Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 12, 1996, Page 15, Image 15

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T he P ortland O bserver • J une 12, 1996
O -
Governor John Kitzhaber present­
ed International Business Achieve­
ment awards to four business and
organizations that have made out­
standing contributions to Oregon’s
position in the global marketplace.
The governor presented the aw ards
during a World Trade Week lun­
cheon in Salem.
The governor noted that Oregon
now ranks eighth among U S. states
in the percentage o f manufacturing
employment related to exports. One
in five manufacturing jobs in Oregon
is related to exports.
Innovation in Product Develop­
ment, Sales and/or M a rk e tin g fo r
E xport: Pacific Paper I radingCom­
pany was selected because o f inno­
vation in product development and
marketing. Together with other com­
panies, Pacific Paper Trading Com­
pany developed a biodegradable pa­
per product that replaces styrofoam
First Naito
James II. Rudd is the recipient
o f the first W illiam S. Naito out­
standing Service Award, present­
ed by the Portland Chamber o f
Commerce for exemplary service
to the organ izat ion and to the busi­
ness community. Rudd is ch ie f
executive o ffice r o f Ferguson,
Wellman, Rudd, Purdy and Van
winkle, Inc., Registered Invest­
ment Advisors o f portland and the
chair-elect o f the Portland Cham­
ber ofCommerce. He is a resident
o f Washington county.
made clamshell packaging. The de­
velopment enabled the company to
increase sales to Taiwan by more
than 50 percent between 1993 and
1995. Taiwan banned the use o f
styrofoam because o f pollution. The
company is now working with box
manufacturers in the Philippines,
Malysia, Korea, Thailand. Peru and
Panama to prov ide the same replace­
ment for Styrofoam.
S upport and Service to the O r ­
egon In te rn a tio n a l Business C om ­
m un ity: The Oregon Potato Com­
mission helped pioneer the develop­
ment o f Asia as a market for frozen
potato products. Through the com­
mission's effort, which began in the
late 1970s, Oregon has gained a large
market share o f total exports o f U nit­
ed States french fries to Asia, South
American, Mexico and Europe. Fast
food companies have designated
plants in the Hermiston area as spe-
dried (lower business started in 1982.
At first they imported 99 percent o f
their materials, by 1994 is was less
than 20 percent. Sidney M irsky, the
company president, developed a dry­
ing method that drastically cuts ener­
gy cost, an innovative preservative,
and a method o f protecting flowers
from moths without posing a threat
to animals.
Govemor John Kitzhaber
cific export suppliers for their needs
overseas, and is the only place where
containers for export can be loaded
and barged to a major port for direct
C o n trib u tio n to the O regon
Econom y T h ro u g h Im p o rtin g :
Mirsky, Inc. an exotic and unusual
Book Gives Tips On Leadership
Phillip Morris
Bans Vending
Machine Sales
How would you define your ideal boss?
Accord ing to the new book “ Lead­
ing People, Transforming Business
From the Inside O ut” author Robert
Rosen describes the eight most im ­
portant characteristics for a boss to
have and the questions to ask to
determine whether your boss truly
measures up against the very best.
/. vision: does your boss explain
how your jo b fits into the big p ic­
2. Trust: Is your boss open about
him or her self and the financial
aspects o f the business?
3. P a rticipation: Does your boss
share information and decision-mak­
ing and hold you accountable for
your actions?
4. Learning: Does your boss make
it safe for you to make a mistake, to
take risks and to learn?
5. D iversity: Does your boss ac­
knowledge and m obilize people's
differences and create a culture o f
6. C reativity: Does your boss fos-
Philip M orris USA called fo ra
ban on vending machine sales and
curbs on advertising o f tobacco.
But it wants the government to
drop efforts to regulate cigarettes.
I he plan includes a ban o f perma­
nent brand name advertising in
virtua lly all sports stadiums. It
would prohibit the use o f corpo­
rate logos and all sports stadiums.
It would prohibit the use ofcorpo-
rate logos and characters on non­
tobacco items. It would also ban
all outdoor advertising oftobacco
products w ithin 1.000 feet o f a
scholar playground and on mass
’97 Bulk
Set For
P ortland has been selected
as the host c ity fo r “ B u lk
Transpo ’ 9 7 ,” the p rem ier co n ­
ference fo r the in te rn a tio n a l
b ulk products tra n s p o rta tio n
industry. Don G rig g , Port o f |
Portland m arine p la n n in g and
developm ent general manager
noted that P ortland has long
been the largest wheat e xp o rt
center in the U .S., and is fast
becom ing a leader in the e x­
port o f m ineral bulks.
ter a workplace that brings out your
best creativity?
7. In te g rity : Does your boss pro­
mote fairness and practice good eth­
8. C om m unity: Does your boss
promote a sense o f community and
social responsibility?
Does he or she have what it takes
to unleash the competence, creativ­
ity and commitment o f people?
Does he or she demonstrate the
kinds o f leadership that result in
healthy, profitable organizations?
A ll too often people feel anger
tow ard th e ir bosses because there
is a d isco n n e ct between w hat
most business and p o litic a l lead­
ers say and what they do. When
leaders co n siste n tly fa il to d e liv ­
er on th e ir prom ises, the result is
ris in g levels o f cyn icism , m is­
trust and resentm ent.
Some leaders look at all this cyn­
icism and mistrust and see opportu­
nity. Take a look a, the thirty-six
bosses discussed in "Leading Peo­
ple.” They inc lude the performances
turned in by the leaders o f Service
Master outside o f Chicago, Just
Deserts in San Francisco and the
Oregon Symphony in Portland.
It is leaders like Alan M ulally,
president and general manager o f
Boeing s 777 Division who are prac­
ticing what they preach.
M ulally was able to get 7,000
people in over a dozen countries
working in 238 separate design teams
to come together and bui Id an entire­
ly new plane in just four years. Why
is he succeeding when others are
failing? M ulally brought his people
into the leadership process, sharing
his vision with them so they become
fu ll participants and succeeded in
achieving their goal.
These leaders also know that their
success depends on treating their
employees as assets not costs, and
creating an environment that brings
out the best in people.
O utstanding Achievement in In ­
ternational Business: SabrosoCom-
pany a leader in production o f purees
and concentrates, has recently formed
partnerships with other international
companies to explore areas like cold
processing, direct osmosis technolo­
gy and carrot purees. Sabroso has
excelled at making these internation­
al alliances work by honing their
cultural sensitivities and playing o ff
the advantage o f accessibility to in­
ternational markets. I he company 's
creativity and ability to work with
international partners has led to glo­
bal success. This is the second time
the company has won the award.
Steve Newman, the second recip­
ient in the category, was nominated
at the request o f many o f the people
who hav e worked with him He start­
ed his career by opening the Arthur
f ritz Office in Portland. A fter work­
ing in San Francisco, he returned to
Portland and joined Seapoer Ship-
pingCompany. He founded Newman
Wilson Company and now is execu-
tivedirectorofthe Pacific Northwest
International Trade association.
Newman has focused attention on
the importance o f international trade
in the Oregon economy.
I he in te rn a tio n a l Business
Achievement Awards are presented
annually based on recommendations
from a committee made up o f repre­
sentatives from export and trade or­
Paint And Body Icon
Goes High-Tech
I his is the 60th anniversary o f
Earl Scheib Auto Painting and Body.
“ Earl Scheib" isan icon in the Amer­
ican vocabulary. Earl made "W e
paint any car any color for just
$29.95” famous. Since the passing
o f Earl Scheib four years ago both
o f his sons, Don and Al. are still
very active in the company. Don
Scheib is chairman. Over the years
the company has painted over 25
m illion cars and continue to adhere
to Earl's original commitment o f
"offering the best price in town on
their auto painting." A commitment
they guarantee.
Over the last year almost all o f
the shops were converted to “ The
New" Earl Scheib. The new shops
not only look new on the outside
they are new on the inside with a
new commitment to quality and in­
dustry-leading technology.
Earl Scheib has made a sizable
investment in new paint formula­
tion and a new, “ state-of-the-art”
high-tech Infrared Quartz Finish
dry ing system. Earl Scheib manu­
factures all o f their state-of-the-art
polyurethane acrylic paint forma­
tions in theirpaint factory in Spring-
field, Mo. The dryer gives custom­
ers the exact same advanced-tech­
nology paint curing used by major
auto makers. With this new drying
system, the paint dries from the
inside out in about half an hour.
Unfortunately, like the 10 cent
candy bar, the company doesn’t
paint cars for $29.99. The compa­
ny, however, offers three services at
various price ranges. The PRO 1
job for the budget conscious, the
PRO 2 for those who pan to keep
their veh ic le for three years or more
and the PRO 3 which is guaranteed
against fading for six years. The
company can deliver a paint jo b in
one day. They also do body and
fender repair.
CKS Partners Named Marketing Agency For Internet Bookstore
Amazon.com Books, the w o rld ’s
largest bookstore with over I . I m il­
lion titles available over the Internet,
named the Portland office o f CKS
Partners as its marketing agency o f
The assignment w ill include cor­
porate identity, branding, website
design, online and print advertising,
and media planning and placement.
“ CKS won us over because they
really understand how to create cus-
tomer relationships, both online and
o fflin e ,” said Leslie Koch, vice pres­
ident o f marketing for Amazon.com
According to Mahesh M urthy,
partner and creative director at CKS
Partners, Amazon.com is one o f the
few successful businesses on the
Internet. “ The folks at Amazon are
very smart.” he said. “ We are look­
ing forward to helping them shape
the fu tu re o f commerce on the
The Portland office o f CKS Part­
ners is only two years old and is
already among the top three agenc ies
in Oregon. It has 21 employees and a
diverse client base that includes
Widmer Brewing, M CI, Starwave,
Tektronix, Portland General Elec­
tric and Mitsubishi Motors.
CKS Partners is a division o fth e
Headquartered in Silicon Valley,
“We do more than provide power—we work with businesses to
develop programs that save energy and improve their bottom-line.”
Sheila Holden, General Business Manager
“The Columbia Corridor is a world-class business location.
And we're working with government, business and community
groups to pave the way for its future development."
Carl Talton, General Business Manager
Workshops On
Customer Base
As part o fth e B elm ont B u s i­
ness D is tric t P lan, R E A C H
C om m un ity D evelopm ent has
contracted w ith KF G u e rrilla
M a rk e tin g to conduct g u e rilla
m a rke tin g w orkshops e x c lu ­
sively fo r B elm ont business.
Based on the use o f unique po­
s itio n in g strategies to increase
business, the w orkshop teach­
es g u e r r illa te c h n iq u e s fo r
g u id in g a loya l custom er base.
The fir s t w o rksh o p , held in
m id -M a y was attended by sev­
en Belm ont businesses and gen­
erated many ideas and s o lid
m a rk e tin g ta ctics. For more
in fo rm a tio n ca ll 238-1522 or
k fa ll@ a o l.c o m .
Governor Honors International Business Success
The Dun and Bradstreet C or­
poration Foundation, Business Ed­
ucation Services w ill presents a I
collector’ s workshop August 8 at
the Red Lion, Lloyd Center The .
topics w ill include training on de
veloping a successful collection
strategy, working with debtors on
the telephone and how to over
cometheirobjections,the lOmost
frequently used excuses, and col
lection and problem solving exer
cises. For more information or to
register call 212-692-6600.
With more than 80 years as a supplier of electric service, few companies
can help communities and customers plan for a promising future like
Pacific Power. Our vast experience— along with our commitment to
community involvement— can help develop targeted strategies and
uncover opportunities to achieve the growth this community desires.
So whether we are finding ways to meet the needs of existing residents,
helping to retain and expand businesses in the community, or actively
recruiting new companies, Pacific Power wants to be your partner.
For more information, call Sheila Holden at (503) 282-4321
or Carl Talton at (503) 282-4320.
Visit Pacific Power's website at http://www.pactficorp.com
A Division of fíacifiCorp
CKS (iroup specializes in offering a
w ide range o f integrated marketing
communications services, including
strategic corporate and product posi­
tioning, corporate identity, product
branding, new media, packaging,
collateral systems, advertising, d i­
rect mail, consumer promotions, trade
promotions and media placement
In addition to the Portland, Ore­
gon, office, CKS has locations in
Silicon Valley, San Francisco, Wash­
ington, D C ., and New York. CKS is
located on the In te rn e t at
A m azon.com B ooks (w w w .
amazon.com) is headquartered in
Seattle. The w orld ’s largest book­
store. it opened its virtual doors on
the World Wide Web in July 1995
and offers more than one m illion
book titles to customers in more than
65 countries.