Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 05, 1996, Page 7, Image 7

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T he P ortland O bserver • J une
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5, 1996
Latino Students To Be Honored
Danny Bell and Charles
Washington, o f the Portland
Observer, hold award given
posthumously to Joyce
Washington former publisher
o f the newspaper. The 14
annual Blacks in Government
Training Conference gave the
award for Washington's
"outstanding achievements
and continued contribution of
time, energy and resources
toward the socio-economic
advancement o f African
American communities.
Washington died o f a heart
attack March 15.
Prevention, rather than interven­
tion, is a goal in C lu b Hispano, an
organization o f some 55 L a tin o stu­
dents from Jefferson H igh and O ck-
ley Green M id d le school. O utstand­
ing C lu b H ispano members w ill be
honored fo r th e ir im provem ent in
three “ A ’ s” -- academics, attendance
m u n ity s e rv ic e p ro je c ts such as a
fa ll c lo th in g and fo o d d riv e , and
a h o lid a y to y d riv e .
A t F rid a y 's recognition banquet,
w h ich is sponsored by the M u lt­
nomah C o u n ty Juvenile Justice Cen­
ter, special trophies w ill be present­
ed to 10 graduating Jefferson se­
and athletics — at a re co g n itio n ban­
niors w h o have beaten the odds and
quet Friday (June 7) at 7 p.m. in
J e ffe rs o n ’ s c a fe te ria (5 2 1 0 N .
C lu b H is p a n o p ro v id e s p o s i­
tiv e a c tiv itie s and s u p p o rt fo r
overcom e hardships, in clu d in g teen
T h e se n io rs a w a rd e d are E lv ia
A r r e d o n d o , S e r g io C a r r i l l o ,
T a n y a F e liu , N o ra G o m e z , E dgar
M a u r ic io , A n n e l M e jia , F a tim a
R o lo n , Juan C a rio s R e n te ria , Juan
S a lin a s and G u a d a lu p e T o rre s .
stu d e n ts w h o o fte n m u st o v e r­
com e s e rio u s o b s ta c le s to stay in
sch o o l and succeed a c a d e m ic a l­
ly , a c c o rd in g to C lu b a d v is e r
S y lv ia E v e rs o n . C lu b m e m bers
w ere in v o lv e d th is ye a r in c o m ­
Local Senior Murdered
Portland Police Bureau H o m i­
cide Investigators, in cooperation
w ith C rim e Stoppers, are asking for
I your help in solving a murder.
3300 block o f SE H awthorne Bou­
levard, Hazel L. Clemens, an 80-
I year-old w hite female, was found
1 beaten to death in her second story
I apartment.
In v e s tig a to rs b e lie v e H azel
Clemens was murdered sometime
between 6:30 PM and 10:00 PM on
[ M onday, M ay 13th.
floor. The ground level she rented
out to three separate businesses.
T w o o f the businesses, it was dis-
I covered, had been burglarized.
C rim e Stoppers is o ffe rin g a cash
C rim e Stoppers, is asking fo r your
' help in locating and apprehending
Jarimie Jon Close, who is a fu g itive
from Seattle, W ashington, believed
Hazel L. Clemens
reward o f up to $ 1,000 fo r inform a­
tion, reported to C rim e Stoppers,
that leads to an arrest in this case, or
any unsolved felony crim e, and you
do not have to give your name. Call
Crim e Stoppersat(503)823-H E LP
any unsolved felony crim e, and you
do not have to give your name. C all
C rim e Stoppers at (503 ) 823-H ELP
feet 11 inches tall and weighs 160
I pounds, w ith brow n hair, blue eyes
| and glasses.
in Seattle, W ashington, and author­
ities w ill extradite from all 50 states.
Suspect, Jarimie Jon Close
•Jefferson Club Hispano Sports
A w a r d : E le u te r io R o lo n and
Guadalupe Torres Jefferson C lu b
Hispano Attendance A w ard: Jose
A rredondo
support we have received from the
com m unity at large. In the past our
programs have been pa rtia lly funded
by M odel C ities, Portland Public
By Victoria
Schools and the Portland Park B u ­
V Hlso Love Specialist RB
story-telling, phonics and songs.
Since program locations are free
o f charge, and a large portion o f
even m ore heavily on com m unity
and corporate financial support.
C«ZZf o r a n A p p o in t m e n t
We urge you to jo in us in support­
ing the Reading Tree. A n y co n trib u ­
tion, financial o r otherwise, w ill help
keep our programs operating and
1 - 8 8 8 - 5 0 5 - 5 0 6 « T o ll F r e e
we have learned the absolute neces­
sity o f good, strong leadership. A
director and one o r tw o assistants are
summer in these tw o parks.
required at each park. The Reading
Tree serves any young person, age
five and up, and is designed to bridge
provide a wholesome a c tiv ity this
Drugfree Zones Expands ©
To Include Northeast
¡ng and everything that goes w ith il
areas, and i f necessary adjust the
zone boundaries.
err on the side o f helping those peo­
M arch 21 • .April 19
A frie n d w ho capi-
la liz e s on being
needy by taking ad-
vantage o f you, needs
to be tola to back off, but
you tan retain your sympathy for
this person by h'elping’a little.
made a dram atic impact in O ld Town
when it was first ennacted. It has less
effect now, he says, because there is
less police a c tiv ity in the area than
there used to be. “ Just having it on the
books and putting up signs w o n ’ t do
you much good,” he says. “ The po­
lice and the com m unity have to w ork
and Hard W ork C om m ittee “ I have
to enforce it.”
some concerns about in d iv id u a ls
rights, and it ’ s too bad we need to do
O rr agrees. “ T h is isn’ t a magic
wand,” he says. “ I t ’ s a useful tool
that we can use to fig h t this p rob­
lem .”
G em ini
A lover offers a nice
m eeting leads to
im p o rta n t progress.
An associate is in touch
w ith in te re s tin g news about
planned changes in his/her life.
V irgo
Aug. 24 - Sept 23
a tfP W
A ro m a n tic partner
L ib ra
Sept. 24 - O c t 23
teach o ut fo r
closeness today You
contemplate the var-
ious relationships in
y o u r life and co nsid e r
what you can do lo make each one
more meaningful.
O ct 20 - Nov. 19
Don't hold everything
in- fiHfr 3 trustworthy
c o n fid a n t w ho can
offer positive guidance
about personal m atters.
You can make a big difference in
your neighborhood if you try.
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1/2 Flat
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C apricorn
Dee. 22 - Jan. 20
c e lle n c e . Do w h a t­
ever makes you feel
s p e cia l, and then spend tim e
around the people who care.
Round Steak
• 6-0unce in oil or water
• SAVE UP TO 4 0 0
h c 'p s y ° u ° v e r a
hurdle. A so cia l e-
vent connected w ith
your career brings you in
contact with someone you want lo
know better personal.
com plicated decision
that you made some time
ago now seems w o rth a ll the
trouble it took to make it happen.
Prices Effective June 5 through June 11,1996 a t your nearby Safeway store.
Chunk Light Tuna
N o v ..2 3 -D e e .21
T echnical expertise
w ants you to meet
fa m ily "members. A
Bumble Bee
Go ahead and get in
touch with your own
w f l R S / p o te n tia l fo r ex-
June. 22 - July 23
Longstanding efforts
to attain fitness pay
o f f w ith c o m p li-
ments. This evening
you seek o ut frie n d ly ,
exciting people w ith whom you
can talk to ana have fun.
July 2 4 - Aug. 2,1
A co m p lic a te d s it-
uation reauires tact
and m ayne some
o u tsid e
guid a nce .
Outworn associations end
now and you are content to feel
that you are moving on.
M a y 2 2 -J u n e 21
I^ o
A p ril 20 - M ay 21
A new goal seems
tasier 10 achieve than
Y * ^ t f an
who is sure that he or
she has the perfect mate
for you may be on to something,
but ultimately it's your decision.
O rr says that northeast drug deal­
ers are less transient than those in
O ld Town. “ People have been deal­
something this drastic, but people in
the com m unity are tired o f drug deal-
w ill m o n ito r drug a c tiv ity in adjacent
uproot it before it becomes en­
trenched,” says Richard B row n, chair
o f the B lack United F ro n t’ s Hope
In December 1995, a fe lo n y no
bail arrest warrant, charging Close
| w ith the rape o f a c h ild , was issued
• O c k le y G re e n C lu b H isp a n o
A ca d e m ic A w a rd : Juan Resendiz-
C ru z and A le ja n d ra B e ta n co u rt-
reau. M onies from these sources are
no longer available, therefore we rely
ing drugs from the same street co r­
ners fo r years,” he says.
“ I ’m not ’concerned ’ that the prob­
lem m ay’ move; I know it w ill. When
it does, we have to be v ig ila n t and
Jarim ie Jon Close, is a 20-year-
| old w hite male (D O B 012276) 5
d e m ic A w a rd : A n g e lin a Franciso,
E leuterio R olon and Rosa Thomas
parents, volunteers and staff, togeth­
er, share in b u ild in g reading skills,
Continued from Metro
reward o f up to $ 1,000 fo r inform a­
tion, reported to C rim e Stoppers,
that leads to an arrest in this case, or
to be in the Portland M e tropolitan
I Area.
Crime Stoppers is o ffie rin g a cash
The success o f these programs has
in no sm all way been due to the
supplies and books are donated, s ta ff
is the m ajor cost. Through the years
Wanted Fugitive
Seattle/King County C rim e Stop-
| pers, in cooperation w ith Portland
programs at Irvin g and A lberta Parks.
The Irv in g Park program is entering
its 25th year and the A lberta Park
program its 9th year. The Reading
Tree is a free, n o n -p ro fit program
and is a comm unity-based, positive
reading program where c h ild re n ,
On Tuesday, M ay 14, 1996, ju s t
I after 7:00 in the m orning, in the
Hazel Clemens owned the prop-
I erty and lived alone on the second
the gap du rin g the summer months to
help children retainand improve skills
in reading.
O ther trophies to be presented
at the event include:
• Jefferson Club Hispano Aca­
The Reading Tree
Dear Friends o fth e Reading Tree:
We need yo u r help. This summer
we w ill continue our Reading Tree
F iv e o fth o s e stu d e n ts have plans
to c o n tin u e on to c o lle g e , a c­
c o rd in g to E ve rso n .
Enjoy Extra Savings With The
Savings Guide
Available at your Safeway store.
Z if 'X ,
Jan. 21 - Feb. 19
B ig changes are
available to you and
y ° u are f o r k i n g
through your various
fe e lin g s about w h a t’ s
offered. Personal matters remain
on your mind. Socialize tonight.
v B t i/
Feb. 20 - M arch 20
Y o u k n o w a lo t o f
people w ho adm ire
your a bilities and il
seems that they a ll
want your help. Take your
time trying to help, bul slay out of
personal matters.