3) 494-6478
Nursing Jo b Line:
( 50.3) 494-6546
TDD Line:
(50.3) 494-2457
(503) 494-6469
successful financial services companies
ZJ/ZV w an »inni opportunity iiffinnnlne action institution
SAFECO Insurance Companies
Portland Branch Office
4101 SW Kruse Way
Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035
Where Healing, Teaching and Discovery' Come Together