Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 23, 1995, Page 4, Image 4

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A ugust 23 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver
Essence Of Ellington Is Coming
Continued from front
the day by performing musical cam­
eos o f his numbers in movies and
short films.
Film c lip s , courtesy o f the
Chertok Collection in New York,
w ill be presented within a 60 minute
video. These rare Ellington clips have
been shown only once, at the Lincoln
Centeron April 27. Mercer Ellington
w ill narrate the film clips.
Another highlight w ill include
an appearance by Portland resident
Anne Henry who used to dance with
Ellington’s early bands.
“ Essence o f Ellington” w ill be
the firs, major event o f Portland State
P o l i c e X e iin
University’s 50th anniversary cele­
Tickets are available through
Ticketmaster outlets at $20 for gen­
eral admission, reserved seating.
Patron tickets to include a post-event
reception at the Heathman Hotel with
Ellington, with champagne and desert
are $100.
Workshops On Domestic Violence Set
The Tri-County Domestic and
Sexual Violence Intervention Net­
work has announced its 4th annual
Domestic and Sexual Violence Insti­
tute to be held Oct. 7 from 8 a m. to
5 p.m. at Portland State University.
The institute is a day-long se­
ries o f workshops, open to the com­
munity, coveringdomestic and sex­
ual violence-related information.
Workshops topics w ill include un­
deserved populations and innova-
Judge Lance Ito Finds Fame Pitfalls
Continued from front
er Madam Sydney Biddle Barrows.
“ It sets a bad example,” Braun
said. And while Ito worked hard to
ensure fairness for both sides, Braun
said, he often seemed to lose his legal
compass in the glare o f the television
Howard Price, a Lo s Angeles
defense attorney o f 28 years who
appeared in Ito’s courtroom repeat­
fenseattorney Harland Braun. Braun
also shakes his head at Ito’s practice
o f receiving celebrities and pseudo­
celebrities in his chambers during
breaks in the proceedings - putting
the trial on hold so he could meet
with the likes o f talk show host
Geraldo Rivera or former M ayflow­
edly before the Simpson era, gives
thejudge consistently good marks on
his rulings. “ H e’s provided this de­
fendant with the fairest trial in the
history o f the planet,” Price said.
But Price concedes the judge
“hasn’t been a saint” on the bench.
“ H e’s had moments o f pique that are
uncharacteristic o f him,” the veteran
attorney said.
tive therapy techniques.
Registration fee is $25 to $50 on
a sliding scale. A limited number o f
scholarships are available. The ses­
sion is wheelchair-accessible. Free
childcare and parking are also avail­
For more information or to reg­
ister, call Jeannie LaFrance at 232-
7805. You may also register at the
The intervention network is a
Arrested In
Urban League Finds Ideal Co-Chairs
Continued from Metro
and citizens.” Gray, a graduate o f the
University of Oregon, joined Bank of
America in 1992 and manages its state­
wide community sponsorships, phil­
anthropic programs, and the bank’s
efforts to strengthen and improve Or­
egon’s schools.
“ I am askingall community per­
sons to join the Urban League as we
create community solutions for our
community through education, em­
ployment and equality,” stated Joyce
Harris. Ms. Harris earned a Bachelor
o f Arts degree in American Studies
with a concentration in Black Stud­
ies from Reed College, a Bachelors
o f Arts degree in Education for Ore­
gon State University, a Master o f
Science in Education from Portland
State University and is currently purs­
ing her doctorate a, Portland State
University in Curriculum and Instruc-
The campaign’s goal is to raise
$250,000 in membership dues from
businesses and individuals. Mem­
bership revenue w ill be used to sup­
port Urban League programs and
services. “Several Urban League ser­
vices that are critical to the commu­
nity are being funded from our gen­
eral fund,” explained Lawrence Dark.
“ Membership revenue w ill allow us
to close the gap and continue to pro­
vide services that empower clients to
become self-sufficient.”
“ Businesses prosper only to the
extent that the communities they serve
prosper,” stated Peter Gray. “The busi­
ness community’s partnership with the
Urban League will help it better serve
its clients so that they may reach their
full potential as parents, employees.
tion. Harris is the Co-founder o f the
Black Educational Center School and
joined the Northwest Regional Edu­
cational Laboratory in July o f 1993
to lead the Center for National O ri­
gin, Race, and Sex Equity.
Urban League annual member­
ships start at $25 for individuals and
$100 for small businesses, with dis­
counted rates for students and se­
niors. For information on member­
ship levels and benefits, contact the
Urban League at 503/280-2600.
The Urban League o f Portland
is a non-profit, community-based
human service, economic and social
justice agency serving youth, stu­
dents, jo b seekers, and seniors in the
Portland metro area. The agency is
one o f 113 local affiliates o f the
National Urban League, headquar­
tered in New Y o rk City.
Car Thief Leaves Court
In Stolen Car
A northwest Portland man
made court appearance for car theft
and was arrested when he drove
o ff in another stolen vehicle.
Kristopher Hyslop, 30, was
arrested Aug. 7 at Southwest Third
and Salmon, shortly after leaving
court on a previous charge o f un­
authorized use o f a motor vehicle.
The van he got into was found to
have been stolen in southwest Port­
land on Ju ly 18. Police got su<pi-
cious when they noticed the vehi-
o f two Explorer posts. She serves on
several boards working to provide a
better opportunity for local citizens,
as well as promoting the Jefferson
Standard for her students.
Tw o cou nc i I serv ice awards were
given by the council -- one to The
Portland House o f Umoja for their
continued use o f the Explorer pro­
gram to teach gang and at-risk youth
another side o f life besides those
negatives that have brought them
trouble with the law and school. I lanh
The Vuong was the other recipient o f
the council service award for his
continuous work in bringing Scout­
ing to the Vietnamese community.
Hanh used the Scout Handbook to
teach English, and the Scout Oath
and Law coincide with the tradition­
al Vietnam culture and beliefs in
justice, truth and community service.
Keynote speaker was Mayor Dr.
Robert Ingram, President o f the N a­
tional Conference o f Black Mayors.
A long-time supporter o f Scouting
and a Silver Beaver recipient. Dr.
Ingram brought a powerful message
about the values that Scouting holds
for your youth.
Mayor Ingram believes “that we
need to put the prefix back on the
word hood’ like Neighbor or Broth­
er We must stop labeling negatives
and promote positives.” He went on
to say that we must work to solve one
problem, eliminate one barrier, and
help one child.
The Century C l ub Luncheon was
chaired by M ichael Lew ellen o f
N IK E , Inc., and the honorary chairs
were held by Paul Lo renzini o f
PacifiCorp, and Lawrence Dark of
the Urban League o f Portland.. The
Master o f Ceremonies was K O IN ’s
news anchor Mike Donahue. The
sponsors were West One Bank, Meier
& Frank, N IK E , Inc., K O IN -T V .
Tapping Into Safe E-Mail
During summer, children turn
on the television and turn o ff their
brains. But before school starts,
parents can help their kids dust o ff
their thinking caps and hone their
writing skills. How? With elec­
tronic m ail,E-m ail isa fun, interac­
tive way to get children thinking
and writing. And with M C l’s new
booklet, “ Write Here, Write Now
Educational E -M ail G uide,” it’s
easy to get your children learning
— with e-mail.
Educators say parents are ch i I-
dren’s best and most influential
Thanks to home computers, ful-
filling the role o f parent and teacher
is easier than ever before. Over 35
m illion American homes have per­
sonal computers (PCs), a boom driv­
en by kids’ fascination with multi-
media software.
E-M ail, A Rewarding Educa­
Educators say e-mail is
valuable to children’s education.
“ Receivinge-m ail provides a quick
reward for practicing writing skills
that w ill pay o ff in the classroom,”
explains Cheri Fuller, an educator,
learning specialist and author o f 10
books on child development. “C h il­
dren’s ability to write well affects
their learning in every subject in
school More than any other activity,
writing leads to clear, organized and
coherent thought.”
U sing the home computer as a
learning tool, parents can successful­
ly bridge their student’s summer va­
cation to the new school year. And
tapping intoe-mail is an easy, afford­
able way to introduce youngsters to
the fun o f writing.
Parents can accomplish this feat
with “ Write Here, Write Now.” F u ll­
er worked extensively with M C I to
develop this two-part guide. It’s
packed with information for parents
and kids. Included are tips for par­
ents to help children sharpen lan­
guage skills and a “just-for-kids” pull­
out section packed with fun, instruc­
tive and easy computer e-mail activ­
Besides letter writing, other
“ Write Here, Write Now " activities
help kids participate in science ex­
p erim e nts, engage in h i-tech
storytelling, create an electronic
family newsletter or ask an expert
for information, such as a scientist
at National Geographic.
Parents can receive the “ Write
Here, Write Now” pamphlet abso­
lutely free by calling 800-726-8470.
Friends & Family Mail
“ Write Here, Write Now” is a
complement to M C l’s Friends &
Family Mail e-mail software. Friends
& Family Mail turns a home PC into
a family communications center, al­
lowing even children to easily send
and receive e-mail messages.
Plus, parents need not worry
about young writers tying up the
phone line since kids compose and
send e-mail messages off-line. And,
because Friends & Fam ily Mail di­
als into an 800 number, they won’t
have to worry about high phone
charges either.
T o schedule an interview with
Cheri Fuller or for complete press
kit and sample brochure, contact
Michael Tierney. 1-800-436-9749;
e-mail 759-4533@ mcim ail.com .
* * *
« • *
T h e best music shnuhl lw played as the I m * s I m en and women
should lie dressed— n eith er h i well n or mo ill as Io attract attention
T h e w orld o f the living con­
tains enough m arvels and mys­
teries acting upon o u r emotions
a n d in t e l li g e n c e in w ays so
to itself.
— Samuel B u tle r
• ••
T h e r e is o fte n less d a n g e r in the things we fe a r than in the
things we desire.
— J o h n C hu rton Collins
Three decades after Congress
established bipartisan ethics «com­
mittees that deliberated in private,
the process is threatened by public
party-line splits on major issues in
the cases o f two o f the most powerful
men in Congress, House Speaker
Newt Gingrich and Oregon Sen. Bob
In the trenches, Republicans and
Democrats earnestly accuse the oth­
er side o f allowing partisanship into
committee meetings as a bumptious
The partisan stakes are high,
which makes studied nonpartisanship
almost impossible these days. Both
cases involve prominent Republi­
cans. Gingrich is a partisan symbol
all by him self as well as the most
p o w e rfu l sp e ake r in decades.
Packwood is chairman o f the F i­
nance Committee, which has the
broadest jurisdiction in the Senate,
from taxes to Medicare to Medicaid
to trade to welfare.
Democrats say Republicans are
changing established procedures to
protect their own. Republicans say
Democrats, frustrated at their loss o f
power elsewhere, are kicking and
screaming in the only forums where
they can force deadlocks; the ethics
committees are the only two con­
gressional committees that have equal
numbers from both parties.
That internal finger-pointing
may satisfy members o f Congress,
but knowledgeable outsiders see
enough blame for both parties.
T h is is not the first obvious case
ofpartisanship in the Senate commit­
tee. During the Keating Five scandal,
committee Democrats for months
M any in this world run a fte r felicity like an absent man hunting
fo r his h at, while all the tim e it is on his hcail o r in his hand.
— Sydney Sm ith
ers a re .
— B altasar G ra d a n
He said, “ W e’d worked on a very
friendly, bipartisan relationship until
the Boxer amendment came up.” He
added, “ I ’m glad we’re going on
recess, because I hope it w ill give us
time to get over the hurt that this has
The Democrats argue that parti­
sanship came into this case when the
three Republicans voted against pub­
lic hearings at a Ju ly 3 1 meeting. On
the 3-to-3 vote, the proposal for hear­
ings died.
Democrats on the committee say
that in rejecting hearings, the com ­
mittee was sending a message that
sexual offenses were less important
1967 in the House - require secrecy,
so there is little public record o f what
has been g o in g on in sid e the
Packwood and G ingrich cases.
But after more than two years o f
staff work, which included interview­
ing every woman who had ever
worked for Packwood, the Senate
Ethics Committee announced in May
that it had concluded unanimously than financial matters, which have
that there was “substantial credible customari ly been investigated in pub­
evidence” that Packwood had en­ lic hearings in the past. And, they
gaged in a pattern o f sexual miscon­ said, the committee’s Republicans
duct, citing 18 instances o f groping, gave no reason for opposing hear­
grabbing and kissing between 1969 ings. Other Republicans said public
and 1990.
hearings would be a circus and em­
It also accused him oftampering barrass the Senate. But M cConnell
with evidence and improperly deal­ told the Senate that the staff said its
ing with lobbyists to get his wife a thorough inquiry had made hearings
job, which he expected to lower ali­ unnecessary, and Democrats con­
mony payments after an impending firmed his report.
After an Aug. 2 Senate vote, on
Then it held private meetings to almost straight party lines, to forgo
allow him to respond to the charges. p ub lic hearings, the com m ittee
Packwood said he was not seeking thought it was ready to start debating
public hearings. When the commit­ what punishment to recommend.
tee was about to decide on whether to
But it put that o ff until Septem­
hold such hearings, Sen. Barbara
ber when its staff reported that two
Boxer, D -C alif., fearing that Repub­
more complaints had been filed that
licans would block them, said she
had been overlooked. One o f them
would offer a Senate resolution to
in v o lv e s a fo rm er intern in
force the holding o f public hearings.
Packwood’s office. The committee
Sen. Mitch M cConnell o f Ke n ­
hopes to act on those complaints,
tucky, the committee chairman, said
along with the others, by m id-Sep­
that her demand split the committee.
“Tableware With Meaning”
Buy one place setting,
get the 2nd one at 1/2 price!
Also, 20% o ff all matching accessories!
in e x p l i c a b l e t h a t i t w o u ld
alm ost ju s tify the conception o f
life as an enchanted state.
— Joseph Conrad
T h e g reatest fo o l is he who
thinks he is not one and all oth­
resisted dropping the case against
John M cCain, the Arizona Republi­
can, because that would have left
only Democrats accused o f improper
dealings with Charles Keating, the
savings and loan executive.
The rules o f both committees -
created in 1964 in the Senate, and
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• ••
• ••
cle was parked at the curb with it’s
engine running.
Hyslop was lodged in the Jus­
tice Center Jail on new charges o f
unauthorized use o f a motor vehi­
cle, driving while felony revoked,
fraudulent use o f a credit card and
misuse o f an Oregon D river’s L i­
The officers recovered a num­
ber o f personal checks that were
allegedly taken form paper recy­
cling bins.
A 38-year-old northeast Port­
land man has been arrested in con­
nection with a Ju ly 22 hit-and-hit
accident that seriously injured two
teenagers near Southeast 82nd and
C la y Street.
Patrick Eugene Parker, 38, o f
Portland, was charged with felony
hit-and-run, two counts o f assault
and driving under the influence o f
intoxicants. He was arrested at the
traffic division office after an inter­
view with the case investigator.
Parker’s vehicle, a white Honda
Prelude, was towed asevidence. Ear­
lier, Parker reported that someone
had stolen his car, damaged it and
then returned it to his residence. A l­
legedly, Parker was driving while
intoxicated when his vehicle struck
the two teenagers as they crossed
82nd Avenue about I a.m. The vehi­
cle did not stop at the scene.
Partisanship Is Hindering
Ethics Committees
Local Volunteers Awarded For Efforts
Continued from Metro
Neil K e lly has believed in the
north/northeast community for sev­
eral decades. He has been a support­
er o f Scouting both financially, ma­
terially, and with his time. He was at
hand when a Cub Scout unit need
guidance. Neil was available when
the Sea Explorers need support for
projects. Neil started and supported
several Scout units during his life
and was one o f the founders o f the
North/Northeast Business A ssocia­
tion which continues to work to make
the community a more productive
and safer place for all.
Rev. Alcena Boozer has had a
dual career for the past fifteen years
serving as an Episcopal Priest and
the p rincipal o f Jefferson H igh
School. She has Supported Scouting
by participating in the Learning for
Life program and the co-sponsorship
group o f non-profit agencies in
Multnomah, Clackam as and Wash­
ington Counties. The network pro­
vides crisis intervention, counsel­
ing, emergency shelter, referrals and
advocacy for women and children
survivors o f domestic and sexual
The network also offers com­
munity outreach and information
about oppression and domestic and
sexual violence.
l i f e t i m e O f M e m o r ie s
D u a n r L ew H
P r r s ir le n t
2»i'M M M artin I u ih rt K ing
P ortland O t r f on 9" 2 I I
C a l l 5 0 .3
H h il
Dress Your Table In Elegant Cultural Attire
2H 4-N k*(IH