Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 13, 1994, Page 16, Image 16

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    P age BIO
A pril 13, 1994 • T he P ortland O bserver
Call For Bids
Multnomah County
Notice of Intent due by 4:00 P.M. o n : W ednesday, April 27,
NOI No. 4P0862
Title: Restitution Program Services
Sealed Notice of Intent will be received until, but not after 4:00
P.M., by M ultnom ah County Purchasing, 2505 S.E. 11th
Ave., Portland, OR, 97202, for: M ultnomah County Juvenile
Justice Division is currently seeking qualified candidates to
provide the following services:
A. A full-time Crew Leader and a part-time Project C oordina­
tor to develop and im plem ent a program to ensure 100
youth annually have access to jobs to com plete their court
m andated restitution requirements. The successful con­
tractor must be willing to accept all youth referred for
services from the Juvenile Justice Division;
B. Cultivate and m aintain relationships with the private
sector and the business community to develop job sites
for these youth including subsidized em ploym ent oppor­
C. Daily transportation of work crews, ranging in size from
four to six youth, on a Tuesday through Saturday sched­
D. Daily on-site supervision of youth work crews;
E. M anagem ent of a payroll system for youth on work crews;
F. Staff dedicated to this project from the successful respon­
dent agency must have the ability to pass the Juvenile
Justice Division criminal records check.
Advertisement For Bids-00030
Sealed bids will be received by Dan J. Dean, City M anager,for
the Sw eet Home Em ergency Services Building on Friday,
April 29, 1994 until 2:00 p.m. at the Sweet Home City Hall,
Office of the City Manager, 1140 12th Avenue, Sweet Home,
Oregon 97386, at which time and place will be publicly opened
and read aloud.
No bid fo ra construction contract will be received or considered
unless the Bidder is registered with the Construction Contrac­
tors board as required by ORS 671.530.
Salem Contractor’s exchange, 2256 Judson Street SE,
Salem, Oregon.
shall be accom panied by a surety bond, cashier’s check, or
certified check executed in favor of the City of Sweet Home in
an am ount equal to five percent (5%) of the am ount of the Bid.
The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Perfor­
mance and Labor and M aterials Payment Bond in the full
am ount of the contract price. Should a Bidder fail to enter into
a Contract and furnish the required Bonds within ten (10)
working days after Contract forms are provided to the bidder,
the am ount of the Bid Security will be forfeited to the ow ner as
liquidated damages, but not as a penalty. Certificates of
Insurance as required by the Supplem entary G eneral Condi­
tions will be required.
The successful Bidder will be required to provide W orker’s
Com pensation coverage for em ployees. Bidders are required
to certify non-discrim ination in em ploym ent practices and
Briefly, the work consists of construction of a new approxi­ identify resident status as defined in ORS 279.029.
mately 12,000-square-foot fire and em ergency services O regon Com m unity Block G rant (OCDBG) funds are partially
building and all associated sltework. The site Is located financing this project. Accordingly, Davis-Bacon wage rates
directly west of the present fire station.
apply to the project.
Prime Bidders may obtain one set of bidding docum ents All Bidders are required to com ply with the provisions of
beginning Monday, April 11, 1994 at the offices of gLAs Oregon Revised Statues. Attention is directed to ORS 244,
Architectural Group, 111 West 7th Avenue, Suite 300, G overnm ent Ethics; ORS 279, Public Contracts and Purchas­
Eugene, Oregon 97401, (503) 686-2014. A refundable Bid ing; Oregon Adm inistrative Rules, C hapter 125, Divisions 300
Document Deposit of $100.00 is required with checks made to 360, Public Contract Exemptions; and Oregon Departm ent
payable to gLAs Architectural Group. Prime Bidders may of Justice Attorney G eneral’s M odel Public Contract Rules
obtain additional sets by paying the cost of reproduction.
Sub-bidders and suppliers may obtain bidding docum ents Contractors and subcontractors must be licensed under ORS
beginning April 11, 1994 at Central Blueprint, 47 W est 468A.720 and/or licensed by the Departm ent of Environm ental
A venue, Eugene, O regon 97401 by paying the cost of repro­ Quality ORS 279.025 (2) (i), as am ended by 1987 Oregon
duction. However, it is the responsibility of those obtaining Laws, chapter 741, section 18, if asbestos abatem ent is to be
Bidding Documents in this m anner to obtain any and all performed.
The contractor will be required to certify on a form provided
Bidding Documents may be exam ined at the following loca­ that, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, no federal
funds have been used for lobbying as described in Item 13 of
Eugene Builder’s exchange, 860 M cKinley Street, Eugene, the OCDBG Construction Contract Clause Supplement.
Each Bid shall be subm itted on the prescribed form. Each Bid
Minimum Q ualifications
Oregon Builder;s Exchange, 250 Northeast Garden Valley
Blvd., Suite 6, Roseburg, Oregon
The minimum qualifications for any potential contractor to
provide the above listed services include all areas listed
Daily Journal of Commerce Plan Center, 2374 Northwest
Vaughn,Portland, Oregon
Demonstrated history working with youth involved with
the juvenile justice system and on probation;
Construction Data Eastside, 1125 Southeast Madison, Room
200, Portland, Oregon
A history of working with and supervising high-risk delin­
quent youth on work crews;
3. Access to a vehicle capable of transporting up to eight
people and the appropriate licensing to do so;
Existing relationships with the private sector and busi­
ness com m unity concerning job-site development;
Ability to manage to payroll system for youth involved in
work crews.
Payment for these services will be made based upon a unit
cost per youth served. Up to $26,841 is available for this
contract; this translates into an approxim ate rate of $268 per
youth enrolled for program services. Outcome measures will
?e incorporated into contract language concerning the num ­
ber of youth enrolled and the num ber who successfully
com plete restitution obligations.
nstructions For Subm itting A Notice Of Intent
Construction Data W estside, 1200 Northwest Front, Suite
180, Portland, Oregon
Oregon Contractor Plan Center, 10788 Southeast Highway
212, Clackamas, Oregon
Dodge/Scan, 430 North Tower, 100 W est Harrison Plaza,
Seattle, W ashington or the Office of the gLAs Architectural
A Pre-Bid Conference has been scheduled for W ednesday,
April 20, 1994, at 2:00 p.m. beginning at the current Sweet
Home Fire Station, 1140 12th Avenue, Sw eet Home Or­
egon. Pre-qualification of Bidders is not required.
Request For Proposals
City Of Forest Grove
Re-Roofing Light And
Power Warehouse (Approx, 9700 sq.ft.)
Proposals Due 2:00 PM, April 28th, 1994
All interested applicants must subm it a letter of intent describ­
ing how the agency meets each of the five cited minimum
qualifications and how they would provide the services listed.
This should be contained in no more than a three (3) page
Complete removal of existing roofing m aterial and installation
of new roofing material, per City of Forest Grove specifica­
tions, over approxim ately 9700 square feet of roof area.
Only those agencies who respond to this Notice of Intent and
are deemed qualified will be eligible to respond to a Request
for Proposal. Multnomah County reserves the right to reject
any or all responses to this Notice of Intent if not in com pliance
with the Request for Proposals (RFP) procedures and re­
Proposal docum ents and specifications are available at the
City of Forest Grove Light and Power Department, 1818 B
street, P.O. Box 326, Forest Grove, Oregon 97116 or by
calling 359-3250. Proposals must be received by the Office of
the City Recorder, 1924, Council Street, P.O. Box 326, Forest
Grove, Oregon 97116 until 2:00 p.m. April 28th, 1994
M ultnom ah County Purchasing
2505 S.E. 11th Ave.
Portland, OR 97202
(503) 248-5111
Lillie M. Walker, Director
Purchasing, Contracts, and Central Stores
Sub-Bids Requested
Headworks Facility Replacement
Columbia Headworks
City of Portland
Bid Date: April 21, 1994 Bid Time: 2:00 PM
Kiewit Construction Company
P.O. Box 1769
Vancouver, WA 98668
(206) 603-1478 (503) 285-4687
FAX (206) 693-2510
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and request sub-bids from
women and minority-owned business enterprises.
Sub-Bids Requested
Oregon Department Of Transportation
Support Services Equipment Shop
LaGrande, Oregon
Bid Date:April 19, 1994 Bid Time: 3:00 PM
Drake General Contractor
1740 Northwest Flanders
Portland, Oregon 97209-2283
(503) 226-3991 FAX (503) 243-2775
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from
Disadvantaged, Minority, Women, Vietnam Era Veterans, Disabled
Veterans, and Emerging Small Business Enterprises.
257-1518 TDD
An Equal Opportunity Employer & Drug Free Work Place
Multnomah County
Proposals Due by 4:00 P.M. on: April 27,1994
Proposal No. REP 4P2351
Sealed porposals will be received until, but not after, 4:00
P.M., by the Director of Purchasing, 2505 S.E. 11th Avenue,
Portland, Oregon, 97202, for:
M ultnom ah County Community & Family Services Division is
seeking applications from nonprofit agencies to serve as the
Glisan Street Em ergency S helteroperator. The Glisan Street
Emergency Shelterprovides temporary shelter, housing place­
ment services, and linkage to case m anagem ent and support
services for homeless single adults in downtown Portland.
Applications will include a proposed budget, service fees, and
description of how the program will prom ote self-sufficiency
among homeless shelter occupants.
“ “ There is a MANDATORY pre-proposal workshop April
1 5 ,1 9 9 4 ,1 0 :0 0 AM, 426 SW Stark, 6th flrC onference Room,
Portland, Oregon.
Multnomah County reserves the right to reject any or all
proposals if not in compliance with Request for Proposals
(RFP) procedures and requirements. Specifications may be
obtained at:
Multnomah County Purchasing
2505 S.E. 11 th Avenue
Portland, Or 97202
(503) 248-5111
Lillie M. Walker,
Director Purchasing, Contracts, and Stores
Advertisement For Bid
Sealed bids for the Parker Stadium G randstand seating
Assem bly project will be received by the Oregon State Board
of Higher Education until 2:30 PM, local time, May 10, 1994.
Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud at that time. All
bidders must be registered with the Construction C ontractor’s
Additional inform ation may be obtained by contacting Facili­
ties Services, Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or
telephone 503-737-7694.
The City of Sw eet Home reserves the right to (1 ) reject any or
all Bids not in com pliance with all public bidding procedures, (2)
postpone award of the Contract for a period not to exceed sixty
(60) days from the date of bid opening, (3) waive informalities
in the Bids, and (4) select the “ Bid which appears to be in the
best interest of the City.
Mr. Dan J. Dean
City M anager
Attention Renters
You may qualify for Housing Assistance under the Section 8
Rental Assistance Program for low income families and indi­
viduals. The Housing Authority of Clackamas County will be
accepting applications for families who qualify for one, two,
three, four and five bedroom units effective April 14,1994 at 8:30
a.m. Applications for this program will be accepted until July 14,
1994 at 5:00 p.m., when the waiting list will close until further
notice. Eligibility will be based upon income and family size.
Assistance is in the form of a rent subsidy and may be provided
in the home in which you presently live, subject to program
Priority will be given to families who claim and qualify for a
preference under the Federal Preference law. Families who
have been displaced through no fault of their own, living in
substandard housing as defined by HUD, and/or families who
pay more than 50% of their income for rent and utilities would
qualify for a preferred status.
Occupants of and applicants on the present waiting list for Public
Housing and other assisted housing must specifically apply for
the Section 8 Rental Assistance Program if you wish to partici­
A Family that is already on the Housing Authority’s Section 8
waiting list, even if they are waiting for a Voucher, is also on the
waiting list for a Certificate and does not need to reapply.
Applicants for the Section 8 programs will not lose their place on
the Public Housing waiting list. For further information, call 655-
8267. Interested families may apply for the Section 8 program
Housing Authority of Clackamas County
13930 S. Gain Street
Oregon City, OR 97045
H l
Multnomah County
Proposals Due by 4:00 P.M. on: April 27,1994.
Proposal No. RFP 4P2361
Sealed proposals will be received until, but not after, 4:00
P.M., by the Director of Purchasing, 2505 S.E. 11th Avenue,
Portland, Oregon, 97202, for:
M ultnomah County Community & Family Svcs Div., is seeking
applications from nonprofit agencies to serve as a Native
American Access Services provider. The agency will facilitate
access of low income Native Am ericans to em ergency basic
needs services offered through the Com m unity Action ser­
vice system and to other com m unity resources. Agency will
be part of the Com m unity Action service system. Around
$26,000 will be available for contract services. Preference is
given to Native American run organizations.
“ “ There is a M ANDATORY pre-proposal workshop April 15,
1994, 1:30 PM, 426 SW Stark, 6th fir Conference Room,
Portland, Oregon.
Multnomah County reserves the right to reject any or all
proposals if not in com pliance with Request for Proposals
(RFP) procedures and requirements.
Specifications may be obtained at:
Multnomah County Purchasing
2505 S.E. 11th Avenue
Portland, OR 97202
(503) 248-5111
Lillie M. Walker, Director
Purchasing, Contracts, and Stores