land O bserver J anuary 31,1996 •orttani» baerucr Tree Planting For King Neighborhood Several com m unity groups w ill jo in residents o f the K in g N eigh­ borhood to sponsor a K in g N eigh­ borhood Tree Planting Day. Area residents and citizen volun­ teers plan on planting over 70 trees in the neighborhood. The vo lu n ­ teers are asked to b ring trucks and shovels it they have them and meet at the Northeast Precinct parking Io, a, spo n so re d by S a fe co In su ra n ce C o ., F rie n d s o f T re e s, N o r th ­ 449 N.E. Emerson by 8 a m on Sat­ urday, Feb 10 east C o m m u n ity D e v e lo p m e n t C o rp ., F ra n cisca n E n te rp ris e , N o rth e a s t C o a litio n o f N e ig h ­ b o rh o o d s and D is tr ic t 2 o f the K in g N e ig h b o rh o o d A s s o c ia ­ tio n . Anyone interested in volunteer­ ing should cal I Jamae H i I hard a, 282- 3249 o r K ristin Y arris at 284-8642. The tree p la n tin g e ffo r t is c o - New Phone Company Approved in essence, c o -c a r rie r status means th a t M F S is a ffo rd e d the same rig h ts as the in c u m b e n t lo ­ cal e xch a n g e c a rrie rs , US W est and G T E . T h is a p p ro v a l a llo w s O re g o n te le p h o n e c u s to m e rs to - fo r the fir s , tim e - have a c h o ic e fo r th e ir lo c a l te le p h o n e s e rv ic e , s im ila r to the c h o ic e c u sto m e rs can no w m ake w hen s e le c tin g a lo n g d is ­ tance te le p h o n e c o m p a n y. M F S in te n d s to begin w o rk in g w ith the O P U C , US W est and G T E to im p le m e n t c o -c a rrie r a r­ ra n g e m e n ts, in c lu d in g in te rc o n ­ n e c tio n o f n e tw o rk s and r e c ip ro ­ cal c o m p e n s a tio n . Wayne Miya (from left) and Bill Edmonds, both with Pacific Power, joined recently with community volunteers to plant trees along Northeast Alberta Street. Speedy Service Friendly Call For Quote Call ^ ìn r tla n ù OPEN SUNDAY FEB 4, 1-3 P.M. Beautiful Irvington Bungalow cant - 4 bedrooms, over 2400 sq. ft. including sement, formal dining room, living room with ftre- ice and built-ins. This is a lovely, freshly painted VISA heating oils (Ob s e m e r at 288-0033 to advertise. Best Cash Prices 104 NE Russel Portland, OR 97212 282-5111 LISCENSED IN OREGON SINCE ,9 /5 Singles & Seniors, I can help you! “1st Class Guarantee’’ A -Z E B R A RMLS 300 NE Multnomah, Suite #27 Portland, Oregon 97232 George Hendrix 230-1390 George A. Hendrix MBA, GRI, Broker A-ZEBRA Realty Inc w If you: Construction & Painting Company V Have been denied credit Have bad credit Need to re-establish credit Experianced bankruptcy Experianced tax Hens Experienced judgements Charge offs Late Payments John McVeety lality Home modeling ' Project Too Small fish Carpentry & »odworking lior Discounts WE CAN HELP Many Items you thought would follow you for the rest of your life can be legally removed from your credit record! INTRODUCING National Credit Auditors, Inc. 282-9233 □ Storm Windows & Doors Installed □ Interior & Exterior Painting □ Pressure Washing □ FREE Written estimates Warm your home now with an efficient gas furnace from Rheem ™ to Gas conversions 0 . . , rebate (terms apply) ltral Ajr iditionina F ir e ln « « Bonded in Washington and Oregon For more Information, call your local representative today! (503) 762-2546 or 1-8OO-683-O728 (503) 230-1390 • (Res., 287-6837 JC Northwest Color BAD CREDIT? • • • • • • • • Realty Inc n uz , ,. U Gas Water Heaters r ir 1 . rs «1, . □ Custom Duct Work a Financin8 Available v J .A .V . • Call today for free consultation L icen se # 8 ,3 2 2 B onded & Insured Power lines can kill you. Whether you touch them with a pole a ladder or your bare hand. Up in the air. Down on the ground It doesn’t matter. And if you're wet, practically anything elec­ tric can hurt you. So learn more about electrical safety. Call 1-800-542-8818 for a free brochure. Because there's only one other way to find out. And it costs a lot more than a phone call. Portland General Electric