Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 13, 1994, Page 9, Image 9

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P age B3
T he P ortland O bserver • J uly 13, 1994
e . B ••
4 r J
Musical Drama
Performers from age 9 - 14 are needed for a musical
dram a production. The play will combine music, dance
and theatre and will rehearse from July 25 to August 5
M onday through Friday from 1 - 4pm. The cost is $60 fo r
Portland residents and $90 for non-residents. I t will be
held at Alam eda Community School 2732 N E Fremont.
No auditions will be held, everyone who enrolls w ill be in
the performance!
Students w ill be asked to contribute ideas and mate­
rials which relate to their lives. Under the guidance of
two accomplished musical theatre instructors, the stu­
dents input will be woven into the performance piece
which w ill be performed on Friday, August 5,1994.
The instructors for the program are Jeff Payne — an
adjunct professor from PSI in piano and the road man-
ager/pianist for the group “ Fear No Music”. He holds a
Masters Degree in Mosic. The other instructor is Jaroi
Teran -- a singer, actress, and teacher who began and
operated a children’s musical theatre in Eugene. She will
be going to France this fall to study Theatre.
The program is made possible through M etro Per­
form ing Arts, a City Arts Program o f Portland Parks and
Recreation. For more information call 823-3660.
NI. I loud
EcsIÍVíll Of JtlZZ
Aikjusl <>lh- 7lh
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Friday &
S a tu rd a y
8 p m -M idnight
Spectators enjoy the soothing music from the 1993 Mt. Hood Jazz Festival.
S“ n<hiy
Mt. Hood Festival Of Jazz
looks Entertainment
Linda Lehm ann of north P o rt­
land know s w hat a great year it’s
going to be for the Mt. Hood Festival
o f Jazz. She’s particularly proud o f
the great line-up: fourteen fantastic
jazz acts including Dave Brubeck,
Diane Schuur, H orace Silver and the
Silver/Brass Ensem ble, Dave Koz,
Doc Severinsen, Joe Henderson and
John Tesh.
Lehm ann should be proud - she
is the person responsible for bringing
all that talent to the festival. This is
the first year a volunteer has booked
the festiv al’s entertainm ent. In the
past, the Mt. Hood Festival o f Jazz
Foundation has hired outside p ro ­
ducers to research availability o f art­
ists, extended offers and negotiate
Lehm ann, who has served on the
Mt. Hood Festival of Jazz board since
1985, spent several years as chair of
the talent committee. The group brain­
storms and investigates possible per­
formers for the festival.
Lehm ann prepared for her new
role by attending the Jazz Tim es con­
vention in New Y ork C ity last year.
T he convention, which attracted pro­
ducers, artists, record com pany ex­
ecutives and other jazz presenters,
gave Lehmann an opportunity to make
some im portant contacts. She says a
W e d n e sd a y
Jam S ession
Sunda 7
Brune 1
couple o f the acts at this year’s festi­
val are the direct result o f contacts
made at the convention.
An accounting m anager for Port-
la n d la w firm S u ssm a n S h a n k
W apnick C aplan & Stiles since 1982,
Lehm ann is grateful for the support of
her employer. “ So much o f w hat I do
for the jazz festival has to be done
during w orking hours. Everyone at
the Firm is very supportive,” Lehmann
12 & Under
Dinner T-10 • F'uB Bar
T he 13th annual Mt. Hood Festi­
val o f Jazz will be held A ugust 6-7 at
Mt. Hood Com m unity College. Tick­
ets are available through Ticketm aster
outlets or by calling 503-224-4400.
bum, Join The Band.
Having set new standards for a
capella singing on their previous three
recordings, Join The Band adds in­
strum ents to the Take 6 harm onic
Top 10 List
equation. All in all, the album repre­
sents a quantum creative leap for a
group that has made a career of bold
experim entation. The album runs the
stylistic gam ut from hard-hitting r&b
to pop balladry and gospel-inflected
jazz. The tracks are bound by a soulful
fervor only Take 6 could bring to a
The result is the group’s most
accessible and accom plished outing
to date - Join The Band marks the Fust
time Take 6 has invited guest vocalists
to record with them. Composed by
Mark and Joey Kibble, “My Friend”
15900 Boones Ferry Road
in Lake Grove, Oregon
23rd & NW
(Weather Permitting >
For Reservations,
Call 695-2376
Te ál Free fre n i IV« fa n d
i p
I ’o r ll.in d " lu s t I u \ u r \ tim in g - - m p
I In*
Spirit of Portland
Ä '.i'1
ente rt, i m ine n t .m J the 'i s
tre n i the r e e l
O u r d a ily c e le b ra tio n s c h e d u le in c lu d i
•Sunset and Cite I islil- Dinner C rinses
treni $ 2 9 . 9 5 - 1 9 . 9 5
• I lin d i
5. Blackstreet
10. Shanice
32nd & E.
Our i rinses tenture tuie dining. In i
4. Melvin Riley
9. El Debarge
»n 5 f t
time tm elcl'r.ite \etir next -pci l.il
3. Aaliyah
8. MC Breed
-, . ' •
' «, ï ’-r.-A'
Z ’’ -
is c r i ii 'i im m ir h c .iu lilu l n .itc r lr m it i
2. Ant Banks
7. Little Bruce
f e a tu r in g L o u is ia n a s ty le
c u is in e a t its f in e s t
M. Bourbon Street we’re proud to offer the fines! r;b<
features a lead vocal by Ray Charles.
Stevie W onder co-wrote “W hy I feel
This W ay” with Marie Kibble and con­
tributed vocals, keyboards and har­
monica to the song. Cedric Dent’s “Har­
mony” is slam-dunk funk with a roof­
raising rap courtesy of Queen Latifah.
The album also features perfor­
mances by the cream o f pop, soul,
rock and jazz, including keyboardists
H e rb ie
H ancock
G re g
P hillin g an es, sax o p h o n ist G erald
A lbright and Kirk W halum , horns by
Jerry Hey, and guitarists Dann Huff
and Paul Jackson Jr., am ong others.
A B R E A K T h r o u Í h in
1. Warren G.
6. CellyCel
w ith Ron Steen
7 p m to llp m
freshest seafood, delicious fettucini and blat’.er.ed
dishes. Enjoy ihe big screen TV in our lounge.
< Breakfast Favorites: 5
Eggs Benedict, Home
Baked Treats Emm
Our Bakery. Ham,
Boast Beef, Seafood,
Salads, and more.
Take 6, The Harmonic Equation
W hat’s left for a pioneering vo­
c a l g ro u p th a t h a s s in g u la r ly
contem porized a capella singing, ex ­
erted a tremendous influence on m od­
ern p o p , c a p tu re d five G ram m y
Awards and won the adm iration of
fans and musicians worldwide?
Take 6 provides the answ er to
that m usical question in the title o f
their adventurous fourth Reprise a l­
anice Scrcggir.s
w it h M a rio D e P riest
-*• , • ,7 V
Cruises-$ 19 .9 5
• Brunch C r u b w $ 2 5 .9 5
M oonlight D ance
S i Midweek
H arbor C ruises
• R it c r l n\ I . ’ur* $1 2 .9 5
• Moonlight IX iiK c C ru i't'
• k ohimhi.i l »orge .mJ V ln n . il m ix *
Iroin $ 2 9 . 9 5 - 6 9 . 9 5 \ , w $ 10 . 0 0 O I I
O FF C olum bia
River T o u r
Call now (or reservations
(503) 224-3900