Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 31, 1996, Page 3, Image 3

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O bserver
J anuary 31,1996
Tree Planting For King Neighborhood
Several com m unity groups w ill
jo in residents o f the K in g N eigh­
borhood to sponsor a K in g N eigh­
borhood Tree Planting Day.
Area residents and citizen volun­
teers plan on planting over 70 trees
in the neighborhood. The vo lu n ­
teers are asked to b ring trucks and
shovels it they have them and meet at
the Northeast Precinct parking Io, a,
spo n so re d by S a fe co In su ra n ce
C o ., F rie n d s o f T re e s, N o r th ­
449 N.E. Emerson by 8 a m on Sat­
urday, Feb 10
east C o m m u n ity D e v e lo p m e n t
C o rp ., F ra n cisca n E n te rp ris e ,
N o rth e a s t C o a litio n o f N e ig h ­
b o rh o o d s and D is tr ic t 2 o f the
K in g N e ig h b o rh o o d A s s o c ia ­
tio n .
Anyone interested in volunteer­
ing should cal I Jamae H i I hard a, 282-
3249 o r K ristin Y arris at 284-8642.
The tree p la n tin g e ffo r t is c o -
New Phone
in essence, c o -c a r rie r status
means th a t M F S is a ffo rd e d the
same rig h ts as the in c u m b e n t lo ­
cal e xch a n g e c a rrie rs , US W est
and G T E .
T h is a p p ro v a l a llo w s O re g o n
te le p h o n e c u s to m e rs to - fo r the
fir s , tim e - have a c h o ic e fo r th e ir
lo c a l te le p h o n e s e rv ic e , s im ila r
to the c h o ic e c u sto m e rs can no w
m ake w hen s e le c tin g a lo n g d is ­
tance te le p h o n e c o m p a n y.
M F S in te n d s to begin w o rk in g
w ith the O P U C , US W est and
G T E to im p le m e n t c o -c a rrie r a r­
ra n g e m e n ts, in c lu d in g in te rc o n ­
n e c tio n o f n e tw o rk s and r e c ip ro ­
cal c o m p e n s a tio n .
Wayne Miya (from left) and Bill Edmonds, both with Pacific Power, joined recently with community
volunteers to plant trees along Northeast Alberta Street.
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