Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 12, 1995, Page 20, Image 20

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    P age
J uly
Field Representative
Project Administrator
W&H Pacific, a rapidly growing
leader in engineering, plan­
The Oregon Lottery is accept­
ning and consulting services
ing applications for Field Rep­
is seeking a highly skilled, self-
resentative 3. Salary is $2,606
motivated individual to join our
- $3,309 Monthly. This posi­
tion is nonmanagement with This newly created position
the Oregon Lottery (Exempt
serves a key role in delivering
Agency). The assigned area
enhanced service as a client
for this position extends from
liaison and customer service
Cascade Locks to Biggs, Or­
facilitator along with providing
egon. The person in this posi­
lead administrative support to
tion must live within 30 miles
project managers in schedul­
of the above assigned area.
ing, billing, invoicing, contract
There is one current vacancy.
m a n a g e m e n t, and o th e r
The Field Representative 3
project related tasks. The ideal
markets the Lottery product
candidate will have public sec­
line and performs preventa­
tor contract management ex­
tive maintenance on all Lot­
pertise as well as the ability to
tery equipment at retail out­
deliver superior client service.
lets in an assigned area of the
Q u a lific a tio n s in c lu d e a
state. Requires a valid Or­
bachelor’s degree in business
egon driver’s license; frequent
administration or engineering
exposure to tobacco smoke:
or the equivalent in training
occasional exposure to tem­
and e x p e rie n c e ; d e m o n ­
perature extremes; occasional
strated expertise in Windows
night driving, driving long dis­
3.1, W o rd P erfe ct 6.1 and
tances, and overnight travel;
s p re a d sh e e t a p p lica tio n s;
occasional exposure to bel­
strong numeric aptitude; out­
ligerent language; ability to
standing interpersonal skills
climb a ladder occasionally;
and professional demeanor.
and ability to supply a mini­ We offer excellent benefits, a
mum but flexible 40-hour work
team oriented work environ­
week. To qualify you must
ment, advanced equipment
have; Three years of experi­
and opportunities for growth
ence in sales, marketing, and/
and development. Please mail
or service/repair. A college
or fax resumes to:
degree in Communications.
W&H Pacific
Public Relations, Marketing,
Nimbus Avenue
Electronics, or closely related
Beaverton, OR 97008
field may substitute for one
Attn: Irene Higgins
year of the required experi­
Fax: (503) 526-0775
ence. To apply submit a State
of Oregon Application Form
(P D 100) or an Oregon Lottery
Employment Application and
answer the following question.
Describe yourexperlence in
s a le s , m a rk e tin g , a n d /o r
s e rv ic e re p a ir in c lu d in g
y o u r level o f re s p o n s ib ility ,
and size o f c u sto m e r base.
Does y o u r expe rie n ce in ­
clude te rrito ry o r route m an­
agem ent? State of Oregon
application forms can be ob­
tained from a local Oregon
Employment Department of­
fice or most state agency per­
sonnel offices. Oregon Lot­
tery application forms can be
obtained at the Lottery office
located at 2767 22nd Street
SE, Salem , O regon. Send
completed application mate­
rials to: Personnel Officer,
Oregon State Lottery, PO Box
12649, Salem, Oregon 97309.
Application materials must be
received in the Lottery Office
by F rida y, J u ly 21, 1995.
Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Employer: women, mi­
norities, and persons with dis­
abilities are encouraged to
apply. ADA accommodations
are available upon request.
Prospective employees are
subject to a background check
which includes criminal his­
tory, fingerprinting, credit his­
tory, private financial and tax
records, driving record, and
any affiliations with the gam ­
ing industry. Felony convic­
tion or any gambling related
offense will automatically pre­
clude you from employment
with the Oregon Lottery.
Recruiter Category
We are seeking self-starting in­
dividuals who will be respon­
sible for screening and recruit­
ing candidates for the state
wide Job Corps Programs.
Applicant must have experi­
ence working with economi­
cally disadvantaged youth.
Bachelor's Degree required
or related experience may be
considered in leu of formal
education requirements. Let­
ter of interest and resume must
be received no later than Fri­
day July 21, 1995 at the fol­
lowing address: Human Re­
s o u rc e s , S p rin g d a le Job
Corps Center, 31224 E. His­
toric Columbia River Highway,
Troutdale, Oregon 97060.
Major Telephone Co.
Now hiring Technicians, Install­
ers. Acct/Sorv Reps, Opera­
tors. No experience neces­
sary. To apply, call 1 -219-755-
0033, ext. F22 6am to 6pm, 7
We are an affirmative action/
equal opportunity employer.
Social Services
Early Childhood
Part-time (.5 FTE). Provide ser­
vice to children ages 0 to 36
months in home and center
settings. Support families in
their parenting efforts. Degree
in Early Childhood Education
or re la te d fie ld . S p a n ish
speaking preferred. Salary
rage $7,502-$ 1 1,328depend­
ing upon experience. Excel­
lent benefits. Apply at The
Boys and Girls Aid Society,
018 SW Boundary Ct., Port­
land. Deadline July 17,1995.
Equal Opportunity Employer.
Garlington Mental
Health Center
C h ild a nd fa m ily th e ra p is t
needed to provide outpatient
services to culturally diverse
population of children ages 0-
21. Exp working w/minority
youth & families desirable.
M asters degree in m ental
health related field or bach­
elors plus 2 yrs clinical exp
P s y c h ia tr ic n u rs e needed
approx 20 hrs per week for
co m m u n ity m ental health
children’s program serving
culturally diverse population
of children ages 0-21. Duties
incl. triage, assessment, med
mgt, psychoeducation, con­
sultation and records mgt. RN
or BSN & 2 yrs exp req.
O n - c a ll a d u lt c a r e g iv e r s
needed to assist mentally ill
clients in activities of daily liv­
ing & problem solving in resi­
dential setting. Min 1 yr prior
exp preferred.
Competitive salary & benefits.
Send/fax cover letter & resume
to: Garlington Center, 4950
NE MLKing Blvd. Portland,
OR 97211 Attn: HR Fax: 249-
8235 EOE Minority/disabled
encouraged to apply.
Social Service
Activity Coordinator
Adult Day Care Center in N/NE
Portland; Experience plan­
ning, organizing and directing
therapeutic activities for eld­
erly with physical impairments
and/or memory loss. Respon­
sible for directing CNA's in
personal care and social ac­
tivities. Full time. BA with one
year experience in recreation
therapy or related fields. Start­
ing salary $17,4?5-$18,450.
Program Ass ioiant
Adult Day Care Center in N/NE
Portland. Experience provid­
ing personal care, social,
health and recreational activi­
ties to frail elderly. BA or AA
with two years relevant expe­
rience or HS and four years
experience. CNA’s preferred.
Wages $6.23 to $6.71 hour.
Resume or Applications: Vol­
unteers of Am erica of Oregon,
537 S.W. Alder. 97214, 335-
Social Services
Executive Director-
BlueCross BlueShleld
Of Oregon
HMO Oregon
Member Service
This position requires 1 year
recent customer relations ex­
perience doing problem solv­
ing, preferably by telephone,
within a medical facility or in­
surance company. Qualified
candidates should also have
practical knowledge of medi-
cal/dental term inology, the
ability to type 40wmp, crt ex­
perience and possess excel­
lent oral and written commu­
nication. Good math skills are
also required.
Pre-employment drug screen­
ing required. To assure your
resume is processed, place
ad #139 at the top of your
resume or in your cover letter.
Send resume to:
Multi-site medical, mental health
& social services non-profit,
organization. $3.8 million bud­
get, 100 employees in 7 pro­
grams. 5 years relevant expe­
rience. 503/588-5830.
Screening begins 8/1/95. Send
resume & letter of interest to:
Northwest Human Services,
Search Committee, 681 Cen­
ter S tN E Salem, OR 97301.
Executive Director
Oregon Progress Board
Principal Exec./Mgr. F
Annual Salary Range
$ 4 4 ,6 1 6 -6 2 ,7 8 4
The Oregon Economic Devel­
opment Departm ent is con­
ducting a recruitment to fill the
position of Executive Director
of the Oregon Progress board,
located in Salem, Oregon.
The Progress Board focuses
Oregon’s institutions on out­
comes that support the three
main strategies of Oregon
Shines; create a highly com ­
petent work force, keep O r­
egon a quality place to live,
and build a diverse, high-wage
e c o n o m y . T h e P ro g re s s
Board defines these outcomes
through an array of indicators
known as O regon B ench­
You must have four years of
management experience in a
public or private organization
which included responsibility
for each of the following: a)
development of program rules
and policies, b) development
of long- and short-range goals
and plans, c) program evalu­
ation, and d) budget prepara­
tion. Graduate level courses
in management may be sub­
stituted for one year of the
required experience; tra n ­
scripts must be attached if you
use this option. Preference
may be given to candidates
with thorough knowledge of
Oregon Shines and the O r­
egon B en c h m a rk s a n d /o r
demonstrated skill in working
with a diversity of individuals
and institutions, especially
with communities or organi­
zations to develop com pre­
hensive strategic plans.
For details of job duties, obtain
a recruiting announcem ent
from the address below, or
call the JobLine at (503) 225-
5555 ext 7777. to apply, sub­
mit a detailed resume and
cover letter which clearly ex­
plains how your experience
and training qualify you to
perform the duties of this po­
sition. Resumes must be re­
ceived by J u ly 31, 1995.
Please send to: Econom ic
Development Dept. Human
Resources Office, 775 Sum ­
mer St NE, Salem, OR 97310.
(503) 986-0096 (Voice), (503)
986-0123 (TDD), (503) 581-
5115 (Fax).
Equal Opportunity Employer
Family Service
2 years experlence/education
in social services or related
field, knowledge of com m u­
nity resources, computer ex­
perience. Applications avail­
able: Albina Head Start 3417
NE 7th Ave. Portland. Closing
date July 2 4,1995.
Mental Health
Child Development
Starting Salary:
$1,2 22 .0 0-$1 ,31 0 .0 0 Per
Month Plus Benefits
The Position CODA, Inc. seeks
a full-time C ounselor-ll Child
C a re W o rk e r to p ro v id e
childcare and developmental
services for infants and chil­
dren whose parents are re­
ceiving outpatient or residen­
tial substance-abuse tre a t­
ment at our New Directions
Family Treatm ent Center lo­
cated at Southeast 86th and
Woodstock. The position is
responsible to: Organize so­
cial, recreational, and educa­
tional activities for infants and
children; Instruct clients on
basic childcare and parent­
ing; Provide and/or coordinate
room m aintenance; D ocu­
m e n t o b s e rv a tio n s and
children’s behavior and client
p ro gress; F a cilita te group
counseling sessions for par­
ents and children; Facilitate
volunteer projects. Physical
Demands: Must be able to
bend over and to lift loads of
up to 25 pounds occasionally,
and to adm inister CPR for fif­
teen m inutes continuously.
Shift: Position works a com ­
b in a tio n o f d a y tim e and
e v e n in g h o u rs M o n d a y
through Friday. To Qualify
Higher Education in child de­
velopm ent and two years’ ex­
perience in professional child
ca re /ch ild deve lo p m en t or
equivalent are required. A
B achelor’s Degree in child
psychology and work experi­
ence in a fam ily-treatm ent
environment are strongly pre­
ferred. Candidates must be
trained or trainable <n 1 st Aid/
CPR and capable of adm inis­
tering CPR for 15 minutes
continuously. Individuals cur­
rently serving any federal,
state, or county parole or pro­
bation are ineligible for this
position. C andidates must
consent to a criminal back­
ground check. To Apply:
CODA will not accept re­
sum es e xcep t as e n c lo ­
sures to a standard CODA
application form. Applicants
must submit standard appli­
cation form, including screen­
ing question responses, to the
address below. Application
Materials Are Available At
And Must Be Returned To:
CODA, Inc., 210NE20thAve.,
Portland, OR 97232; Tele:
(503) 236-2290 Ext 254.
CODA is an Equal Opportunity/
Affirmative Action Employer.
P ortland O bserver
Mental Health
Outpatient Services
Alpha Family Treatment
Starting Salary: $1917-$2100
Per Month + Benefits
The Position CODA, Inc. seeks
an experienced senior chem i­
cal-dependency counselor to
oversee outpatient drug and
alcohol clinical operations tak­
ing place at our Alpha Family
Treatment Center facility lo­
cated at SE 182nd and Main.
Primary duties of this exempt
position are: Supervise the
clinical operations of drug and
alcohol outpatient services.
This includes clinical docu­
mentation and clinical super­
vision of staff; Assist the Clini­
cal Coordinator in adm inistra­
tion of daily service opera­
tions; Provide individual, fam ­
ily, and group counseling ser­
vices; Coordinate client ser­
vices and consult with-proba-
tion officers, CSD workers,
other referring agents; Moni­
tor the multi-service-site facil­
ity and residential and outpa­
tient milieu; Provide UA sur­
v e illa n c e
P h y s ic a l D e ­
mands: Must be able to climb
stairs and to perform CPR for
fifteen minutes continuously.
Shift: Sunday through Thurs­
day, 1:30 - 9:30 PM. To
Q u a lify A M aster’s Degree
in a relevant discipline is re­
quired. Two years of super­
vised chemical dependency
experience (providing indi­
vid u al, fa m ily , and group
therapy) is required. One year
of clinical supervisory experi­
ence with mandated clients is
desired. C a ndidates m ust
possess or be in the process
of obtaining Oregon Drug and
Alcohol Counselor Certifica­
tio n. In d iv id u a ls c u rre n tly
serving any federal, state, or
county parole or probation are
ineligible for this position.
Candidates must consent to a
criminal background check.
To Apply: CODA will not
accept resumes except as
enclosures to a standard
CO D A a p p lic a tio n form
Applicants must submit stan­
dard CODA application form,
including screening question
responses, to the address be­
low Application Materials
Are Available At And Must
Be Returned To: CODA, Inc.,
210 NE 20th Ave., Portland,
OR 97232; Tele: (503) 236-
2290 Ext. 254.
CODA is an Equal Opportunity/
Affirmative Action Employer.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield
of Oregon/HMO Oregon
Human Resource Dept, 3rd Fir
100 SW Market Street
Portland, Or S7207
Equal Opportunity Employer
Mental Health
F u ll-tim e , sw in g -sh ift Team
Leader position available in
s h e lte r fa c ility lo ca te d in
Troutdale & serving male ado­
lescents. Starting salary is
$16,500 - $17,000 annually +
benefits. Requires personal
transportation & ability to meet
corporate auto liability require­
ments. Prior supervisory ex­
p e rie n c e p re fe rre d . N o n ­
smoking environment. Obtain
required agency application
at Janus Youth Programs, 738
NE Davis. Position open until
filled. We value diversity.
12, 1995 • T he
Benefits Include:
• competitive wages • contests
• discount meals
• medical and dental available
• 401K plan
Advance yourself into leadership or
management positions
Apply at your nearest
Burger King location.
• $6.00-$7.00/hour
flexible hours, 25-35 weekly
• Paid vacation
• medical and dental available
• 401k plan
Must enjoy children, be reliable,
enthusiastic, and 18 yrs. or older.
Apply in person 9-4, Mo-Fr
Restaurant Management NW Inc.
1410 SW Jefferson
Portland OR 97201
References Required