BHBHMHMDMk P age B3 T he P ortland O bserver • J uly 13, 1994 .¿Ar/ycSt ENTERTAINMENT e . B •• 4 r J Musical Drama Seeks Performers Performers from age 9 - 14 are needed for a musical dram a production. The play will combine music, dance and theatre and will rehearse from July 25 to August 5 M onday through Friday from 1 - 4pm. The cost is $60 fo r Portland residents and $90 for non-residents. I t will be held at Alam eda Community School 2732 N E Fremont. No auditions will be held, everyone who enrolls w ill be in the performance! Students w ill be asked to contribute ideas and mate­ rials which relate to their lives. Under the guidance of two accomplished musical theatre instructors, the stu­ dents input will be woven into the performance piece which w ill be performed on Friday, August 5,1994. The instructors for the program are Jeff Payne — an adjunct professor from PSI in piano and the road man- ager/pianist for the group “ Fear No Music”. He holds a Masters Degree in Mosic. The other instructor is Jaroi Teran -- a singer, actress, and teacher who began and operated a children’s musical theatre in Eugene. She will be going to France this fall to study Theatre. The program is made possible through M etro Per­ form ing Arts, a City Arts Program o f Portland Parks and Recreation. For more information call 823-3660. NI. I loud EcsIÍVíll Of JtlZZ Aikjusl <>lh- 7lh ■■■ ' 7 ' ■ • - - A'.- í V í » Music Friday & S a tu rd a y 8 p m -M idnight Spectators enjoy the soothing music from the 1993 Mt. Hood Jazz Festival. S“ n For Reservations, Call 695-2376 Te ál Free fre n i IV« fa n d T- i p MS' •S. I ’o r d " lu s t I u \ u r \ tim in g - - m p I In* Spirit of Portland Ä '.i'1 ente rt, i m ine n t .m J the 'i s tre n i the r e e l O u r d a ily c e le b ra tio n s c h e d u le in c lu d i •Sunset and Cite I islil- Dinner C rinses treni $ 2 9 . 9 5 - 1 9 . 9 5 • I lin d i 5. Blackstreet 10. Shanice 32nd & E. Burnside 231-8926 Our i rinses tenture tuie dining. In i 4. Melvin Riley 9. El Debarge »n 5 f t time tm elcl'r.ite \etir next -pci 3. Aaliyah 8. MC Breed -, . ' • «5« -."■ex-w ' «, ï ’-r.-A' Z ’’ - is c r i ii 'i im m ir h c .iu lilu l n .itc r lr m it i 2. Ant Banks 7. Little Bruce f e a tu r in g L o u is ia n a s ty le c u is in e a t its f in e s t M. Bourbon Street we’re proud to offer the fines! r;b< Music Millennium features a lead vocal by Ray Charles. Stevie W onder co-wrote “W hy I feel This W ay” with Marie Kibble and con­ tributed vocals, keyboards and har­ monica to the song. Cedric Dent’s “Har­ mony” is slam-dunk funk with a roof­ raising rap courtesy of Queen Latifah. The album also features perfor­ mances by the cream o f pop, soul, rock and jazz, including keyboardists H e rb ie H ancock and G re g P hillin g an es, sax o p h o n ist G erald A lbright and Kirk W halum , horns by Jerry Hey, and guitarists Dann Huff and Paul Jackson Jr., am ong others. A B R E A K T h r o u Í h in 1. Warren G. 6. CellyCel w ith Ron Steen 7 p m to llp m freshest seafood, delicious fettucini and blat’.er.ed dishes. Enjoy ihe big screen TV in our lounge. Traditional < Breakfast Favorites: 5 Eggs Benedict, Home Baked Treats Emm Our Bakery. Ham, Boast Beef, Seafood, Salads, and more. Take 6, The Harmonic Equation W hat’s left for a pioneering vo­ c a l g ro u p th a t h a s s in g u la r ly contem porized a capella singing, ex ­ erted a tremendous influence on m od­ ern p o p , c a p tu re d five G ram m y Awards and won the adm iration of fans and musicians worldwide? Take 6 provides the answ er to that m usical question in the title o f their adventurous fourth Reprise a l­ anice Scrcggir.s w it h M a rio D e P riest -*• , • ,7 V ", Cruises-$ 19 .9 5 • Brunch C r u b w $ 2 5 .9 5 SUM M ER SPECIAL! M oonlight D ance S i Midweek J H arbor C ruises • R it c r l n\ I . ’ur* $1 2 .9 5 • Moonlight IX iiK c C ru i't' • k ohimhi.i l »orge .mJ V ln n . il m ix * Iroin $ 2 9 . 9 5 - 6 9 . 9 5 \ , w $ 10 . 0 0 O I I O FF C olum bia River T o u r Call now (or reservations (503) 224-3900 ». i A. .»