■• • ssaa , : t V . '. *<«. '#*is*î, < ù ^ S fw S Ä B P age A4 «' < S.-V* »f * A ugust 23 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver Essence Of Ellington Is Coming Continued from front ▲ the day by performing musical cam­ eos o f his numbers in movies and short films. Film c lip s , courtesy o f the Chertok Collection in New York, w ill be presented within a 60 minute video. These rare Ellington clips have been shown only once, at the Lincoln Centeron April 27. Mercer Ellington w ill narrate the film clips. Another highlight w ill include an appearance by Portland resident Anne Henry who used to dance with Ellington’s early bands. “ Essence o f Ellington” w ill be the firs, major event o f Portland State P o l i c e X e iin University’s 50th anniversary cele­ bration. Tickets are available through Ticketmaster outlets at $20 for gen­ eral admission, reserved seating. Patron tickets to include a post-event reception at the Heathman Hotel with Ellington, with champagne and desert are $100. Workshops On Domestic Violence Set The Tri-County Domestic and Sexual Violence Intervention Net­ work has announced its 4th annual Domestic and Sexual Violence Insti­ tute to be held Oct. 7 from 8 a m. to 5 p.m. at Portland State University. The institute is a day-long se­ ries o f workshops, open to the com­ munity, coveringdomestic and sex­ ual violence-related information. Workshops topics w ill include un­ deserved populations and innova- Judge Lance Ito Finds Fame Pitfalls Continued from front er Madam Sydney Biddle Barrows. “ It sets a bad example,” Braun said. And while Ito worked hard to ensure fairness for both sides, Braun said, he often seemed to lose his legal compass in the glare o f the television lights. Howard Price, a Lo s Angeles defense attorney o f 28 years who appeared in Ito’s courtroom repeat­ ▲ fenseattorney Harland Braun. Braun also shakes his head at Ito’s practice o f receiving celebrities and pseudo­ celebrities in his chambers during breaks in the proceedings - putting the trial on hold so he could meet with the likes o f talk show host Geraldo Rivera or former M ayflow­ edly before the Simpson era, gives thejudge consistently good marks on his rulings. “ H e’s provided this de­ fendant with the fairest trial in the history o f the planet,” Price said. But Price concedes the judge “hasn’t been a saint” on the bench. “ H e’s had moments o f pique that are uncharacteristic o f him,” the veteran attorney said. tive therapy techniques. Registration fee is $25 to $50 on a sliding scale. A limited number o f scholarships are available. The ses­ sion is wheelchair-accessible. Free childcare and parking are also avail­ able. For more information or to reg­ ister, call Jeannie LaFrance at 232- 7805. You may also register at the door. The intervention network is a Suspect Arrested In Hit-And-Run Urban League Finds Ideal Co-Chairs Continued from Metro and citizens.” Gray, a graduate o f the University of Oregon, joined Bank of America in 1992 and manages its state­ wide community sponsorships, phil­ anthropic programs, and the bank’s efforts to strengthen and improve Or­ egon’s schools. “ I am askingall community per­ sons to join the Urban League as we create community solutions for our community through education, em­ ployment and equality,” stated Joyce Harris. Ms. Harris earned a Bachelor o f Arts degree in American Studies with a concentration in Black Stud­ ies from Reed College, a Bachelors o f Arts degree in Education for Ore­ gon State University, a Master o f Science in Education from Portland State University and is currently purs­ ing her doctorate a, Portland State University in Curriculum and Instruc- ▲ The campaign’s goal is to raise $250,000 in membership dues from businesses and individuals. Mem­ bership revenue w ill be used to sup­ port Urban League programs and services. “Several Urban League ser­ vices that are critical to the commu­ nity are being funded from our gen­ eral fund,” explained Lawrence Dark. “ Membership revenue w ill allow us to close the gap and continue to pro­ vide services that empower clients to become self-sufficient.” “ Businesses prosper only to the extent that the communities they serve prosper,” stated Peter Gray. “The busi­ ness community’s partnership with the Urban League will help it better serve its clients so that they may reach their full potential as parents, employees. tion. Harris is the Co-founder o f the Black Educational Center School and joined the Northwest Regional Edu­ cational Laboratory in July o f 1993 to lead the Center for National O ri­ gin, Race, and Sex Equity. Urban League annual member­ ships start at $25 for individuals and $100 for small businesses, with dis­ counted rates for students and se­ niors. For information on member­ ship levels and benefits, contact the Urban League at 503/280-2600. The Urban League o f Portland is a non-profit, community-based human service, economic and social justice agency serving youth, stu­ dents, jo b seekers, and seniors in the Portland metro area. The agency is one o f 113 local affiliates o f the National Urban League, headquar­ tered in New Y o rk City. Car Thief Leaves Court In Stolen Car A northwest Portland man made court appearance for car theft and was arrested when he drove o ff in another stolen vehicle. Kristopher Hyslop, 30, was arrested Aug. 7 at Southwest Third and Salmon, shortly after leaving court on a previous charge o f un­ authorized use o f a motor vehicle. The van he got into was found to have been stolen in southwest Port­ land on Ju ly 18. Police got su